This commit is contained in:
clairblacketer 2018-10-10 10:31:44 -04:00
commit 2529ef51b8
34 changed files with 4614 additions and 4280 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
/*OMOP CDM v5.3.1 14June2018*/
#standardsql #standardsql
create table concept ( create table concept (
concept_id INT64 not null , concept_id INT64 not null ,
@ -268,18 +269,18 @@ create table visit_detail
visit_detail_id INT64 not null , visit_detail_id INT64 not null ,
person_id INT64 not null , person_id INT64 not null ,
visit_detail_concept_id INT64 not null , visit_detail_concept_id INT64 not null ,
visit_start_DATE DATE not null , visit_detail_start_DATE DATE not null ,
visit_start_DATETIME DATETIME , visit_detail_start_DATETIME DATETIME ,
visit_end_DATE DATE not null , visit_detail_end_DATE DATE not null ,
visit_end_DATETIME DATETIME , visit_detail_end_DATETIME DATETIME ,
visit_type_concept_id INT64 not null , visit_deatil_type_concept_id INT64 not null ,
provider_id INT64 , provider_id INT64 ,
care_site_id INT64 , care_site_id INT64 ,
admitting_source_concept_id INT64 , admitting_source_concept_id INT64 ,
discharge_to_concept_id INT64 , discharge_to_concept_id INT64 ,
preceding_visit_detail_id INT64 , preceding_visit_detail_id INT64 ,
visit_source_value STRING , visit_detail_source_value STRING ,
visit_source_concept_id INT64 , visit_deatil_source_concept_id INT64 ,
admitting_source_value STRING , admitting_source_value STRING ,
discharge_to_source_value STRING , discharge_to_source_value STRING ,
visit_detail_parent_id INT64 , visit_detail_parent_id INT64 ,

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@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
## Common Data Model
**1. I understand that the common data model (CDM) is a way of organizing disparate data sources into the same relational database design, but how can it be effective since many databases use different coding schemes?**
During the extract, transform, load (ETL) process of converting a data source into the OMOP common data model, we standardize the structure (e.g. tables, fields, data types), conventions (e.g. rules that govern how source data should be represented), and content (e.g. what common vocabularies are used to speak the same language across clinical domains). The common data model preserves all source data, including the original source vocabulary codes, but adds the standardized vocabularies to allow for network research across the entire OHDSI research community.
**2. How does my data get transformed into the common data model?**
You or someone in your organization will need to create a process to build your CDM. Dont worry though, you are not alone! The open nature of the community means that much of the code that other participants have written to transform their own data is available for you to use. If you have a data license for a large administrative claims database like Truven Health MarketScan® or Optums Clinformatics® Extended Data Mart, chances are that someone has already done the legwork. Here is one example of a full builder freely available on [github]( that has been written for a variety of data sources.
The [community forums]( are also a great place to ask questions if you are stuck or need guidance on how to represent your data in the common data model. Members are usually very responsive!
**3. Are any tables or fields optional?**
It is expected that all tables will be present in a CDM though it is not a requirement that they are all populated. The two mandatory tables are:
* [Person]( Contains records that uniquely identify each patient in the source data who is at-risk to have clinical observations recorded within the source systems.
* [Observation_period]( Contains records which uniquely define the spans of time for which a Person is at-risk to have clinical events recorded within the source systems.
It is then up to you which tables to populate, though the core event tables are generally agreed upon to be [Condition_occurrence](, [Procedure_occurrence](, [Drug_exposure](, [Measurement](, and [Observation]( Each table has certain required fields, a full list of which can be found on the Common Data Model [wiki page](
**4. Does the data model include any derived information? Which tables or values are derived?**
The common data model stores verbatim data from the source across various clinical domains, such as records for conditions, drugs, procedures, and measurements. In addition, to assist the analyst, the common data model also provides some derived tables, based on commonly used analytic procedures. For example, the [Condition_era]( table is derived from the [Condition_occurrence]( table and both the [Drug_era]( and [Dose_era]( tables are derived from the [Drug_exposure]( table. An era is defined as a span of time when a patient is assumed to have a given condition or exposure to a particular active ingredient. Members of the community have written code to create these tables and it is out on the [github]( if you choose to use it in your CDM build. It is important to reinforce, the analyst has the opportunity, but not the obligation, to use any of the derived tables and all of the source data is still available for direct use if the analysis calls for different assumptions.
**5. How is age captured in the model?**
Year_of_birth, month_of_birth, day_of_birth and birth_datetime are all fields in the Person table designed to capture some form of date of birth. While only year_of_birth is required, these fields allow for maximum flexibility over a wide range of data sources.
**6. How are gender, race, and ethnicity captured in the model? Are they coded using values a human reader can understand?**
Standard Concepts are used to denote all clinical entities throughout the OMOP common data model, including gender, race, and ethnicity. Source values are mapped to Standard Concepts during the extract, transform, load (ETL) process of converting a database to the OMOP Common Data Model. These are then stored in the Gender_concept_id, Race_concept_id and Ethnicity_concept_id fields in the Person table. Because the standard concepts span across all clinical domains, and in keeping with Ciminos Desiderata for Controlled Medical Vocabularies in the Twenty-First Century, the identifiers are unique, persistent nonsematic identifiers. Gender, for example, is stored as either 8532 (female) or 8507 (male) in gender_concept_id while the original value from the source is stored in gender_source_value (M, male, F, etc)..
**7. How is time-varying patient information such as location of residence addressed in the model?**
The OMOP common data model has been pragmatically defined based on the desired analytic use cases of the community, as well as the available types of data that community members have access to. Currently in the model, Each each person record has associated demographic attributes which are assumed to be constant for the patient throughout the course of their periods of observation. For example, the location or primary care provider is expected to have a unique value per person, even though in life these data may change over time. Typically, the most recent information is chosen though it is up to the person performing the transformation which value to store.
Something like marital status is a little different as it is considered to be an observation rather than a demographic attribute. This means that it is housed in the Observation table rather than the Person table, giving the opportunity to store each change in status as a unique record.
If someone in the community had a use case for time-varying location of residence and also had source data that contains this information, wed welcome participation in the CDM workgroup to evolve the model further.
**8. How does the model denote the time period during which a Persons information is valid?**
The OMOP Common Data Model uses something called observation periods (stored in the [Observation_period]( table) as a way to define the time span during which a patient is at-risk to have a clinical event recorded. In administrative claims databases, for example, these observation periods are often analogous to the notion of enrollment.
**9. How does the model capture start and stop dates for insurance coverage? What if a persons coverage changes?**
The [Payer_plan_period]( table captures details of the period of time that a Person is continuously enrolled under a specific health Plan benefit structure from a given Payer. Payer plan periods, as opposed to observation periods, can overlap so as to denote the time when a Person is enrolled in multiple plans at the same time such as Medicare Part A and Medicare Part D.
**10. What if I have EHR data? How would I create observation periods?**
An observation period is considered as the time at which a patient is at-risk to have a clinical event recorded in the source system. Determining the appropriate observation period for each source data can vary, depending on what information the source contains. If a source does not provide information about a patients entry or exit from a system, then reasonable heuristics need to be developed and applied within the ETL.
## Vocabulary Mapping
**11. Do I have to map my source codes to Standard Concepts myself? Are there vocabulary mappings that already exist for me to leverage?**
If your data use any of the 55 source vocabularies that are currently supported, the mappings have been done for you. The full list is available from the open-source [ATHENA]( tool under the download tab (see below). You can choose to download the ten [vocabulary tables]( from there as well you will need a copy in your environment if you plan on building a CDM.
The [ATHENA]( tool also allows you to explore the vocabulary before downloading it if you are curious about the mappings or if you have a specific code in mind and would like to know which standard concept it is associated with; just click on the search tab and type in a keyword to begin searching.
**12. If I want to apply the mappings myself, can I do so? Are they transparent to all users?**
Yes, all mappings are available in the [Concept_relationship]( table (which can be downloaded from [ATHENA]( Each value in a supported source terminology is assigned a Concept_id (which is considered non-standard). Each Source_concept_id will have a mapping to a Standard_concept_id. For example:
In this case the standard SNOMED concept 201826 for type 2 diabetes mellitus would be stored in the Condition_occurrence table as the Condition_concept_id and the ICD10CM concept 1567956 for type 2 diabetes mellitus would be stored as the Condition_source_concept_id.
**13. Can RXNorm codes be stored in the model? Can I store multiple levels if I so choose? What if one collaborator uses a different level of RXNorm than I use when transforming their database?**
In the OMOP Common Data Model RXNorm is considered the standard vocabulary for representing drug exposures. One of the great things about the Standardized Vocabulary is that the hierarchical nature of RXNorm is preserved to enable efficient querying. It is agreed upon best practice to store the lowest level RXNorm available and then use the Vocabulary to explore any pertinent relationships. Drug ingredients are the highest-level ancestors so a query for the descendants of an ingredient should turn up all drug products (Clinical Drug or Branded Drug) containing that ingredient. A query designed in this way will find drugs of interest in any CDM regardless of the level of RXNorm used.
**14. What if the vocabulary has a mapping I dont agree with? Can it be changed?**
Yes, that is the beauty of the community! If you find a mapping in the vocabulary that doesnt seem to belong or that you think could be better, feel free to write a note on the [forums]( or on the [vocabulary github]( If the community agrees with your assessment it will be addressed in the next vocabulary version.
**15. What if I have source codes that are specific to my site? How would these be mapped?**
We have a tool called [Usagi]( (pictured below) that is designed to create mappings between coding systems and the Vocabulary Standard Concepts by using concept names and synonyms to find potential matches.
**16. How are one-to-many mappings applied?**
If one source code maps to two Standard Concepts then two rows are stored in the corresponding clinical event table.
**17. What if I want to keep my original data as well as the mapped values? Is there a way for me to do that?**
Yes! Source values and Source Concepts are fully maintained within the OMOP Common Data Model. A Source Concept represents the code in the source data. Each Source Concept is mapped to one or more Standard Concepts during the ETL process and both are stored in the corresponding clinical event table. If no mapping is available, the Standard Concept with the concept_id = 0 is written into the *_concept_id field (Condition_concept_id, Procedure_concept_id, etc.) so as to preserve the record from the native data.
## Common Data Model Versioning
**18. Who decides when and how to change the data model?**
The community! There is a [working group]( designed around updating the model and everything is done by consensus. Members submit proposed changes to the [github]( in the form of [issues]( and the group meets once a month to discuss and vote on the changes. Any ratified proposals are then added to the queue for a future version of the Common Data Model.
**19. Are changes to the model backwards compatible?**
Generally point version changes (5.1 -> 5.2) are backwards compatible and major version changes (4.0 -> 5.0) may not be. All updates to the model are listed in the release notes for each version and anything that could potentially affect backwards compatibility is clearly labeled.
**20. How frequently does the model change?**
The current schedule is for major versions to be released every year and point versions to be release every quarter though that is subject to the needs of the community.
**21. What is the dissemination plan for changes?**
Changes are first listed in the release notes on the [github]( and in the [common data model wiki]( New versions are also announced on the weekly community calls and on the [community forums](
## OHDSI Tools
**22. What are the currently available analytic tools?**
While there are a variety of tools freely available from the community, these are the most widely used:
* [ACHILLES]( a stand-alone tool for database characterization
* [ATLAS]( - an integrated platform for vocabulary exploration, cohort definition, case review, clinical characterization, incidence estimation, population-level effect estimation design, and patient-level prediction design ([link to github](
* [ARACHNE]( a tool to facilitate distributed network analyses
* [WhiteRabbit]( - an application that can be used to analyse the structure and contents of a database as preparation for designing an ETL
* [RabbitInAHat]( - an application for interactive design of an ETL to the OMOP Common Data Model with the help of the the scan report generated by White Rabbit
* [Usagi]( - an application to help create mappings between coding systems and the Vocabulary standard concepts.
**23. Who is responsible for updating the tools to account for data model changes, bugs, and errors?**
The community! All the tools are open source meaning that anyone can submit an issue they have found, offer suggestions, and write code to fix the problem.
**24. Do the current tools allow a user to define a treatment gap (persistence window) of any value when creating treatment episodes?**
Yes the ATLAS tool allows you to specify a persistence window between drug exposures when defining a cohort (see image below).
**25. Can the current tools identify medication use during pregnancy?**
Yes, you can identify pregnancy markers from various clinical domains, including conditions and procedures, for example live birth, and then define temporal logic to look for drug exposure records in some interval prior to the pregnancy end. In addition, members of the community have built an advanced logic to define pregnancy episodes with all pregnancy outcomes represented, which can be useful for this type of research.
**26. Do the current tools execute against the mapped values or source values?**
The tools can execute against both source and mapped values, though mapped values are strongly encouraged. Since one of the aims of OHDSI is to create a distributed data network across the world on which to run research studies, the use of source values fails to take advantage of the benefits of the Common Data Model.
## Network Research Studies
**27. Who can generate requests?**
Anyone in the community! Any question that gains enough interest and participation can be a network research study.
**28. Who will develop the queries to distribute to the network?**
Typically a principal investigator leads the development of a protocol. The PI may also lead the development of the analysis procedure corresponding to the protocol. If the PI does not have the technical skills required to write the analysis procedure that implements the protocol, someone in the community can help them put it together.
**29. What language are the queries written in?**
Queries are written in R and SQL. The [SqlRender]( package can translate any query written in a templated SQL Server-like dialect to any of the supported RDBMS environments, including Postgresql, Oracle, Redshift, Parallel Data Warehouse, Hadoop Impala, Google BigQuery, and Netezza.
**30. How do the queries get to the data partners and how are they run once there?**
OHDSI runs as a distributed data network. All analyses are publicly available and can be downloaded to run at each site. The packages can be run locally and, at the data partners discretion, aggregate results can be shared with the study coordinator.
Data partners can also make use of one of OHDSI's open-source tools called [ARACHNE](, a tool to facilitate distributed network analytics against the OMOP CDM.

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
***OMOP Common Data Model v5.2 Specifications*** ***OMOP Common Data Model v5.3 Specifications***
<br>*Authors: Christian Reich, Patrick Ryan, Rimma Belenkaya, Karthik Natarajan, Clair Blacketer* <br>*Authors: Christian Reich, Patrick Ryan, Rimma Belenkaya, Karthik Natarajan, Clair Blacketer*
<br>*12 July 2017* <br>*3 January 2018*
Welcome to the Common Data Model wiki! This wiki houses all of the documentation for the latest version as well as changes added with each release. You can find a pdf added to each [release]( with a historical version of the wiki as it was at the time of the release. You can navigate the pages using the table of contents below or the links to the right. Welcome to the Common Data Model wiki! This wiki houses all of the documentation for the latest version as well as changes added with each release. You can find a pdf added to each [release]( with a historical version of the wiki as it was at the time of the release. You can navigate the pages using the table of contents below or the links to the right.
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ Welcome to the Common Data Model wiki! This wiki houses all of the documentation
<br> [The Role of the Common Data Model](wiki/The-Role-of-the-Common-Data-Model) <br> [The Role of the Common Data Model](wiki/The-Role-of-the-Common-Data-Model)
<br> [Design Principles](wiki/Design-Principles) <br> [Design Principles](wiki/Design-Principles)
<br> [Data Model Conventions](wiki/Data-Model-Conventions) <br> [Data Model Conventions](wiki/Data-Model-Conventions)
<br> [Frequently Asked Questions](wiki/Frequently-Asked-Questions)
<br> <br>
<br>**[Glossary of Terms](wiki/Glossary-of-Terms)** <br>**[Glossary of Terms](wiki/Glossary-of-Terms)**
<br> <br>
@ -32,6 +33,7 @@ Welcome to the Common Data Model wiki! This wiki houses all of the documentation
<br> <br>
<br>**[Standardized Metadata](wiki/Standardized-Metadata)** <br>**[Standardized Metadata](wiki/Standardized-Metadata)**
<br> <br>
<br>**[Standardized Clinical Data Tables](Standardized-Clinical-Data-Tables)** <br>**[Standardized Clinical Data Tables](Standardized-Clinical-Data-Tables)**
<br>[PERSON](wiki/PERSON) <br>[PERSON](wiki/PERSON)
@ -39,6 +41,7 @@ Welcome to the Common Data Model wiki! This wiki houses all of the documentation
<br>[DEATH](wiki/DEATH) <br>[DEATH](wiki/DEATH)

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@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ Field|Required|Type|Description
| stop_reason | No | varchar(20) | The reason that the condition was no longer present, as indicated in the source data. | | stop_reason | No | varchar(20) | The reason that the condition was no longer present, as indicated in the source data. |
| provider_id | No | integer | A foreign key to the Provider in the PROVIDER table who was responsible for capturing (diagnosing) the Condition. | | provider_id | No | integer | A foreign key to the Provider in the PROVIDER table who was responsible for capturing (diagnosing) the Condition. |
| visit_occurrence_id | No | integer | A foreign key to the visit in the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table during which the Condition was determined (diagnosed). | | visit_occurrence_id | No | integer | A foreign key to the visit in the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table during which the Condition was determined (diagnosed). |
| visit_detail_id | No | integer | A foreign key to the visit in the VISIT_DETAIL table during which the Condition was determined (diagnosed). | visit_detail_id | No | integer | A foreign key to the visit in the VISIT_DETAIL table during which the Condition was determined (diagnosed). | | visit_detail_id | No | integer | A foreign key to the visit in the VISIT_DETAIL table during which the Condition was determined (diagnosed). |
| condition_source_value | No | varchar(50) | The source code for the condition as it appears in the source data. This code is mapped to a standard condition concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is stored here for reference. | | condition_source_value | No | varchar(50) | The source code for the condition as it appears in the source data. This code is mapped to a standard condition concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is stored here for reference. |
| condition_source_concept_id | No | integer | A foreign key to a Condition Concept that refers to the code used in the source. | | condition_source_concept_id | No | integer | A foreign key to a Condition Concept that refers to the code used in the source. |
| condition_status_source_value | No | varchar(50) | The source code for the condition status as it appears in the source data. | | condition_status_source_value | No | varchar(50) | The source code for the condition status as it appears in the source data. |
| condition_status_concept_id | No | integer | A foreign key to the predefined Concept in the Standard Vocabulary reflecting the condition status | | | condition_status_concept_id | No | integer | A foreign key to the predefined Concept in the Standard Vocabulary reflecting the condition status |
### Conventions ### Conventions

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Field|Required|Type|Description
|measurement_concept_id|Yes|integer|A foreign key to the standard measurement concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies.| |measurement_concept_id|Yes|integer|A foreign key to the standard measurement concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies.|
|measurement_date|Yes|date|The date of the Measurement.| |measurement_date|Yes|date|The date of the Measurement.|
|measurement_datetime|No|datetime|The date and time of the Measurement. Some database systems don't have a datatype of time. To accomodate all temporal analyses, datatype datetime can be used (combining measurement_date and measurement_time [forum discussion](| |measurement_datetime|No|datetime|The date and time of the Measurement. Some database systems don't have a datatype of time. To accomodate all temporal analyses, datatype datetime can be used (combining measurement_date and measurement_time [forum discussion](|
|measurement_time |No|varchar(10)|The time of the Measurement. This is present for backwards compatibility and will deprecated in an upcoming version| |measurement_time |No|varchar(10)|The time of the Measurement. This is present for backwards compatibility and will be deprecated in an upcoming version|
|measurement_type_concept_id|Yes|integer|A foreign key to the predefined Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the provenance from where the Measurement record was recorded.| |measurement_type_concept_id|Yes|integer|A foreign key to the predefined Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the provenance from where the Measurement record was recorded.|
|operator_concept_id|No|integer|A foreign key identifier to the predefined Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the mathematical operator that is applied to the value_as_number. Operators are <, <=, =, >=, >.| |operator_concept_id|No|integer|A foreign key identifier to the predefined Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the mathematical operator that is applied to the value_as_number. Operators are <, <=, =, >=, >.|
|value_as_number|No|float|A Measurement result where the result is expressed as a numeric value.| |value_as_number|No|float|A Measurement result where the result is expressed as a numeric value.|

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@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ note_nlp_concept_id | No | integer | A foreign key to the predefined Concept i
note_nlp_source_concept_id | No | integer | A foreign key to a Concept that refers to the code in the source vocabulary used by the NLP system note_nlp_source_concept_id | No | integer | A foreign key to a Concept that refers to the code in the source vocabulary used by the NLP system
nlp_system | No | varchar(250) | Name and version of the NLP system that extracted the term.Useful for data provenance. nlp_system | No | varchar(250) | Name and version of the NLP system that extracted the term.Useful for data provenance.
nlp_date | Yes | date | The date of the note processing.Useful for data provenance. nlp_date | Yes | date | The date of the note processing.Useful for data provenance.
nlp_date_time | No | datetime | The date and time of the note processing. Useful for data provenance. nlp_datetime | No | datetime | The date and time of the note processing. Useful for data provenance.
term_exists | No | varchar(1) | A summary modifier that signifies presence or absence of the term for a given patient. Useful for quick querying. * term_exists | No | varchar(1) | A summary modifier that signifies presence or absence of the term for a given patient. Useful for quick querying.
term_temporal | No | varchar(50) | An optional time modifier associated with the extracted term. (for now “past” or “present” only). Standardize it later. term_temporal | No | varchar(50) | An optional time modifier associated with the extracted term. (for now “past” or “present” only). Standardize it later.
term_modifiers | No | varchar(2000) | A compact description of all the modifiers of the specific term extracted by the NLP system. (e.g. “son has rash” ? “negated=no,subject=family, certainty=undef,conditional=false,general=false”). term_modifiers | No | varchar(2000) | A compact description of all the modifiers of the specific term extracted by the NLP system. (e.g. “son has rash” ? “negated=no,subject=family, certainty=undef,conditional=false,general=false”).

