# Introduction This project implements an abstraction of objects that can have access to a variety of data stores, implementing read/write with a simple and expressive interface. This abstraction works with **NoSQL** and **SQL** data stores and leverages **pandas** The supported data store providers : | Provider | Underlying Drivers | Description | | :---- | :----: | ----: | | sqlite| Native SQLite|SQLite3| | postgresql| psycopg2 | PostgreSQL | redshift| psycopg2 | Amazon Redshift | s3| boto3 | Amazon Simple Storage Service | netezza| nzpsql | IBM Neteeza | Files: CSV, TSV| pandas| pandas data-frame | Couchdb| cloudant | Couchbase/Couchdb | mongodb| pymongo | Mongodb | mysql| mysql| Mysql | bigquery| google-bigquery| Google BigQuery | mariadb| mysql| Mariadb | rabbitmq|pika| RabbitMQ Publish/Subscribe # Why Use Data-Transport ? Mostly data scientists that don't really care about the underlying database and would like to manipulate data transparently. 1. Familiarity with **pandas data-frames** 2. Connectivity **drivers** are included 3. Useful for data migrations or ETL # Usage ## Installation Within the virtual environment perform the following : pip install git+https://dev.the-phi.com/git/steve/data-transport.git ## In code (Embedded) **Reading/Writing Mongodb** For this example we assume here we are tunneling through port 27018 and there is not access control: ``` import transport reader = factory.instance(provider='mongodb',context='read',host='localhost',port='27018',db='example',doc='logs') df = reader.read() #-- reads the entire collection print (df.head()) # #-- Applying mongodb command PIPELINE = [{"$group":{"_id":None,"count":{"$sum":1}}}] _command_={"cursor":{},"allowDiskUse":True,"aggregate":"logs","pipeline":PIPLINE} df = reader.read(mongo=_command) print (df.head()) reader.close() ``` **Writing to Mongodb** --- ``` import transport improt pandas as pd writer = factory.instance(provider='mongodb',context='write',host='localhost',port='27018',db='example',doc='logs') df = pd.DataFrame({"names":["steve","nico"],"age":[40,30]}) writer.write(df) writer.close() ``` # # reading from postgresql pgreader = factory.instance(type='postgresql',database=,table=) pg.read() #-- will read the table by executing a SELECT pg.read(sql=) # # Reading a document and executing a view # document = dreader.read() result = couchdb.view(id='',view_name=)