from typing import Any import numpy as np import json from multiprocessing import Process, RLock import os import io import queue import transport from transport import providers class Store(Process): """ This is the data-store service that will handle read/writes """ dataStore = None @staticmethod def init(self,**_args): if Store.dataStore is None : _args = _args['store'] else: pass @staticmethod def reset(): pass class X12DOCUMENT (Process): """ X12DOCUMENT class encapsulates functions that will be used to format an x12 (835,837) claim into an object """ _queue = queue.Queue() class MODE : # # The following allow us to handle raw content (stream) or a filename # The raw content will be wrapped into io.StringIO so that it is handled as if it were a file # NAMES,STREAM = 'NAMES','STREAM' class ConfigHandler : def format(self,**_args): """ This function formats variations of an element's parsing rules :info {index,field|label,map} """ _info = _args['info'] _ref = {} for _item in _info : _index = str(_item['index']) _field = _item['field'] if 'field' in _item else None _label = _item['label'] if 'label' in _item else None if _field : _ref[_index] = {'field':_field} elif _label : _ref[_index] = {'label':_label} return {'@ref':_ref} def _getColumnsIndexes(self,_columns,_indexes,_map): """ This function return columns and indexes related if a parsing map is passed :param _columns :param _indexes :param _map parsing map (field:index) """ # @TODO: insure the lengths are the same for adequate usage downstream ... _xcolumns,_xindexes = list(_map.keys()), list(_map.values()) keys,values = _xcolumns + _columns,_xindexes + _indexes _config = dict(zip(keys,values)) _outColumns,_outIndexes = list(_config.keys()),list(_config.values()) return _outColumns,_outIndexes def _getObjectAtributes(self,_config): _field = _config['field'] if 'field' in _config else {} _label = _config['label'] if 'label' in _config else {} return _field,_label def consolidate(self,**_args): # # This function overrides the old configuration with the new configuration specifications # # _columns,_indexes = [],[] _columns,_indexes = _args['columns'],_args['index'] _map = {} _config = _args['config'] if 'config' in _args else {} _field,_label = self._getObjectAtributes(_config) if 'map' in _config : _map = _args['config']['map'] _columns,_indexes = self._getColumnsIndexes(_columns,_indexes,_map) if '@ref' in _config : # _columns,_indexes = [],[] _row = _args['row'] _ref = _config['@ref'] for _anchor in _ref: if _anchor == _row[1].strip() : _field,_label = self._getObjectAtributes(_ref[_anchor]) _map = _ref[_anchor]['map'] if 'map' in _ref[_anchor] else {} if _map : _columns,_indexes = self._getColumnsIndexes([],[],_map) else: # print ([_anchor,_indexes,_columns]) _map = dict(zip(_columns,_indexes)) pass break # _columns,_indexes = _columns + _map.keys() _out = {'columns':_columns,'index':_indexes,'field':_field,'label':_label} return _out def legacy(self,**_args): # # This function returns the legacy configuration (default parsing) # _config = _args['config'] if 'config' in _args else {} _field,_label = self._getObjectAtributes(_config) _columns,_indexes = [],[] if 'map' in _config : _columns = list(_config['map'].keys()) _indexes = list(_config['map'].values()) return {'columns':_columns,'index':_indexes,'field':_field,'label':_label} def override(self,**_args): return _args['columns'],_args['indexes'] def __init__(self,**_args): super().__init__() self._mode = _args['mode'] if 'mode' in _args else 'NAMES' self.lastelement = {} # This to store in the loop if 'files' in _args : self.files = _args['files'] self._config = _args['config'] if 'config' in _args else {} # # NM1 is a fluid type and thus will be cached in order to recreate the hierarchy # @TODO: # -add this to the configuration # self._hierarchy = {'NM1':['N1','N2','N3','N4']} self._document = [] self._x12FileType = None self._configHandler = X12DOCUMENT.ConfigHandler() # #-- The files need to be classified, the files need to be either claims or remits # if 'store' not in self._config : self._store_args = _args['store'] if 'store' in _args else {'provider':providers.CONSOLE} else: self._store_args = self._config['store'] def init(self,_header): """ Expected Elements must include ST """ pass def merge (self,_x,_y): """ This function will merge two objects _x, _y """ _zcols = list(set(_x.keys()) & set(_y.keys())) #--common columns if _zcols : _out = dict(_x,**{}) for _key in _y.keys() : if not _key in _zcols : _out[_key] = _y[_key] else: if type(_out[_key]) == list : _out[_key] += _y[_key] elif type(_out[_key]) == dict: _out[_key] = dict(_out[_key],**_y[_key]) else: _out[_key] = _y[_key] return _out else: return dict(_x,**_y) def split(self,content): """ This function will split the content of an X12 document into blocks and headers :content x12 document in raw format (text) """ #_content = content.split('~') _content = content.split('HL') _header = _content[:1][0].split('~') _blocks = ['HL'+_item for _item in _content[1:]] _blocks = [_item.split('~') for _item in _blocks ] # for row in _content : # if not _blocks and not row.startswith('HL') : # _header.append(row) # else: # _blocks.append(row) return {'header':_header,'blocks':_blocks} def parse (self,columns,index,**_args): """ This function encapulates how an x12 document element will be processed :columns list of attributes that make up the object :index indexes of the said items in the element :_args - row raw x12 element (string) - config configuration of the element. his should indicate functions to apply against function """ _ELEMENT = _args['row'][0] # # get the right configuration from the _config object _config = _args['config'][_ELEMENT] if _ELEMENT in _args['config'] else {} # _field = _config['field'] if 'field' in _config else None # _label = _config['label'] if 'label' in _config else None _map = _config['map'] if 'map' in _config else {} # # Let's see if overriding the fields/labels isn't necessary # columns, index,_refField,_refLabel = self._configHandler.merge(row=_args['row'],columns=columns,index=index,config=_config) # _field = _field if not _refField else _refField # _label = _label if not _refLabel else _refLabel # # @TODO: # There should be a priority in parsing i.e plugin - config # if 'plugin-context' in _args : _config = _args['plugin-context'] #dict(_config,**_args['plugin-context']) _outInfo = self._configHandler.consolidate(row=_args['row'],columns=columns,index=index,config=_config) _field,_label = _outInfo['field'],_outInfo['label'] _columns,_index = _outInfo['columns'],_outInfo['index'] if 'row' in _args: _row = _args['row'] if type(_args['row']) == list else _args['row'].split('*') _index = np.array(_index) # # Sometimes the _row doesn't have all expected indexes, we will compensate # This allows to minimize parsing errors as it may relate to disconnects between configuration and x12 element variations (shitty format) # if np.max(_index) > len(_row) -1 : _delta = 1 + np.max(_index) - len(_row) _row = _row + np.repeat('',_delta).tolist() _row = np.array(_row) # _element = _row[0] # _configKeys = [] #list(self._config.keys()) # _configTree = [] #list(self._config.values()) # if 'config' in _args : # _config = _args['config'] # _configKeys = list(_config.keys()) # _configTree = list(_config.values()) # else: # _config = {} _info = dict(zip(_columns,_row[_index].tolist())) _document = _args['document'] if 'document' in _args else {} # # @TODO: # Apply parsing/casting function to the object retrieved # _apply(_info) #-- the object will be processed accordingly # # # @TODO: # The objects parsed must be augmented against the appropriate ones e.g: NM1 <- N1,N2,N3,N4 # - Find a way to drive this from a configuration ... # if _field : if not _field in _document : _item = {_field:_info} else: _item = self.merge(_document[_field],_info) elif _label : if not _label in _document : _item = {_label:[_info]} else: _item = _document[_label] + [_info] else: _item = _info if _ELEMENT in self._hierarchy and _field: # print ([_field,_item]) self.lastelement = _item pass else: for key in self._hierarchy : if _ELEMENT in self._hierarchy[key] : _ikey = list(self.lastelement.keys())[0] _oldinfo = self.lastelement[_ikey] _item = {_ikey: self.merge(_oldinfo,_item)} break return _item else: # # print (_config) return columns def elements(self): """ This function returns