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@

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@ -5,16 +5,16 @@ Field|Required|Type|Description
:------------------------|:--------|:-----|:------------------------------------------------- :------------------------|:--------|:-----|:-------------------------------------------------
|visit_detail_id |Yes|integer|A unique identifier for each Person's visit or encounter at a healthcare provider.| |visit_detail_id |Yes|integer|A unique identifier for each Person's visit or encounter at a healthcare provider.|
|person_id |Yes|integer|A foreign key identifier to the Person for whom the visit is recorded. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table.| |person_id |Yes|integer|A foreign key identifier to the Person for whom the visit is recorded. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table.|
|visit_concept_id |Yes|integer|A foreign key that refers to a visit Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies.| |visit_detail_concept_id |Yes|integer|A foreign key that refers to a visit Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies.|
|visit_start_date |Yes|date|The start date of the visit.| |visit_detail_start_date |Yes|date|The start date of the visit.|
|visit_start_datetime |No|datetime|The date and time of the visit started.| |visit_detail_start_datetime |No|datetime|The date and time of the visit started.|
|visit_end_date |Yes|date|The end date of the visit. If this is a one-day visit the end date should match the start date.| |visit_detail_end_date |Yes|date|The end date of the visit. If this is a one-day visit the end date should match the start date.|
|visit_end_datetime |No|datetime|The date and time of the visit end.| |visit_detail_end_datetime |No|datetime|The date and time of the visit end.|
|visit_type_concept_id |Yes|Integer|A foreign key to the predefined Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the type of source data from which the visit record is derived.| |visit_detail_type_concept_id |Yes|Integer|A foreign key to the predefined Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the type of source data from which the visit record is derived.|
|provider_id |No|integer|A foreign key to the provider in the provider table who was associated with the visit.| |provider_id |No|integer|A foreign key to the provider in the provider table who was associated with the visit.|
|care_site_id |No|integer|A foreign key to the care site in the care site table that was visited.| |care_site_id |No|integer|A foreign key to the care site in the care site table that was visited.|
|visit_source_value |No|string(50)|The source code for the visit as it appears in the source data.| |visit_detail_source_value |No|string(50)|The source code for the visit as it appears in the source data.|
|visit_source_concept_id |No|Integer|A foreign key to a Concept that refers to the code used in the source.| |visit_detail_source_concept_id |No|Integer|A foreign key to a Concept that refers to the code used in the source.|
|admitting_source_value | No|Varchar(50)| The source code for the admitting source as it appears in the source data.| |admitting_source_value | No|Varchar(50)| The source code for the admitting source as it appears in the source data.|
|admitting_source_concept_id |No |Integer |A foreign key to the predefined concept in the Place of Service Vocabulary reflecting the admitting source for a visit.| |admitting_source_concept_id |No |Integer |A foreign key to the predefined concept in the Place of Service Vocabulary reflecting the admitting source for a visit.|
|discharge_to_source_value | No| Varchar(50)| The source code for the discharge disposition as it appears in the source data.| |discharge_to_source_value | No| Varchar(50)| The source code for the discharge disposition as it appears in the source data.|
@ -43,6 +43,6 @@ Field|Required|Type|Description
Each record within VISIT_DETAIL may be related to each other, sequentially > ER leading to ICU leading to medical floor, leading to rehabilitation, or in hierarchical parent-child visit > a visit for dialysis while in ICU. Each record within VISIT_DETAIL may be related to each other, sequentially > ER leading to ICU leading to medical floor, leading to rehabilitation, or in hierarchical parent-child visit > a visit for dialysis while in ICU.
Note the CONCEPT_ID for visits is 8, and is shared between VISIT_OCCURRENCE and VISIT_DETAIL in OMOP CDM. The key deviation from VISIT_OCCURRENCE is Note the CONCEPT_ID for visit domain is 8, and it is shared between VISIT_OCCURRENCE and VISIT_DETAIL in OMOP CDM. The key deviation from VISIT_OCCURRENCE is
- self-referencing key: a new foreign key visit_detail_parent_id allows self referencing for nested visits. - self-referencing key: a new foreign key visit_detail_parent_id allows self referencing for nested visits.
- VISIT_DETAIL points to its parent record in the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table (visit_occurrence_id) - VISIT_DETAIL points to its parent record in the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table (visit_occurrence_id)

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@ -37,6 +37,6 @@ Field|Required|Type|Description
* Patient died: 4216643 * Patient died: 4216643
* Absent without leave: 44814693 * Absent without leave: 44814693
* Patient self-discharge against medical advice: 4021968 * Patient self-discharge against medical advice: 4021968
* In the case where a patient died during admission (Visit_Occurrence.discharge_disposition_concept_id = 4216643 Patient died), a record in the Death table should be created with death_type_concept_id = 44818516 (EHR discharge status "Expired"). * In the case where a patient died during admission (Visit_Occurrence.discharge_disposition_concept_id = 4216643 "Patient died"), a record in the Death table should be created with death_type_concept_id = 44818516 (EHR discharge status "Expired").
* PRECEDING_VISIT_ID can be used to link a visit immediately preceding the current visit * PRECEDING_VISIT_ID can be used to link a visit immediately preceding the current visit
* Some EMR systems combine emergency room followed by inpatient admission into one visit, and it is close to impossible to separate the two. To annotate this visit type, a new visit concept "Emergency Room and Inpatient Visit" was added (CONCEPT_ID 262). * Some EMR systems combine emergency room followed by inpatient admission into one visit, and it is close to impossible to separate the two. To annotate this visit type, a new visit concept "Emergency Room and Inpatient Visit" was added (CONCEPT_ID 262).

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@ -1,30 +1,25 @@
The PAYER_PLAN_PERIOD table captures details of the period of time that a Person is continuously enrolled under a specific health Plan benefit structure, from a certain sponsor, from a given Payer and within the same family. Each Person receiving healthcare is typically covered by a health benefit plan, which determines what health care services will be paid for (fully or partially). A sponsor (usually an employer group or government or the payer itself) holds the financial responsibility for the reimbursement, and the financial transaction of adjudicating the eligible plan-benefit and reimbursing the service provider is administered by the payer. In each plan the details of the health benefits are defined for the Person or her family, and the health benefit Plan might change over time typically with increasing utilization (reaching certain cost thresholds such as deductibles), plan availability and purchasing choices of the Person. The unique combinations of Payer organizations, health benefit Plans and time periods in which they are valid for a Person are recorded in this table. The PAYER_PLAN_PERIOD table captures details of the period of time that a Person is continuously enrolled under a specific health Plan benefit structure from a given Payer. Each Person receiving healthcare is typically covered by a health benefit plan, which pays for (fully or partially), or directly provides, the care. These benefit plans are provided by payers, such as health insurances or state or government agencies. In each plan the details of the health benefits are defined for the Person or her family, and the health benefit Plan might change over time typically with increasing utilization (reaching certain cost thresholds such as deductibles), plan availability and purchasing choices of the Person. The unique combinations of Payer organizations, health benefit Plans and time periods in which they are valid for a Person are recorded in this table.
Field|Required|Type|Description Field|Required|Type|Description
:------------------------------|:--------|:------------|:---------------------------------------------- :------------------------------|:--------|:------------|:----------------------------------------------
|payer_plan_period_id|Yes|integer|A identifier for each unique combination of payer, sponsor, plan, family code and time span.| |payer_plan_period_id |Yes|integer|A identifier for each unique combination of payer, plan, family code and time span.|
|person_id |Yes|integer|A foreign key identifier to the Person covered by the payer. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table.| |person_id |Yes|integer|A foreign key identifier to the Person covered by the payer. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table.|
|payer_plan_period_start_date |Yes|date|The start date of the payer plan period.| |payer_plan_period_start_date |Yes|date|The start date of the payer plan period.|
|payer_plan_period_end_date |Yes|date|The end date of the payer plan period.| |payer_plan_period_end_date |Yes|date|The end date of the payer plan period.|
|payer_concept_id |No|integer|A foreign key that refers to a Standard Payer concept identifiers in the Standardized Vocabularies| |payer_concept_id |No|integer|A foreign key that refers to a standard Payer concept identifier in the Standarized Vocabularies|
|payer_source_value |No|varchar(50)|The source code for the payer as it appears in the source data.| |payer_source_value |No|varchar(50)|The source code for the payer as it appears in the source data.|
|payer_source_concept_id |No|integer|A foreign key to a payer concept that refers to the code used in the source.| |payer_source_concept_id |No|integer|A foreign key to a payer concept that refers to the code used in the source.|
|plan_concept_id|No|integer|A foreign key that refers to a Standard plan that represents the health benefit plan in the Standardized Vocabularies| |plan_concept_id |No|integer|A foreign key that refers to a standard plan concept identifier that represents the health benefit plan in the Standardized Vocabularies|
|plan_source_value |No|varchar(50)|The source code for the Person's health benefit plan as it appears in the source data.| |plan_source_value |No|varchar(50)|The source code for the Person's health benefit plan as it appears in the source data.|
| plan_source_concept_id |No|integer|A foreign key to a plan concept that refers to the code used in the source.| |plan_source_concept_id |No|integer|A foreign key to a plan concept that refers to the plan code used in the source data.|
| sponsor_concept_id |No|integer|A foreign key that refers to a Standard plan that represents the sponsor in the Standardized Vocabularies| |sponsor_concept_id |No|integer|A foreign key that refers to a concept identifier that represents the sponsor in the Standardized Vocabularies.|
|sponsor_source_value |No|varchar(50)|The source code for the Person's sponsor of the health plan as it appears in the source data.| |sponsor_source_value |No|varchar(50)|The source code for the Person's sponsor of the health plan as it appears in the source data.|
| sponsor_source_concept_id*|No|integer|A foreign key to a sponsor concept that refers to the code used in the source.| |sponsor_source_concept_id |No|integer|A foreign key to a sponsor concept that refers to the sponsor code used in the source data.|
|family_source_value |No|varchar(50)|The source code for the Person's family as it appears in the source data.| |family_source_value |No|varchar(50)|The source code for the Person's family as it appears in the source data.|
| stop_reason_concept_id |No|integer|A foreign key that refers to a Standard termination reason that represents the reason for the termination in the Standardized Vocabularies.| |stop_reason_concept_id |No|integer|A foreign key that refers to a standard termination reason that represents the reason for the termination in the Standardized Vocabularies.|
| stop_reason_source_value |No|varchar(50)|The reason for stop-coverage of the record.| |stop_reason_source_value |No|varchar(50)|The reason for stop-coverage as it appears in the source data.|
|stop_reason_source_concept_id |No|integer|A foreign key to a stop-coverage concept that refers to the code used in the source.| |stop_reason_source_concept_id |No|integer|A foreign key to a stop-coverage concept that refers to the code used in the source.|
### Conventions ### Conventions
* Different Payers have different designs for their health benefit Plans. The PAYER_PLAN_PERIOD table does not capture all details of the plan design or the relationship between Plans or the cost of healthcare triggering a change from one Plan to another. However, it allows identifying the unique combination of Payer (insurer), Plan (determining healthcare benefits and limits), Sponsor (holds the financial risk), Family and Person. Typically, depending on healthcare utilization, a Person may have one or many subsequent Plans during coverage by a single Payer. * Different Payers have different designs for their health benefit Plans. The PAYER_PLAN_PERIOD table does not capture all details of the plan design or the relationship between Plans or the cost of healthcare triggering a change from one Plan to another. However, it allows identifying the unique combination of Payer (insurer), Plan (determining healthcare benefits and limits) and Person. Typically, depending on healthcare utilization, a Person may have one or many subsequent Plans during coverage by a single Payer.
* **sponsor:** who finances the transaction. * Typically, family members are covered under the same Plan as the Person. In those cases, the payer_source_value, plan_source_value and family_source_value are identical.
* **payer:** who administers the transaction.
* **plan:** the actual contract being administered by the payer and agreed by the sponsor.
* **stop reason:** reason for termination of the contract
 * Source values of the Payer, Plan, Sponsor, Family are captured as the respective _source_value. Concept_id's are used to support standardized analysis, similar to other OMOP CDM tables that use _source_concept_id and _concept_id.
* Typically, family members are covered under the same Plan as the Person. In those cases, the payer_source_value, plan_source_value and family_source_value are identical

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
The ATTRIBUTE_DEFINITION table contains records defining Attributes, or covariates, to members of a Cohort through an associated description and syntax and upon instantiation (execution of the algorithm) placed into the COHORT_ATTRIBUTE table. Attributes are derived elements that can be selected or calculated for a subject in a Cohort. The ATTRIBUTE_DEFINITION table provides a standardized structure for maintaining the rules governing the calculation of covariates for a subject in a Cohort, and can store operational programming code to instantiate the Attributes for a given Cohort within the OMOP Common Data Model. The ATTRIBUTE_DEFINITION table contains records defining Attributes, or covariates, to members of a Cohort through an associated description and syntax and upon instantiation (execution of the algorithm) placed into the COHORT_ATTRIBUTE table. Attributes are derived elements that can be selected or calculated for a subject in a Cohort. The ATTRIBUTE_DEFINITION table provides a standardized structure for maintaining the rules governing the calculation of covariates for a subject in a Cohort, and can store operational programming code to instantiate the Attributes for a given Cohort within the OMOP Common Data Model.
Field|Required|Type|Description Field|Required|Type|Description
:-------------------------|:--------|:-----|:-------------------------------------- :-------------------------|:------|:--------------|:--------------------------------------
|attribute_definition_id|Yes|integer|A unique identifier for each Attribute.| |attribute_definition_id|Yes|integer|A unique identifier for each Attribute.|
|attribute_name|Yes|varchar(255)|A short description of the Attribute.| |attribute_name|Yes|varchar(255)|A short description of the Attribute.|
|attribute_description|No|varchar(MAX)|A complete description of the Attribute definition| |attribute_description|No|varchar(MAX)|A complete description of the Attribute definition|

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@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
The COHORT_DEFINITION table contains records defining a Cohort derived from the data through the associated description and syntax and upon instantiation (execution of the algorithm) placed into the COHORT table. Cohorts are a set of subjects that satisfy a given combination of inclusion criteria for a duration of time. The COHORT_DEFINITION table provides a standardized structure for maintaining the rules governing the inclusion of a subject into a cohort, and can store operational programming code to instantiate the cohort within the OMOP Common Data Model. The COHORT_DEFINITION table contains records defining a Cohort derived from the data through the associated description and syntax and upon instantiation (execution of the algorithm) placed into the COHORT table. Cohorts are a set of subjects that satisfy a given combination of inclusion criteria for a duration of time. The COHORT_DEFINITION table provides a standardized structure for maintaining the rules governing the inclusion of a subject into a cohort, and can store operational programming code to instantiate the cohort within the OMOP Common Data Model.
Field|Required|Type|Description Field|Required|Type|Description
:------------------------------|:--------|:-----|:----------------------------------------------- :------------------------------|:--------|:--------------|:-----------------------------------------------
|cohort_definition_id|Yes|integer|A unique identifier for each Cohort.| |cohort_definition_id|Yes|integer|A unique identifier for each Cohort.|
|cohort_definition_name|Yes|varchar(255)|A short description of the Cohort.| |cohort_definition_name|Yes|varchar(255)|A short description of the Cohort.|
|cohort_definition_description|No|varchar(MAX)|A complete description of the Cohort definition| |cohort_definition_description|No|varchar(MAX)|A complete description of the Cohort definition|
|definition_type_concept_id|Yes|integer|Type defining what kind of Cohort Definition the record represents and how the syntax may be executed| |definition_type_concept_id|Yes|integer|Type defining what kind of Cohort Definition the record represents and how the syntax may be executed|
|cohort_definition_syntax|No|varchar(MAX)|Syntax or code to operationalize the Cohort definition| |cohort_definition_syntax|No|varchar(MAX)|Syntax or code to operationalize the Cohort definition|
|subject_concept_id|Yes|integer|A foreign key to the Concept to which defines the domain of subjects that are members of the cohort (e.g., Person, Provider, Visit).| |subject_concept_id|Yes|integer|A foreign key to the Concept to which defines the domain of subjects that are members of the cohort (e.g., Person, Provider, Visit).|
|cohort_initiation_date|No|Date|A date to indicate when the Cohort was instantiated in the COHORT table| |cohort_initiation_date|No|Date|A date to indicate when the Cohort was initiated in the COHORT table|
### Conventions ### Conventions
* The cohort_definition_syntax does not prescribe any specific syntax or programming language. Typically, it would be any flavor SQL, a cohort definition language, or a free-text description of the algorithm. * The cohort_definition_syntax does not prescribe any specific syntax or programming language. Typically, it would be any flavor SQL, a cohort definition language, or a free-text description of the algorithm.

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
The CONCEPT_SYNONYM table is used to store alternate names and descriptions for Concepts. The CONCEPT_SYNONYM table is used to store alternate names and descriptions for Concepts.
|Field|Required|Type|Description| Field|Required|Type|Description
:---------------------|:---------|:------------|:------------------------ :---------------------|:---------|:------------|:------------------------
|concept_id|Yes|Integer|A foreign key to the Concept in the CONCEPT table.| |concept_id|Yes|Integer|A foreign key to the Concept in the CONCEPT table.|
|concept_synonym_name|Yes|varchar(1000)|The alternative name for the Concept.| |concept_synonym_name|Yes|varchar(1000)|The alternative name for the Concept.|

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
The RELATIONSHIP table provides a reference list of all types of relationships that can be used to associate any two concepts in the CONCEPT_RELATIONSHP table. The RELATIONSHIP table provides a reference list of all types of relationships that can be used to associate any two concepts in the CONCEPT_RELATIONSHP table.
|Field|Required|Type|Description| Field|Required|Type|Description
:-----------------------|:--------|:------------|:----------------------------------------- :-----------------------|:--------|:------------|:-----------------------------------------
|relationship_id|Yes|varchar(20)| The type of relationship captured by the relationship record.| |relationship_id|Yes|varchar(20)| The type of relationship captured by the relationship record.|
|relationship_name|Yes|varchar(255)| The text that describes the relationship type.| |relationship_name|Yes|varchar(255)| The text that describes the relationship type.|

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Field|Required|Type|Description
|vocabulary_id|Yes|varchar(20)|A unique identifier for each Vocabulary, such as ICD9CM, SNOMED, Visit.| |vocabulary_id|Yes|varchar(20)|A unique identifier for each Vocabulary, such as ICD9CM, SNOMED, Visit.|
|vocabulary_name|Yes|varchar(255)|The name describing the vocabulary, for example "International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification, Volume 1 and 2 (NCHS)" etc.| |vocabulary_name|Yes|varchar(255)|The name describing the vocabulary, for example "International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification, Volume 1 and 2 (NCHS)" etc.|
|vocabulary_reference|Yes|varchar(255)|External reference to documentation or available download of the about the vocabulary.| |vocabulary_reference|Yes|varchar(255)|External reference to documentation or available download of the about the vocabulary.|
|vocabulary_version|No|varchar(255)|Version of the Vocabulary as indicated in the source.| |vocabulary_version|Yes|varchar(255)|Version of the Vocabulary as indicated in the source.|
|vocabulary_concept_id|Yes|integer|A foreign key that refers to a standard concept identifier in the CONCEPT table for the Vocabulary the VOCABULARY record belongs to.| |vocabulary_concept_id|Yes|integer|A foreign key that refers to a standard concept identifier in the CONCEPT table for the Vocabulary the VOCABULARY record belongs to.|
### Conventions ### Conventions

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@ -1 +1 @@
***OMOP Common Data Model v5.2 Specifications*** ***OMOP Common Data Model v5.3.1 Specifications 14June2018***

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@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
* [The Role of the Common Data Model]( * [The Role of the Common Data Model](
* [Design Principles]( * [Design Principles](
* [Data Model Conventions]( * [Data Model Conventions](
* [Frequently Asked Questions](
**[Glossary of Terms](** **[Glossary of Terms](**
@ -25,6 +26,7 @@
**[Standardized Metadata](** **[Standardized Metadata](**
**[Standardized Clinical Data Tables](** **[Standardized Clinical Data Tables](**
@ -32,6 +34,7 @@
* [DEATH]( * [DEATH](
@ -49,7 +52,7 @@
**[Standardized Health Economics Data Tables](** **[Standardized Health Economics Data Tables](**
* [COST](wiki/COST) * [COST](
**[Standardized Derived Elements](** **[Standardized Derived Elements](**

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# #
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@ -51,11 +51,11 @@
impala script to create OMOP common data model version 5.3 impala script to create OMOP common data model version 5.3.1
last revised: 6-Nov-2017 last revised: 14-JUNE-2018
@ -590,15 +590,15 @@ CREATE TABLE visit_detail
visit_detail_concept_id INTEGER, visit_detail_concept_id INTEGER,
visit_start_date TIMESTAMP, visit_detail_start_date TIMESTAMP,
visit_start_datetime TIMESTAMP, visit_detail_start_datetime TIMESTAMP,
visit_end_date TIMESTAMP, visit_detail_end_date TIMESTAMP,
visit_end_datetime TIMESTAMP, visit_detail_end_datetime TIMESTAMP,
visit_type_concept_id INTEGER, visit_detail_type_concept_id INTEGER,
provider_id INTEGER, provider_id INTEGER,
@ -610,9 +610,9 @@ CREATE TABLE visit_detail
preceding_visit_detail_id INTEGER, preceding_visit_detail_id INTEGER,
visit_source_value VARCHAR(50), visit_detail_source_value VARCHAR(50),
visit_source_concept_id INTEGER, visit_detail_source_concept_id INTEGER,
admitting_source_value VARCHAR(50), admitting_source_value VARCHAR(50),

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# Copyright 2017-11 Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics # Copyright 2017-11 Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics
# #
# #
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at # You may obtain a copy of the License at
# #
@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
####### # # ####### # ##### ###### # # ## ##### ### ##### ####### # # ####### # ##### ###### # # ## ##### ### #####
netezza script to create OMOP common data model version 5.3 netezza script to create OMOP common data model version 5.3.1
last revised: 8-Jan-2018 last revised: 14-JUNE-2018
Authors: Patrick Ryan, Christian Reich, Clair Blacketer Authors: Patrick Ryan, Christian Reich, Clair Blacketer
@ -351,18 +351,18 @@ CREATE TABLE visit_detail
visit_detail_id INTEGER NOT NULL , visit_detail_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
person_id INTEGER NOT NULL , person_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
visit_detail_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , visit_detail_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
visit_start_date DATE NOT NULL , visit_detail_start_date DATE NOT NULL ,
visit_start_datetime DATETIME NULL , visit_detail_start_datetime DATETIME NULL ,
visit_end_date DATE NOT NULL , visit_detail_end_date DATE NOT NULL ,
visit_end_datetime DATETIME NULL , visit_detail_end_datetime DATETIME NULL ,
visit_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , visit_detail_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
provider_id INTEGER NULL , provider_id INTEGER NULL ,
care_site_id INTEGER NULL , care_site_id INTEGER NULL ,
admitting_source_concept_id INTEGER NULL , admitting_source_concept_id INTEGER NULL ,
discharge_to_concept_id INTEGER NULL , discharge_to_concept_id INTEGER NULL ,
preceding_visit_detail_id INTEGER NULL , preceding_visit_detail_id INTEGER NULL ,
visit_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL , visit_detail_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL ,
visit_source_concept_id INTEGER NULL , visit_detail_source_concept_id INTEGER NULL ,
admitting_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL , admitting_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL ,
discharge_to_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL , discharge_to_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL ,
visit_detail_parent_id INTEGER NULL , visit_detail_parent_id INTEGER NULL ,

