216 lines
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216 lines
7.8 KiB
Data Transport, The Phi Technology LLC
Steve L. Nyemba, steve@the-phi.com
This library is designed to serve as a wrapper to a set of supported data stores :
- couchdb
- mongodb
- Files (character delimited)
- Queues (RabbmitMq)
- Session (Flask)
- s3
- sqlite
The supported operations are read/write and providing meta data to the calling code
We separated reads from writes to mitigate accidents associated with writes.
Source Code is available under MIT License:
import numpy as np
from transport import sql, nosql, cloud, other, warehouse
import pandas as pd
import json
import os
from info import __version__,__author__,__email__,__license__,__app_name__,__whatsnew__,__edition__
from transport.iowrapper import IWriter, IReader, IETL
from transport.plugins import PluginLoader
from transport import providers
import copy
from transport import registry
from transport.plugins import Plugin
def init():
for _module in [cloud,sql,nosql,other,warehouse] :
for _provider_name in dir(_module) :
if _provider_name.startswith('__') or _provider_name == 'common':
PROVIDERS[_provider_name] = {'module':getattr(_module,_provider_name),'type':_module.__name__}
# loading the registry
if not registry.isloaded() :
# def _getauthfile (path) :
# f = open(path)
# _object = json.loads(f.read())
# f.close()
# return _object
def instance (**_args):
This function returns an object of to read or write from a supported database provider/vendor
@provider provider
@context read/write (default is read)
@auth_file: Optional if the database information provided is in a file. Useful for not sharing passwords
kwargs These are arguments that are provider/vendor specific
if 'auth_file' in _args:
if os.path.exists(_args['auth_file']) :
# @TODO: add encryption module and decryption to enable this to be secure
f = open(_args['auth_file'])
#_args = dict (_args,** json.loads(f.read()) )
# we overrite file parameters with arguments passed
_args = dict (json.loads(f.read()),**_args )
filename = _args['auth_file']
raise Exception(f" {filename} was not found or is invalid")
if 'provider' not in _args and 'auth_file' not in _args :
if not registry.isloaded () :
if ('path' in _args and registry.exists(_args['path'] )) or registry.exists():
registry.load() if 'path' not in _args else registry.load(_args['path'])
_info = {}
if 'label' in _args and registry.isloaded():
_info = registry.get(_args['label'])
_info = registry.get()
if _info :
_args = dict(_info,**_args) #-- we can override the registry parameters with our own arguments
if 'provider' in _args and _args['provider'] in PROVIDERS :
_info = PROVIDERS[_args['provider']]
_module = _info['module']
if 'context' in _args :
_context = _args['context']
_context = 'read'
_pointer = getattr(_module,'Reader') if _context == 'read' else getattr(_module,'Writer')
_agent = _pointer (**_args)
loader = None
# @TODO:
# define a logger object here that will used by the wrapper
# this would allow us to know what the data-transport is doing and where/how it fails
# if 'plugins' in _args :
# _params = _args['plugins']
# if 'path' in _params and 'names' in _params :
# loader = PluginLoader(**_params)
# elif type(_params) == list:
# loader = PluginLoader()
# for _delegate in _params :
# loader.set(_delegate)
_plugins = None if 'plugins' not in _args else _args['plugins']
# if registry.has('logger') :
# _kwa = registry.get('logger')
# _lmodule = getPROVIDERS[_kwa['provider']]
if ( ('label' in _args and _args['label'] != 'logger') and registry.has('logger')):
# We did not request label called logger, so we are setting up a logger if it is specified in the registry
_kwargs = registry.get('logger')
_kwargs['context'] = 'write'
_kwargs['table'] =_module.__name__.split('.')[-1]+'_logs'
# _logger = instance(**_kwargs)
_module = PROVIDERS[_kwargs['provider']]['module']
_logger = getattr(_module,'Writer')
_logger = _logger(**_kwargs)
_logger = None
_kwargs = {'agent':_agent,'plugins':_plugins,'logger':_logger}
if 'args' in _args :
_kwargs['args'] = _args['args']
# _datatransport = IReader(_agent,_plugins,_logger) if _context == 'read' else IWriter(_agent,_plugins,_logger)
_datatransport = IReader(**_kwargs) if _context == 'read' else IWriter(**_kwargs)
return _datatransport
# We can handle the case for an ETL object
raise Exception ("Missing or Unknown provider")
class get :
This class is just a wrapper to make the interface (API) more conversational and easy to understand
def reader (**_args):
if not _args or ('provider' not in _args and 'label' not in _args):
_args['label'] = 'default'
_args['context'] = 'read'
# return instance(**_args)
# _args['logger'] = instance(**{'label':'logger','context':'write','table':'logs'})
_handler = instance(**_args)
# _handler.setLogger(get.logger())
return _handler
def writer(**_args):
This function is a wrapper that will return a writer to a database. It disambiguates the interface
if not _args or ('provider' not in _args and 'label' not in _args):
_args['label'] = 'default'
_args['context'] = 'write'
# _args['logger'] = instance(**{'label':'logger','context':'write','table':'logs'})
_handler = instance(**_args)
# Implementing logging with the 'eat-your-own-dog-food' approach
# Using dependency injection to set the logger (problem with imports)
# _handler.setLogger(get.logger())
return _handler
def logger ():
if registry.has('logger') :
_args = registry.get('logger')
_args['context'] = 'write'
return instance(**_args)
return None
def etl (**_args):
if 'source' in _args and 'target' in _args :
return IETL(**_args)
raise Exception ("Malformed input found, object must have both 'source' and 'target' attributes")
def supported ():
_info = {}
for _provider in PROVIDERS :
_item = PROVIDERS[_provider]
if _item['type'] not in _info :
_info[_item['type']] = []
_df = pd.DataFrame()
for _id in _info :
if not _df.shape[0] :
_df = pd.DataFrame(_info[_id],columns=[_id.replace('transport.','')])
_df = pd.DataFrame(_info[_id],columns=[_id.replace('transport.','')]).join(_df, how='outer')
return _df.fillna('')
class factory :
factory.instance = instance