elements that are supported as specified by X12 standard """ return [_name for _name in dir(self) if not _name.startswith('_') and not _name.islower() ] def pointers(self): """ This function returns pointers associated with each element ... :return Object of Element:Function """ _attr = self.elements() _pointers = [getattr(self,_name) for _name in _attr] return dict(zip(_attr,_pointers)) def set(self,_info,_document,_config): _attrName,_attrType = None,None if 'label' in _config : _attrType = 'label' _attrName = _config['label'] elif 'field' in _config : _attrType = 'field' _attrName = _config['field'] if _attrName : if _attrName not in _document : _document[_attrName] = [] if _attrType == 'label' else {} # # @TODO: make sure we don't have a case of an attribute being overridden if type(_document[_attrName]) == list : _document[_attrName] += [_info] else: _document[_attrName] = dict(_document[_attrName],**_info) # _document[_attrName] += [_info] if _attrType == 'label' else dict(_document[_attrName],**_info) return _document return dict(_document,**_info) pass def log (self,**_args): pass def run(self): """ This function will trigger the workflow associated with a particular file """ _getContent = { # # For the sake of testing, the following insures # that raw string content is handled as if it were a file # X12DOCUMENT.MODE.STREAM: (lambda stream : io.StringIO(stream)) , X12DOCUMENT.MODE.NAMES: (lambda name: open(name)) } _writer = transport.factory.instance(**self._store_args) for _filename in self.files : try: _documents = [] _parts = [] # _content = (open(_filename)).read() _reader = _getContent[self._mode] _content = _reader(_filename).read() _info = self.split(_content) _fileType=self.init(_content) _header = self.apply(_info['header']) # print (json.dumps(_header)) _tmp = {} for _content in _info['blocks'] : _body = self.apply(_content,header=_header) _doc = self.merge(_header,_body) if _doc and 'claim_id' in _doc: # X12DOCUMENT._queue.put(_document) _documents += [self.merge(_tmp,_doc)] _tmp = {} else: # # The document is being built and not yet ready _tmp = self.merge(_tmp,_doc) except Exception as e: # # @TODO: Log this issue for later analysis ... print (e) pass # # Let us post this to the documents we have, we should find a place to post it # if _documents : # print (_header['header']),writer=_writer) break def post(self,**_args): """ This function is intended to post content to a given location :param document :param writer """ _writer = _args['writer'] if 'writer' in _args else None _document = _args['document'] if not _writer: X12DOCUMENT._queue.put(_document) else: _writer.write(_document) def _getConfig(self,_chunk): # # Let us determine what kind of file we are dealing with, so we can extract the configuration # For this we need to look for the ST loop ... # line = [line for line in _chunk if line and line[:2] == 'ST' ] if line : # # We found the header of the block, so we can set the default configuration # self._x12FileType = line[0].split('*')[1].strip() _config = {} if self._x12FileType : _config = self._config[self._x12FileType] return _config def apply(self,_chunk, header = {}): """ _chunks are groups of elements split by HL, within each chunk are x12 loops HL,CLM,ISA """ _document,_cached = {},{} _pointers = self.pointers() _config = self._getConfig(_chunk) # # The configuration comes from the file, let's run this in merge mode # _config = self._configHandler.merge _pid = None for line in _chunk : segments = line.split('*') _ELEMENT = segments[0] if _ELEMENT not in _pointers or not _ELEMENT: continue if _ELEMENT in ['HL','CLM','ISA'] or not _pid: _pid = _ELEMENT if _pid not in _cached : _cached [_pid] = {} _pointer = _pointers[_ELEMENT] _args = {'row':segments,'document':_document,'header':header,'config':(_config)} _parsedLine = _pointer(**_args) # print ([_pid,_ELEMENT,_parsedLine]) _cached[_pid] = self.merge(_cached[_pid],_parsedLine) # # Let's create the documents as we understand them to be # @TODO: Create a log so there can be visibility into the parser # _document = {} for _id in _cached : # print ('patient' in _cached[_id] ) _document = self.merge(_document,_cached[_id]) return _document