
787 lines
32 KiB

(c) 2019 Healthcare/IO 1.0
Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Health Information Privacy Laboratory
Khanhly Nguyen,
Steve L. Nyemba<>
MIT, terms are available at
This parser was originally written by Khanhly Nguyen for her internship and is intended to parse x12 835,837 and others provided the appropriate configuration
# import hashlib
# import json
# import os
# import sys
# # version 2.0
# # import util
# # from parser import X12Parser
# #-- end
# from itertools import islice
# from multiprocessing import Process
# import transport
# from transport import providers
# import jsonmerge
# # import plugins
# import copy
# class void :
# pass
# class Formatters :
# def __init__(self):
# # self.config = config
# self.get = void()
# self.get.config = self.get_config
# self.parse = void()
# self.parse.sv3 = self.sv3
# self.parse.sv2 = self.sv2
# self.sv2_parser = self.sv2
# self.sv3_parser = self.sv3
# self.sv3_parse = self.sv3
# self.format_proc = self.procedure
# self.format_diag = self.diagnosis
# self.parse.procedure = self.procedure
# self.parse.diagnosis = self.diagnosis
# =
# self.format_date =
# self.format_pos = self.pos
# self.format_time = self.time
# def split(self,row,sep='*',prefix='HI') :
# """
# This function is designed to split an x12 row and
# """
# value = []
# if row.startswith(prefix) is False:
# for row_value in row.replace('~','').split(sep) :
# if '>' in row_value and not row_value.startswith('HC'):
# # if row_value.startswith('HC') or row_value.startswith('AD'):
# if row_value.startswith('AD'):
# value += row_value.split('>')[:2]
# pass
# else:
# value += [row_value]
# # value += row_value.split('>') if row.startswith('CLM') is False else [row_value]
# else :
# value.append(row_value.replace('\n',''))
# value = [xchar.replace('\r','') for xchar in value] #row.replace('~','').split(sep)
# else:
# value = [ [prefix]+ self.split(item,'>') for item in row.replace('~','').split(sep)[1:] ]
# return value if type(value) == list and type(value[0]) != list else value[0]
# def get_config(self,config,row):
# """
# This function will return the meaningfull parts of the configuration for a given item
# """
# _row = list(row) if type(row[0]) == str else list(row[0])
# _info = config[_row[0]] if _row[0] in config else {}
# _rinfo = {}
# key = None
# if '@ref' in _info:
# keys = list(set(_row) & set(_info['@ref'].keys()))
# if keys :
# _rinfo = {}
# for key in keys :
# _rinfo = jsonmerge.merge(_rinfo,_info['@ref'][key])
# return _rinfo
# # key = key[0]
# # return _info['@ref'][key]
# else:
# return {}
# if not _info and 'SIMILAR' in config:
# #
# # Let's look for the nearest key using the edit distance
# if _row[0] in config['SIMILAR'] :
# key = config['SIMILAR'][_row[0]]
# _info = config[key]
# return _info
# def hash(self,value):
# salt = os.environ['HEALTHCAREIO_SALT'] if 'HEALTHCAREIO_SALT' in os.environ else ''
# _value = str(value)+ salt
# if sys.version_info[0] > 2 :
# return hashlib.md5(_value.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
# else:
# return hashlib.md5(_value).hexdigest()
# def suppress (self,value):
# return 'N/A'
# def date(self,value):
# value = value if type(value) != list else "-".join(value)
# if len(value) > 8 or '-' in value:
# #
# # This is the case of a thru date i.e the first part should be provided in a 435 entry
# #
# fdate = "-".join([value[:8][:4],value[:8][4:6],value[:8][6:8]])
# tdate = "-".join([value[9:][:4],value[9:][4:6],value[9:][6:8]])
# return {"from":fdate,"to":tdate}
# if len(value) == 8 :
# year = value[:4]
# month = value[4:6]
# day = value[6:]
# return "-".join([year,month,day])[:10] #{"year":year,"month":month,"day":day}
# elif len(value) == 6 :
# year = '20' + value[:2]
# month = value[2:4]
# day = value[4:]
# elif value.isnumeric() and len(value) >= 