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@ -1,407 +0,0 @@
"condition_occurrence_id","Yes","INTEGER","A unique identifier for each Condition Occurrence event.","condition_occurrence"
"person_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key identifier to the Person who is experiencing the condition. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table.","condition_occurrence"
"condition_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to a Standard Condition Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies.","condition_occurrence"
"condition_start_date","Yes","DATE","The date when the instance of the Condition is recorded.","condition_occurrence"
"condition_start_datetime","No","DATETIME","The date and time when the instance of the Condition is recorded.","condition_occurrence"
"condition_end_date","No","DATE","The date when the instance of the Condition is considered to have ended.","condition_occurrence"
"condition_end_datetime","No","DATE","The date when the instance of the Condition is considered to have ended.","condition_occurrence"
"condition_type_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the predefined Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the source data from which the condition was recorded, the level of standardization, and the type of occurrence.","condition_occurrence"
"stop_reason","No","VARCHAR(20)","The reason that the condition was no longer present, as indicated in the source data.","condition_occurrence"
"provider_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the Provider in the PROVIDER table who was responsible for capturing (diagnosing) the Condition.","condition_occurrence"
"visit_occurrence_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the visit in the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table during which the Condition was determined (diagnosed).","condition_occurrence"
"visit_detail_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the visit in the VISIT_DETAIL table during which the Condition was determined (diagnosed).","condition_occurrence"
"condition_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source code for the condition as it appears in the source data. This code is mapped to a standard condition concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is stored here for reference.","condition_occurrence"
"condition_source_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a Condition Concept that refers to the code used in the source.","condition_occurrence"
"condition_status_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source code for the condition status as it appears in the source data.","condition_occurrence"
"condition_status_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the predefined Concept in the Standard Vocabulary reflecting the condition status","condition_occurrence"
"person_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key identifier to the deceased person. The demographic details of that person are stored in the person table.","death"
"death_date","Yes","DATE","The date the person was deceased. If the precise date including day or month is not known or not allowed, December is used as the default month, and the last day of the month the default day.","death"
"death_datetime","No","DATETIME","The date and time the person was deceased. If the precise date including day or month is not known or not allowed, December is used as the default month, and the last day of the month the default day.","death"
"death_type_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key referring to the predefined concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting how the death was represented in the source data.","death"
"cause_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key referring to a standard concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies for conditions.","death"
"cause_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source code for the cause of death as it appears in the source data. This code is mapped to a standard concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is, stored here for reference.","death"
"cause_source_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the concept that refers to the code used in the source. Note, this variable name is abbreviated to ensure it will be allowable across database platforms.","death"
"device_exposure_id","Yes","INTEGER","A system-generated unique identifier for each Device Exposure.","device_exposure"
"person_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key identifier to the Person who is subjected to the Device. The demographic details of that person are stored in the Person table.","device_exposure"
"device_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to a Standard Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies for the Device concept.","device_exposure"
"device_exposure_start_date","Yes","DATE","The date the Device or supply was applied or used.","device_exposure"
"device_exposure_start_datetime","No","DATETIME","The date and time the Device or supply was applied or used.","device_exposure"
"device_exposure_end_date","No","DATE","The date the Device or supply was removed from use.","device_exposure"
"device_exposure_end_datetime","No","DATETIME","The date and time the Device or supply was removed from use.","device_exposure"
"device_type_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the predefined Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the type of Device Exposure recorded. It indicates how the Device Exposure was represented in the source data.","device_exposure"
"unique_device_id","No","VARCHAR(50)","A UDI or equivalent identifying the instance of the Device used in the Person.","device_exposure"
"quantity","No","INTEGER","The number of individual Devices used for the exposure.","device_exposure"
"provider_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the provider in the PROVIDER table who initiated of administered the Device.","device_exposure"
"visit_occurrence_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the visit in the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table during which the device was used.","device_exposure"
"visit_detail_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the visit detail in the VISIT_DETAIL table during which the Drug Exposure was initiated.","device_exposure"
"device_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source code for the Device as it appears in the source data. This code is mapped to a standard Device Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is stored here for reference.","device_exposure"
"device_source_ concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a Device Concept that refers to the code used in the source.","device_exposure"
"drug_exposure_id","Yes","INTEGER","A system-generated unique identifier for each Drug utilization event.","drug_exposure"
"person_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key identifier to the person who is subjected to the Drug. The demographic details of that person are stored in the person table.","drug_exposure"
"drug_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to a Standard Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies for the Drug concept.","drug_exposure"
"drug_exposure_start_date","Yes","DATE","The start date for the current instance of Drug utilization. Valid entries include a start date of a prescription, the date a prescription was filled, or the date on which a Drug administration procedure was recorded.","drug_exposure"
"drug_exposure_start_datetime","No","DATETIME","The start date and time for the current instance of Drug utilization. Valid entries include a start date of a prescription, the date a prescription was filled, or the date on which a Drug administration procedure was recorded.","drug_exposure"
"drug_exposure_end_date","Yes","DATE","The end date for the current instance of Drug utilization. It is not available from all sources.","drug_exposure"
"drug_exposure_end_datetime","No","DATETIME","The end date and time for the current instance of Drug utilization. It is not available from all sources.","drug_exposure"
"verbatim_end_date","No","DATE","The known end date of a drug_exposure as provided by the source","drug_exposure"
"drug_type_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the predefined Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the type of Drug Exposure recorded. It indicates how the Drug Exposure was represented in the source data.","drug_exposure"
"stop_reason","No","VARCHAR(20)","The reason the Drug was stopped. Reasons include regimen completed, changed, removed, etc.","drug_exposure"
"refills","No","INTEGER","The number of refills after the initial prescription. The initial prescription is not counted, values start with 0.","drug_exposure"
"quantity","No","FLOAT","The quantity of drug as recorded in the original prescription or dispensing record.","drug_exposure"
"days_supply","No","INTEGER","The number of days of supply of the medication as recorded in the original prescription or dispensing record.","drug_exposure"
"sig","No","VARCHAR(MAX)","The directions (""signetur"") on the Drug prescription as recorded in the original prescription (and printed on the container) or dispensing record.","drug_exposure"
"route_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a predefined concept in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the route of administration.","drug_exposure"
"lot_number","No","VARCHAR(50)","An identifier assigned to a particular quantity or lot of Drug product from the manufacturer.","drug_exposure"
"provider_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the provider in the PROVIDER table who initiated (prescribed or administered) the Drug Exposure.","drug_exposure"
"visit_occurrence_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the Visit in the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table during which the Drug Exposure was initiated.","drug_exposure"
"visit_detail_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the Visit Detail in the VISIT_DETAIL table during which the Drug Exposure was initiated.","drug_exposure"
"drug_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source code for the Drug as it appears in the source data. This code is mapped to a Standard Drug concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is, stored here for reference.","drug_exposure"
"drug_source_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a Drug Concept that refers to the code used in the source.","drug_exposure"
"route_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The information about the route of administration as detailed in the source.","drug_exposure"
"dose_unit_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The information about the dose unit as detailed in the source.","drug_exposure"
"domain_concept_id_1","Yes","INTEGER","The concept representing the domain of fact one, from which the corresponding table can be inferred.","fact_relationship"
"fact_id_1","Yes","INTEGER","The unique identifier in the table corresponding to the domain of fact one.","fact_relationship"
"domain_concept_id_2","Yes","INTEGER","The concept representing the domain of fact two, from which the corresponding table can be inferred.","fact_relationship"
"fact_id_2","Yes","INTEGER","The unique identifier in the table corresponding to the domain of fact two.","fact_relationship"
"relationship_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to a Standard Concept ID of relationship in the Standardized Vocabularies.","fact_relationship"
"measurement_id","Yes","INTEGER","A unique identifier for each Measurement.","measurement"
"person_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key identifier to the Person about whom the measurement was recorded. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table.","measurement"
"measurement_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the standard measurement concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies.","measurement"
"measurement_date","Yes","DATE","The date of the Measurement.","measurement"
"measurement_datetime","No","DATETIME","The date and time of the Measurement. Some database systems don't have a datatype of time. To accomodate all temporal analyses, datatype datetime can be used (combining measurement_date and measurement_time [forum discussion](","measurement"
"measurement_type_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the predefined Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the provenance from where the Measurement record was recorded.","measurement"
"operator_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key identifier to the predefined Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the mathematical operator that is applied to the value_as_number. Operators are <, <=, =, >=, >.","measurement"
"value_as_number","No","FLOAT","A Measurement result where the result is expressed as a numeric value.","measurement"
"value_as_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a Measurement result represented as a Concept from the Standardized Vocabularies (e.g., positive/negative, present/absent, low/high, etc.).","measurement"
"unit_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a Standard Concept ID of Measurement Units in the Standardized Vocabularies.","measurement"
"range_low","No","FLOAT","The lower limit of the normal range of the Measurement result. The lower range is assumed to be of the same unit of measure as the Measurement value.","measurement"
"range_high","No","FLOAT","The upper limit of the normal range of the Measurement. The upper range is assumed to be of the same unit of measure as the Measurement value.","measurement"
"provider_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the provider in the PROVIDER table who was responsible for initiating or obtaining the measurement.","measurement"
"visit_occurrence_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the Visit in the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table during which the Measurement was recorded.","measurement"
"visit_detail_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the Visit Detail in the VISIT_DETAIL table during which the Measurement was recorded.","measurement"
"measurement_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The Measurement name as it appears in the source data. This code is mapped to a Standard Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is stored here for reference.","measurement"
"measurement_source_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a Concept in the Standard Vocabularies that refers to the code used in the source.","measurement"
"unit_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source code for the unit as it appears in the source data. This code is mapped to a standard unit concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is stored here for reference.","measurement"
"value_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source value associated with the content of the value_as_number or value_as_concept_id as stored in the source data.","measurement"
"note_id","Yes","INTEGER","A unique identifier for each note.","note"
"person_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key identifier to the Person about whom the Note was recorded. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table.","note"
"note_date","Yes","DATE","The date the note was recorded.","note"
"note_datetime","No","DATETIME","The date and time the note was recorded.","note"
"note_type_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the predefined Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the type, origin or provenance of the Note.","note"
"note_class_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the predefined Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the HL7 LOINC Document Type Vocabulary classification of the note.","note"
"note_title","No","VARCHAR(250)","The title of the Note as it appears in the source.","note"
"note_text","Yes","VARCHAR(MAX)","The content of the Note.","note"
"encoding_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the predefined Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the note character encoding type","note"
"language_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the predefined Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the language of the note","note"
"provider_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the Provider in the PROVIDER table who took the Note.","note"
"visit_occurrence_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the Visit in the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table when the Note was taken.","note"
"visit_detail_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the Visit in the VISIT_DETAIL table when the Note was taken.","note"
"note_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source value associated with the origin of the Note","note"
"note_nlp_id","Yes","INTEGER","A unique identifier for each term extracted from a note.","note_nlp"
"note_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the Note table note the term was extracted from.","note_nlp"
"section_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the predefined Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies representing the section of the extracted term.","note_nlp"
"snippet","No","VARCHAR(250)","A small window of text surrounding the term.","note_nlp"
"offset","No","VARCHAR(50)","Character offset of the extracted term in the input note.","note_nlp"
"lexical_variant","Yes","VARCHAR(250)","Raw text extracted from the NLP tool.","note_nlp"
"note_nlp_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the predefined Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the normalized concept for the extracted term. Domain of the term is represented as part of the Concept table.","note_nlp"
"note_nlp_source_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a Concept that refers to the code in the source vocabulary used by the NLP system","note_nlp"
"nlp_system","No","VARCHAR(250)","Name and version of the NLP system that extracted the term.Useful for data provenance.","note_nlp"
"nlp_date","Yes","DATE","The date of the note processing.Useful for data provenance.","note_nlp"
"nlp_date_time","No","DATETIME","The date and time of the note processing. Useful for data provenance.","note_nlp"
"term_exists","No","VARCHAR(1)","A summary modifier that signifies presence or absence of the term for a given patient. Useful for quick querying. *","note_nlp"
"term_temporal","No","VARCHAR(50)","An optional time modifier associated with the extracted term. (for now “past” or “present” only). Standardize it later.","note_nlp"
"term_modifiers","No","VARCHAR(2000)","A compact description of all the modifiers of the specific term extracted by the NLP system. (e.g. “son has rash” ? “negated=no,subject=family, certainty=undef,conditional=false,general=false”).","note_nlp"
"observation_id","Yes","INTEGER","A unique identifier for each observation.","observation"
"person_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key identifier to the Person about whom the observation was recorded. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table.","observation"
"observation_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the standard observation concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies.","observation"
"observation_date","Yes","DATE","The date of the observation.","observation"
"observation_datetime","No","DATETIME","The date and time of the observation.","observation"
"observation_type_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the predefined concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the type of the observation.","observation"
"value_as_number","No","FLOAT","The observation result stored as a number. This is applicable to observations where the result is expressed as a numeric value.","observation"
"value_as_string","No","VARCHAR(60)","The observation result stored as a string. This is applicable to observations where the result is expressed as verbatim text.","observation"
"value_as_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to an observation result stored as a Concept ID. This is applicable to observations where the result can be expressed as a Standard Concept from the Standardized Vocabularies (e.g., positive/negative, present/absent, low/high, etc.).","observation"
"qualifier_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a Standard Concept ID for a qualifier (e.g., severity of drug-drug interaction alert)","observation"
"unit_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a Standard Concept ID of measurement units in the Standardized Vocabularies.","observation"
"provider_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the provider in the PROVIDER table who was responsible for making the observation.","observation"
"visit_occurrence_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the visit in the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table during which the observation was recorded.","observation"
"visit_detail_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the visit in the VISIT_DETAIL table during which the observation was recorded.","observation"
"observation_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The observation code as it appears in the source data. This code is mapped to a Standard Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is, stored here for reference.","observation"
"observation_source_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a Concept that refers to the code used in the source.","observation"
"unit_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source code for the unit as it appears in the source data. This code is mapped to a standard unit concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is, stored here for reference.","observation"
"qualifier_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source value associated with a qualifier to characterize the observation","observation"
"observation_period_id","Yes","INTEGER","A unique identifier for each observation period.","observation_period"
"person_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key identifier to the person for whom the observation period is defined. The demographic details of that person are stored in the person table.","observation_period"
"observation_period_start_date","Yes","DATE","The start date of the observation period for which data are available from the data source.","observation_period"
"observation_period_end_date","Yes","DATE","The end date of the observation period for which data are available from the data source.","observation_period"
"period_type_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key identifier to the predefined concept in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the source of the observation period information","observation_period"
"person_id","Yes","INTEGER","A unique identifier for each person.","person"
"gender_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to an identifier in the CONCEPT table for the unique gender of the person.","person"
"year_of_birth","Yes","INTEGER","The year of birth of the person. For data sources with date of birth, the year is extracted. For data sources where the year of birth is not available, the approximate year of birth is derived based on any age group categorization available.","person"
"month_of_birth","No","INTEGER","The month of birth of the person. For data sources that provide the precise date of birth, the month is extracted and stored in this field.","person"
"day_of_birth","No","INTEGER","The day of the month of birth of the person. For data sources that provide the precise date of birth, the day is extracted and stored in this field.","person"
"birth_datetime","No","DATETIME","The date and time of birth of the person.","person"
"race_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to an identifier in the CONCEPT table for the unique race of the person.","person"
"ethnicity_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to the standard concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies for the ethnicity of the person.","person"
"location_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the place of residency for the person in the location table, where the detailed address information is stored.","person"
"provider_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the primary care provider the person is seeing in the provider table.","person"
"care_site_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the site of primary care in the care_site table, where the details of the care site are stored.","person"
"person_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","An (encrypted) key derived from the person identifier in the source data. This is necessary when a use case requires a link back to the person data at the source dataset.","person"
"gender_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source code for the gender of the person as it appears in the source data. The person’s gender is mapped to a standard gender concept in the Standardized Vocabularies; the original value is stored here for reference.","person"
"gender_source_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the gender concept that refers to the code used in the source.","person"
"race_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source code for the race of the person as it appears in the source data. The person race is mapped to a standard race concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original value is stored here for reference.","person"
"race_source_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the race concept that refers to the code used in the source.","person"
"ethnicity_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source code for the ethnicity of the person as it appears in the source data. The person ethnicity is mapped to a standard ethnicity concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is, stored here for reference.","person"
"ethnicity_source_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the ethnicity concept that refers to the code used in the source.","person"
"procedure_occurrence_id","Yes","INTEGER","A system-generated unique identifier for each Procedure Occurrence.","procedure_occurrence"
"person_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key identifier to the Person who is subjected to the Procedure. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table.","procedure_occurrence"
"procedure_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to a standard procedure Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies.","procedure_occurrence"
"procedure_date","Yes","DATE","The date on which the Procedure was performed.","procedure_occurrence"
"procedure_datetime","No","DATETIME","The date and time on which the Procedure was performed.","procedure_occurrence"
"procedure_type_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the predefined Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the type of source data from which the procedure record is derived.","procedure_occurrence"
"modifier_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a Standard Concept identifier for a modifier to the Procedure (e.g. bilateral)","procedure_occurrence"
"quantity","No","INTEGER","The quantity of procedures ordered or administered.","procedure_occurrence"
"provider_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the provider in the PROVIDER table who was responsible for carrying out the procedure.","procedure_occurrence"
"visit_occurrence_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the Visit in the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table during which the Procedure was carried out.","procedure_occurrence"
"visit_detail_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the Visit Detail in the VISIT_DETAIL table during which the Procedure was carried out.","procedure_occurrence"
"procedure_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source code for the Procedure as it appears in the source data. This code is mapped to a standard procedure Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is, stored here for reference. Procedure source codes are typically ICD-9-Proc, CPT-4, HCPCS or OPCS-4 codes.","procedure_occurrence"
"procedure_source_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a Procedure Concept that refers to the code used in the source.","procedure_occurrence"
"modifier_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source code for the qualifier as it appears in the source data.","procedure_occurrence"
"specimen_id","Yes","INTEGER","A unique identifier for each specimen.","specimen"
"person_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key identifier to the Person for whom the Specimen is recorded.","specimen"
"specimen_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key referring to a Standard Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies for the Specimen.","specimen"
"specimen_type_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key referring to the Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the system of record from which the Specimen was represented in the source data.","specimen"
"specimen_date","Yes","DATE","The date the specimen was obtained from the Person.","specimen"
"specimen_datetime","No","DATETIME","The date and time on the date when the Specimen was obtained from the person.","specimen"
"quantity","No","FLOAT","The amount of specimen collection from the person during the sampling procedure.","specimen"
"unit_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a Standard Concept identifier for the Unit associated with the numeric quantity of the Specimen collection.","specimen"
"anatomic_site_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a Standard Concept identifier for the anatomic location of specimen collection.","specimen"
"disease_status_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a Standard Concept identifier for the Disease Status of specimen collection.","specimen"
"specimen_source_id","No","VARCHAR(50)","The Specimen identifier as it appears in the source data.","specimen"
"specimen_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The Specimen value as it appears in the source data. This value is mapped to a Standard Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is, stored here for reference.","specimen"
"unit_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The information about the Unit as detailed in the source.","specimen"
"anatomic_site_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The information about the anatomic site as detailed in the source.","specimen"
"disease_status_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The information about the disease status as detailed in the source.","specimen"
"visit_detail_id","Yes","INTEGER","A unique identifier for each Person's visit or encounter at a healthcare provider.","visit_detail"
"person_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key identifier to the Person for whom the visit is recorded. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table.","visit_detail"
"visit_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to a visit Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies.","visit_detail"
"visit_start_date","Yes","DATE","The start date of the visit.","visit_detail"
"visit_start_datetime","No","DATETIME","The date and time of the visit started.","visit_detail"
"visit_end_date","Yes","DATE","The end date of the visit. If this is a one-day visit the end date should match the start date.","visit_detail"
"visit_end_datetime","No","DATETIME","The date and time of the visit end.","visit_detail"
"visit_type_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the predefined Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the type of source data from which the visit record is derived.","visit_detail"
"provider_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the provider in the provider table who was associated with the visit.","visit_detail"
"care_site_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the care site in the care site table that was visited.","visit_detail"
"visit_source_value","No","STRING(50)","The source code for the visit as it appears in the source data.","visit_detail"
