edi | ||
README.md | ||
setup.py |
About Parse-Edi
parse-edi is an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) parser developed at Vanderbilt University Medical Center during Khanhly Nguyen's summer internship 2019. Built in a healthcare setting, the parser focuses (for now) on x12 claims (837) and remittances (835)
This code is intended to extract x12 837 and 835 and format them into portable and human readable format (JSON). This allows the claims to be stored in document data stores such as Mongodb, couchdb or databases that have support for JSON like PostgreSQL We wrote this toolkit to be used in both command like or as a library in your code
pip install git+https://hiplab.mc.vanderbilt.edu/git/lab/parse-edi.git
Commandline :
python edi --config <path> --folder <path> --store <[mongo|disk|couch]> --<db|path]> <id|path>
with :
--scope <claims|remits>
--config path of the x12 to be parsed i.e it could be 835, or 837
--folder location of the files (they must be decompressed)
--store data store could be disk, mongodb, couchdb
--db|path name of the folder to store the output or the database name
Embedded in Code :
Use parse-edi within your code base as a library and handle storing data in a data store of choice
import edi.parser
import json
import os
ROOT = 'data'
CLAIMS_FOLDER = os.sep.join([ROOT,'837']) #-- data/837 contains all 837 formatted files
CONFIG_FOLDER = os.sep.join([ROOT,'config'])#-- data/config contains 837.json or 835.json
files = os.listdir(CLAIMS_FOLDER)
filename = os.sep.join([CLAIM_FOLDER,files[0]]) #-- selecting the first file in the folder (it's an example)
conf = json.loads(open( os.sep.join([CONFIG_FOLDER,'837.json']) ).read())
info = edi.parser.get_content(file,conf) #-- array of objects claims/remits
- [Khanhly Nguyen] (khanhly.t.nguyen@gmail.com)
- [Gaylon Stanley] (gaylon.stanley@vanderbilt.edu)
- [Cheng Gao] (cheng.gao@vanderbilt.edu)
- [Brad Malin] (brad.malin@vanderbilt.edu)
- [Steve L. Nyemba] (steve.l.nyemba@vanderbilt.edu)