10:
# #
# # Here I a will assume we have a numeric vale
# year = value[:4]
# month= value[4:6]
# day = value[6:8]
# else:
# #
# # We have a date formatting issue
# return value
# return "-".join([year,month,day])
# def time(self,value):
# pass
# def sv3(self,value):
# if '>' in value [1]:
# terms = value[1].split('>')
# return {'type':terms[0],'code':terms[1],"amount":float(value[2])}
# else:
# return {"code":value[2],"type":value[1],"amount":float(value[3])}
# def sv2(self,value):
# #
# # @TODO: Sometimes there's a suffix (need to inventory all the variations)
# #
# if '>' in value or ':' in value:
# xchar = '>' if '>' in value else ':'
# _values = value.split(xchar)
# modifier = {}
# if len(_values) > 2 :
# modifier= {"code":_values[2]}
# if len(_values) > 3 :
# modifier['type'] = _values[3]
# _value = {"code":_values[1],"type":_values[0]}
# if modifier :
# _value['modifier'] = modifier
# return _value
# else:
# return value
# def procedure(self,value):
# for xchar in [':','<','|','>'] :
# if xchar in value and len(value.split(xchar)) > 1 :
# #_value = {"type":value.split(':')[0].strip(),"code":value.split(':')[1].strip()}
# _value = {"type":value.split(xchar)[0].strip(),"code":value.split(xchar)[1].strip()}
# if len(value.split(xchar)) >2 :
# index = 1;
# for modifier in value.split(xchar)[2:] :
# _value['modifier_'+str(index)] = modifier
# index += 1
# break
# else:
# _value = str(value)
# return _value
# def diagnosis(self,value):
# return [ {"code":item[2], "type":item[1]} for item in value if len(item) > 1]
# def parse_loc(self,value):
# if ':' in value :
# return dict(zip(['place_of_service','claim_indicator','claim_frequency'],value.split(':')))
# def pos(self,value):
# """
# formatting place of service information within a segment (REF)
# @TODO: In order to accomodate the other elements they need to be specified in the configuration
# Otherwise it causes problems on export
# """
# xchar = '>' if '>' in value else ':'
# x = value.split(xchar)
# x = {"place_of_service":x[0],"indicator":x[1],"frequency":x[2]} if len(x) == 3 else {"place_of_service":x[0],"indicator":None,"frequency":None}
# return x
# class Parser (Process):
# @staticmethod
# def setup (path):
# # self.config = _config['parser']
# config = json.loads(open(path).read())
# _config = config['parser']
# #
# # The parser may need some editing provided, this allows ease of developement and using alternate configurations
# #
# if type(_config['837']) == str or type(_config['835']) == str :
# for _id in ['837','835'] :
# if type(_config[_id]) == str and os.path.exists(_config[_id]):
# _config[_id] = json.loads(open(_config[_id]).read())
# if type(_config[_id]) == dict :
# _config[_id] = [_config[_id]]
# config['parser'] = _config
# return config
# @staticmethod
# def init(**_args):
# """
# This function allows to initialize the database that will store the claims if need be
# :path configuration file
# """
# PATH = os.sep.join([os.environ['HOME'],'.healthcareio'])
# filename = os.sep.join([PATH,'config.json'])
# filename = _args['path'] if 'path' in _args else filename
# info = None
# if os.path.exists(filename):
# #
# # Loading the configuration file (JSON format)
# file = open(filename)
# info = json.loads(
# OUTPUT_FOLDER = info['out-folder']
# if 'output-folder' not in info and not os.path.exists(OUTPUT_FOLDER) :
# os.mkdir(OUTPUT_FOLDER)
# elif 'output-folder' in info and not os.path.exists(info['out-folder']) :
# os.mkdir(info['out-folder'])
# # if 'type' in info['store'] :
# lwriter = None
# IS_SQL = False
# if'type' in info['store'] and info['store']['type'] == 'disk.SQLiteWriter' :
# lwriter = transport.factory.instance(**info['store'])
# IS_SQL = True
# elif 'provider' in info['store'] and info['store']['provider'] == 'sqlite' :
# lwriter = transport.instance(**info['store']) ;
