deployment branch

This commit is contained in:
Steve Nyemba 2019-03-05 11:58:48 -06:00
parent 0456a77beb
commit b724353155
5 changed files with 75 additions and 372 deletions

View File

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
import sys
if len(sys.argv) > 1 :
N = len(sys.argv)
for i in range(1,N) :
value = 1
if sys.argv[i].startswith('--') :
key = sys.argv[i].replace('-','')
if i + 1 < N and not sys.argv[i+1].startswith('--') :
value = sys.argv[i + 1].strip()
SYS_ARGS[key] = value
i += 2
elif 'action' not in SYS_ARGS:
SYS_ARGS['action'] = sys.argv[i].strip()

View File

@ -1,348 +0,0 @@
Steve L. Nyemba & Brad Malin
Health Information Privacy Lab.
This code is proof of concept as to how risk is computed against a database (at least a schema).
The engine will read tables that have a given criteria (patient id) and generate a dataset by performing joins.
Because joins are process intensive we decided to add a limit to the records pulled.
This engine generates a dataset and computes risk (marketer and prosecutor)
- We assume tables that reference patients will name the keys identically (best practice). This allows us to be able to leverage data store's that don't support referential integrity
Usage :
- It works against bigquery for now
- Need to write a transport layer (database interface)
- Support for referential integrity, so one table can be selected and a dataset derived given referential integrity
- Add support for journalist risk
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from import bigquery as bq
import time
from params import SYS_ARGS
class utils :
This class is a utility class that will generate SQL-11 compatible code in order to run the risk assessment
@TODO: plugins for other data-stores
def __init__(self,**args):
# self.path = args['path']
self.client = args['client']
def get_tables(self,**args): #id,key='person_id'):
This function returns a list of tables given a key. The key is the name of the field that uniquely designates a patient/person
in the database. The list of tables are tables that can be joined given the provided field.
@param key name of the patient field
@param dataset dataset name
@param client initialized bigquery client ()
@return [{name,fields:[],row_count}]
dataset = args['dataset']
client = args['client']
key = args['key']
r = []
ref = client.dataset(dataset)
tables = list(client.list_tables(ref))
TERMS = ['type','unit','count','refills','stop','supply','quantity']
for table in tables :
if table.table_id.strip() in ['people_seed','measurement','drug_exposure','procedure_occurrence','visit_occurrence','condition_occurrence','device_exposure']:
print ' skiping ...'
ref = table.reference
table = client.get_table(ref)
schema = table.schema
rows = table.num_rows
if rows == 0 :
names = [ for f in schema if len (set(TERMS) & set("_"))) == 0 ]
x = list(set(names) & set([key]))
if x :
full_name = ".".join([dataset,table.table_id])
return r
def get_field_name(self,alias,field_name,index):
This function will format the a field name given an index (the number of times it has occurred in projection)
The index is intended to avoid a "duplicate field" error (bigquery issue)
@param alias alias of the table
@param field_name name of the field to be formatted
@param index the number of times the field appears in the projection
name = [alias,field_name]
if index > 0 :
return ".".join(name)+" AS :field_name:index".replace(":field_name",field_name).replace(":index",str(index))
return ".".join(name)
def get_filtered_table(self,table,key):
This function will return a table with a single record per individual patient
return """
SELECT :table.* FROM (
SELECT row_number() over () as top, * FROM :full_name ) as :table
SELECT MAX(top) as top, :key FROM (
SELECT row_number() over () as top,:key from :full_name ) GROUP BY :key
)as filter
ON = and filter.:key = :table.:key
def get_sql(self,**args):
This function will generate that will join a list of tables given a key and a limit of records
@param tables list of tables
@param key key field to be used in the join. The assumption is that the field name is identical across tables (best practice!)
@param limit a limit imposed, in case of ristrictions considering joins are resource intensive
tables = args['tables']
key = args['key']
limit = args['limit'] if 'limit' in args else 10000
limit = str(limit)
SQL = [
SELECT :fields
fields = []
prev_table = None
for table in tables :
name = table['full_name'] #".".join([self.i_dataset,table['name']])
alias= table['name']
index = tables.index(table)
sql_ = """
(select * from :name ) as :alias
# sql_ = " ".join(["(",self.get_filtered_table(table,key)," ) as :alias"])
sql_ = sql_.replace(":name",name).replace(":alias",alias).replace(":limit",limit)
fields += [self.get_field_name(alias,field_name,index) for field_name in table['fields'] if field_name != key or (field_name==key and tables.index(table) == 0) ]
if tables.index(table) > 0 :
join = """
INNER JOIN :sql ON :alias.:field = :prev_alias.:field
join = join.replace(":alias",alias).replace(":field",key).replace(":prev_alias",prev_alias)
sql_ = join.replace(":sql",sql_)
# sql_ = " ".join([sql_,join])
SQL += [sql_]
if index == 0:
prev_alias = str(alias)
return " ".join(SQL).replace(":fields"," , ".join(fields))
class SQLRisk :
This class will handle the creation of an SQL query that computes marketer and prosecutor risk (for now)
def __init__(self):
def get_sql(self,**args) :
This function returns the SQL Query that will compute marketer and prosecutor risk
@param key key fields (patient identifier)
@param table table that is subject of the computation
key = args['key']
table = args['table']
fields = list(set(table['fields']) - set([key]))
#-- We need to select n-fields max 64
k = len(fields)