"visit_source_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a Concept that refers to the code used in the source.","visit_detail"
"admitting_source_value","Varchar(50)","NO","The source code for the admitting source as it appears in the source data.","visit_detail"
"admitting_source_concept_id","Integer","NO","A foreign key to the predefined concept in the Place of Service Vocabulary reflecting the admitting source for a visit.","visit_detail"
"discharge_to_source_value","Varchar(50)","NO","The source code for the discharge disposition as it appears in the source data.","visit_detail"
"discharge_to_concept_id","Integer","NO","A foreign key to the predefined concept in the Place of Service Vocabulary reflecting the discharge disposition for a visit.","visit_detail"
"preceding_visit_detail_id","Integer","NO","A foreign key to the VISIT_DETAIL table of the visit immediately preceding this visit","visit_detail"
"visit_detail_parent_id","Integer","NO","A foreign key to the VISIT_DETAIL table record to represent the immediate parent visit-detail record.","visit_detail"
"visit_occurrence_id","Integer","YES","A foreign key that refers to the record in the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table. This is a required field, because for every visit_detail is a child of visit_occurrence and cannot exist without a corresponding parent record in visit_occurrence.","visit_detail"
"visit_occurrence_id","Yes","INTEGER","A unique identifier for each Person's visit or encounter at a healthcare provider.","visit_occurrence"
"person_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key identifier to the Person for whom the visit is recorded. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table.","visit_occurrence"
"visit_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to a visit Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies.","visit_occurrence"
"visit_start_date","Yes","DATE","The start date of the visit.","visit_occurrence"
"visit_start_datetime","No","DATETIME","The date and time of the visit started.","visit_occurrence"
"visit_end_date","Yes","DATE","The end date of the visit. If this is a one-day visit the end date should match the start date.","visit_occurrence"
"visit_end_datetime","No","DATETIME","The date and time of the visit end.","visit_occurrence"
"visit_type_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the predefined Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the type of source data from which the visit record is derived.","visit_occurrence"
"provider_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the provider in the provider table who was associated with the visit.","visit_occurrence"
"care_site_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the care site in the care site table that was visited.","visit_occurrence"
"visit_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source code for the visit as it appears in the source data.","visit_occurrence"
"visit_source_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a Concept that refers to the code used in the source.","visit_occurrence"
"admitting_source_concept_id","integer","NO","A foreign key to the predefined concept in the Place of Service Vocabulary reflecting the admitting source for a visit.","visit_occurrence"
"admitting_source_value","varchar(50)","NO","The source code for the admitting source as it appears in the source data.","visit_occurrence"
"discharge_to_concept_id","integer","NO","A foreign key to the predefined concept in the Place of Service Vocabulary reflecting the discharge disposition for a visit.","visit_occurrence"
"discharge_to_source_value","varchar(50)","NO","The source code for the discharge disposition as it appears in the source data.","visit_occurrence"
"preceding_visit_occurrence_id","integer","NO","A foreign key to the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table of the visit immediately preceding this visit","visit_occurrence"
"cohort_definition_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to a record in the COHORT_DEFINITION table containing relevant Cohort Definition information.","cohort"
"subject_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the subject in the cohort. These could be referring to records in the PERSON, PROVIDER, VISIT_OCCURRENCE table.","cohort"
"cohort_start_date","Yes","DATE","The date when the Cohort Definition criteria for the Person, Provider or Visit first match.","cohort"
"cohort_end_date","Yes","DATE","The date when the Cohort Definition criteria for the Person, Provider or Visit no longer match or the Cohort membership was terminated.","cohort"
"cohort_definition_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to a record in the [COHORT_DEFINITION]( table containing relevant Cohort Definition information.","cohort_attribute"
"subject_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the subject in the Cohort. These could be referring to records in the PERSON, PROVIDER, VISIT_OCCURRENCE table.","cohort_attribute"
"cohort_start_date","Yes","DATE","The date when the Cohort Definition criteria for the Person, Provider or Visit first match.","cohort_attribute"
"cohort_end_date","Yes","DATE","The date when the Cohort Definition criteria for the Person, Provider or Visit no longer match or the Cohort membership was terminated.","cohort_attribute"
"attribute_definition_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to a record in the [ATTRIBUTE_DEFINITION]( table containing relevant Attribute Definition information.","cohort_attribute"
"value_as_number","No","FLOAT","The attribute result stored as a number. This is applicable to attributes where the result is expressed as a numeric value.","cohort_attribute"
"value_as_concept_id","No","INTEGER","The attribute result stored as a Concept ID. This is applicable to attributes where the result is expressed as a categorical value.","cohort_attribute"
"condition_era_id","Yes","INTEGER","A unique identifier for each Condition Era.","condition_era"
"person_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key identifier to the Person who is experiencing the Condition during the Condition Era. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table.","condition_era"
"condition_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to a standard Condition Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies.","condition_era"
"condition_era_start_date","Yes","DATE","The start date for the Condition Era constructed from the individual instances of Condition Occurrences. It is the start date of the very first chronologically recorded instance of the condition.","condition_era"
"condition_era_end_date","Yes","DATE","The end date for the Condition Era constructed from the individual instances of Condition Occurrences. It is the end date of the final continuously recorded instance of the Condition.","condition_era"
"condition_occurrence_count","No","INTEGER","The number of individual Condition Occurrences used to construct the condition era.","condition_era"
"dose_era_id","Yes","INTEGER","A unique identifier for each Dose Era.","dose_era"
"person_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key identifier to the Person who is subjected to the drug during the drug era. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table.","dose_era"
"drug_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to a Standard Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies for the active Ingredient Concept.","dose_era"
"unit_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to a Standard Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies for the unit concept.","dose_era"
"dose_value","Yes","FLOAT","The numeric value of the dose.","dose_era"
"dose_era_start_date","Yes","DATE","The start date for the drug era constructed from the individual instances of drug exposures. It is the start date of the very first chronologically recorded instance of utilization of a drug.","dose_era"
"dose_era_end_date","Yes","DATE","The end date for the drug era constructed from the individual instance of drug exposures. It is the end date of the final continuously recorded instance of utilization of a drug.","dose_era"
"drug_era_id","Yes","INTEGER","A unique identifier for each Drug Era.","drug_era"
"person_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key identifier to the Person who is subjected to the Drug during the fDrug Era. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table.","drug_era"
"drug_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to a Standard Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies for the Ingredient Concept.","drug_era"
"drug_era_start_date","Yes","DATE","The start date for the Drug Era constructed from the individual instances of Drug Exposures. It is the start date of the very first chronologically recorded instance of conutilization of a Drug.","drug_era"
"drug_era_end_date","Yes","DATE","The end date for the drug era constructed from the individual instance of drug exposures. It is the end date of the final continuously recorded instance of utilization of a drug.","drug_era"
"drug_exposure_count","No","INTEGER","The number of individual Drug Exposure occurrences used to construct the Drug Era.","drug_era"
"gap_days","No","INTEGER","The number of days that are not covered by DRUG_EXPOSURE records that were used to make up the era record.","drug_era"
"cost_id","Yes","INTEGER","A unique identifier for each COST record.","cost"
"cost_event_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key identifier to the event (e.g. Measurement, Procedure, Visit, Drug Exposure, etc) record for which cost data are recorded.","cost"
"cost_domain_id","Yes","VARCHAR(20)","The concept representing the domain of the cost event, from which the corresponding table can be inferred that contains the entity for which cost information is recorded.","cost"
"cost_type_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key identifier to a concept in the CONCEPT table for the provenance or the source of the COST data: Calculated from insurance claim information, provider revenue, calculated from cost-to-charge ratio, reported from accounting database, etc.","cost"
"currency_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key identifier to the concept representing the 3-letter code used to delineate international currencies, such as USD for US Dollar.","cost"
"total_charge","No","FLOAT","The total amount charged by some provider of goods or services (e.g. hospital, physician pharmacy, dme provider) to payers (insurance companies, the patient).","cost"
"total_cost","No","FLOAT","The cost incurred by the provider of goods or services.","cost"
"total_paid","No","FLOAT","The total amount actually paid from all payers for goods or services of the provider.","cost"
"paid_by_payer","No","FLOAT","The amount paid by the Payer for the goods or services.","cost"
"paid_by_patient","No","FLOAT","The total amount paid by the Person as a share of the expenses.","cost"
"paid_patient_copay","No","FLOAT","The amount paid by the Person as a fixed contribution to the expenses.","cost"
"paid_patient_coinsurance","No","FLOAT","The amount paid by the Person as a joint assumption of risk. Typically, this is a percentage of the expenses defined by the Payer Plan after the Person's deductible is exceeded.","cost"
"paid_patient_deductible","No","FLOAT","The amount paid by the Person that is counted toward the deductible defined by the Payer Plan. paid_patient_deductible does contribute to the paid_by_patient variable.","cost"
"paid_by_primary","No","FLOAT","The amount paid by a primary Payer through the coordination of benefits.","cost"
"paid_ingredient_cost","No","FLOAT","The amount paid by the Payer to a pharmacy for the drug, excluding the amount paid for dispensing the drug. paid_ingredient_cost contributes to the paid_by_payer field if this field is populated with a nonzero value.","cost"
"paid_dispensing_fee","No","FLOAT","The amount paid by the Payer to a pharmacy for dispensing a drug, excluding the amount paid for the drug ingredient. paid_dispensing_fee contributes to the paid_by_payer field if this field is populated with a nonzero value.","cost"
"payer_plan_period_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the PAYER_PLAN_PERIOD table, where the details of the Payer, Plan and Family are stored. Record the payer_plan_id that relates to the payer who contributed to the paid_by_payer field.","cost"
"amount_allowed","No","FLOAT","The contracted amount agreed between the payer and provider.","cost"
"revenue_code_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key referring to a Standard Concept ID in the Standardized Vocabularies for Revenue codes.","cost"
"revenue_code_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source code for the Revenue code as it appears in the source data, stored here for reference.","cost"
"drg_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the predefined concept in the DRG Vocabulary reflecting the DRG for a visit.","cost"
"drg_source_value","No","VARCHAR(3)","The 3-digit DRG source code as it appears in the source data.","cost"
"payer_plan_period_id","Yes","INTEGER","A identifier for each unique combination of payer, plan, family code and time span.","payer_plan_period"
"person_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key identifier to the Person covered by the payer. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table.","payer_plan_period"
"payer_plan_period_start_date","Yes","DATE","The start date of the payer plan period.","payer_plan_period"
"payer_plan_period_end_date","Yes","DATE","The end date of the payer plan period.","payer_plan_period"
"payer_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to a standard Payer concept identifier in the Standarized Vocabularies","payer_plan_period"
"payer_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source code for the payer as it appears in the source data.","payer_plan_period"
"payer_source_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a payer concept that refers to the code used in the source.","payer_plan_period"
"plan_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to a standard plan concept identifier that represents the health benefit plan in the Standardized Vocabularies","payer_plan_period"
"plan_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source code for the Person's health benefit plan as it appears in the source data.","payer_plan_period"
"plan_source_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a plan concept that refers to the plan code used in the source data.","payer_plan_period"
"sponsor_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to a concept identifier that represents the sponsor in the Standardized Vocabularies.","payer_plan_period"
"sponsor_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source code for the Person's sponsor of the health plan as it appears in the source data.","payer_plan_period"
"sponsor_source_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a sponsor concept that refers to the sponsor code used in the source data.","payer_plan_period"
"family_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source code for the Person's family as it appears in the source data.","payer_plan_period"
"stop_reason_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to a standard termination reason that represents the reason for the termination in the Standardized Vocabularies.","payer_plan_period"
"stop_reason_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The reason for stop-coverage as it appears in the source data.","payer_plan_period"
"stop_reason_source_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a stop-coverage concept that refers to the code used in the source.","payer_plan_period"
"care_site_id","Yes","INTEGER","A unique identifier for each Care Site.","care_site"
"care_site_name","No","VARCHAR(255)","The verbatim description or name of the Care Site as in data source","care_site"
"place_of_service_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to a Place of Service Concept ID in the Standardized Vocabularies.","care_site"
"location_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the geographic Location in the LOCATION table, where the detailed address information is stored.","care_site"
"care_site_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The identifier for the Care Site in the source data, stored here for reference.","care_site"
"place_of_service_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source code for the Place of Service as it appears in the source data, stored here for reference.","care_site"
"location_id","Yes","INTEGER","A unique identifier for each geographic location.","location"
"address_1","No","VARCHAR(50)","The address field 1, typically used for the street address, as it appears in the source data.","location"
"address_2","No","VARCHAR(50)","The address field 2, typically used for additional detail such as buildings, suites, floors, as it appears in the source data.","location"
"city","No","VARCHAR(50)","The city field as it appears in the source data.","location"
"state","No","VARCHAR(2)","The state field as it appears in the source data.","location"
"zip","No","VARCHAR(9)","The zip or postal code.","location"
"county","No","VARCHAR(20)","The county.","location"
"location_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The verbatim information that is used to uniquely identify the location as it appears in the source data.","location"
"provider_id","Yes","INTEGER","A unique identifier for each Provider.","provider"
"provider_name","No","VARCHAR(255)","A description of the Provider.","provider"
"npi","No","VARCHAR(20)","The National Provider Identifier (NPI) of the provider.","provider"
"dea","No","VARCHAR(20)","The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) number of the provider.","provider"
"specialty_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a Standard Specialty Concept ID in the Standardized Vocabularies.","provider"
"care_site_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the main Care Site where the provider is practicing.","provider"
"year_of_birth","No","INTEGER","The year of birth of the Provider.","provider"
"gender_concept_id","No","INTEGER","The gender of the Provider.","provider"
"provider_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The identifier used for the Provider in the source data, stored here for reference.","provider"
"specialty_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source code for the Provider specialty as it appears in the source data, stored here for reference.","provider"
"specialty_source_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a Concept that refers to the code used in the source.","provider"
"gender_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The gender code for the Provider as it appears in the source data, stored here for reference.","provider"
"gender_source_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a Concept that refers to the code used in the source.","provider"
"cdm_source_name","Yes","VARCHAR(255)","The full name of the source","cdm_source"
"cdm_source_abbreviation","No","VARCHAR(25)","An abbreviation of the name","cdm_source"
"cdm_holder","No","VARCHAR(255)","The name of the organization responsible for the development of the CDM instance","cdm_source"
"source_description","No","CLOB","A description of the source data origin and purpose for collection. The description may contain a summary of the period of time that is expected to be covered by this dataset.","cdm_source"
"source_documentation_reference","No","VARCHAR(255)","URL or other external reference to location of source documentation","cdm_source"
"cdm_etl _reference","No","VARCHAR(255)","URL or other external reference to location of ETL specification documentation and ETL source code","cdm_source"
"source_release_date","No","DATE","The date for which the source data are most current, such as the last day of data capture","cdm_source"
"cdm_release_date","No","DATE","The date when the CDM was instantiated","cdm_source"
"cdm_version","No","VARCHAR(10)","The version of CDM used","cdm_source"
"vocabulary_version","No","VARCHAR(20)","The version of the vocabulary used","cdm_source"
"metadata_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to a Standard Metadata Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies.","metadata"
"metadata_type_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to a Standard Type Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies.","metadata"
"name","Yes","VARCHAR(250)","The name of the Concept stored in metadata_concept_id or a description of the data being stored.","metadata"
"value_as_string","No","NVARCHAR","The metadata value stored as a string.","metadata"
"value_as_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a metadata value stored as a Concept ID.","metadata"
"metadata date","No","DATE","The date associated with the metadata","metadata"
"metadata_datetime","No","DATETIME","The date and time associated with the metadata","metadata"
"attribute_definition_id","Yes","INTEGER","A unique identifier for each Attribute.","attribute_definition"
"attribute_name","Yes","VARCHAR(255)","A short description of the Attribute.","attribute_definition"
"attribute_description","No","VARCHAR(MAX)","A complete description of the Attribute definition","attribute_definition"
"attribute_type_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","Type defining what kind of Attribute Definition the record represents and how the syntax may be executed","attribute_definition"
"attribute_syntax","No","VARCHAR(MAX)","Syntax or code to operationalize the Attribute definition","attribute_definition"
"cohort_definition_id","Yes","INTEGER","A unique identifier for each Cohort.","cohort_definition"
"cohort_definition_name","Yes","VARCHAR(255)","A short description of the Cohort.","cohort_definition"
"cohort_definition_description","No","VARCHAR(MAX)","A complete description of the Cohort definition","cohort_definition"
"definition_type_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","Type defining what kind of Cohort Definition the record represents and how the syntax may be executed","cohort_definition"
"cohort_definition_syntax","No","VARCHAR(MAX)","Syntax or code to operationalize the Cohort definition","cohort_definition"
"subject_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the Concept to which defines the domain of subjects that are members of the cohort (e.g., Person, Provider, Visit).","cohort_definition"
"cohort_instantiation_date","No","DATE","A date to indicate when the Cohort was instantiated in the COHORT table","cohort_definition"
"concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A unique identifier for each Concept across all domains.","concept"
"concept_name","Yes","VARCHAR(255)","An unambiguous, meaningful and descriptive name for the Concept.","concept"
"domain_id","Yes","VARCHAR(20)","A foreign key to the [DOMAIN]( table the Concept belongs to.","concept"
"vocabulary_id","Yes","VARCHAR(20)","A foreign key to the [VOCABULARY]( table indicating from which source the Concept has been adapted.","concept"
"concept_class_id","Yes","VARCHAR(20)","The attribute or concept class of the Concept. Examples are 'Clinical Drug', 'Ingredient', 'Clinical Finding' etc.","concept"
"standard_concept","No","VARCHAR(1)","This flag determines where a Concept is a Standard Concept, i.e. is used in the data, a Classification Concept, or a non-standard Source Concept. The allowables values are 'S' (Standard Concept) and 'C' (Classification Concept), otherwise the content is NULL.","concept"
"concept_code","Yes","VARCHAR(50)","The concept code represents the identifier of the Concept in the source vocabulary, such as SNOMED-CT concept IDs, RxNorm RXCUIs etc. Note that concept codes are not unique across vocabularies.","concept"
"valid_start_date","Yes","DATE","The date when the Concept was first recorded. The default value is 1-Jan-1970, meaning, the Concept has no (known) date of inception.","concept"
"valid_end_date","Yes","DATE","The date when the Concept became invalid because it was deleted or superseded (updated) by a new concept. The default value is 31-Dec-2099, meaning, the Concept is valid until it becomes deprecated.","concept"
"invalid_reason","No","VARCHAR(1)","Reason the Concept was invalidated. Possible values are D (deleted), U (replaced with an update) or NULL when valid_end_date has the default value.","concept"
"ancestor_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the concept in the concept table for the higher-level concept that forms the ancestor in the relationship.","concept_ancestor"
"descendant_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the concept in the concept table for the lower-level concept that forms the descendant in the relationship.","concept_ancestor"
"min_levels_of_separation","Yes","INTEGER","The minimum separation in number of levels of hierarchy between ancestor and descendant concepts. This is an attribute that is used to simplify hierarchic analysis.","concept_ancestor"
"max_levels_of_separation","Yes","INTEGER","The maximum separation in number of levels of hierarchy between ancestor and descendant concepts. This is an attribute that is used to simplify hierarchic analysis.","concept_ancestor"
"concept_class_id","Yes","VARCHAR(20)","A unique key for each class.","concept_class"
"concept_class_name","Yes","VARCHAR(255)","The name describing the Concept Class, e.g. ""Clinical Finding"", ""Ingredient"", etc.","concept_class"
"concept_class_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to an identifier in the [CONCEPT]( table for the unique Concept Class the record belongs to.","concept_class"
"concept_id_1","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to a Concept in the [CONCEPT]( table associated with the relationship. Relationships are directional, and this field represents the source concept designation.","concept_relationship"
"concept_id_2","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to a Concept in the [CONCEPT]( table associated with the relationship. Relationships are directional, and this field represents the destination concept designation.","concept_relationship"
"relationship_id","Yes","VARCHAR(20)","A unique identifier to the type or nature of the Relationship as defined in the [RELATIONSHIP]( table.","concept_relationship"
"valid_start_date","Yes","DATE","The date when the instance of the Concept Relationship is first recorded.","concept_relationship"
"valid_end_date","Yes","DATE","The date when the Concept Relationship became invalid because it was deleted or superseded (updated) by a new relationship. Default value is 31-Dec-2099.","concept_relationship"
"invalid_reason","No","VARCHAR(1)","Reason the relationship was invalidated. Possible values are 'D' (deleted), 'U' (replaced with an update) or NULL when valid_end_date has the default value.","concept_relationship"
"concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the Concept in the CONCEPT table.","concept_synonym"
"concept_synonym_name","Yes","VARCHAR(1000)","The alternative name for the Concept.","concept_synonym"
"language_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to a Concept representing the language.","concept_synonym"
"domain_id","Yes","VARCHAR(20)","A unique key for each domain.","domain"
"domain_name","Yes","VARCHAR(255)","The name describing the Domain, e.g. ""Condition"", ""Procedure"", ""Measurement"" etc.","domain"
"domain_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to an identifier in the [CONCEPT]( table for the unique Domain Concept the Domain record belongs to.","domain"
"drug_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the Concept in the CONCEPT table representing the identifier for Branded Drug or Clinical Drug Concept.","drug_strength"
"ingredient_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the Concept in the CONCEPT table, representing the identifier for drug Ingredient Concept contained within the drug product.","drug_strength"
"amount_value","No","FLOAT","The numeric value associated with the amount of active ingredient contained within the product.","drug_strength"
"amount_unit_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the Concept in the CONCEPT table representing the identifier for the Unit for the absolute amount of active ingredient.","drug_strength"
"numerator_value","No","FLOAT","The numeric value associated with the concentration of the active ingredient contained in the product","drug_strength"
"numerator_unit_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the Concept in the CONCEPT table representing the identifier for the numerator Unit for the concentration of active ingredient.","drug_strength"
"denominator_value","No","FLOAT","The amount of total liquid (or other divisible product, such as ointment, gel, spray, etc.).","drug_strength"
"denominator_unit_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the Concept in the CONCEPT table representing the identifier for the denominator Unit for the concentration of active ingredient.","drug_strength"
"box_size","No","INTEGER","The number of units of Clinical of Branded Drug, or Quantified Clinical or Branded Drug contained in a box as dispensed to the patient","drug_strength"
"valid_start_date","Yes","DATE","The date when the Concept was first recorded. The default value is 1-Jan-1970.","drug_strength"
"valid_end_date","Yes","DATE","The date when the concept became invalid because it was deleted or superseded (updated) by a new Concept. The default value is 31-Dec-2099.","drug_strength"
"invalid_reason","No","VARCHAR(1)","Reason the concept was invalidated. Possible values are 'D' (deleted), 'U' (replaced with an update) or NULL when valid_end_date has the default value.","drug_strength"
"relationship_id","Yes","VARCHAR(20)","The type of relationship captured by the relationship record.","relationship"
"relationship_name","Yes","VARCHAR(255)","The text that describes the relationship type.","relationship"
"is_hierarchical","Yes","VARCHAR(1)","Defines whether a relationship defines concepts into classes or hierarchies. Values are 1 for hierarchical relationship or 0 if not.","relationship"
"defines_ancestry","Yes","VARCHAR(1)","Defines whether a hierarchical relationship contributes to the concept_ancestor table. These are subsets of the hierarchical relationships. Valid values are 1 or 0.","relationship"
"reverse_relationship_id","Yes","VARCHAR(20)","The identifier for the relationship used to define the reverse relationship between two concepts.","relationship"
"relationship_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to an identifier in the CONCEPT table for the unique relationship concept.","relationship"
"source_code","Yes","VARCHAR(50)","The source code being translated into a Standard Concept.","source_to_concept_map"
"source_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the Source Concept that is being translated into a Standard Concept.","source_to_concept_map"
"source_vocabulary_id","Yes","VARCHAR(20)","A foreign key to the VOCABULARY table defining the vocabulary of the source code that is being translated to a Standard Concept.","source_to_concept_map"
"source_code_description","No","VARCHAR(255)","An optional description for the source code. This is included as a convenience to compare the description of the source code to the name of the concept.","source_to_concept_map"
"target_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the target Concept to which the source code is being mapped.","source_to_concept_map"
"target_vocabulary_id","Yes","VARCHAR(20)","A foreign key to the VOCABULARY table defining the vocabulary of the target Concept.","source_to_concept_map"
"valid_start_date","Yes","DATE","The date when the mapping instance was first recorded.","source_to_concept_map"
"valid_end_date","Yes","DATE","The date when the mapping instance became invalid because it was deleted or superseded (updated) by a new relationship. Default value is 31-Dec-2099.","source_to_concept_map"
"invalid_reason","No","VARCHAR(1)","Reason the mapping instance was invalidated. Possible values are D (deleted), U (replaced with an update) or NULL when valid_end_date has the default value.","source_to_concept_map"
"vocabulary_id","Yes","VARCHAR(20)","A unique identifier for each Vocabulary, such as ICD9CM, SNOMED, Visit.","vocabulary"
