HealthcareIO - Claims
Gender Count
gender patient counts
F 27
M 16
Counts of gender within the dataset
Monthly Patient Count
claim counts patient counts
count 1.0 1.0
mean 50.0 43.0
std NaN NaN
min 50.0 43.0
25% 50.0 43.0
50% 50.0 43.0
75% 50.0 43.0
max 50.0 43.0
monthy patient counts
claim counts
patient counts
taxonomy count
Place of Service
codes counts
11 50
distribution of the places of service in the claim. We have :count distinct places of service for a total of :rows records
Diagnosis Code Distribution
claim counts patient counts
count 77.00 77.00
mean 1.32 1.23
std 0.83 0.60
min 1.00 1.00
25% 1.00 1.00
50% 1.00 1.00
75% 1.00 1.00
max 5.00 4.00
distribution of diagnosis codes for patients and by claims
Diagnosis Count by claims
code counts claim counts
count 6.00 6.00
mean 4.50 8.33
std 3.62 10.11
min 1.00 1.00
25% 2.25 2.25
50% 3.50 5.00
75% 5.50 8.50
max 11.00 28.00
The distribution of diagnosis codes for every claim
procedure code counts
claim counts patient counts
count 27.00 27.00
mean 2.96 2.89
std 4.64 4.30
min 1.00 1.00
25% 1.00 1.00
50% 1.00 1.00
75% 2.00 2.00
max 24.00 22.00
procedure code counts per claim (distribution of procedure codes)
Procedure Count by Claims
code counts claim counts
count 4.00 4.00
mean 2.50 12.50
std 1.29 11.82
min 1.00 1.00
25% 1.75 4.00
50% 2.50 11.00
75% 3.25 19.50
max 4.00 27.00
Represents the distribution of the number of procedures by claim
Taxonomy Code Distribution
claim counts
count 6.00
mean 8.33
std 7.37
min 2.00
25% 3.50
50% 5.00
75% 12.50
max 20.00
The distribution of the :limit of taxonomy codes