healthcareio | ||
README.md | ||
setup.py |
About Healthcare/IO Parser
The Healthcare/IO parser is an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) parser developed at Vanderbilt University Medical Center during Khanhly Nguyen's summer internship 2019. Built in a healthcare setting, the parser focuses (for now) on x12 claims (837) and remittances (835)
This code is intended to extract x12 837 and 835 and format them into portable and human readable format (JSON). This allows the claims to be stored in document data stores such as Mongodb, couchdb or databases that have support for JSON like PostgreSQL
We wrote this frame to be used in both command line or as a library within in your code. The framework is driven by configurations that derviced from X12 standards.
Features | |
X12 claims/remits | parsing of {x12} claims/remittances into JSON format with human readible attributes |
Multi Processing | capable of processing multiple files simultaneously to speed up processing |
Analytics support | descriptive statistical analytics : distribution, various counts |
Process Recovery | capable of recovering interrupted runs |
pip install --upgrade git+https://hiplab.mc.vanderbilt.edu/git/lab/parse-edi.git
cli :
signup to get parsing configuration
The parser is driven by a configuration file that specifies fields to parse and how to parse them. You need by signing up, to get a copy of the configuration file.
healthcare-io.py --signup <email> [--store <mongo|sqlite>]
check version
Occasionally the attributes in the configuration file may change, This function will determine if there is a new version available.
healthcare-io.py --check-update
parsing data in a folder
The parser will recursively traverse a directory with claims and or remittances
healthcare-io.py --parse --folder <path> [--batch <n>] [--resume] with : --parse tells the engine what to parse claims or remits --folder location of the claims|remits --batch number of processes to spawn to parse the files --resume tells the parser to resume parsing if all files weren't processed or new files were added into the folder
export data to a relational data-store
The parser will export data into other data-stores as a relational tables allowing users to construct views to support a variety of studies.
healthcare-io.py --export <835|837> --config <path-export.json> with: --config configuration to support data-store
The configuration file template for exports is as follows :
provider postgresql,redshift,mysql or mariadb (supported providers) db name of the database
optional: schema name of the target schema. If not provided we will assume the default host host of the database. If not provided assuming localhost port port value of the database if not provided the default will be used user database user name. If not provided we assume security settings to trust password password of database user. If not set we assume security settings to trust
Embedded in Code :
The Healthcare/IO parser can be used within your code base as a library and handle storing data in a data store of choice
import healthcareio
- [Khanhly Nguyen] (khanhly.t.nguyen@gmail.com)
- [Gaylon Stanley] (gaylon.stanley@vumc.org)
- [Cheng Gao] (cheng.gao@vanderbilt.edu)
- [Brad Malin] (brad.malin@vanderbilt.edu)
- [Steve L. Nyemba] (steve.l.nyemba@vumc.org)