2022-10-18 20:34:17 +00:00
from genericpath import isdir
import os
import pandas as pd
import transport
import copy
from jinja2 import Environment , BaseLoader
class components :
def folders ( _path ) :
_content = os . listdir ( _path )
return [ _name for _name in _content if os . path . isdir ( os . sep . join ( [ _path , _name ] ) ) ]
def content ( _folder ) :
if os . path . exists ( _folder ) :
# return [{'text':_name.split('.')[0].replace('_', ' ').replace('-',' ').strip(),'uri': os.sep.join([_folder,_name])} for _name in os.listdir(_folder) if not _name.startswith('_') and os.path.isfile( os.sep.join([_folder,_name]))]
return [ { ' text ' : _name . split ( ' . ' ) [ 0 ] . replace ( ' _ ' , ' ' ) . replace ( ' - ' , ' ' ) . strip ( ) , ' uri ' : os . sep . join ( [ _folder , _name ] ) } for _name in os . listdir ( _folder ) if not _name . startswith ( ' _ ' ) and os . path . isfile ( os . sep . join ( [ _folder , _name ] ) ) ]
else :
return [ ]
def menu ( _path , _config ) :
This function will read menu and sub - menu items from disk structure ,
The files are loaded will
_items = components . folders ( _path )
_layout = copy . deepcopy ( _config [ ' layout ' ] )
_overwrite = _layout [ ' overwrite ' ] if ' overwrite ' in _layout else { }
# content of each menu item
_subItems = [ components . content ( os . sep . join ( [ _path , _name ] ) ) for _name in _items ]
_object = dict ( zip ( _items , _subItems ) )
#-- applying overwrites to the menu items
for _name in _object :
_submenu = _object [ _name ]
_index = 0
for _item in _submenu :
text = _item [ ' text ' ]
if text in _overwrite :
if ' uri ' in _item and ' url ' in ' url ' in _overwrite [ text ] :
del _item [ ' uri ' ]
_item = dict ( _item , * * _overwrite [ text ] )
if ' uri ' in _item :
_item [ ' uri ' ] = _item [ ' uri ' ] . replace ( _layout [ ' root ' ] , ' ' )
_submenu [ _index ] = _item
_index + = 1
return _object
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def html ( uri , id , _args = { } ) :
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This function reads a given uri and returns the appropriate html document , and applies environment context
_html = ( open ( uri ) ) . read ( )
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#return ' '.join(['<div id=":id" class=":id">'.replace(':id',id),_html,'</div>'])
_html = ' ' . join ( [ ' <div id= " :id " class= " :id " > ' . replace ( ' :id ' , id ) , _html , ' </div> ' ] )
appContext = Environment ( loader = BaseLoader ( ) ) . from_string ( _html )
return appContext . render ( * * _args )
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# return _html
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def data ( _args ) :
: store data - store parameters ( data - transport , github . com / lnyemba / data - transport )
: query query to be applied against the store ( expected data - frame )
_store = _args [ ' store ' ]
reader = transport . factory . instance ( * * _store )
_queries = copy . deepcopy ( _store [ ' query ' ] )
_data = reader . read ( * * _query )
return _data
def csv ( uri ) :
return pd . read ( uri ) . to_html ( )
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def apply ( * * _args ) :
: uri uri of the mapping function
: args arguments of the function
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