if 'field_count' in args :
n = np.random.randint(2, int(args['field_count']) ) #-- number of random fields we are picking
n = np.random.randint(2,k) #-- how many random fields are we processing
ii = np.random.choice(k,n,replace=False)
stream = np.zeros(len(fields) + 1)
stream[ii] = 1
stream = pd.DataFrame(stream.tolist()).T
stream.columns = args['table']['fields']
fields = list(np.array(fields)[ii])
sql = """
SELECT COUNT(g_size) as group_count,SUM(g_size) as patient_count, COUNT(g_size)/SUM(g_size) as marketer, 1/ MIN(g_size) as prosecutor, :n as field_count
SELECT COUNT(*) as g_size,:fields
FROM :full_name
GROUP BY :fields
""".replace(":fields", ",".join(fields)).replace(":full_name",table['full_name']).replace(":key",key).replace(":n",str(n))
return {"sql":sql,"stream":stream}
class UtilHandler :
def __init__(self,**args) :
@param path path to the service account file
@param dataset input dataset name
@param key_field key_field (e.g person_id)
@param key_table
self.path = args['path']
self.client = bq.Client.from_service_account_json(self.path)
dataset = args['dataset']
self.key = args['key_field']
self.mytools = utils(client = self.client)
self.tables = self.mytools.get_tables(dataset=dataset,client=self.client,key=self.key)
index = [ self.tables.index(item) for item in self.tables if item['name'] == args['key_table']] [0]
if index != 0 :
first = self.tables[0]
aux = self.tables[index]
self.tables[0] = aux
self.tables[index] = first
if 'filter' in args :
self.tables = [item for item in self.tables if item['name'] in args['filter']]
def create_table(self,**args):
@param path absolute filename to save the create statement
create_sql = self.mytools.get_sql(tables=self.tables,key=self.key) #-- The create statement
# o_dataset = SYS_ARGS['o_dataset']
# table = SYS_ARGS['table']
if 'path' in args:
f = open(args['path'],'w')
return create_sql
def migrate_tables(self,**args):
This function will migrate a table from one location to another
The reason for migration is to be able to reduce a candidate table to only represent a patient by her quasi-identifiers.
@param dataset target dataset
o_dataset = args['dataset'] if 'dataset' in args else None
p = []
for table in self.tables:
sql = " ".join(["SELECT ",",".join(table['fields']) ," FROM (",self.mytools.get_filtered_table(table,self.key),") as ",table['name']])
if o_dataset :
job = bq.QueryJobConfig()
job.destination = self.client.dataset(o_dataset).table(table['name'])
job.use_query_cache = True
job.allow_large_results = True
job.priority = 'INTERACTIVE'
job.time_partitioning = bq.table.TimePartitioning(type_=bq.table.TimePartitioningType.DAY)
r = self.client.query(sql,location='US',job_config=job)
print [table['full_name'],' ** ',r.job_id,' ** ',r.state]
return p
# if 'action' in SYS_ARGS and SYS_ARGS['action'] in ['create','compute','migrate'] :
# path = SYS_ARGS['path']
# client = bq.Client.from_service_account_json(path)
# i_dataset = SYS_ARGS['i_dataset']
# key = SYS_ARGS['key']
# mytools = utils(client = client)
# tables = mytools.get_tables(dataset=i_dataset,client=client,key=key)
# # print len(tables)
# # tables = tables[:6]
# if SYS_ARGS['action'] == 'create' :
# #usage:
# # create --i_dataset <in dataset> --key <patient id> --o_dataset <out dataset> --table <table|file> [--file] --path <bq JSON account file>
# #
# create_sql = mytools.get_sql(tables=tables,key=key) #-- The create statement
# o_dataset = SYS_ARGS['o_dataset']
# table = SYS_ARGS['table']
# if 'file' in SYS_ARGS :
# f = open(table+'.sql','w')
# f.write(create_sql)
# f.close()
# else:
# job = bq.QueryJobConfig()
# job.destination = client.dataset(o_dataset).table(table)
# job.use_query_cache = True
# job.allow_large_results = True
# job.priority = 'BATCH'
# job.time_partitioning = bq.table.TimePartitioning(type_=bq.table.TimePartitioningType.DAY)
# r = client.query(create_sql,location='US',job_config=job)
# print [r.job_id,' ** ',r.state]
# elif SYS_ARGS['action'] == 'migrate' :
# #
# #
# o_dataset = SYS_ARGS['o_dataset']
# for table in tables:
# sql = " ".join(["SELECT ",",".join(table['fields']) ," FROM (",mytools.get_filtered_table(table,key),") as ",table['name']])
# print ""
# print sql
# print ""
# # job = bq.QueryJobConfig()
# # job.destination = client.dataset(o_dataset).table(table['name'])
# # job.use_query_cache = True
# # job.allow_large_results = True
# # job.priority = 'INTERACTIVE'
# # job.time_partitioning = bq.table.TimePartitioning(type_=bq.table.TimePartitioningType.DAY)
# # r = client.query(sql,location='US',job_config=job)
# # print [table['full_name'],' ** ',r.job_id,' ** ',r.state]
# pass
# else:
# #
# #
# tables = [tab for tab in tables if tab['name'] == SYS_ARGS['table'] ]
# limit = int(SYS_ARGS['limit']) if 'limit' in SYS_ARGS else 1
# if tables :
# risk= risk()
# df = pd.DataFrame()
# dfs = pd.DataFrame()
# np.random.seed(1)
# for i in range(0,limit) :
# r = risk.get_sql(key=SYS_ARGS['key'],table=tables[0])
# sql = r['sql']
# dfs = dfs.append(r['stream'],sort=True)
# df = df.append(pd.read_gbq(query=sql,private_key=path,dialect='standard').join(dfs))
# # df = df.join(dfs,sort=True)
# df.to_csv(SYS_ARGS['table']+'.csv')
# # dfs.to_csv(SYS_ARGS['table']+'_stream.csv')
# print [i,' ** ',df.shape[0],pd.DataFrame(r['stream']).shape]
# time.sleep(2)
# else:
# print 'ERROR'
# pass
# # r = risk(path='/home/steve/dev/google-cloud-sdk/accounts/vumc-test.json', i_dataset='raw',o_dataset='risk_o',o_table='mo')
# # tables = r.get_tables('raw','person_id')
# # sql = r.get_sql(tables=tables[:3],key='person_id')
# # #
# # # let's post this to a designated location
# # #
# # f = open('foo.sql','w')
# # f.write(sql)
# # f.close()
# # r.get_sql(tables=tables,key='person_id')
# # p = r.compute()
# # print p
# # p.to_csv("risk.csv")
# # r.write('foo.sql')