"vocabulary_name","Yes","VARCHAR(255)","The name describing the vocabulary, for example ""International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification, Volume 1 and 2 (NCHS)"" etc.","vocabulary"
"vocabulary_reference","Yes","VARCHAR(255)","External reference to documentation or available download of the about the vocabulary.","vocabulary"
"vocabulary_version","Yes","VARCHAR(255)","Version of the Vocabulary as indicated in the source.","vocabulary"
"vocabulary_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to a standard concept identifier in the CONCEPT table for the Vocabulary the VOCABULARY record belongs to.","vocabulary"
1 field required type description table
2 condition_occurrence_id Yes INTEGER A unique identifier for each Condition Occurrence event. condition_occurrence
3 person_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key identifier to the Person who is experiencing the condition. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table. condition_occurrence
4 condition_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key that refers to a Standard Condition Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies. condition_occurrence
5 condition_start_date Yes DATE The date when the instance of the Condition is recorded. condition_occurrence
6 condition_start_datetime No DATETIME The date and time when the instance of the Condition is recorded. condition_occurrence
7 condition_end_date No DATE The date when the instance of the Condition is considered to have ended. condition_occurrence
8 condition_end_datetime No DATE The date when the instance of the Condition is considered to have ended. condition_occurrence
9 condition_type_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the predefined Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the source data from which the condition was recorded, the level of standardization, and the type of occurrence. condition_occurrence
10 stop_reason No VARCHAR(20) The reason that the condition was no longer present, as indicated in the source data. condition_occurrence
11 provider_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the Provider in the PROVIDER table who was responsible for capturing (diagnosing) the Condition. condition_occurrence
12 visit_occurrence_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the visit in the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table during which the Condition was determined (diagnosed). condition_occurrence
13 visit_detail_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the visit in the VISIT_DETAIL table during which the Condition was determined (diagnosed). condition_occurrence
14 condition_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source code for the condition as it appears in the source data. This code is mapped to a standard condition concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is stored here for reference. condition_occurrence
15 condition_source_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a Condition Concept that refers to the code used in the source. condition_occurrence
16 condition_status_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source code for the condition status as it appears in the source data. condition_occurrence
17 condition_status_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the predefined Concept in the Standard Vocabulary reflecting the condition status condition_occurrence
18 person_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key identifier to the deceased person. The demographic details of that person are stored in the person table. death
19 death_date Yes DATE The date the person was deceased. If the precise date including day or month is not known or not allowed, December is used as the default month, and the last day of the month the default day. death
20 death_datetime No DATETIME The date and time the person was deceased. If the precise date including day or month is not known or not allowed, December is used as the default month, and the last day of the month the default day. death
21 death_type_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key referring to the predefined concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting how the death was represented in the source data. death
22 cause_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key referring to a standard concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies for conditions. death
23 cause_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source code for the cause of death as it appears in the source data. This code is mapped to a standard concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is, stored here for reference. death
24 cause_source_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the concept that refers to the code used in the source. Note, this variable name is abbreviated to ensure it will be allowable across database platforms. death
25 device_exposure_id Yes INTEGER A system-generated unique identifier for each Device Exposure. device_exposure
26 person_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key identifier to the Person who is subjected to the Device. The demographic details of that person are stored in the Person table. device_exposure
27 device_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key that refers to a Standard Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies for the Device concept. device_exposure
28 device_exposure_start_date Yes DATE The date the Device or supply was applied or used. device_exposure
29 device_exposure_start_datetime No DATETIME The date and time the Device or supply was applied or used. device_exposure
30 device_exposure_end_date No DATE The date the Device or supply was removed from use. device_exposure
31 device_exposure_end_datetime No DATETIME The date and time the Device or supply was removed from use. device_exposure
32 device_type_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the predefined Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the type of Device Exposure recorded. It indicates how the Device Exposure was represented in the source data. device_exposure
33 unique_device_id No VARCHAR(50) A UDI or equivalent identifying the instance of the Device used in the Person. device_exposure
34 quantity No INTEGER The number of individual Devices used for the exposure. device_exposure
35 provider_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the provider in the PROVIDER table who initiated of administered the Device. device_exposure
36 visit_occurrence_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the visit in the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table during which the device was used. device_exposure
37 visit_detail_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the visit detail in the VISIT_DETAIL table during which the Drug Exposure was initiated. device_exposure
38 device_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source code for the Device as it appears in the source data. This code is mapped to a standard Device Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is stored here for reference. device_exposure
39 device_source_ concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a Device Concept that refers to the code used in the source. device_exposure
40 drug_exposure_id Yes INTEGER A system-generated unique identifier for each Drug utilization event. drug_exposure
41 person_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key identifier to the person who is subjected to the Drug. The demographic details of that person are stored in the person table. drug_exposure
42 drug_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key that refers to a Standard Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies for the Drug concept. drug_exposure
43 drug_exposure_start_date Yes DATE The start date for the current instance of Drug utilization. Valid entries include a start date of a prescription, the date a prescription was filled, or the date on which a Drug administration procedure was recorded. drug_exposure
44 drug_exposure_start_datetime No DATETIME The start date and time for the current instance of Drug utilization. Valid entries include a start date of a prescription, the date a prescription was filled, or the date on which a Drug administration procedure was recorded. drug_exposure
45 drug_exposure_end_date Yes DATE The end date for the current instance of Drug utilization. It is not available from all sources. drug_exposure
46 drug_exposure_end_datetime No DATETIME The end date and time for the current instance of Drug utilization. It is not available from all sources. drug_exposure
47 verbatim_end_date No DATE The known end date of a drug_exposure as provided by the source drug_exposure
48 drug_type_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the predefined Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the type of Drug Exposure recorded. It indicates how the Drug Exposure was represented in the source data. drug_exposure
49 stop_reason No VARCHAR(20) The reason the Drug was stopped. Reasons include regimen completed, changed, removed, etc. drug_exposure
50 refills No INTEGER The number of refills after the initial prescription. The initial prescription is not counted, values start with 0. drug_exposure
51 quantity No FLOAT The quantity of drug as recorded in the original prescription or dispensing record. drug_exposure
52 days_supply No INTEGER The number of days of supply of the medication as recorded in the original prescription or dispensing record. drug_exposure
53 sig No VARCHAR(MAX) The directions ("signetur") on the Drug prescription as recorded in the original prescription (and printed on the container) or dispensing record. drug_exposure
54 route_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a predefined concept in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the route of administration. drug_exposure
55 lot_number No VARCHAR(50) An identifier assigned to a particular quantity or lot of Drug product from the manufacturer. drug_exposure
56 provider_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the provider in the PROVIDER table who initiated (prescribed or administered) the Drug Exposure. drug_exposure
57 visit_occurrence_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the Visit in the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table during which the Drug Exposure was initiated. drug_exposure
58 visit_detail_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the Visit Detail in the VISIT_DETAIL table during which the Drug Exposure was initiated. drug_exposure
59 drug_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source code for the Drug as it appears in the source data. This code is mapped to a Standard Drug concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is, stored here for reference. drug_exposure
60 drug_source_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a Drug Concept that refers to the code used in the source. drug_exposure
61 route_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The information about the route of administration as detailed in the source. drug_exposure
62 dose_unit_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The information about the dose unit as detailed in the source. drug_exposure
63 domain_concept_id_1 Yes INTEGER The concept representing the domain of fact one, from which the corresponding table can be inferred. fact_relationship
64 fact_id_1 Yes INTEGER The unique identifier in the table corresponding to the domain of fact one. fact_relationship
65 domain_concept_id_2 Yes INTEGER The concept representing the domain of fact two, from which the corresponding table can be inferred. fact_relationship
66 fact_id_2 Yes INTEGER The unique identifier in the table corresponding to the domain of fact two. fact_relationship
67 relationship_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to a Standard Concept ID of relationship in the Standardized Vocabularies. fact_relationship
68 measurement_id Yes INTEGER A unique identifier for each Measurement. measurement
69 person_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key identifier to the Person about whom the measurement was recorded. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table. measurement
70 measurement_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the standard measurement concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies. measurement
71 measurement_date Yes DATE The date of the Measurement. measurement
72 measurement_datetime No DATETIME The date and time of the Measurement. Some database systems don't have a datatype of time. To accomodate all temporal analyses, datatype datetime can be used (combining measurement_date and measurement_time [forum discussion]( measurement
73 measurement_type_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the predefined Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the provenance from where the Measurement record was recorded. measurement
74 operator_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key identifier to the predefined Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the mathematical operator that is applied to the value_as_number. Operators are <, <=, =, >=, >. measurement
75 value_as_number No FLOAT A Measurement result where the result is expressed as a numeric value. measurement
76 value_as_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a Measurement result represented as a Concept from the Standardized Vocabularies (e.g., positive/negative, present/absent, low/high, etc.). measurement
77 unit_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a Standard Concept ID of Measurement Units in the Standardized Vocabularies. measurement
78 range_low No FLOAT The lower limit of the normal range of the Measurement result. The lower range is assumed to be of the same unit of measure as the Measurement value. measurement
79 range_high No FLOAT The upper limit of the normal range of the Measurement. The upper range is assumed to be of the same unit of measure as the Measurement value. measurement
80 provider_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the provider in the PROVIDER table who was responsible for initiating or obtaining the measurement. measurement
81 visit_occurrence_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the Visit in the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table during which the Measurement was recorded. measurement
82 visit_detail_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the Visit Detail in the VISIT_DETAIL table during which the Measurement was recorded. measurement
83 measurement_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The Measurement name as it appears in the source data. This code is mapped to a Standard Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is stored here for reference. measurement
84 measurement_source_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a Concept in the Standard Vocabularies that refers to the code used in the source. measurement
85 unit_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source code for the unit as it appears in the source data. This code is mapped to a standard unit concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is stored here for reference. measurement
86 value_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source value associated with the content of the value_as_number or value_as_concept_id as stored in the source data. measurement
87 note_id Yes INTEGER A unique identifier for each note. note
88 person_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key identifier to the Person about whom the Note was recorded. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table. note
89 note_date Yes DATE The date the note was recorded. note
90 note_datetime No DATETIME The date and time the note was recorded. note
91 note_type_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the predefined Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the type, origin or provenance of the Note. note
92 note_class_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the predefined Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the HL7 LOINC Document Type Vocabulary classification of the note. note
93 note_title No VARCHAR(250) The title of the Note as it appears in the source. note
94 note_text Yes VARCHAR(MAX) The content of the Note. note
95 encoding_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the predefined Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the note character encoding type note
96 language_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the predefined Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the language of the note note
97 provider_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the Provider in the PROVIDER table who took the Note. note
98 visit_occurrence_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the Visit in the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table when the Note was taken. note
99 visit_detail_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the Visit in the VISIT_DETAIL table when the Note was taken. note
100 note_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source value associated with the origin of the Note note
101 note_nlp_id Yes INTEGER A unique identifier for each term extracted from a note. note_nlp
102 note_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the Note table note the term was extracted from. note_nlp
103 section_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the predefined Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies representing the section of the extracted term. note_nlp
104 snippet No VARCHAR(250) A small window of text surrounding the term. note_nlp
105 offset No VARCHAR(50) Character offset of the extracted term in the input note. note_nlp
106 lexical_variant Yes VARCHAR(250) Raw text extracted from the NLP tool. note_nlp
107 note_nlp_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the predefined Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the normalized concept for the extracted term. Domain of the term is represented as part of the Concept table. note_nlp
108 note_nlp_source_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a Concept that refers to the code in the source vocabulary used by the NLP system note_nlp
109 nlp_system No VARCHAR(250) Name and version of the NLP system that extracted the term.Useful for data provenance. note_nlp
110 nlp_date Yes DATE The date of the note processing.Useful for data provenance. note_nlp
111 nlp_date_time No DATETIME The date and time of the note processing. Useful for data provenance. note_nlp
112 term_exists No VARCHAR(1) A summary modifier that signifies presence or absence of the term for a given patient. Useful for quick querying. * note_nlp
113 term_temporal No VARCHAR(50) An optional time modifier associated with the extracted term. (for now past or present only). Standardize it later. note_nlp
114 term_modifiers No VARCHAR(2000) A compact description of all the modifiers of the specific term extracted by the NLP system. (e.g. son has rash ? negated=no,subject=family, certainty=undef,conditional=false,general=false). note_nlp
115 observation_id Yes INTEGER A unique identifier for each observation. observation
116 person_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key identifier to the Person about whom the observation was recorded. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table. observation
117 observation_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the standard observation concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies. observation
118 observation_date Yes DATE The date of the observation. observation
119 observation_datetime No DATETIME The date and time of the observation. observation
120 observation_type_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the predefined concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the type of the observation. observation
121 value_as_number No FLOAT The observation result stored as a number. This is applicable to observations where the result is expressed as a numeric value. observation
122 value_as_string No VARCHAR(60) The observation result stored as a string. This is applicable to observations where the result is expressed as verbatim text. observation
123 value_as_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to an observation result stored as a Concept ID. This is applicable to observations where the result can be expressed as a Standard Concept from the Standardized Vocabularies (e.g., positive/negative, present/absent, low/high, etc.). observation
124 qualifier_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a Standard Concept ID for a qualifier (e.g., severity of drug-drug interaction alert) observation
125 unit_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a Standard Concept ID of measurement units in the Standardized Vocabularies. observation
126 provider_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the provider in the PROVIDER table who was responsible for making the observation. observation
127 visit_occurrence_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the visit in the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table during which the observation was recorded. observation
128 visit_detail_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the visit in the VISIT_DETAIL table during which the observation was recorded. observation
129 observation_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The observation code as it appears in the source data. This code is mapped to a Standard Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is, stored here for reference. observation
130 observation_source_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a Concept that refers to the code used in the source. observation
131 unit_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source code for the unit as it appears in the source data. This code is mapped to a standard unit concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is, stored here for reference. observation
132 qualifier_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source value associated with a qualifier to characterize the observation observation
133 observation_period_id Yes INTEGER A unique identifier for each observation period. observation_period
134 person_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key identifier to the person for whom the observation period is defined. The demographic details of that person are stored in the person table. observation_period
135 observation_period_start_date Yes DATE The start date of the observation period for which data are available from the data source. observation_period
136 observation_period_end_date Yes DATE The end date of the observation period for which data are available from the data source. observation_period
137 period_type_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key identifier to the predefined concept in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the source of the observation period information observation_period
138 person_id Yes INTEGER A unique identifier for each person. person
139 gender_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key that refers to an identifier in the CONCEPT table for the unique gender of the person. person
140 year_of_birth Yes INTEGER The year of birth of the person. For data sources with date of birth, the year is extracted. For data sources where the year of birth is not available, the approximate year of birth is derived based on any age group categorization available. person
141 month_of_birth No INTEGER The month of birth of the person. For data sources that provide the precise date of birth, the month is extracted and stored in this field. person
142 day_of_birth No INTEGER The day of the month of birth of the person. For data sources that provide the precise date of birth, the day is extracted and stored in this field. person
143 birth_datetime No DATETIME The date and time of birth of the person. person
144 race_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key that refers to an identifier in the CONCEPT table for the unique race of the person. person
145 ethnicity_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key that refers to the standard concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies for the ethnicity of the person. person
146 location_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the place of residency for the person in the location table, where the detailed address information is stored. person
147 provider_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the primary care provider the person is seeing in the provider table. person
148 care_site_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the site of primary care in the care_site table, where the details of the care site are stored. person
149 person_source_value No VARCHAR(50) An (encrypted) key derived from the person identifier in the source data. This is necessary when a use case requires a link back to the person data at the source dataset. person
150 gender_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source code for the gender of the person as it appears in the source data. The person’s gender is mapped to a standard gender concept in the Standardized Vocabularies; the original value is stored here for reference. person
151 gender_source_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the gender concept that refers to the code used in the source. person
152 race_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source code for the race of the person as it appears in the source data. The person race is mapped to a standard race concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original value is stored here for reference. person
153 race_source_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the race concept that refers to the code used in the source. person
154 ethnicity_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source code for the ethnicity of the person as it appears in the source data. The person ethnicity is mapped to a standard ethnicity concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is, stored here for reference. person
155 ethnicity_source_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the ethnicity concept that refers to the code used in the source. person
156 procedure_occurrence_id Yes INTEGER A system-generated unique identifier for each Procedure Occurrence. procedure_occurrence
157 person_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key identifier to the Person who is subjected to the Procedure. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table. procedure_occurrence
158 procedure_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key that refers to a standard procedure Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies. procedure_occurrence
159 procedure_date Yes DATE The date on which the Procedure was performed. procedure_occurrence
160 procedure_datetime No DATETIME The date and time on which the Procedure was performed. procedure_occurrence
161 procedure_type_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the predefined Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the type of source data from which the procedure record is derived. procedure_occurrence
162 modifier_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a Standard Concept identifier for a modifier to the Procedure (e.g. bilateral) procedure_occurrence
163 quantity No INTEGER The quantity of procedures ordered or administered. procedure_occurrence
164 provider_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the provider in the PROVIDER table who was responsible for carrying out the procedure. procedure_occurrence
165 visit_occurrence_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the Visit in the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table during which the Procedure was carried out. procedure_occurrence
166 visit_detail_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the Visit Detail in the VISIT_DETAIL table during which the Procedure was carried out. procedure_occurrence
167 procedure_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source code for the Procedure as it appears in the source data. This code is mapped to a standard procedure Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is, stored here for reference. Procedure source codes are typically ICD-9-Proc, CPT-4, HCPCS or OPCS-4 codes. procedure_occurrence
168 procedure_source_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a Procedure Concept that refers to the code used in the source. procedure_occurrence
169 modifier_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source code for the qualifier as it appears in the source data. procedure_occurrence
170 specimen_id Yes INTEGER A unique identifier for each specimen. specimen
171 person_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key identifier to the Person for whom the Specimen is recorded. specimen
172 specimen_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key referring to a Standard Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies for the Specimen. specimen
173 specimen_type_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key referring to the Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the system of record from which the Specimen was represented in the source data. specimen
174 specimen_date Yes DATE The date the specimen was obtained from the Person. specimen
175 specimen_datetime No DATETIME The date and time on the date when the Specimen was obtained from the person. specimen
176 quantity No FLOAT The amount of specimen collection from the person during the sampling procedure. specimen
177 unit_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a Standard Concept identifier for the Unit associated with the numeric quantity of the Specimen collection. specimen
178 anatomic_site_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a Standard Concept identifier for the anatomic location of specimen collection. specimen
179 disease_status_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a Standard Concept identifier for the Disease Status of specimen collection. specimen
180 specimen_source_id No VARCHAR(50) The Specimen identifier as it appears in the source data. specimen
181 specimen_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The Specimen value as it appears in the source data. This value is mapped to a Standard Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is, stored here for reference. specimen
182 unit_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The information about the Unit as detailed in the source. specimen
183 anatomic_site_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The information about the anatomic site as detailed in the source. specimen
184 disease_status_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The information about the disease status as detailed in the source. specimen
185 visit_detail_id Yes INTEGER A unique identifier for each Person's visit or encounter at a healthcare provider. visit_detail
186 person_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key identifier to the Person for whom the visit is recorded. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table. visit_detail
187 visit_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key that refers to a visit Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies. visit_detail
188 visit_start_date Yes DATE The start date of the visit. visit_detail
189 visit_start_datetime No DATETIME The date and time of the visit started. visit_detail
190 visit_end_date Yes DATE The end date of the visit. If this is a one-day visit the end date should match the start date. visit_detail
191 visit_end_datetime No DATETIME The date and time of the visit end. visit_detail
192 visit_type_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the predefined Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the type of source data from which the visit record is derived. visit_detail
193 provider_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the provider in the provider table who was associated with the visit. visit_detail
194 care_site_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the care site in the care site table that was visited. visit_detail