# IS_SQL = [providers.SQLITE,providers.POSTGRESQL,providers.NETEZZA,providers.MYSQL,providers.MARIADB]
# if lwriter and IS_SQL:
# for key in info['schema'] :
# if key != 'logs' :
# _id = 'claims' if key == '837' else 'remits'
# else:
# _id = key
# if not lwriter.has(table=_id) :
# lwriter.apply(info['schema'][key]['create'])
# # [lwriter.apply( info['schema'][key]['create']) for key in info['schema'] if not lwriter.has(table=key)]
# lwriter.close()
# return info
# def __init__(self,path):
# """
# :path path of the configuration file (it can be absolute)
# """
# Process.__init__(self)
# self.utils = Formatters()
# self.get = void()
# self.get.value = self.get_map
# self.get.default_value = self.get_default_value
# # _config = json.loads(open(path).read())
# self._custom_config = self.get_custom(path)
# # self.config = _config['parser']
# # #
# # # The parser may need some editing provided, this allows ease of developement and using alternate configurations
# # #
# # if type(self.config['837']) == str or type(self.config['835']) == str :
# # for _id in ['837','835'] :
# # if type(self.config[_id]) == str:
# # self.config[_id] = json.loads(open(self.config[_id]).read())
# # if type(self.config[_id]) == dict :
# # self.config[_id] = [self.config[_id]]
# _config = Parser.setup(path)
# self.config = _config['parser']
# = _config['store']
# self.cache = {}
# self.files = []
# self.set = void()
# self.set.files = self.set_files
# self.emit = void()
# self.emit.pre = None
# = None
# def get_custom(self,path) :
# """
# :path path of the configuration file (it can be absolute)
# """
# #
# #
# _path = path.replace('config.json','')
# if _path.endswith(os.sep) :
# _path = _path[:-1]
# _config = {}
# _path = os.sep.join([_path,'custom'])
# if os.path.exists(_path) :
# files = os.listdir(_path)
# if files :
# fullname = os.sep.join([_path,files[0]])
# _config = json.loads ( (open(fullname)).read() )
# return _config
# def set_files(self,files):
# self.files = files
# def get_map(self,row,config,version=None):
# # label = config['label'] if 'label' in config else None
# handler = Formatters()
# if 'map' not in config and hasattr(handler,config['apply']):
# pointer = getattr(handler,config['apply'])
# object_value = pointer(row)
# return object_value
# #
# # Pull the goto configuration that skips rows
# #
# omap = config['map'] if not version or version not in config else config[version]
# anchors = config['anchors'] if 'anchors' in config else []
# rewrite = config['rewrite'] if 'rewrite' in config else {}
# if len(row) == 2 and row[0] == 'HI' :
# row = ([row[0]] + row[1].split(':'))
# if type(row[0]) == str:
# object_value = {}
# for key in omap :
# index = omap[key]
# if anchors and set(anchors) & set(row):
# _key = list(set(anchors) & set(row))[0]
# aindex = row.index(_key)
# index = aindex + index
# if index < len(row) :
# value = row[index]
# if 'cast' in config and key in config['cast'] and value.strip() != '' :
# if config['cast'][key] in ['float','int']:
# try:
# value = eval(config['cast'][key])(value)
# except Exception as e:
# pass
# #
# # Sometimes shit hits the fan when the anchor is missing
# # This is typical but using the hardened function helps circumvent this (SV2,SV3)
# #
# elif hasattr(handler,config['cast'][key]):
# pointer = getattr(handler,config['cast'][key])
# value = pointer(value)
# else:
# print ("Missing Pointer ",key,config['cast'])
# if type(value) == dict :
# for objkey in value :
# if type(value[objkey]) == dict :
# continue
# if 'syn' in config and value[objkey] in config['syn'] :
# # value[objkey] = config['syn'][ value[objkey]]
# pass
# if key in rewrite :
# _key = rewrite[key]
# if _key in value :
# value = value[_key]
# else:
# value = ""
# value = {key:value} if key not in value else value
# else:
# if 'syn' in config and value