src/risk/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
(c) 2019, Health Information Privacy Lab
Brad. Malin, Weiyi Xia, Steve L. Nyemba
This framework computes re-identification risk of a dataset assuming the data being shared can be loaded into a dataframe (pandas)
The framework will compute the following risk measures:
- marketer
- prosecutor
- pitman
References :
This framework integrates pandas (for now) as an extension and can be used in two modes :
1. explore:
Here the assumption is that we are not sure of the attributes to be disclosed,
The framework will explore a variety of combinations and associate risk measures every random combinations it can come up with
2. evaluation
Here the assumption is that we are clear on the sets of attributes to be used and we are interested in computing the associated risk.
Four risk measures are computed :
- Marketer risk
- Prosecutor risk
- Journalist risk
- Pitman Risk
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pandas_risk import *
mydf = pd.DataFrame({"x":np.random.choice( np.random.randint(1,10),50),"y":np.random.choice( np.random.randint(1,10),50) })
print mydf.risk.evaluate()
# computing journalist and pitman
# - Insure the population size is much greater than the sample size
# - Insure the fields are identical in both sample and population
pop = pd.DataFrame({"x":np.random.choice( np.random.randint(1,10),150),"y":np.random.choice( np.random.randint(1,10),150) ,"q":np.random.choice( np.random.randint(1,10),150)})
- Evaluation of how sparse attributes are (the ratio of non-null over rows)
- Have a smart way to drop attributes (based on the above in random policy search)

