""" HealthcareIO - The Phi Technology LLC 2020 This file contains functionalities that implement elements of an ETL pipeline that will consist of various workers. The pipeline is built around an observer design pattern. @TODO: Integrate with airflow and other process monitoring tools """ import transport import os from multiprocessing import Process import numpy as np import json class Subject (Process): def __init__(self,**_args): super().__init__() self.observers = _args['observers'] self.index = 0 self.name = _args['name'] pass def run(self): self.notify() def notify(self): if self.index < len(self.observers) : observer = self.observers[self.index] _observer = None if self.index == 0 else self.observers[self.index -1] _invalues = None if not _observer else _observer.get() observer.init(caller=self,invalues = _invalues) self.index += 1 observer.execute() class Worker : def __init__(self,**_args): #PATH = os.sep.join([os.environ['HOME'],'.healthcareio','config.json']) #CONFIG = json.loads((open(PATH)).read()) self._info = _args['store'] self.logs = [] self.schema = _args['schema'] self.prefix = _args['prefix'] def name(self): return self.__class__.__name__ def log (self,**_args): """ This function is designed to log to either the console or a data-store """ print (_args) pass def init(self,**_args): """ Initializing a worker with arguments needed for it to perform it's task basic information needed are :param caller caller to be notified :param store data-store information i.e (pgsql,couchdb, mongo ...) """ self.caller = _args['caller'] #self._info = _args['store'] self._invalues = _args['invalues'] if 'invalues' in _args else None def execute(self): try: self._apply() finally: self.caller.notify() def _apply(self): pass def get(self): pass def notify(self): self.caller.notify() def tablename(self,name) : PREFIX_SEPARATOR = '_' if '_' not in self.prefix else '' SCHEMA_SEPARATOR = '' if self.schema.strip() =='' else '.' TABLE_NAME = PREFIX_SEPARATOR.join([self.prefix,name]) return SCHEMA_SEPARATOR.join([self.schema,TABLE_NAME]) class CreateSQL(Worker) : """ This class is intended to create an SQL Table given the """ def __init__(self,**_args): super().__init__(**_args) self._sql = _args['sql'] def init(self,**_args): super().init(**_args) def _apply(self) : sqltable = self.tablename(self._info['args']['table']) # log = {"context":self.name(),"args":{"table":self._info['args']['table'],"sql":self._sql}} log = {"context":self.name(),"args":{"table":sqltable,"sql":self._sql.replace(":table",sqltable)}} try: writer = transport.factory.instance(**self._info) writer.apply(self._sql.replace(":table",sqltable)) writer.close() log['status'] = 1 except Exception as e: log['status'] = 0 log['info'] = {"error":e.args[0]} print (e) finally: self.log(**log) class Reader(Worker): """ read from mongodb and and make the data available to a third party :param pipeline mongodb command :param max_rows maximum rows to be written in a single insert """ def __init__(self,**_args): super().__init__(**_args) self.pipeline = _args['mongo'] #-- pipeline in the context of mongodb NOT ETL self.MAX_ROWS = _args['max_rows'] self.table = _args['table'] # is_demo = 'features' not in _args or ('features' in _args and ('export_etl' not in _args['features'] or _args['features']['export_etl'] == 0)) # # @TODO: Bundle the limits with the features so as to insure that it doesn't come across as a magic number # # LIMIT = -1 # if is_demo : # LIMIT = 10000 # if set(['find','distinct']) & set(self.pipeline.keys()) : # self.pipeline['limit'] = LIMIT # elif 'aggregate' in self.pipeline : # self.pipeline['pipeline'] = [{"$limit":LIMIT}] + self.pipeline['pipeline'] # self.log(**{"context":self.name(),"demo":is_demo,"args":{"limit":LIMIT}}) def init(self,**_args): super().init(**_args) self.rows = [] def _apply(self): self.reader = transport.factory.instance(**self._info) ; self.rows = self.reader.read(mongo=self.pipeline) N = len(self.rows) / self.MAX_ROWS if len(self.rows) > self.MAX_ROWS else 1 N = int(N) # self.rows = rows _log = {"context":self.name(),"args":self._info['args']['db'], "status":1,"info":{"rows":len(self.rows),"table":self.table,"segments":N}} self.rows = np.array_split(self.rows,N) # self.get = lambda : rows #np.array_split(rows,N) self.reader.close() # self.log(**_log) # @TODO: Call the caller and notify it that this here is done def get(self): return self.rows class Writer(Worker): def __init__(self,**_args): super().__init__(**_args) def init(self,**_args): """ :param store output data-store needed for writing :param invalues input values with to be written somewhere """ super().init(**_args) self._invalues = _args['invalues'] def _apply(self): # table = self._info['args']['table'] if 'table' in self._info['args'] else 'N/A' table = self.tablename(self._info['args']['table']) self._info['args']['table'] = table; writer = transport.factory.instance(**self._info) index = 0 if self._invalues : for rows in self._invalues : # print (['segment # ',index,len(rows)]) self.log(**{"context":self.name(),"segment":(index+1),"args":{"rows":len(rows),"table":table}}) if len(rows) : writer.write(list(rows)) index += 1 # for _e in rows : # writer.write(_e) else: print ("No data was passed") writer.close() #_args = {"type":"mongo.MongoReader","args":{"db":"parserio","doc":"logs"}} #reader = Reader() #reader.init(store = _args,pipeline={"distinct":"claims","key":"name"}) #reader._apply() #print (reader.get()) #for row in reader.get() : # print (row)