in config['syn'] :
# # value = config['syn'][value]
# pass
# if type(value) == dict :
# object_value = jsonmerge.merge(object_value, value)
# else:
# object_value[key] = value
# else:
# #
# # we are dealing with a complex object
# object_value = []
# for row_item in row :
# value = self.get.value(row_item,config,version)
# object_value.append(value)
# return object_value
# def set_cache(self,tmp,_info) :
# """
# insert into cache a value that the, these are in reference to a loop
# """
# if 'cache' in _info :
# key = _info['cache']['key']
# value=_info['cache']['value']
# field = _info['cache']['field']
# if value in tmp :
# self.cache [key] = {field:tmp[value]}
# pass
# def get_cache(self,row) :
# """
# retrieve cache element for a current
# """
# key = row[0]
# return self.cache[key] if key in self.cache else {}
# def apply(self,content,_code) :
# """
# :content content of a file i.e a segment with the envelope
# :_code 837 or 835 (helps get the appropriate configuration)
# """
# util = Formatters()
# # header = default_value.copy()
# value = {}
# for row in content[:] :
# row = util.split(row.replace('\n','').replace('~',''))
# _info = util.get.config(self.config[_code][0],row)
# if self._custom_config and _code in self._custom_config:
# _cinfo = util.get.config(self._custom_config[_code],row)
# else:
# _cinfo = {}
# if _info or _cinfo:
# try:
# _info = jsonmerge.merge(_info,_cinfo)
# tmp = self.get.value(row,_info)
# if not tmp :
# continue
# #
# # At this point we have the configuration and the row parsed into values
# # We should check to see if we don't have anything in the cache to be added to it
# #
# if row[0] in self.cache :
# tmp = jsonmerge.merge(tmp,self.get_cache(row))
# if 'label' in _info :
# label = _info['label']
# if type(tmp) == list :
# value[label] = tmp if label not in value else value[label] + tmp
# else:
# # if 'DTM' in row :
# # print ([label,tmp,label in value])
# if label not in value :
# value[label] = []
# value[label].append(tmp)
# # if label not in value:
# # value[label] = [tmp]
# # else:
# # value[label].append(tmp)
# if '_index' not in tmp :
# #
# # In case we asked it to be overriden, then this will not apply
# # X12 occasionally requires references to other elements in a loop (alas)
# #
# tmp['_index'] = len(value[label]) -1
# elif 'field' in _info :
# name = _info['field']
# # value[name] = tmp
# # value = jsonmerge.merge(value,{name:tmp})
# if name not in value :
# value = dict(value,**{name:tmp})
# else:
# value[name] = dict(value[name],**tmp)
# else:
# value = dict(value,**tmp)
# pass
# except Exception as e :
# print (e.args[0])
# # print ('__',(dir(e.args)))
# pass
# #
# # At this point the object is completely built,
# # if there ar any attributes to be cached it will be done here
# #
# if 'cache' in _info :
# self.set_cache(tmp,_info)
# return value if value else {}
# def get_default_value(self,content,_code):
# util = Formatters()
# TOP_ROW = content[1].split('*')
# CATEGORY= content[2].split('*')[1].strip()
# VERSION = content[1].split('*')[-1].replace('~','').replace('\n','')
# row = util.split(content[3])
# _info = util.get_config(self.config[_code][0],row)
# value = self.get.value(row,_info,VERSION) if _info else {}
# value['category'] = {"setid": _code,"version":'X'+VERSION.split('X')[1],"id":VERSION.split('X')[0].strip()}
# value["submitted"] = SUBMITTED_DATE
# value['sender_id'] = SENDER_ID
# # value = dict(value,**self.apply(content,_code))
# value = jsonmerge.merge(value,self.apply(content,_code))
# # Let's parse this for default values
# return value #jsonmerge.merge(value,self.apply(content,_code))
# def read(self,filename) :
# """
# :formerly get_content
# This function returns the of the EDI file parsed given the configuration specified. it is capable of identifying a file given the content