195 visit_source_value No STRING(50) The source code for the visit as it appears in the source data. visit_detail
196 visit_source_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a Concept that refers to the code used in the source. visit_detail
197 admitting_source_value Varchar(50) NO The source code for the admitting source as it appears in the source data. visit_detail
198 admitting_source_concept_id Integer NO A foreign key to the predefined concept in the Place of Service Vocabulary reflecting the admitting source for a visit. visit_detail
199 discharge_to_source_value Varchar(50) NO The source code for the discharge disposition as it appears in the source data. visit_detail
200 discharge_to_concept_id Integer NO A foreign key to the predefined concept in the Place of Service Vocabulary reflecting the discharge disposition for a visit. visit_detail
201 preceding_visit_detail_id Integer NO A foreign key to the VISIT_DETAIL table of the visit immediately preceding this visit visit_detail
202 visit_detail_parent_id Integer NO A foreign key to the VISIT_DETAIL table record to represent the immediate parent visit-detail record. visit_detail
203 visit_occurrence_id Integer YES A foreign key that refers to the record in the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table. This is a required field, because for every visit_detail is a child of visit_occurrence and cannot exist without a corresponding parent record in visit_occurrence. visit_detail
204 visit_occurrence_id Yes INTEGER A unique identifier for each Person's visit or encounter at a healthcare provider. visit_occurrence
205 person_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key identifier to the Person for whom the visit is recorded. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table. visit_occurrence
206 visit_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key that refers to a visit Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies. visit_occurrence
207 visit_start_date Yes DATE The start date of the visit. visit_occurrence
208 visit_start_datetime No DATETIME The date and time of the visit started. visit_occurrence
209 visit_end_date Yes DATE The end date of the visit. If this is a one-day visit the end date should match the start date. visit_occurrence
210 visit_end_datetime No DATETIME The date and time of the visit end. visit_occurrence
211 visit_type_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the predefined Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the type of source data from which the visit record is derived. visit_occurrence
212 provider_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the provider in the provider table who was associated with the visit. visit_occurrence
213 care_site_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the care site in the care site table that was visited. visit_occurrence
214 visit_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source code for the visit as it appears in the source data. visit_occurrence
215 visit_source_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a Concept that refers to the code used in the source. visit_occurrence
216 admitting_source_concept_id integer NO A foreign key to the predefined concept in the Place of Service Vocabulary reflecting the admitting source for a visit. visit_occurrence
217 admitting_source_value varchar(50) NO The source code for the admitting source as it appears in the source data. visit_occurrence
218 discharge_to_concept_id integer NO A foreign key to the predefined concept in the Place of Service Vocabulary reflecting the discharge disposition for a visit. visit_occurrence
219 discharge_to_source_value varchar(50) NO The source code for the discharge disposition as it appears in the source data. visit_occurrence
220 preceding_visit_occurrence_id integer NO A foreign key to the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table of the visit immediately preceding this visit visit_occurrence
221 cohort_definition_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to a record in the COHORT_DEFINITION table containing relevant Cohort Definition information. cohort
222 subject_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the subject in the cohort. These could be referring to records in the PERSON, PROVIDER, VISIT_OCCURRENCE table. cohort
223 cohort_start_date Yes DATE The date when the Cohort Definition criteria for the Person, Provider or Visit first match. cohort
224 cohort_end_date Yes DATE The date when the Cohort Definition criteria for the Person, Provider or Visit no longer match or the Cohort membership was terminated. cohort
225 cohort_definition_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to a record in the [COHORT_DEFINITION]( table containing relevant Cohort Definition information. cohort_attribute
226 subject_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the subject in the Cohort. These could be referring to records in the PERSON, PROVIDER, VISIT_OCCURRENCE table. cohort_attribute
227 cohort_start_date Yes DATE The date when the Cohort Definition criteria for the Person, Provider or Visit first match. cohort_attribute
228 cohort_end_date Yes DATE The date when the Cohort Definition criteria for the Person, Provider or Visit no longer match or the Cohort membership was terminated. cohort_attribute
229 attribute_definition_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to a record in the [ATTRIBUTE_DEFINITION]( table containing relevant Attribute Definition information. cohort_attribute
230 value_as_number No FLOAT The attribute result stored as a number. This is applicable to attributes where the result is expressed as a numeric value. cohort_attribute
231 value_as_concept_id No INTEGER The attribute result stored as a Concept ID. This is applicable to attributes where the result is expressed as a categorical value. cohort_attribute
232 condition_era_id Yes INTEGER A unique identifier for each Condition Era. condition_era
233 person_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key identifier to the Person who is experiencing the Condition during the Condition Era. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table. condition_era
234 condition_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key that refers to a standard Condition Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies. condition_era
235 condition_era_start_date Yes DATE The start date for the Condition Era constructed from the individual instances of Condition Occurrences. It is the start date of the very first chronologically recorded instance of the condition. condition_era
236 condition_era_end_date Yes DATE The end date for the Condition Era constructed from the individual instances of Condition Occurrences. It is the end date of the final continuously recorded instance of the Condition. condition_era
237 condition_occurrence_count No INTEGER The number of individual Condition Occurrences used to construct the condition era. condition_era
238 dose_era_id Yes INTEGER A unique identifier for each Dose Era. dose_era
239 person_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key identifier to the Person who is subjected to the drug during the drug era. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table. dose_era
240 drug_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key that refers to a Standard Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies for the active Ingredient Concept. dose_era
241 unit_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key that refers to a Standard Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies for the unit concept. dose_era
242 dose_value Yes FLOAT The numeric value of the dose. dose_era
243 dose_era_start_date Yes DATE The start date for the drug era constructed from the individual instances of drug exposures. It is the start date of the very first chronologically recorded instance of utilization of a drug. dose_era
244 dose_era_end_date Yes DATE The end date for the drug era constructed from the individual instance of drug exposures. It is the end date of the final continuously recorded instance of utilization of a drug. dose_era
245 drug_era_id Yes INTEGER A unique identifier for each Drug Era. drug_era
246 person_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key identifier to the Person who is subjected to the Drug during the fDrug Era. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table. drug_era
247 drug_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key that refers to a Standard Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies for the Ingredient Concept. drug_era
248 drug_era_start_date Yes DATE The start date for the Drug Era constructed from the individual instances of Drug Exposures. It is the start date of the very first chronologically recorded instance of conutilization of a Drug. drug_era
249 drug_era_end_date Yes DATE The end date for the drug era constructed from the individual instance of drug exposures. It is the end date of the final continuously recorded instance of utilization of a drug. drug_era
250 drug_exposure_count No INTEGER The number of individual Drug Exposure occurrences used to construct the Drug Era. drug_era
251 gap_days No INTEGER The number of days that are not covered by DRUG_EXPOSURE records that were used to make up the era record. drug_era
252 cost_id Yes INTEGER A unique identifier for each COST record. cost
253 cost_event_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key identifier to the event (e.g. Measurement, Procedure, Visit, Drug Exposure, etc) record for which cost data are recorded. cost
254 cost_domain_id Yes VARCHAR(20) The concept representing the domain of the cost event, from which the corresponding table can be inferred that contains the entity for which cost information is recorded. cost
255 cost_type_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key identifier to a concept in the CONCEPT table for the provenance or the source of the COST data: Calculated from insurance claim information, provider revenue, calculated from cost-to-charge ratio, reported from accounting database, etc. cost
256 currency_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key identifier to the concept representing the 3-letter code used to delineate international currencies, such as USD for US Dollar. cost
257 total_charge No FLOAT The total amount charged by some provider of goods or services (e.g. hospital, physician pharmacy, dme provider) to payers (insurance companies, the patient). cost
258 total_cost No FLOAT The cost incurred by the provider of goods or services. cost
259 total_paid No FLOAT The total amount actually paid from all payers for goods or services of the provider. cost
260 paid_by_payer No FLOAT The amount paid by the Payer for the goods or services. cost
261 paid_by_patient No FLOAT The total amount paid by the Person as a share of the expenses. cost
262 paid_patient_copay No FLOAT The amount paid by the Person as a fixed contribution to the expenses. cost
263 paid_patient_coinsurance No FLOAT The amount paid by the Person as a joint assumption of risk. Typically, this is a percentage of the expenses defined by the Payer Plan after the Person's deductible is exceeded. cost
264 paid_patient_deductible No FLOAT The amount paid by the Person that is counted toward the deductible defined by the Payer Plan. paid_patient_deductible does contribute to the paid_by_patient variable. cost
265 paid_by_primary No FLOAT The amount paid by a primary Payer through the coordination of benefits. cost
266 paid_ingredient_cost No FLOAT The amount paid by the Payer to a pharmacy for the drug, excluding the amount paid for dispensing the drug. paid_ingredient_cost contributes to the paid_by_payer field if this field is populated with a nonzero value. cost
267 paid_dispensing_fee No FLOAT The amount paid by the Payer to a pharmacy for dispensing a drug, excluding the amount paid for the drug ingredient. paid_dispensing_fee contributes to the paid_by_payer field if this field is populated with a nonzero value. cost
268 payer_plan_period_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the PAYER_PLAN_PERIOD table, where the details of the Payer, Plan and Family are stored. Record the payer_plan_id that relates to the payer who contributed to the paid_by_payer field. cost
269 amount_allowed No FLOAT The contracted amount agreed between the payer and provider. cost
270 revenue_code_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key referring to a Standard Concept ID in the Standardized Vocabularies for Revenue codes. cost
271 revenue_code_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source code for the Revenue code as it appears in the source data, stored here for reference. cost
272 drg_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the predefined concept in the DRG Vocabulary reflecting the DRG for a visit. cost
273 drg_source_value No VARCHAR(3) The 3-digit DRG source code as it appears in the source data. cost
274 payer_plan_period_id Yes INTEGER A identifier for each unique combination of payer, plan, family code and time span. payer_plan_period
275 person_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key identifier to the Person covered by the payer. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table. payer_plan_period
276 payer_plan_period_start_date Yes DATE The start date of the payer plan period. payer_plan_period
277 payer_plan_period_end_date Yes DATE The end date of the payer plan period. payer_plan_period
278 payer_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key that refers to a standard Payer concept identifier in the Standarized Vocabularies payer_plan_period
279 payer_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source code for the payer as it appears in the source data. payer_plan_period
280 payer_source_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a payer concept that refers to the code used in the source. payer_plan_period
281 plan_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key that refers to a standard plan concept identifier that represents the health benefit plan in the Standardized Vocabularies payer_plan_period
282 plan_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source code for the Person's health benefit plan as it appears in the source data. payer_plan_period
283 plan_source_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a plan concept that refers to the plan code used in the source data. payer_plan_period
284 sponsor_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key that refers to a concept identifier that represents the sponsor in the Standardized Vocabularies. payer_plan_period
285 sponsor_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source code for the Person's sponsor of the health plan as it appears in the source data. payer_plan_period
286 sponsor_source_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a sponsor concept that refers to the sponsor code used in the source data. payer_plan_period
287 family_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source code for the Person's family as it appears in the source data. payer_plan_period
288 stop_reason_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key that refers to a standard termination reason that represents the reason for the termination in the Standardized Vocabularies. payer_plan_period
289 stop_reason_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The reason for stop-coverage as it appears in the source data. payer_plan_period
290 stop_reason_source_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a stop-coverage concept that refers to the code used in the source. payer_plan_period
291 care_site_id Yes INTEGER A unique identifier for each Care Site. care_site
292 care_site_name No VARCHAR(255) The verbatim description or name of the Care Site as in data source care_site
293 place_of_service_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key that refers to a Place of Service Concept ID in the Standardized Vocabularies. care_site
294 location_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the geographic Location in the LOCATION table, where the detailed address information is stored. care_site
295 care_site_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The identifier for the Care Site in the source data, stored here for reference. care_site
296 place_of_service_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source code for the Place of Service as it appears in the source data, stored here for reference. care_site
297 location_id Yes INTEGER A unique identifier for each geographic location. location
298 address_1 No VARCHAR(50) The address field 1, typically used for the street address, as it appears in the source data. location
299 address_2 No VARCHAR(50) The address field 2, typically used for additional detail such as buildings, suites, floors, as it appears in the source data. location
300 city No VARCHAR(50) The city field as it appears in the source data. location
301 state No VARCHAR(2) The state field as it appears in the source data. location
302 zip No VARCHAR(9) The zip or postal code. location
303 county No VARCHAR(20) The county. location
304 location_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The verbatim information that is used to uniquely identify the location as it appears in the source data. location
305 provider_id Yes INTEGER A unique identifier for each Provider. provider
306 provider_name No VARCHAR(255) A description of the Provider. provider
307 npi No VARCHAR(20) The National Provider Identifier (NPI) of the provider. provider
308 dea No VARCHAR(20) The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) number of the provider. provider
309 specialty_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a Standard Specialty Concept ID in the Standardized Vocabularies. provider
310 care_site_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the main Care Site where the provider is practicing. provider
311 year_of_birth No INTEGER The year of birth of the Provider. provider
312 gender_concept_id No INTEGER The gender of the Provider. provider
313 provider_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The identifier used for the Provider in the source data, stored here for reference. provider
314 specialty_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source code for the Provider specialty as it appears in the source data, stored here for reference. provider
315 specialty_source_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a Concept that refers to the code used in the source. provider
316 gender_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The gender code for the Provider as it appears in the source data, stored here for reference. provider
317 gender_source_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a Concept that refers to the code used in the source. provider
318 cdm_source_name Yes VARCHAR(255) The full name of the source cdm_source
319 cdm_source_abbreviation No VARCHAR(25) An abbreviation of the name cdm_source
320 cdm_holder No VARCHAR(255) The name of the organization responsible for the development of the CDM instance cdm_source
321 source_description No CLOB A description of the source data origin and purpose for collection. The description may contain a summary of the period of time that is expected to be covered by this dataset. cdm_source
322 source_documentation_reference No VARCHAR(255) URL or other external reference to location of source documentation cdm_source
323 cdm_etl _reference No VARCHAR(255) URL or other external reference to location of ETL specification documentation and ETL source code cdm_source
324 source_release_date No DATE The date for which the source data are most current, such as the last day of data capture cdm_source
325 cdm_release_date No DATE The date when the CDM was instantiated cdm_source
326 cdm_version No VARCHAR(10) The version of CDM used cdm_source
327 vocabulary_version No VARCHAR(20) The version of the vocabulary used cdm_source
328 metadata_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key that refers to a Standard Metadata Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies. metadata
329 metadata_type_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key that refers to a Standard Type Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies. metadata
330 name Yes VARCHAR(250) The name of the Concept stored in metadata_concept_id or a description of the data being stored. metadata
331 value_as_string No NVARCHAR The metadata value stored as a string. metadata
332 value_as_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a metadata value stored as a Concept ID. metadata
333 metadata date No DATE The date associated with the metadata metadata
334 metadata_datetime No DATETIME The date and time associated with the metadata metadata
335 attribute_definition_id Yes INTEGER A unique identifier for each Attribute. attribute_definition
336 attribute_name Yes VARCHAR(255) A short description of the Attribute. attribute_definition
337 attribute_description No VARCHAR(MAX) A complete description of the Attribute definition attribute_definition
338 attribute_type_concept_id Yes INTEGER Type defining what kind of Attribute Definition the record represents and how the syntax may be executed attribute_definition
339 attribute_syntax No VARCHAR(MAX) Syntax or code to operationalize the Attribute definition attribute_definition
340 cohort_definition_id Yes INTEGER A unique identifier for each Cohort. cohort_definition
341 cohort_definition_name Yes VARCHAR(255) A short description of the Cohort. cohort_definition
342 cohort_definition_description No VARCHAR(MAX) A complete description of the Cohort definition cohort_definition
343 definition_type_concept_id Yes INTEGER Type defining what kind of Cohort Definition the record represents and how the syntax may be executed cohort_definition
344 cohort_definition_syntax No VARCHAR(MAX) Syntax or code to operationalize the Cohort definition cohort_definition
345 subject_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the Concept to which defines the domain of subjects that are members of the cohort (e.g., Person, Provider, Visit). cohort_definition
346 cohort_instantiation_date No DATE A date to indicate when the Cohort was instantiated in the COHORT table cohort_definition
347 concept_id Yes INTEGER A unique identifier for each Concept across all domains. concept
348 concept_name Yes VARCHAR(255) An unambiguous, meaningful and descriptive name for the Concept. concept
349 domain_id Yes VARCHAR(20) A foreign key to the [DOMAIN]( table the Concept belongs to. concept
350 vocabulary_id Yes VARCHAR(20) A foreign key to the [VOCABULARY]( table indicating from which source the Concept has been adapted. concept
351 concept_class_id Yes VARCHAR(20) The attribute or concept class of the Concept. Examples are 'Clinical Drug', 'Ingredient', 'Clinical Finding' etc. concept
352 standard_concept No VARCHAR(1) This flag determines where a Concept is a Standard Concept, i.e. is used in the data, a Classification Concept, or a non-standard Source Concept. The allowables values are 'S' (Standard Concept) and 'C' (Classification Concept), otherwise the content is NULL. concept
353 concept_code Yes VARCHAR(50) The concept code represents the identifier of the Concept in the source vocabulary, such as SNOMED-CT concept IDs, RxNorm RXCUIs etc. Note that concept codes are not unique across vocabularies. concept
354 valid_start_date Yes DATE The date when the Concept was first recorded. The default value is 1-Jan-1970, meaning, the Concept has no (known) date of inception. concept
355 valid_end_date Yes DATE The date when the Concept became invalid because it was deleted or superseded (updated) by a new concept. The default value is 31-Dec-2099, meaning, the Concept is valid until it becomes deprecated. concept
356 invalid_reason No VARCHAR(1) Reason the Concept was invalidated. Possible values are D (deleted), U (replaced with an update) or NULL when valid_end_date has the default value. concept
357 ancestor_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the concept in the concept table for the higher-level concept that forms the ancestor in the relationship. concept_ancestor
358 descendant_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the concept in the concept table for the lower-level concept that forms the descendant in the relationship. concept_ancestor
359 min_levels_of_separation Yes INTEGER The minimum separation in number of levels of hierarchy between ancestor and descendant concepts. This is an attribute that is used to simplify hierarchic analysis. concept_ancestor
360 max_levels_of_separation Yes INTEGER The maximum separation in number of levels of hierarchy between ancestor and descendant concepts. This is an attribute that is used to simplify hierarchic analysis. concept_ancestor
361 concept_class_id Yes VARCHAR(20) A unique key for each class. concept_class
362 concept_class_name Yes VARCHAR(255) The name describing the Concept Class, e.g. "Clinical Finding", "Ingredient", etc. concept_class
363 concept_class_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key that refers to an identifier in the [CONCEPT]( table for the unique Concept Class the record belongs to. concept_class
364 concept_id_1 Yes INTEGER A foreign key to a Concept in the [CONCEPT]( table associated with the relationship. Relationships are directional, and this field represents the source concept designation. concept_relationship
365 concept_id_2 Yes INTEGER A foreign key to a Concept in the [CONCEPT]( table associated with the relationship. Relationships are directional, and this field represents the destination concept designation. concept_relationship
366 relationship_id Yes VARCHAR(20) A unique identifier to the type or nature of the Relationship as defined in the [RELATIONSHIP]( table. concept_relationship
367 valid_start_date Yes DATE The date when the instance of the Concept Relationship is first recorded. concept_relationship
368 valid_end_date Yes DATE The date when the Concept Relationship became invalid because it was deleted or superseded (updated) by a new relationship. Default value is 31-Dec-2099. concept_relationship
369 invalid_reason No VARCHAR(1) Reason the relationship was invalidated. Possible values are 'D' (deleted), 'U' (replaced with an update) or NULL when valid_end_date has the default value. concept_relationship
370 concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the Concept in the CONCEPT table. concept_synonym
371 concept_synonym_name Yes VARCHAR(1000) The alternative name for the Concept. concept_synonym
372 language_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to a Concept representing the language. concept_synonym
373 domain_id Yes VARCHAR(20) A unique key for each domain. domain
374 domain_name Yes VARCHAR(255) The name describing the Domain, e.g. "Condition", "Procedure", "Measurement" etc. domain
375 domain_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key that refers to an identifier in the [CONCEPT]( table for the unique Domain Concept the Domain record belongs to. domain
376 drug_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the Concept in the CONCEPT table representing the identifier for Branded Drug or Clinical Drug Concept. drug_strength
377 ingredient_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the Concept in the CONCEPT table, representing the identifier for drug Ingredient Concept contained within the drug product. drug_strength
378 amount_value No FLOAT The numeric value associated with the amount of active ingredient contained within the product. drug_strength
379 amount_unit_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the Concept in the CONCEPT table representing the identifier for the Unit for the absolute amount of active ingredient. drug_strength
380 numerator_value No FLOAT The numeric value associated with the concentration of the active ingredient contained in the product drug_strength
381 numerator_unit_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the Concept in the CONCEPT table representing the identifier for the numerator Unit for the concentration of active ingredient. drug_strength
382 denominator_value No FLOAT The amount of total liquid (or other divisible product, such as ointment, gel, spray, etc.). drug_strength
383 denominator_unit_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the Concept in the CONCEPT table representing the identifier for the denominator Unit for the concentration of active ingredient. drug_strength
384 box_size No INTEGER The number of units of Clinical of Branded Drug, or Quantified Clinical or Branded Drug contained in a box as dispensed to the patient drug_strength
385 valid_start_date Yes DATE The date when the Concept was first recorded. The default value is 1-Jan-1970. drug_strength
386 valid_end_date Yes DATE The date when the concept became invalid because it was deleted or superseded (updated) by a new Concept. The default value is 31-Dec-2099. drug_strength
387 invalid_reason No VARCHAR(1) Reason the concept was invalidated. Possible values are 'D' (deleted), 'U' (replaced with an update) or NULL when valid_end_date has the default value. drug_strength
388 relationship_id Yes VARCHAR(20) The type of relationship captured by the relationship record. relationship
389 relationship_name Yes VARCHAR(255) The text that describes the relationship type. relationship
390 is_hierarchical Yes VARCHAR(1) Defines whether a relationship defines concepts into classes or hierarchies. Values are 1 for hierarchical relationship or 0 if not. relationship
391 defines_ancestry Yes VARCHAR(1) Defines whether a hierarchical relationship contributes to the concept_ancestor table. These are subsets of the hierarchical relationships. Valid values are 1 or 0. relationship
392 reverse_relationship_id Yes VARCHAR(20) The identifier for the relationship used to define the reverse relationship between two concepts. relationship
393 relationship_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key that refers to an identifier in the CONCEPT table for the unique relationship concept. relationship
394 source_code Yes VARCHAR(50) The source code being translated into a Standard Concept. source_to_concept_map
395 source_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the Source Concept that is being translated into a Standard Concept. source_to_concept_map
396 source_vocabulary_id Yes VARCHAR(20) A foreign key to the VOCABULARY table defining the vocabulary of the source code that is being translated to a Standard Concept. source_to_concept_map
397 source_code_description No VARCHAR(255) An optional description for the source code. This is included as a convenience to compare the description of the source code to the name of the concept. source_to_concept_map
398 target_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the target Concept to which the source code is being mapped. source_to_concept_map
399 target_vocabulary_id Yes VARCHAR(20) A foreign key to the VOCABULARY table defining the vocabulary of the target Concept. source_to_concept_map
400 valid_start_date Yes DATE The date when the mapping instance was first recorded. source_to_concept_map
401 valid_end_date Yes DATE The date when the mapping instance became invalid because it was deleted or superseded (updated) by a new relationship. Default value is 31-Dec-2099. source_to_concept_map
402 invalid_reason No VARCHAR(1) Reason the mapping instance was invalidated. Possible values are D (deleted), U (replaced with an update) or NULL when valid_end_date has the default value. source_to_concept_map
403 vocabulary_id Yes VARCHAR(20) A unique identifier for each Vocabulary, such as ICD9CM, SNOMED, Visit. vocabulary
404 vocabulary_name Yes VARCHAR(255) The name describing the vocabulary, for example "International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification, Volume 1 and 2 (NCHS)" etc. vocabulary
405 vocabulary_reference Yes VARCHAR(255) External reference to documentation or available download of the about the vocabulary. vocabulary
406 vocabulary_version Yes VARCHAR(255) Version of the Vocabulary as indicated in the source. vocabulary
407 vocabulary_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key that refers to a standard concept identifier in the CONCEPT table for the Vocabulary the VOCABULARY record belongs to. vocabulary

