\title{Create a DDL script from a two csv files that detail the OMOP CDM Specifications. These files also form the basis of the CDM documentation and the Data Quality
\item{cdmTableCsvLoc}{The location of the csv file with the high-level CDM table information. This is defaulted to "inst/csv/OMOP_CDMv5.3.1_Table_Level.csv".
If a new version of this file was committed to the CDM repository the package automatically will grab it and place it in "inst/csv/".}
\item{cdmFieldCsvLoc}{The location of the csv file with the CDM field information. This is defaulted to "inst/csv/OMOP_CDMv5.3.1_Field_Level.csv".
If a new version of this file was committed to the CDM repository the package automatically will grab it and place it in "inst/csv/".}
\item{outputFile}{The name of the output ddl sql file. This is defaulted to a location in the inst/sql/sql server folder and named with today's date and the CDM version.}
Create a DDL script from a two csv files that detail the OMOP CDM Specifications. These files also form the basis of the CDM documentation and the Data Quality