147 lines
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147 lines
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This class is a wrapper around read/write classes of cloud,sql,nosql,other packages
The wrapper allows for application of plugins as pre-post conditions.
NOTE: Plugins are converted to a pipeline, so we apply a pipeline when reading or writing:
- upon initialization we will load plugins
- on read/write we apply a pipeline (if passed as an argument)
from transport.plugins import Plugin, PluginLoader
import transport
from transport import providers
from multiprocessing import Process
import time
import plugin_ix
class IO:
Base wrapper class for read/write and support for logs
def __init__(self,**_args):
_agent = _args['agent']
plugins = _args['plugins'] if 'plugins' in _args else None
self._agent = _agent
self._ixloader = plugin_ix.Loader () #--
if plugins :
# for _ref in plugins :
# self._ixloader.set(_ref)
# if plugins :
# self._init_plugins(plugins)
# else:
# self._plugins = None
# def _init_plugins(self,_args):
# """
# This function will load pipelined functions as a plugin loader
# """
# if 'path' in _args and 'names' in _args :
# self._plugins = PluginLoader(**_args)
# else:
# self._plugins = PluginLoader()
# [self._plugins.set(_pointer) for _pointer in _args]
# @TODO: We should have a way to log what plugins are loaded and ready to use
def meta (self,**_args):
if hasattr(self._agent,'meta') :
return self._agent.meta(**_args)
return []
def close(self):
if hasattr(self._agent,'close') :
# def apply(self):
# """
# applying pre/post conditions given a pipeline expression
# """
# for _pointer in self._plugins :
# _data = _pointer(_data)
def apply(self,_query):
if hasattr(self._agent,'apply') :
return self._agent.apply(_query)
return None
def submit(self,_query):
return self.delegate('submit',_query)
def delegate(self,_name,_query):
if hasattr(self._agent,_name) :
pointer = getattr(self._agent,_name)
return pointer(_query)
return None
def init_plugins(self,plugins):
for _ref in plugins :
class IReader(IO):
This is a wrapper for read functionalities
def __init__(self,**_args):
def read(self,**_args):
if 'plugins' in _args :
_data = self._agent.read(**_args)
# if self._plugins and self._plugins.ratio() > 0 :
# _data = self._plugins.apply(_data)
# output data
# applying the the design pattern
_data = self._ixloader.visitor(_data)
return _data
class IWriter(IO):
def __init__(self,**_args): #_agent,pipeline=None):
super().__init__(**_args) #_agent,pipeline)
def write(self,_data,**_args):
# if 'plugins' in _args :
# self._init_plugins(_args['plugins'])
if 'plugins' in _args :
# The ETL object in its simplest form is an aggregation of read/write objects
# @TODO: ETL can/should aggregate a writer as a plugin and apply it as a process
class IETL(IReader) :
This class performs an ETL operation by ineriting a read and adding writes as pipeline functions
def __init__(self,**_args):
if 'target' in _args:
self._targets = _args['target'] if type(_args['target']) == list else [_args['target']]
self._targets = []
self.jobs = []
# If the parent is already multiprocessing
self._hasParentProcess = False if 'hasParentProcess' not in _args else _args['hasParentProcess']
def read(self,**_args):
_data = super().read(**_args)
_schema = super().meta()
for _kwargs in self._targets :
if _schema :
_kwargs['schema'] = _schema
return _data
def run(self) :
return self.read()
def post (self,_data,**_args) :
This function returns an instance of a process that will perform the write operation
:_args parameters associated with writer object
writer = transport.get.writer(**_args)
if 'schema' in _args :
writer.close() |