OMOP_CDM_v5_3_1.csv Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
"1","condition_occurrence_id","Yes","INTEGER","A unique identifier for each Condition Occurrence event.","condition_occurrence","cdm"
"2","person_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key identifier to the Person who is experiencing the condition. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table.","condition_occurrence","cdm"
"3","condition_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to a Standard Condition Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies.","condition_occurrence","cdm"
"4","condition_start_date","Yes","DATE","The date when the instance of the Condition is recorded.","condition_occurrence","cdm"
"5","condition_start_datetime","No","DATETIME","The date and time when the instance of the Condition is recorded.","condition_occurrence","cdm"
"6","condition_end_date","No","DATE","The date when the instance of the Condition is considered to have ended.","condition_occurrence","cdm"
"7","condition_end_datetime","No","DATE","The date when the instance of the Condition is considered to have ended.","condition_occurrence","cdm"
"8","condition_type_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the predefined Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the source data from which the condition was recorded, the level of standardization, and the type of occurrence.","condition_occurrence","cdm"
"9","stop_reason","No","VARCHAR(20)","The reason that the condition was no longer present, as indicated in the source data.","condition_occurrence","cdm"
"10","provider_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the Provider in the PROVIDER table who was responsible for capturing (diagnosing) the Condition.","condition_occurrence","cdm"
"11","visit_occurrence_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the visit in the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table during which the Condition was determined (diagnosed).","condition_occurrence","cdm"
"12","visit_detail_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the visit in the VISIT_DETAIL table during which the Condition was determined (diagnosed).","condition_occurrence","cdm"
"13","condition_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source code for the condition as it appears in the source data. This code is mapped to a standard condition concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is stored here for reference.","condition_occurrence","cdm"
"14","condition_source_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a Condition Concept that refers to the code used in the source.","condition_occurrence","cdm"
"15","condition_status_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source code for the condition status as it appears in the source data.","condition_occurrence","cdm"
"16","condition_status_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the predefined Concept in the Standard Vocabulary reflecting the condition status","condition_occurrence","cdm"
"17","person_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key identifier to the deceased person. The demographic details of that person are stored in the person table.","death","cdm"
"18","death_date","Yes","DATE","The date the person was deceased. If the precise date including day or month is not known or not allowed, December is used as the default month, and the last day of the month the default day.","death","cdm"
"19","death_datetime","No","DATETIME","The date and time the person was deceased. If the precise date including day or month is not known or not allowed, December is used as the default month, and the last day of the month the default day.","death","cdm"
"20","death_type_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key referring to the predefined concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting how the death was represented in the source data.","death","cdm"
"21","cause_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key referring to a standard concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies for conditions.","death","cdm"
"22","cause_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source code for the cause of death as it appears in the source data. This code is mapped to a standard concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is, stored here for reference.","death","cdm"
"23","cause_source_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the concept that refers to the code used in the source. Note, this variable name is abbreviated to ensure it will be allowable across database platforms.","death","cdm"
"24","device_exposure_id","Yes","INTEGER","A system-generated unique identifier for each Device Exposure.","device_exposure","cdm"
"25","person_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key identifier to the Person who is subjected to the Device. The demographic details of that person are stored in the Person table.","device_exposure","cdm"
"26","device_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to a Standard Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies for the Device concept.","device_exposure","cdm"
"27","device_exposure_start_date","Yes","DATE","The date the Device or supply was applied or used.","device_exposure","cdm"
"28","device_exposure_start_datetime","No","DATETIME","The date and time the Device or supply was applied or used.","device_exposure","cdm"
"29","device_exposure_end_date","No","DATE","The date the Device or supply was removed from use.","device_exposure","cdm"
"30","device_exposure_end_datetime","No","DATETIME","The date and time the Device or supply was removed from use.","device_exposure","cdm"
"31","device_type_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the predefined Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the type of Device Exposure recorded. It indicates how the Device Exposure was represented in the source data.","device_exposure","cdm"
"32","unique_device_id","No","VARCHAR(50)","A UDI or equivalent identifying the instance of the Device used in the Person.","device_exposure","cdm"
"33","quantity","No","INTEGER","The number of individual Devices used for the exposure.","device_exposure","cdm"
"34","provider_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the provider in the PROVIDER table who initiated of administered the Device.","device_exposure","cdm"
"35","visit_occurrence_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the visit in the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table during which the device was used.","device_exposure","cdm"
"36","visit_detail_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the visit detail in the VISIT_DETAIL table during which the Drug Exposure was initiated.","device_exposure","cdm"
"37","device_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source code for the Device as it appears in the source data. This code is mapped to a standard Device Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is stored here for reference.","device_exposure","cdm"
"38","device_source_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a Device Concept that refers to the code used in the source.","device_exposure","cdm"
"39","drug_exposure_id","Yes","INTEGER","A system-generated unique identifier for each Drug utilization event.","drug_exposure","cdm"
"40","person_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key identifier to the person who is subjected to the Drug. The demographic details of that person are stored in the person table.","drug_exposure","cdm"
"41","drug_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to a Standard Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies for the Drug concept.","drug_exposure","cdm"
"42","drug_exposure_start_date","Yes","DATE","The start date for the current instance of Drug utilization. Valid entries include a start date of a prescription, the date a prescription was filled, or the date on which a Drug administration procedure was recorded.","drug_exposure","cdm"
"43","drug_exposure_start_datetime","No","DATETIME","The start date and time for the current instance of Drug utilization. Valid entries include a start date of a prescription, the date a prescription was filled, or the date on which a Drug administration procedure was recorded.","drug_exposure","cdm"
"44","drug_exposure_end_date","Yes","DATE","The end date for the current instance of Drug utilization. It is not available from all sources.","drug_exposure","cdm"
"45","drug_exposure_end_datetime","No","DATETIME","The end date and time for the current instance of Drug utilization. It is not available from all sources.","drug_exposure","cdm"
"46","verbatim_end_date","No","DATE","The known end date of a drug_exposure as provided by the source","drug_exposure","cdm"
"47","drug_type_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the predefined Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the type of Drug Exposure recorded. It indicates how the Drug Exposure was represented in the source data.","drug_exposure","cdm"
"48","stop_reason","No","VARCHAR(20)","The reason the Drug was stopped. Reasons include regimen completed, changed, removed, etc.","drug_exposure","cdm"
"49","refills","No","INTEGER","The number of refills after the initial prescription. The initial prescription is not counted, values start with 0.","drug_exposure","cdm"
"50","quantity","No","FLOAT","The quantity of drug as recorded in the original prescription or dispensing record.","drug_exposure","cdm"
"51","days_supply","No","INTEGER","The number of days of supply of the medication as recorded in the original prescription or dispensing record.","drug_exposure","cdm"
"52","sig","No","VARCHAR(MAX)","The directions (""signetur"") on the Drug prescription as recorded in the original prescription (and printed on the container) or dispensing record.","drug_exposure","cdm"
"53","route_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a predefined concept in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the route of administration.","drug_exposure","cdm"
"54","lot_number","No","VARCHAR(50)","An identifier assigned to a particular quantity or lot of Drug product from the manufacturer.","drug_exposure","cdm"
"55","provider_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the provider in the PROVIDER table who initiated (prescribed or administered) the Drug Exposure.","drug_exposure","cdm"
"56","visit_occurrence_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the Visit in the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table during which the Drug Exposure was initiated.","drug_exposure","cdm"
"57","visit_detail_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the Visit Detail in the VISIT_DETAIL table during which the Drug Exposure was initiated.","drug_exposure","cdm"
"58","drug_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source code for the Drug as it appears in the source data. This code is mapped to a Standard Drug concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is, stored here for reference.","drug_exposure","cdm"
"59","drug_source_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a Drug Concept that refers to the code used in the source.","drug_exposure","cdm"
"60","route_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The information about the route of administration as detailed in the source.","drug_exposure","cdm"
"61","dose_unit_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The information about the dose unit as detailed in the source.","drug_exposure","cdm"
"62","domain_concept_id_1","Yes","INTEGER","The concept representing the domain of fact one, from which the corresponding table can be inferred.","fact_relationship","cdm"
"63","fact_id_1","Yes","INTEGER","The unique identifier in the table corresponding to the domain of fact one.","fact_relationship","cdm"
"64","domain_concept_id_2","Yes","INTEGER","The concept representing the domain of fact two, from which the corresponding table can be inferred.","fact_relationship","cdm"
"65","fact_id_2","Yes","INTEGER","The unique identifier in the table corresponding to the domain of fact two.","fact_relationship","cdm"
"66","relationship_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to a Standard Concept ID of relationship in the Standardized Vocabularies.","fact_relationship","cdm"
"67","measurement_id","Yes","INTEGER","A unique identifier for each Measurement.","measurement","cdm"
"68","person_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key identifier to the Person about whom the measurement was recorded. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table.","measurement","cdm"
"69","measurement_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the standard measurement concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies.","measurement","cdm"
"70","measurement_date","Yes","DATE","The date of the Measurement.","measurement","cdm"
"71","measurement_datetime","No","DATETIME","The date and time of the Measurement. Some database systems don't have a datatype of time. To accomodate all temporal analyses, datatype datetime can be used (combining measurement_date and measurement_time [forum discussion](","measurement","cdm"
"72","measurement_time","No","VARCHAR(10)","The time of the Measurement. This is present for backwards compatibility and will deprecated in an upcoming version","measurement","cdm"
"73","measurement_type_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the predefined Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the provenance from where the Measurement record was recorded.","measurement","cdm"
"74","operator_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key identifier to the predefined Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the mathematical operator that is applied to the value_as_number. Operators are <, <=, =, >=, >.","measurement","cdm"
"75","value_as_number","No","FLOAT","A Measurement result where the result is expressed as a numeric value.","measurement","cdm"
"76","value_as_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a Measurement result represented as a Concept from the Standardized Vocabularies (e.g., positive/negative, present/absent, low/high, etc.).","measurement","cdm"
"77","unit_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a Standard Concept ID of Measurement Units in the Standardized Vocabularies.","measurement","cdm"
"78","range_low","No","FLOAT","The lower limit of the normal range of the Measurement result. The lower range is assumed to be of the same unit of measure as the Measurement value.","measurement","cdm"
"79","range_high","No","FLOAT","The upper limit of the normal range of the Measurement. The upper range is assumed to be of the same unit of measure as the Measurement value.","measurement","cdm"
"80","provider_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the provider in the PROVIDER table who was responsible for initiating or obtaining the measurement.","measurement","cdm"
"81","visit_occurrence_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the Visit in the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table during which the Measurement was recorded.","measurement","cdm"
"82","visit_detail_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the Visit Detail in the VISIT_DETAIL table during which the Measurement was recorded.","measurement","cdm"
"83","measurement_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The Measurement name as it appears in the source data. This code is mapped to a Standard Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is stored here for reference.","measurement","cdm"
"84","measurement_source_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a Concept in the Standard Vocabularies that refers to the code used in the source.","measurement","cdm"
"85","unit_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source code for the unit as it appears in the source data. This code is mapped to a standard unit concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is stored here for reference.","measurement","cdm"
"86","value_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source value associated with the content of the value_as_number or value_as_concept_id as stored in the source data.","measurement","cdm"
"87","note_id","Yes","INTEGER","A unique identifier for each note.","note","cdm"
"88","person_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key identifier to the Person about whom the Note was recorded. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table.","note","cdm"
"89","note_date","Yes","DATE","The date the note was recorded.","note","cdm"
"90","note_datetime","No","DATETIME","The date and time the note was recorded.","note","cdm"
"91","note_type_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the predefined Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the type, origin or provenance of the Note.","note","cdm"
"92","note_class_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the predefined Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the HL7 LOINC Document Type Vocabulary classification of the note.","note","cdm"
"93","note_title","No","VARCHAR(250)","The title of the Note as it appears in the source.","note","cdm"
"94","note_text","Yes","VARCHAR(MAX)","The content of the Note.","note","cdm"
"95","encoding_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the predefined Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the note character encoding type","note","cdm"
"96","language_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the predefined Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the language of the note","note","cdm"
"97","provider_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the Provider in the PROVIDER table who took the Note.","note","cdm"
"98","visit_occurrence_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the Visit in the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table when the Note was taken.","note","cdm"
"99","visit_detail_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the Visit in the VISIT_DETAIL table when the Note was taken.","note","cdm"
"100","note_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source value associated with the origin of the Note","note","cdm"
"101","note_nlp_id","Yes","INTEGER","A unique identifier for each term extracted from a Note.","note_nlp","cdm"
"102","note_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the note table note the term was extracted from.","note_nlp","cdm"
"103","section_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the predefined concept in the standardized vocabularies representing the section of the extracted term.","note_nlp","cdm"
"104","snippet","No","VARCHAR(250)","A small window of text surrounding the term.","note_nlp","cdm"
"105","offset","No","VARCHAR(50)","Character offset of the extracted term in the input note.","note_nlp","cdm"
"106","lexical_variant","Yes","VARCHAR(250)","Raw text extracted from the NLP tool.","note_nlp","cdm"
"107","note_nlp_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the predefined concept in the standardized vocabularies reflecting the normalized concept for the extracted term. Domain of the term is represented as part of the concept table.","note_nlp","cdm"
"108","note_nlp_source_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a concept that refers to the code in the source vocabulary used by the NLP system","note_nlp","cdm"
"109","nlp_system","No","VARCHAR(250)","Name and version of the NLP system that extracted the term.useful for data provenance.","note_nlp","cdm"
"110","nlp_date","Yes","DATE","The date of the note processing.useful for data provenance.","note_nlp","cdm"
"111","nlp_datetime","No","DATETIME","The date and time of the note processing. Useful for data provenance.","note_nlp","cdm"
"112","term_exists","No","VARCHAR(1)","A summary modifier that signifies presence or absence of the term for a given patient. Useful for quick querying.","note_nlp","cdm"
"113","term_temporal","No","VARCHAR(50)","An optional time modifier associated with the extracted term. (For now “past” or “present” only). Standardize it later.","note_nlp","cdm"
"114","term_modifiers","No","VARCHAR(2000)","A compact description of all the modifiers of the specific term extracted by the NLP system. (e.g. “son has rash” ? “negated=no,subject=family, certainty=undef,conditional=false,general=false”).","note_nlp","cdm"
"115","observation_id","Yes","INTEGER","A unique identifier for each observation.","observation","cdm"
"116","person_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key identifier to the Person about whom the observation was recorded. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table.","observation","cdm"
"117","observation_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the standard observation concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies.","observation","cdm"
"118","observation_date","Yes","DATE","The date of the observation.","observation","cdm"
"119","observation_datetime","No","DATETIME","The date and time of the observation.","observation","cdm"
"120","observation_type_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the predefined concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the type of the observation.","observation","cdm"
"121","value_as_number","No","FLOAT","The observation result stored as a number. This is applicable to observations where the result is expressed as a numeric value.","observation","cdm"
"122","value_as_string","No","VARCHAR(60)","The observation result stored as a string. This is applicable to observations where the result is expressed as verbatim text.","observation","cdm"
"123","value_as_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to an observation result stored as a Concept ID. This is applicable to observations where the result can be expressed as a Standard Concept from the Standardized Vocabularies (e.g., positive/negative, present/absent, low/high, etc.).","observation","cdm"
"124","qualifier_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a Standard Concept ID for a qualifier (e.g., severity of drug-drug interaction alert)","observation","cdm"
"125","unit_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a Standard Concept ID of measurement units in the Standardized Vocabularies.","observation","cdm"
"126","provider_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the provider in the PROVIDER table who was responsible for making the observation.","observation","cdm"
"127","visit_occurrence_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the visit in the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table during which the observation was recorded.","observation","cdm"
"128","visit_detail_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the visit in the VISIT_DETAIL table during which the observation was recorded.","observation","cdm"
"129","observation_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The observation code as it appears in the source data. This code is mapped to a Standard Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is, stored here for reference.","observation","cdm"
"130","observation_source_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a Concept that refers to the code used in the source.","observation","cdm"
"131","unit_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source code for the unit as it appears in the source data. This code is mapped to a standard unit concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is, stored here for reference.","observation","cdm"
"132","qualifier_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source value associated with a qualifier to characterize the observation","observation","cdm"
"133","observation_period_id","Yes","INTEGER","A unique identifier for each observation period.","observation_period","cdm"
"134","person_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key identifier to the person for whom the observation period is defined. The demographic details of that person are stored in the person table.","observation_period","cdm"
"135","observation_period_start_date","Yes","DATE","The start date of the observation period for which data are available from the data source.","observation_period","cdm"
"136","observation_period_end_date","Yes","DATE","The end date of the observation period for which data are available from the data source.","observation_period","cdm"
"137","period_type_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key identifier to the predefined concept in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the source of the observation period information","observation_period","cdm"
"138","person_id","Yes","INTEGER","A unique identifier for each person.","person","cdm"
"139","gender_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to an identifier in the CONCEPT table for the unique gender of the person.","person","cdm"
"140","year_of_birth","Yes","INTEGER","The year of birth of the person. For data sources with date of birth, the year is extracted. For data sources where the year of birth is not available, the approximate year of birth is derived based on any age group categorization available.","person","cdm"
"141","month_of_birth","No","INTEGER","The month of birth of the person. For data sources that provide the precise date of birth, the month is extracted and stored in this field.","person","cdm"
"142","day_of_birth","No","INTEGER","The day of the month of birth of the person. For data sources that provide the precise date of birth, the day is extracted and stored in this field.","person","cdm"
"143","birth_datetime","No","DATETIME","The date and time of birth of the person.","person","cdm"
"144","race_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to an identifier in the CONCEPT table for the unique race of the person.","person","cdm"
"145","ethnicity_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to the standard concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies for the ethnicity of the person.","person","cdm"
"146","location_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the place of residency for the person in the location table, where the detailed address information is stored.","person","cdm"
"147","provider_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the primary care provider the person is seeing in the provider table.","person","cdm"
"148","care_site_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the site of primary care in the care_site table, where the details of the care site are stored.","person","cdm"
"149","person_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","An (encrypted) key derived from the person identifier in the source data. This is necessary when a use case requires a link back to the person data at the source dataset.","person","cdm"
"150","gender_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source code for the gender of the person as it appears in the source data. The persons gender is mapped to a standard gender concept in the Standardized Vocabularies; the original value is stored here for reference.","person","cdm"
"151","gender_source_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the gender concept that refers to the code used in the source.","person","cdm"
"152","race_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source code for the race of the person as it appears in the source data. The person race is mapped to a standard race concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original value is stored here for reference.","person","cdm"
"153","race_source_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the race concept that refers to the code used in the source.","person","cdm"
"154","ethnicity_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source code for the ethnicity of the person as it appears in the source data. The person ethnicity is mapped to a standard ethnicity concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is, stored here for reference.","person","cdm"
"155","ethnicity_source_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the ethnicity concept that refers to the code used in the source.","person","cdm"
"156","procedure_occurrence_id","Yes","INTEGER","A system-generated unique identifier for each Procedure Occurrence.","procedure_occurrence","cdm"
"157","person_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key identifier to the Person who is subjected to the Procedure. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table.","procedure_occurrence","cdm"
"158","procedure_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to a standard procedure Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies.","procedure_occurrence","cdm"
"159","procedure_date","Yes","DATE","The date on which the Procedure was performed.","procedure_occurrence","cdm"
"160","procedure_datetime","No","DATETIME","The date and time on which the Procedure was performed.","procedure_occurrence","cdm"
"161","procedure_type_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the predefined Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the type of source data from which the procedure record is derived.","procedure_occurrence","cdm"
"162","modifier_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a Standard Concept identifier for a modifier to the Procedure (e.g. bilateral)","procedure_occurrence","cdm"
"163","quantity","No","INTEGER","The quantity of procedures ordered or administered.","procedure_occurrence","cdm"
"164","provider_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the provider in the PROVIDER table who was responsible for carrying out the procedure.","procedure_occurrence","cdm"
"165","visit_occurrence_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the Visit in the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table during which the Procedure was carried out.","procedure_occurrence","cdm"
"166","visit_detail_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the Visit Detail in the VISIT_DETAIL table during which the Procedure was carried out.","procedure_occurrence","cdm"
"167","procedure_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source code for the Procedure as it appears in the source data. This code is mapped to a standard procedure Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is, stored here for reference. Procedure source codes are typically ICD-9-Proc, CPT-4, HCPCS or OPCS-4 codes.","procedure_occurrence","cdm"
"168","procedure_source_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a Procedure Concept that refers to the code used in the source.","procedure_occurrence","cdm"
"169","modifier_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source code for the qualifier as it appears in the source data.","procedure_occurrence","cdm"
"170","specimen_id","Yes","INTEGER","A unique identifier for each specimen.","specimen","cdm"
"171","person_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key identifier to the Person for whom the Specimen is recorded.","specimen","cdm"
"172","specimen_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key referring to a Standard Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies for the Specimen.","specimen","cdm"
"173","specimen_type_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key referring to the Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the system of record from which the Specimen was represented in the source data.","specimen","cdm"
"174","specimen_date","Yes","DATE","The date the specimen was obtained from the Person.","specimen","cdm"
"175","specimen_datetime","No","DATETIME","The date and time on the date when the Specimen was obtained from the person.","specimen","cdm"
"176","quantity","No","FLOAT","The amount of specimen collection from the person during the sampling procedure.","specimen","cdm"
"177","unit_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a Standard Concept identifier for the Unit associated with the numeric quantity of the Specimen collection.","specimen","cdm"
"178","anatomic_site_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a Standard Concept identifier for the anatomic location of specimen collection.","specimen","cdm"
"179","disease_status_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a Standard Concept identifier for the Disease Status of specimen collection.","specimen","cdm"
"180","specimen_source_id","No","VARCHAR(50)","The Specimen identifier as it appears in the source data.","specimen","cdm"
"181","specimen_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The Specimen value as it appears in the source data. This value is mapped to a Standard Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is, stored here for reference.","specimen","cdm"
"182","unit_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The information about the Unit as detailed in the source.","specimen","cdm"
"183","anatomic_site_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The information about the anatomic site as detailed in the source.","specimen","cdm"
"184","disease_status_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The information about the disease status as detailed in the source.","specimen","cdm"
"185","visit_detail_id","Yes","INTEGER","A unique identifier for each Person's visit or encounter at a healthcare provider.","visit_detail","cdm"
"186","person_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key identifier to the Person for whom the visit is recorded. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table.","visit_detail","cdm"
"187","visit_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to a visit Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies.","visit_detail","cdm"
"188","visit_start_date","Yes","DATE","The start date of the visit.","visit_detail","cdm"
"189","visit_start_datetime","No","DATETIME","The date and time of the visit started.","visit_detail","cdm"
"190","visit_end_date","Yes","DATE","The end date of the visit. If this is a one-day visit the end date should match the start date.","visit_detail","cdm"
"191","visit_end_datetime","No","DATETIME","The date and time of the visit end.","visit_detail","cdm"
"192","visit_type_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the predefined Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the type of source data from which the visit record is derived.","visit_detail","cdm"
"193","provider_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the provider in the provider table who was associated with the visit.","visit_detail","cdm"
"194","care_site_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the care site in the care site table that was visited.","visit_detail","cdm"
"195","visit_source_value","No","STRING(50)","The source code for the visit as it appears in the source data.","visit_detail","cdm"
"196","visit_source_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a Concept that refers to the code used in the source.","visit_detail","cdm"
"197","admitting_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source code for the admitting source as it appears in the source data.","visit_detail","cdm"
"198","admitting_source_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the predefined concept in the Place of Service Vocabulary reflecting the admitting source for a visit.","visit_detail","cdm"
"199","discharge_to_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source code for the discharge disposition as it appears in the source data.","visit_detail","cdm"
"200","discharge_to_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the predefined concept in the Place of Service Vocabulary reflecting the discharge disposition for a visit.","visit_detail","cdm"
"201","preceding_visit_detail_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the VISIT_DETAIL table of the visit immediately preceding this visit","visit_detail","cdm"
"202","visit_detail_parent_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the VISIT_DETAIL table record to represent the immediate parent visit-detail record.","visit_detail","cdm"
"203","visit_occurrence_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to the record in the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table. This is a required field, because for every visit_detail is a child of visit_occurrence and cannot exist without a corresponding parent record in visit_occurrence.","visit_detail","cdm"
"204","visit_occurrence_id","Yes","INTEGER","A unique identifier for each Person's visit or encounter at a healthcare provider.","visit_occurrence","cdm"
"205","person_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key identifier to the Person for whom the visit is recorded. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table.","visit_occurrence","cdm"
"206","visit_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to a visit Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies.","visit_occurrence","cdm"
"207","visit_start_date","Yes","DATE","The start date of the visit.","visit_occurrence","cdm"
"208","visit_start_datetime","No","DATETIME","The date and time of the visit started.","visit_occurrence","cdm"
"209","visit_end_date","Yes","DATE","The end date of the visit. If this is a one-day visit the end date should match the start date.","visit_occurrence","cdm"
"210","visit_end_datetime","No","DATETIME","The date and time of the visit end.","visit_occurrence","cdm"
"211","visit_type_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the predefined Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the type of source data from which the visit record is derived.","visit_occurrence","cdm"
"212","provider_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the provider in the provider table who was associated with the visit.","visit_occurrence","cdm"
"213","care_site_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the care site in the care site table that was visited.","visit_occurrence","cdm"
"214","visit_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source code for the visit as it appears in the source data.","visit_occurrence","cdm"
"215","visit_source_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a Concept that refers to the code used in the source.","visit_occurrence","cdm"
"216","admitting_source_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the predefined concept in the Place of Service Vocabulary reflecting the admitting source for a visit.","visit_occurrence","cdm"
"217","admitting_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source code for the admitting source as it appears in the source data.","visit_occurrence","cdm"
"218","discharge_to_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the predefined concept in the Place of Service Vocabulary reflecting the discharge disposition for a visit.","visit_occurrence","cdm"
"219","discharge_to_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source code for the discharge disposition as it appears in the source data.","visit_occurrence","cdm"
"220","preceding_visit_occurrence_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table of the visit immediately preceding this visit","visit_occurrence","cdm"
"221","cohort_definition_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to a record in the COHORT_DEFINITION table containing relevant Cohort Definition information.","cohort","results"
"222","subject_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the subject in the cohort. These could be referring to records in the PERSON, PROVIDER, VISIT_OCCURRENCE table.","cohort","results"
"223","cohort_start_date","Yes","DATE","The date when the Cohort Definition criteria for the Person, Provider or Visit first match.","cohort","results"
"224","cohort_end_date","Yes","DATE","The date when the Cohort Definition criteria for the Person, Provider or Visit no longer match or the Cohort membership was terminated.","cohort","results"
"225","cohort_definition_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to a record in the [COHORT_DEFINITION]( table containing relevant Cohort Definition information.","cohort_attribute","results"
"226","subject_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the subject in the Cohort. These could be referring to records in the PERSON, PROVIDER, VISIT_OCCURRENCE table.","cohort_attribute","results"
"227","cohort_start_date","Yes","DATE","The date when the Cohort Definition criteria for the Person, Provider or Visit first match.","cohort_attribute","results"
"228","cohort_end_date","Yes","DATE","The date when the Cohort Definition criteria for the Person, Provider or Visit no longer match or the Cohort membership was terminated.","cohort_attribute","results"
"229","attribute_definition_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to a record in the [ATTRIBUTE_DEFINITION]( table containing relevant Attribute Definition information.","cohort_attribute","results"
"230","value_as_number","No","FLOAT","The attribute result stored as a number. This is applicable to attributes where the result is expressed as a numeric value.","cohort_attribute","results"
"231","value_as_concept_id","No","INTEGER","The attribute result stored as a Concept ID. This is applicable to attributes where the result is expressed as a categorical value.","cohort_attribute","results"
"232","condition_era_id","Yes","INTEGER","A unique identifier for each Condition Era.","condition_era","cdm"
"233","person_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key identifier to the Person who is experiencing the Condition during the Condition Era. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table.","condition_era","cdm"
