#!/usr/bin/env python __doc__ = """ (c) 2018 - 2021 data-transport steve@the-phi.com, The Phi Technology LLC https://dev.the-phi.com/git/steve/data-transport.git This program performs ETL between 9 supported data sources : Couchdb, Mongodb, Mysql, Mariadb, PostgreSQL, Netezza,Redshift, Sqlite, File LICENSE (MIT) Copyright 2016-2020, The Phi Technology LLC Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ import pandas as pd import numpy as np import json import sys import transport import time from multiprocessing import Process import os import transport # from transport import etl from transport.iowrapper import IETL # from transport import providers import typer from typing_extensions import Annotated from typing import Optional import time from termcolor import colored from enum import Enum from rich import print import plugin_ix as pix app = typer.Typer() app_e = typer.Typer() #-- handles etl (run, generate) app_x = typer.Typer() #-- handles plugins (list,add, test) app_i = typer.Typer() #-- handles information (version, license) app_r = typer.Typer() #-- handles registry REGISTRY_PATH=os.sep.join([os.environ['HOME'],'.data-transport']) REGISTRY_FILE= 'transport-registry.json' CHECK_MARK = '[ [green]\u2713[/green] ]' #' '.join(['[',colored(u'\u2713', 'green'),']']) TIMES_MARK= '[ [red]\u2717[/red] ]' #' '.join(['[',colored(u'\u2717','red'),']']) # @app.command() def help() : print (__doc__) def wait(jobs): while jobs : jobs = [thread for thread in jobs if thread.is_alive()] time.sleep(1) def wait (jobs): while jobs : jobs = [pthread for pthread in jobs if pthread.is_alive()] @app_e.command(name="run") def apply (path:Annotated[str,typer.Argument(help="path of the configuration file")], index:int = typer.Option(default= None, help="index of the item of interest, otherwise everything in the file will be processed"), batch:int = typer.Option(default=5, help="The number of parallel processes to run at once") ): """ This function applies data transport ETL feature to read data from one source to write it one or several others """ # _proxy = lambda _object: _object.write(_object.read()) if os.path.exists(path): file = open(path) _config = json.loads (file.read() ) file.close() if index is not None: _config = [_config[ int(index)]] jobs = [] for _args in _config : # pthread = etl.instance(**_args) #-- automatically starts the process def bootup (): _worker = IETL(**_args) _worker.run() pthread = Process(target=bootup) pthread.start() jobs.append(pthread) if len(jobs) == batch : wait(jobs) jobs = [] if jobs : wait (jobs) # # @TODO: Log the number of processes started and estfrom transport impfrom transport impimated time # while jobs : # jobs = [pthread for pthread in jobs if pthread.is_alive()] # time.sleep(1) # # @TODO: Log the job termination here ... @app_i.command(name="supported") def supported (format:Annotated[str,typer.Argument(help="format of the output, supported formats are (list,table,json)")]="table") : """ This function will print supported database technologies """ _df = (transport.supported()) if format in ['list','json'] : print (json.dumps(_df.to_dict(orient="list"))) else: print (_df) print () @app_i.command(name="version") def version (): """ This function will return the version of the data-transport """ print() print (f'[bold] {transport.__app_name__} ,[blue] {transport.__edition__} edition [/blue], version {transport.__version__}[/bold]') print () @app_i.command(name="license") def info(): """ This function will display version and license information """ print() print (f'[bold] {transport.__app_name__} ,{transport.__edition__}, version {transport.__version__}[/bold]') print () print (transport.__license__) @app_e.command() def generate (path:Annotated[str,typer.Argument(help="path of the ETL configuration file template (name included)")]): """ This function will generate a configuration template to give a sense of how to create one """ _config = [ { "source":{"provider":"http","url":"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/codeforamerica/ohana-api/master/data/sample-csv/addresses.csv"}, "target": [{"provider":"files","path":"addresses.csv","delimiter":","},{"provider":"sqlite3","database":"sample.db3","table":"addresses"}] } ] file = open(path,'w') file.write(json.dumps(_config)) file.close() print (f"""{CHECK_MARK} Successfully generated a template ETL file at [bold]{path}[/bold]""" ) print ("""NOTE: Each line (source or target) is the content of an auth-file""") @app_r.command(name="reset") def initregistry (email:Annotated[str,typer.Argument(help="email")], path:str=typer.Option(default=REGISTRY_PATH,help="path or location of the configuration file"), override:bool=typer.Option(default=False,help="override existing configuration or not")): """ This functiion will initialize the data-transport registry and have both application and calling code loading the database parameters by a label """ try: transport.registry.init(email=email, path=path, override=override) _msg = f"""{CHECK_MARK} Successfully wrote configuration to [bold]{path}[/bold] from [bold]{email}[/bold]""" except Exception as e: _msg = f"{TIMES_MARK} {e}" print (_msg) print () @app_r.command(name="add") def register (label:Annotated[str,typer.Argument(help="unique label that will be used to load the parameters of the database")], auth_file:Annotated[str,typer.Argument(help="path of the auth_file")], default:bool=typer.Option(default=False,help="set the auth_file as default"), path:str=typer.Option(default=REGISTRY_PATH,help="path of the data-transport registry file")): """ This function add a database label for a given auth-file. which allows access to the database using a label of your choice. """ try: if transport.registry.exists(path) : transport.registry.set(label=label,auth_file=auth_file, default=default, path=path) _msg = f"""{CHECK_MARK} Successfully added label [bold]"{label}"[/bold] to data-transport registry""" else: _msg = f"""{TIMES_MARK} Registry is not initialized, please initialize the registry (check help)""" except Exception as e: _msg = f"""{TIMES_MARK} {e}""" print (_msg) pass @app_x.command(name='add') def register_plugs ( alias:Annotated[str,typer.Argument(help="unique function name within a file")], path:Annotated[str,typer.Argument(help="path of the python file, that contains functions")], folder:str=typer.Option(default=REGISTRY_PATH,help="path of the data-transport registry folder"), ): """ This function will register a file and the functions within we are interested in using """ if ',' in alias : alias = [_name.strip() for _name in alias.split(',') if _name.strip() != '' ] else: alias = [alias.strip()] _pregistry = pix.Registry(folder=folder,plugin_folder='plugins/code') _log = _pregistry.set(path,alias) # transport.registry.plugins.init() # _log = transport.registry.plugins.add(alias,path) _mark = TIMES_MARK if not _log else CHECK_MARK _msg = f"""Could NOT add the [bold]{alias}[/bold]to the registry""" if not _log else f""" successfully added {alias}, {_log} functions registered""" print (f"""{_mark} {_msg}""") @app_x.command(name="list") def registry_list (folder:str=typer.Option(default=REGISTRY_PATH,help="path of the data-transport configuration folder")): """ This function will list all the plugins (python functions/files) that are registered and can be reused """ _pregistry = pix.Registry(folder=folder) _df = _pregistry.stats() if _df.empty : print (f"{TIMES_MARK} registry at {folder} is not ready") else: print (_df) @app_x.command ("has") def registry_has (alias:Annotated[str,typer.Argument(help="alias of a function function@file or file.function")], folder:str=typer.Option(default=REGISTRY_PATH,help="path of the data-transport registry file")) : _pregistry = pix.Registry(folder=folder) if _pregistry.has(alias) : _msg = f"{CHECK_MARK} {alias} was [bold] found [/bold] in registry " else: _msg = f"{TIMES_MARK} {alias} was [bold] NOT found [/bold] in registry " print (_msg) @app_x.command(name="test") def registry_test (alias:Annotated[str,typer.Argument(help="alias of a function function@file or file.function")], folder:str=typer.Option(default=REGISTRY_PATH,help="path of the data-transport registry folder")) : _pregistry = pix.Registry(folder=folder) """ This function allows to test syntax for a plugin i.e in terms of alias@function """ # _item = transport.registry.plugins.has(key=key) _pointer = _pregistry.get(alias) if _pregistry.has(alias) else None if _pointer: print (f"""{CHECK_MARK} successfully loaded [bold] {alias}[/bold] found in {folder}""") else: print (f"{TIMES_MARK} unable to load {alias}. Make sure it is registered") app.add_typer(app_e,name='etl',help="This function will run etl or generate a template etl configuration file") app.add_typer(app_r,name='registry',help='This function allows labeling database access information') app.add_typer(app_i,name="info",help="This function will print either license or supported database technologies") app.add_typer(app_x, name="plugins",help="This function enables add/list/test of plugins in the registry") if __name__ == '__main__' : app()