# :section loop prefix (HL, CLP)
# :config configuration with formatting rules, labels ...
# :filename location of the file
# """
# # section = section if section else config['SECTION']
# logs = []
# claims = []
# _code = 'UNKNOWN'
# try:
# self.cache = {}
# file = open(filename.strip())
# file ='CLP')
# _code = '835'
# section = 'CLP'
# if len(file) == 1 :
# file = file[0].split('CLM') #.split('HL')
# _code = '837'
# section = 'CLM' #'HL'
# INITIAL_ROWS = file[0].split(section)[0].split('\n')
# if len(INITIAL_ROWS) == 1 :
# # for item in file[1:] :
# # item = item.replace('~','\n')
# # print (INITIAL_ROWS)
# DEFAULT_VALUE = self.get.default_value(INITIAL_ROWS,_code)
# DEFAULT_VALUE['name'] = filename.strip()
# file = section.join(file).split('\n')
# if len(file) == 1:
# file = file[0].split('~')
# #
# # In the initial rows, there's redundant information (so much for x12 standard)
# # index 1 identifies file type i.e CLM for claim and CLP for remittance
# segment = []
# index = 0;
# _toprows = []
# _default = None
# for row in file :
# row = row.replace('\r','')
# # if not segment and not row.startswith(section):
# # _toprows += [row]
# if row.startswith(section) and not segment:
# segment = [row]
# continue
# elif segment and not row.startswith(section):
# segment.append(row)
# if len(segment) > 1 and row.startswith(section):
# #
# # process the segment somewhere (create a thread maybe?)
# #
# _claim = self.apply(segment,_code)
# if _claim :
# _claim['index'] = index #len(claims)
# # claims.append(dict(DEFAULT_VALUE,**_claim))
# #
# # schema = [ {key:{"mergeStrategy":"append" if list( type(_claim[key])) else "overwrite"}} for key in _claim.keys()] # if type(_claim[key]) == list]
# # _schema = set(DEFAULT_VALUE.keys()) - schema
# # if schema :
# # schema = {"properties":dict.fromkeys(schema,{"mergeStrategy":"append"})}
# # else:
# # schema = {"properties":{}}
# # schema = jsonmerge.merge(schema['properties'],dict.fromkeys(_schema,{"mergeStrategy":"overwrite"}))
# schema = {"properties":{}}
# for attr in _claim.keys() :
# schema['properties'][attr] = {"mergeStrategy": "append" if type(_claim[attr]) == list else "overwrite" }
# merger = jsonmerge.Merger(schema)
# _baseclaim = None
# _baseclaim = merger.merge(_baseclaim,copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_VALUE))
# _claim = merger.merge(_baseclaim,_claim)
# # _claim = merger.merge(DEFAULT_VALUE.copy(),_claim)
# claims.append( _claim)
# segment = [row]
# index += 1
# pass
# #
# # Handling the last claim found
# if segment and segment[0].startswith(section) :
# # default_claim = dict({"name":index},**DEFAULT_VALUE)
# claim = self.apply(segment,_code)
# if claim :
# claim['index'] = len(claims)
# # schema = [key for key in claim.keys() if type(claim[key]) == list]
# # if schema :
# # schema = {"properties":dict.fromkeys(schema,{"mergeStrategy":"append"})}
# # else:
# # print (claim.keys())
# # schema = {}
# #
# # @TODO: Fix merger related to schema (drops certain fields ... NOT cool)
# # merger = jsonmerge.Merger(schema)
# # top_row_claim = self.apply(_toprows,_code)
# # claim = merger.merge(claim,self.apply(_toprows,_code))
# # claims.append(dict(DEFAULT_VALUE,**claim))
# schema = {"properties":{}}
# for attr in claim.keys() :
# schema['properties'][attr] = {"mergeStrategy": "append" if type(claim[attr]) == list else "overwrite" }
# merger = jsonmerge.Merger(schema)
# _baseclaim = None
# _baseclaim = merger.merge(_baseclaim,copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_VALUE))
# claim = merger.merge(_baseclaim,claim)
# claims.append(claim)
# # claims.append(merger.merge(DEFAULT_VALUE.copy(),claim))
# if type(file) != list :
# file.close()
# # x12_file = open(filename.strip(),errors='ignore').read().split('\n')
# except Exception as e:
# logs.append ({"parse":_code,"completed":False,"name":filename,"msg":e.args[0]})
# return [],logs,None
# rate = 0 if len(claims) == 0 else (1 + index)/len(claims)
# logs.append ({"parse":"claims" if _code == '837' else 'remits',"completed":True,"name":filename,"rate":rate})
# # self.finish(claims,logs,_code)
# return claims,logs,_code
# def run(self):
# if self.emit.pre :
# self.emit.pre()
# for filename in self.files :
# content,logs,_code =
# self.finish(content,logs,_code)
# def finish(self,content,logs,_code) :
# args =
# _args = json.loads(json.dumps(
# ISNEW_MONGO = 'provider' in args and args['provider'] in ['mongo', 'mongodb']
# ISLEG_MONGO = ('type' in args and args['type'] == 'mongo.MongoWriter')
# # Legacy specification ...
# args['args']['doc'] = 'claims' if _code == '837' else 'remits'
# _args['args']['doc'] = 'logs'
# else:
# args['doc'] = 'claims' if _code == '837' else 'remits'
# _args['doc'] = 'logs'
# else:
# if 'type' in args :
# # Legacy specification ...
# args['args']['table'] = 'claims' if _code == '837' else 'remits'
# _args['args']['table'] = 'logs'
# table = args['args']['table']
# else:
# args['table']= 'claims' if _code == '837' else 'remits'
# _args['table'] = 'logs'
# table = args['table']
# writer = transport.factory.instance(**args)
# IS_SQLITE = type(writer) == transport.disk.SQLiteWriter
# if content:
# if IS_SQLITE :
# for row in content :
# writer.apply("""insert into :table(data) values (':values')""".replace(":values",json.dumps(row)).replace(":table",table) )
# else:
# writer.write(content)
# writer.close()
# if logs :
# logger = transport.factory.instance(**_args)
# for row in logs:
# logger.apply("""insert into logs values (':values')""".replace(":values",json.dumps(row)))
# else:
# logger.write(logs)
# logger.close()
# if :