View File

@ -26,7 +26,8 @@
from pandas_risk import *
mydataframe = pd.DataFrame('/myfile.csv')
risk = mydataframe.deid.risk(id=<name of patient field>,num_runs=<number of runs>)
resp = mydataframe.risk.evaluate(id=<name of patient field>,num_runs=<number of runs>,cols=[])
resp = mydataframe.risk.explore(id=<name of patient field>,num_runs=<number of runs>,cols=[])
@ -41,8 +42,8 @@ import json
from datetime import datetime
import sys
class deid :
@ -151,8 +152,10 @@ class deid :
r['pitman risk'] = handle_sample.pitman()
if 'pop' in args :
print cols
print args['pop'].columns
xi = pd.DataFrame({"sample_group_size":sample.groupby(cols,as_index=False).size()}).reset_index()
yi = pd.DataFrame({"population_group_size":args['population'].groupby(cols,as_index=False).size()}).reset_index()
yi = pd.DataFrame({"population_group_size":args['pop'].groupby(cols,as_index=False).size()}).reset_index()
merged_groups = pd.merge(xi,yi,on=cols,how='inner')
handle_population= Population()
@ -227,9 +230,11 @@ class Population(Sample):
def set(self,key,value):
if key == 'merged_groups' :
Sample.set('pop_size',np.float64(r.population_group_sizes.sum()) )
if key == 'merged_groups' :
Sample.set(self,'pop_size',np.float64(value.population_group_size.sum()) )
This class will measure risk and account for the existance of a population
:merged_groups {sample_group_size, population_group_size} is a merged dataset with group sizes of both population and sample
@ -244,3 +249,5 @@ class Population(Sample):
# @TODO : make sure the above line is size (not sum)
# sample_row_count = r.sample_group_size.size
return r.apply(lambda row: (row.sample_group_size / np.float64(row.population_group_size)) /np.float64(sample_row_count) ,axis=1).sum()

src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
This is a build file for the
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
name = "risk",
version = "0.1",
packages = find_packages()