"234","condition_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to a standard Condition Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies.","condition_era","cdm"
"235","condition_era_start_date","Yes","DATE","The start date for the Condition Era constructed from the individual instances of Condition Occurrences. It is the start date of the very first chronologically recorded instance of the condition.","condition_era","cdm"
"236","condition_era_end_date","Yes","DATE","The end date for the Condition Era constructed from the individual instances of Condition Occurrences. It is the end date of the final continuously recorded instance of the Condition.","condition_era","cdm"
"237","condition_occurrence_count","No","INTEGER","The number of individual Condition Occurrences used to construct the condition era.","condition_era","cdm"
"238","dose_era_id","Yes","INTEGER","A unique identifier for each Dose Era.","dose_era","cdm"
"239","person_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key identifier to the Person who is subjected to the drug during the drug era. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table.","dose_era","cdm"
"240","drug_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to a Standard Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies for the active Ingredient Concept.","dose_era","cdm"
"241","unit_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to a Standard Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies for the unit concept.","dose_era","cdm"
"242","dose_value","Yes","FLOAT","The numeric value of the dose.","dose_era","cdm"
"243","dose_era_start_date","Yes","DATE","The start date for the drug era constructed from the individual instances of drug exposures. It is the start date of the very first chronologically recorded instance of utilization of a drug.","dose_era","cdm"
"244","dose_era_end_date","Yes","DATE","The end date for the drug era constructed from the individual instance of drug exposures. It is the end date of the final continuously recorded instance of utilization of a drug.","dose_era","cdm"
"245","drug_era_id","Yes","INTEGER","A unique identifier for each Drug Era.","drug_era","cdm"
"246","person_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key identifier to the Person who is subjected to the Drug during the fDrug Era. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table.","drug_era","cdm"
"247","drug_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to a Standard Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies for the Ingredient Concept.","drug_era","cdm"
"248","drug_era_start_date","Yes","DATE","The start date for the Drug Era constructed from the individual instances of Drug Exposures. It is the start date of the very first chronologically recorded instance of conutilization of a Drug.","drug_era","cdm"
"249","drug_era_end_date","Yes","DATE","The end date for the drug era constructed from the individual instance of drug exposures. It is the end date of the final continuously recorded instance of utilization of a drug.","drug_era","cdm"
"250","drug_exposure_count","No","INTEGER","The number of individual Drug Exposure occurrences used to construct the Drug Era.","drug_era","cdm"
"251","gap_days","No","INTEGER","The number of days that are not covered by DRUG_EXPOSURE records that were used to make up the era record.","drug_era","cdm"
"252","cost_id","Yes","INTEGER","A unique identifier for each COST record.","cost","cdm"
"253","cost_event_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key identifier to the event (e.g. Measurement, Procedure, Visit, Drug Exposure, etc) record for which cost data are recorded.","cost","cdm"
"254","cost_domain_id","Yes","VARCHAR(20)","The concept representing the domain of the cost event, from which the corresponding table can be inferred that contains the entity for which cost information is recorded.","cost","cdm"
"255","cost_type_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key identifier to a concept in the CONCEPT table for the provenance or the source of the COST data: Calculated from insurance claim information, provider revenue, calculated from cost-to-charge ratio, reported from accounting database, etc.","cost","cdm"
"256","currency_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key identifier to the concept representing the 3-letter code used to delineate international currencies, such as USD for US Dollar.","cost","cdm"
"257","total_charge","No","FLOAT","The total amount charged by some provider of goods or services (e.g. hospital, physician pharmacy, dme provider) to payers (insurance companies, the patient).","cost","cdm"
"258","total_cost","No","FLOAT","The cost incurred by the provider of goods or services.","cost","cdm"
"259","total_paid","No","FLOAT","The total amount actually paid from all payers for goods or services of the provider.","cost","cdm"
"260","paid_by_payer","No","FLOAT","The amount paid by the Payer for the goods or services.","cost","cdm"
"261","paid_by_patient","No","FLOAT","The total amount paid by the Person as a share of the expenses.","cost","cdm"
"262","paid_patient_copay","No","FLOAT","The amount paid by the Person as a fixed contribution to the expenses.","cost","cdm"
"263","paid_patient_coinsurance","No","FLOAT","The amount paid by the Person as a joint assumption of risk. Typically, this is a percentage of the expenses defined by the Payer Plan after the Person's deductible is exceeded.","cost","cdm"
"264","paid_patient_deductible","No","FLOAT","The amount paid by the Person that is counted toward the deductible defined by the Payer Plan. paid_patient_deductible does contribute to the paid_by_patient variable.","cost","cdm"
"265","paid_by_primary","No","FLOAT","The amount paid by a primary Payer through the coordination of benefits.","cost","cdm"
"266","paid_ingredient_cost","No","FLOAT","The amount paid by the Payer to a pharmacy for the drug, excluding the amount paid for dispensing the drug. paid_ingredient_cost contributes to the paid_by_payer field if this field is populated with a nonzero value.","cost","cdm"
"267","paid_dispensing_fee","No","FLOAT","The amount paid by the Payer to a pharmacy for dispensing a drug, excluding the amount paid for the drug ingredient. paid_dispensing_fee contributes to the paid_by_payer field if this field is populated with a nonzero value.","cost","cdm"
"268","payer_plan_period_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the PAYER_PLAN_PERIOD table, where the details of the Payer, Plan and Family are stored. Record the payer_plan_id that relates to the payer who contributed to the paid_by_payer field.","cost","cdm"
"269","amount_allowed","No","FLOAT","The contracted amount agreed between the payer and provider.","cost","cdm"
"270","revenue_code_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key referring to a Standard Concept ID in the Standardized Vocabularies for Revenue codes.","cost","cdm"
"271","revenue_code_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source code for the Revenue code as it appears in the source data, stored here for reference.","cost","cdm"
"272","drg_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the predefined concept in the DRG Vocabulary reflecting the DRG for a visit.","cost","cdm"
"273","drg_source_value","No","VARCHAR(3)","The 3-digit DRG source code as it appears in the source data.","cost","cdm"
"274","payer_plan_period_id","Yes","INTEGER","A identifier for each unique combination of payer, sponsor, plan, family code and time span.","payer_plan_period","cdm"
"275","person_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key identifier to the Person covered by the payer. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table.","payer_plan_period","cdm"
"276","payer_plan_period_start_date","Yes","DATE","The start date of the payer plan period.","payer_plan_period","cdm"
"277","payer_plan_period_end_date","Yes","DATE","The end date of the payer plan period.","payer_plan_period","cdm"
"278","payer_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to a Standard Payer concept identifiers in the Standardized Vocabularies","payer_plan_period","cdm"
"279","payer_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source code for the payer as it appears in the source data.","payer_plan_period","cdm"
"280","payer_source_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a payer concept that refers to the code used in the source.","payer_plan_period","cdm"
"281","plan_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to a Standard plan that represents the health benefit plan in the Standardized Vocabularies","payer_plan_period","cdm"
"282","plan_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source code for the Person's health benefit plan as it appears in the source data.","payer_plan_period","cdm"
"283","plan_source_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a plan concept that refers to the code used in the source.","payer_plan_period","cdm"
"284","sponsor_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to a Standard plan that represents the sponsor in the Standardized Vocabularies","payer_plan_period","cdm"
"285","sponsor_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source code for the Person's sponsor of the health plan as it appears in the source data.","payer_plan_period","cdm"
"286","sponsor_source_concept_id*","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a sponsor concept that refers to the code used in the source.","payer_plan_period","cdm"
"287","family_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source code for the Person's family as it appears in the source data.","payer_plan_period","cdm"
"288","stop_reason_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to a Standard termination reason that represents the reason for the termination in the Standardized Vocabularies.","payer_plan_period","cdm"
"289","stop_reason_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The reason for stop-coverage of the record.","payer_plan_period","cdm"
"290","stop_reason_source_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a stop-coverage concept that refers to the code used in the source.","payer_plan_period","cdm"
"291","care_site_id","Yes","INTEGER","A unique identifier for each Care Site.","care_site","cdm"
"292","care_site_name","No","VARCHAR(255)","The verbatim description or name of the Care Site as in data source","care_site","cdm"
"293","place_of_service_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to a Place of Service Concept ID in the Standardized Vocabularies.","care_site","cdm"
"294","location_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the geographic Location in the LOCATION table, where the detailed address information is stored.","care_site","cdm"
"295","care_site_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The identifier for the Care Site in the source data, stored here for reference.","care_site","cdm"
"296","place_of_service_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source code for the Place of Service as it appears in the source data, stored here for reference.","care_site","cdm"
"297","location_id","Yes","INTEGER","A unique identifier for each geographic location.","location","cdm"
"298","address_1","No","VARCHAR(50)","The address field 1, typically used for the street address, as it appears in the source data.","location","cdm"
"299","address_2","No","VARCHAR(50)","The address field 2, typically used for additional detail such as buildings, suites, floors, as it appears in the source data.","location","cdm"
"300","city","No","VARCHAR(50)","The city field as it appears in the source data.","location","cdm"
"301","state","No","VARCHAR(2)","The state field as it appears in the source data.","location","cdm"
"302","zip","No","VARCHAR(9)","The zip or postal code.","location","cdm"
"303","county","No","VARCHAR(20)","The county.","location","cdm"
"304","location_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The verbatim information that is used to uniquely identify the location as it appears in the source data.","location","cdm"
"305","provider_id","Yes","INTEGER","A unique identifier for each Provider.","provider","cdm"
"306","provider_name","No","VARCHAR(255)","A description of the Provider.","provider","cdm"
"307","npi","No","VARCHAR(20)","The National Provider Identifier (NPI) of the provider.","provider","cdm"
"308","dea","No","VARCHAR(20)","The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) number of the provider.","provider","cdm"
"309","specialty_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a Standard Specialty Concept ID in the Standardized Vocabularies.","provider","cdm"
"310","care_site_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the main Care Site where the provider is practicing.","provider","cdm"
"311","year_of_birth","No","INTEGER","The year of birth of the Provider.","provider","cdm"
"312","gender_concept_id","No","INTEGER","The gender of the Provider.","provider","cdm"
"313","provider_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The identifier used for the Provider in the source data, stored here for reference.","provider","cdm"
"314","specialty_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The source code for the Provider specialty as it appears in the source data, stored here for reference.","provider","cdm"
"315","specialty_source_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a Concept that refers to the code used in the source.","provider","cdm"
"316","gender_source_value","No","VARCHAR(50)","The gender code for the Provider as it appears in the source data, stored here for reference.","provider","cdm"
"317","gender_source_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a Concept that refers to the code used in the source.","provider","cdm"
"318","cdm_source_name","Yes","VARCHAR(255)","The full name of the source","cdm_source","cdm"
"319","cdm_source_abbreviation","No","VARCHAR(25)","An abbreviation of the name","cdm_source","cdm"
"320","cdm_holder","No","VARCHAR(255)","The name of the organization responsible for the development of the CDM instance","cdm_source","cdm"
"321","source_description","No","CLOB","A description of the source data origin and purpose for collection. The description may contain a summary of the period of time that is expected to be covered by this dataset.","cdm_source","cdm"
"322","source_documentation_reference","No","VARCHAR(255)","URL or other external reference to location of source documentation","cdm_source","cdm"
"323","cdm_etl_reference","No","VARCHAR(255)","URL or other external reference to location of ETL specification documentation and ETL source code","cdm_source","cdm"
"324","source_release_date","No","DATE","The date for which the source data are most current, such as the last day of data capture","cdm_source","cdm"
"325","cdm_release_date","No","DATE","The date when the CDM was instantiated","cdm_source","cdm"
"326","cdm_version","No","VARCHAR(10)","The version of CDM used","cdm_source","cdm"
"327","vocabulary_version","No","VARCHAR(20)","The version of the vocabulary used","cdm_source","cdm"
"328","metadata_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to a Standard Metadata Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies.","metadata","cdm"
"329","metadata_type_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to a Standard Type Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies.","metadata","cdm"
"330","name","Yes","VARCHAR(250)","The name of the Concept stored in metadata_concept_id or a description of the data being stored.","metadata","cdm"
"331","value_as_string","No","NVARCHAR","The metadata value stored as a string.","metadata","cdm"
"332","value_as_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to a metadata value stored as a Concept ID.","metadata","cdm"
"333","metadata date","No","DATE","The date associated with the metadata","metadata","cdm"
"334","metadata_datetime","No","DATETIME","The date and time associated with the metadata","metadata","cdm"
"335","attribute_definition_id","Yes","INTEGER","A unique identifier for each Attribute.","attribute_definition","cdm"
"336","attribute_name","Yes","VARCHAR(255)","A short description of the Attribute.","attribute_definition","cdm"
"337","attribute_description","No","VARCHAR(MAX)","A complete description of the Attribute definition","attribute_definition","cdm"
"338","attribute_type_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","Type defining what kind of Attribute Definition the record represents and how the syntax may be executed","attribute_definition","cdm"
"339","attribute_syntax","No","VARCHAR(MAX)","Syntax or code to operationalize the Attribute definition","attribute_definition","cdm"
"340","cohort_definition_id","Yes","INTEGER","A unique identifier for each Cohort.","cohort_definition","cdm"
"341","cohort_definition_name","Yes","VARCHAR(255)","A short description of the Cohort.","cohort_definition","cdm"
"342","cohort_definition_description","No","VARCHAR(MAX)","A complete description of the Cohort definition","cohort_definition","cdm"
"343","definition_type_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","Type defining what kind of Cohort Definition the record represents and how the syntax may be executed","cohort_definition","cdm"
"344","cohort_definition_syntax","No","VARCHAR(MAX)","Syntax or code to operationalize the Cohort definition","cohort_definition","cdm"
"345","subject_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the Concept to which defines the domain of subjects that are members of the cohort (e.g., Person, Provider, Visit).","cohort_definition","cdm"
"346","cohort_initiation_date","No","DATE","A date to indicate when the Cohort was initiated in the COHORT table","cohort_definition","cdm"
"347","concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A unique identifier for each Concept across all domains.","concept","cdm"
"348","concept_name","Yes","VARCHAR(255)","An unambiguous, meaningful and descriptive name for the Concept.","concept","cdm"
"349","domain_id","Yes","VARCHAR(20)","A foreign key to the [DOMAIN]( table the Concept belongs to.","concept","cdm"
"350","vocabulary_id","Yes","VARCHAR(20)","A foreign key to the [VOCABULARY]( table indicating from which source the Concept has been adapted.","concept","cdm"
"351","concept_class_id","Yes","VARCHAR(20)","The attribute or concept class of the Concept. Examples are 'Clinical Drug', 'Ingredient', 'Clinical Finding' etc.","concept","cdm"
"352","standard_concept","No","VARCHAR(1)","This flag determines where a Concept is a Standard Concept, i.e. is used in the data, a Classification Concept, or a non-standard Source Concept. The allowables values are 'S' (Standard Concept) and 'C' (Classification Concept), otherwise the content is NULL.","concept","cdm"
"353","concept_code","Yes","VARCHAR(50)","The concept code represents the identifier of the Concept in the source vocabulary, such as SNOMED-CT concept IDs, RxNorm RXCUIs etc. Note that concept codes are not unique across vocabularies.","concept","cdm"
"354","valid_start_date","Yes","DATE","The date when the Concept was first recorded. The default value is 1-Jan-1970, meaning, the Concept has no (known) date of inception.","concept","cdm"
"355","valid_end_date","Yes","DATE","The date when the Concept became invalid because it was deleted or superseded (updated) by a new concept. The default value is 31-Dec-2099, meaning, the Concept is valid until it becomes deprecated.","concept","cdm"
"356","invalid_reason","No","VARCHAR(1)","Reason the Concept was invalidated. Possible values are D (deleted), U (replaced with an update) or NULL when valid_end_date has the default value.","concept","cdm"
"357","ancestor_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the concept in the concept table for the higher-level concept that forms the ancestor in the relationship.","concept_ancestor","cdm"
"358","descendant_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the concept in the concept table for the lower-level concept that forms the descendant in the relationship.","concept_ancestor","cdm"
"359","min_levels_of_separation","Yes","INTEGER","The minimum separation in number of levels of hierarchy between ancestor and descendant concepts. This is an attribute that is used to simplify hierarchic analysis.","concept_ancestor","cdm"
"360","max_levels_of_separation","Yes","INTEGER","The maximum separation in number of levels of hierarchy between ancestor and descendant concepts. This is an attribute that is used to simplify hierarchic analysis.","concept_ancestor","cdm"
"361","concept_class_id","Yes","VARCHAR(20)","A unique key for each class.","concept_class","cdm"
"362","concept_class_name","Yes","VARCHAR(255)","The name describing the Concept Class, e.g. ""Clinical Finding"", ""Ingredient"", etc.","concept_class","cdm"
"363","concept_class_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to an identifier in the [CONCEPT]( table for the unique Concept Class the record belongs to.","concept_class","cdm"
"364","concept_id_1","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to a Concept in the [CONCEPT]( table associated with the relationship. Relationships are directional, and this field represents the source concept designation.","concept_relationship","cdm"
"365","concept_id_2","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to a Concept in the [CONCEPT]( table associated with the relationship. Relationships are directional, and this field represents the destination concept designation.","concept_relationship","cdm"
"366","relationship_id","Yes","VARCHAR(20)","A unique identifier to the type or nature of the Relationship as defined in the [RELATIONSHIP]( table.","concept_relationship","cdm"
"367","valid_start_date","Yes","DATE","The date when the instance of the Concept Relationship is first recorded.","concept_relationship","cdm"
"368","valid_end_date","Yes","DATE","The date when the Concept Relationship became invalid because it was deleted or superseded (updated) by a new relationship. Default value is 31-Dec-2099.","concept_relationship","cdm"
"369","invalid_reason","No","VARCHAR(1)","Reason the relationship was invalidated. Possible values are 'D' (deleted), 'U' (replaced with an update) or NULL when valid_end_date has the default value.","concept_relationship","cdm"
"370","concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the Concept in the CONCEPT table.","concept_synonym","cdm"
"371","concept_synonym_name","Yes","VARCHAR(1000)","The alternative name for the Concept.","concept_synonym","cdm"
"372","language_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to a Concept representing the language.","concept_synonym","cdm"
"373","domain_id","Yes","VARCHAR(20)","A unique key for each domain.","domain","cdm"
"374","domain_name","Yes","VARCHAR(255)","The name describing the Domain, e.g. ""Condition"", ""Procedure"", ""Measurement"" etc.","domain","cdm"
"375","domain_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to an identifier in the [CONCEPT]( table for the unique Domain Concept the Domain record belongs to.","domain","cdm"
"376","drug_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the Concept in the CONCEPT table representing the identifier for Branded Drug or Clinical Drug Concept.","drug_strength","cdm"
"377","ingredient_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the Concept in the CONCEPT table, representing the identifier for drug Ingredient Concept contained within the drug product.","drug_strength","cdm"
"378","amount_value","No","FLOAT","The numeric value associated with the amount of active ingredient contained within the product.","drug_strength","cdm"
"379","amount_unit_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the Concept in the CONCEPT table representing the identifier for the Unit for the absolute amount of active ingredient.","drug_strength","cdm"
"380","numerator_value","No","FLOAT","The numeric value associated with the concentration of the active ingredient contained in the product","drug_strength","cdm"
"381","numerator_unit_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the Concept in the CONCEPT table representing the identifier for the numerator Unit for the concentration of active ingredient.","drug_strength","cdm"
"382","denominator_value","No","FLOAT","The amount of total liquid (or other divisible product, such as ointment, gel, spray, etc.).","drug_strength","cdm"
"383","denominator_unit_concept_id","No","INTEGER","A foreign key to the Concept in the CONCEPT table representing the identifier for the denominator Unit for the concentration of active ingredient.","drug_strength","cdm"
"384","box_size","No","INTEGER","The number of units of Clinical of Branded Drug, or Quantified Clinical or Branded Drug contained in a box as dispensed to the patient","drug_strength","cdm"
"385","valid_start_date","Yes","DATE","The date when the Concept was first recorded. The default value is 1-Jan-1970.","drug_strength","cdm"
"386","valid_end_date","Yes","DATE","The date when the concept became invalid because it was deleted or superseded (updated) by a new Concept. The default value is 31-Dec-2099.","drug_strength","cdm"
"387","invalid_reason","No","VARCHAR(1)","Reason the concept was invalidated. Possible values are 'D' (deleted), 'U' (replaced with an update) or NULL when valid_end_date has the default value.","drug_strength","cdm"
"388","relationship_id","Yes","VARCHAR(20)","The type of relationship captured by the relationship record.","relationship","cdm"
"389","relationship_name","Yes","VARCHAR(255)","The text that describes the relationship type.","relationship","cdm"
"390","is_hierarchical","Yes","VARCHAR(1)","Defines whether a relationship defines concepts into classes or hierarchies. Values are 1 for hierarchical relationship or 0 if not.","relationship","cdm"
"391","defines_ancestry","Yes","VARCHAR(1)","Defines whether a hierarchical relationship contributes to the concept_ancestor table. These are subsets of the hierarchical relationships. Valid values are 1 or 0.","relationship","cdm"
"392","reverse_relationship_id","Yes","VARCHAR(20)","The identifier for the relationship used to define the reverse relationship between two concepts.","relationship","cdm"
"393","relationship_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to an identifier in the CONCEPT table for the unique relationship concept.","relationship","cdm"
"394","source_code","Yes","VARCHAR(50)","The source code being translated into a Standard Concept.","source_to_concept_map","cdm"
"395","source_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the Source Concept that is being translated into a Standard Concept.","source_to_concept_map","cdm"
"396","source_vocabulary_id","Yes","VARCHAR(20)","A foreign key to the VOCABULARY table defining the vocabulary of the source code that is being translated to a Standard Concept.","source_to_concept_map","cdm"
"397","source_code_description","No","VARCHAR(255)","An optional description for the source code. This is included as a convenience to compare the description of the source code to the name of the concept.","source_to_concept_map","cdm"
"398","target_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key to the target Concept to which the source code is being mapped.","source_to_concept_map","cdm"
"399","target_vocabulary_id","Yes","VARCHAR(20)","A foreign key to the VOCABULARY table defining the vocabulary of the target Concept.","source_to_concept_map","cdm"
"400","valid_start_date","Yes","DATE","The date when the mapping instance was first recorded.","source_to_concept_map","cdm"
"401","valid_end_date","Yes","DATE","The date when the mapping instance became invalid because it was deleted or superseded (updated) by a new relationship. Default value is 31-Dec-2099.","source_to_concept_map","cdm"
"402","invalid_reason","No","VARCHAR(1)","Reason the mapping instance was invalidated. Possible values are D (deleted), U (replaced with an update) or NULL when valid_end_date has the default value.","source_to_concept_map","cdm"
"403","vocabulary_id","Yes","VARCHAR(20)","A unique identifier for each Vocabulary, such as ICD9CM, SNOMED, Visit.","vocabulary","cdm"
"404","vocabulary_name","Yes","VARCHAR(255)","The name describing the vocabulary, for example ""International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification, Volume 1 and 2 (NCHS)"" etc.","vocabulary","cdm"
"405","vocabulary_reference","Yes","VARCHAR(255)","External reference to documentation or available download of the about the vocabulary.","vocabulary","cdm"
"406","vocabulary_version","No","VARCHAR(255)","Version of the Vocabulary as indicated in the source.","vocabulary","cdm"
"407","vocabulary_concept_id","Yes","INTEGER","A foreign key that refers to a standard concept identifier in the CONCEPT table for the Vocabulary the VOCABULARY record belongs to.","vocabulary","cdm"
1 field required type description table schema
2 1 condition_occurrence_id Yes INTEGER A unique identifier for each Condition Occurrence event. condition_occurrence cdm
3 2 person_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key identifier to the Person who is experiencing the condition. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table. condition_occurrence cdm
4 3 condition_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key that refers to a Standard Condition Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies. condition_occurrence cdm
5 4 condition_start_date Yes DATE The date when the instance of the Condition is recorded. condition_occurrence cdm
6 5 condition_start_datetime No DATETIME The date and time when the instance of the Condition is recorded. condition_occurrence cdm
7 6 condition_end_date No DATE The date when the instance of the Condition is considered to have ended. condition_occurrence cdm
8 7 condition_end_datetime No DATE The date when the instance of the Condition is considered to have ended. condition_occurrence cdm
9 8 condition_type_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the predefined Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the source data from which the condition was recorded, the level of standardization, and the type of occurrence. condition_occurrence cdm
10 9 stop_reason No VARCHAR(20) The reason that the condition was no longer present, as indicated in the source data. condition_occurrence cdm
11 10 provider_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the Provider in the PROVIDER table who was responsible for capturing (diagnosing) the Condition. condition_occurrence cdm
12 11 visit_occurrence_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the visit in the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table during which the Condition was determined (diagnosed). condition_occurrence cdm
13 12 visit_detail_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the visit in the VISIT_DETAIL table during which the Condition was determined (diagnosed). condition_occurrence cdm
14 13 condition_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source code for the condition as it appears in the source data. This code is mapped to a standard condition concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is stored here for reference. condition_occurrence cdm
15 14 condition_source_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a Condition Concept that refers to the code used in the source. condition_occurrence cdm
16 15 condition_status_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source code for the condition status as it appears in the source data. condition_occurrence cdm
17 16 condition_status_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the predefined Concept in the Standard Vocabulary reflecting the condition status condition_occurrence cdm
18 17 person_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key identifier to the deceased person. The demographic details of that person are stored in the person table. death cdm
19 18 death_date Yes DATE The date the person was deceased. If the precise date including day or month is not known or not allowed, December is used as the default month, and the last day of the month the default day. death cdm
20 19 death_datetime No DATETIME The date and time the person was deceased. If the precise date including day or month is not known or not allowed, December is used as the default month, and the last day of the month the default day. death cdm
21 20 death_type_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key referring to the predefined concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting how the death was represented in the source data. death cdm
22 21 cause_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key referring to a standard concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies for conditions. death cdm
23 22 cause_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source code for the cause of death as it appears in the source data. This code is mapped to a standard concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is, stored here for reference. death cdm
24 23 cause_source_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the concept that refers to the code used in the source. Note, this variable name is abbreviated to ensure it will be allowable across database platforms. death cdm
25 24 device_exposure_id Yes INTEGER A system-generated unique identifier for each Device Exposure. device_exposure cdm
26 25 person_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key identifier to the Person who is subjected to the Device. The demographic details of that person are stored in the Person table. device_exposure cdm
27 26 device_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key that refers to a Standard Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies for the Device concept. device_exposure cdm
28 27 device_exposure_start_date Yes DATE The date the Device or supply was applied or used. device_exposure cdm
29 28 device_exposure_start_datetime No DATETIME The date and time the Device or supply was applied or used. device_exposure cdm
30 29 device_exposure_end_date No DATE The date the Device or supply was removed from use. device_exposure cdm
31 30 device_exposure_end_datetime No DATETIME The date and time the Device or supply was removed from use. device_exposure cdm
32 31 device_type_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the predefined Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the type of Device Exposure recorded. It indicates how the Device Exposure was represented in the source data. device_exposure cdm
33 32 unique_device_id No VARCHAR(50) A UDI or equivalent identifying the instance of the Device used in the Person. device_exposure cdm
34 33 quantity No INTEGER The number of individual Devices used for the exposure. device_exposure cdm
35 34 provider_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the provider in the PROVIDER table who initiated of administered the Device. device_exposure cdm
36 35 visit_occurrence_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the visit in the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table during which the device was used. device_exposure cdm
37 36 visit_detail_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the visit detail in the VISIT_DETAIL table during which the Drug Exposure was initiated. device_exposure cdm
38 37 device_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source code for the Device as it appears in the source data. This code is mapped to a standard Device Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is stored here for reference. device_exposure cdm
39 38 device_source_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a Device Concept that refers to the code used in the source. device_exposure cdm
40 39 drug_exposure_id Yes INTEGER A system-generated unique identifier for each Drug utilization event. drug_exposure cdm
41 40 person_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key identifier to the person who is subjected to the Drug. The demographic details of that person are stored in the person table. drug_exposure cdm
42 41 drug_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key that refers to a Standard Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies for the Drug concept. drug_exposure cdm
43 42 drug_exposure_start_date Yes DATE The start date for the current instance of Drug utilization. Valid entries include a start date of a prescription, the date a prescription was filled, or the date on which a Drug administration procedure was recorded. drug_exposure cdm
44 43 drug_exposure_start_datetime No DATETIME The start date and time for the current instance of Drug utilization. Valid entries include a start date of a prescription, the date a prescription was filled, or the date on which a Drug administration procedure was recorded. drug_exposure cdm
45 44 drug_exposure_end_date Yes DATE The end date for the current instance of Drug utilization. It is not available from all sources. drug_exposure cdm
46 45 drug_exposure_end_datetime No DATETIME The end date and time for the current instance of Drug utilization. It is not available from all sources. drug_exposure cdm
47 46 verbatim_end_date No DATE The known end date of a drug_exposure as provided by the source drug_exposure cdm
48 47 drug_type_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the predefined Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the type of Drug Exposure recorded. It indicates how the Drug Exposure was represented in the source data. drug_exposure cdm
49 48 stop_reason No VARCHAR(20) The reason the Drug was stopped. Reasons include regimen completed, changed, removed, etc. drug_exposure cdm
50 49 refills No INTEGER The number of refills after the initial prescription. The initial prescription is not counted, values start with 0. drug_exposure cdm
51 50 quantity No FLOAT The quantity of drug as recorded in the original prescription or dispensing record. drug_exposure cdm
52 51 days_supply No INTEGER The number of days of supply of the medication as recorded in the original prescription or dispensing record. drug_exposure cdm
53 52 sig No VARCHAR(MAX) The directions ("signetur") on the Drug prescription as recorded in the original prescription (and printed on the container) or dispensing record. drug_exposure cdm
54 53 route_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a predefined concept in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the route of administration. drug_exposure cdm
55 54 lot_number No VARCHAR(50) An identifier assigned to a particular quantity or lot of Drug product from the manufacturer. drug_exposure cdm
56 55 provider_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the provider in the PROVIDER table who initiated (prescribed or administered) the Drug Exposure. drug_exposure cdm
57 56 visit_occurrence_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the Visit in the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table during which the Drug Exposure was initiated. drug_exposure cdm
58 57 visit_detail_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the Visit Detail in the VISIT_DETAIL table during which the Drug Exposure was initiated. drug_exposure cdm
59 58 drug_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source code for the Drug as it appears in the source data. This code is mapped to a Standard Drug concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is, stored here for reference. drug_exposure cdm
60 59 drug_source_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a Drug Concept that refers to the code used in the source. drug_exposure cdm
61 60 route_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The information about the route of administration as detailed in the source. drug_exposure cdm
62 61 dose_unit_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The information about the dose unit as detailed in the source. drug_exposure cdm
63 62 domain_concept_id_1 Yes INTEGER The concept representing the domain of fact one, from which the corresponding table can be inferred. fact_relationship cdm
64 63 fact_id_1 Yes INTEGER The unique identifier in the table corresponding to the domain of fact one. fact_relationship cdm
65 64 domain_concept_id_2 Yes INTEGER The concept representing the domain of fact two, from which the corresponding table can be inferred. fact_relationship cdm
66 65 fact_id_2 Yes INTEGER The unique identifier in the table corresponding to the domain of fact two. fact_relationship cdm
67 66 relationship_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to a Standard Concept ID of relationship in the Standardized Vocabularies. fact_relationship cdm
68 67 measurement_id Yes INTEGER A unique identifier for each Measurement. measurement cdm
69 68 person_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key identifier to the Person about whom the measurement was recorded. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table. measurement cdm
70 69 measurement_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the standard measurement concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies. measurement cdm
71 70 measurement_date Yes DATE The date of the Measurement. measurement cdm
72 71 measurement_datetime No DATETIME The date and time of the Measurement. Some database systems don't have a datatype of time. To accomodate all temporal analyses, datatype datetime can be used (combining measurement_date and measurement_time [forum discussion]( measurement cdm
73 72 measurement_time No VARCHAR(10) The time of the Measurement. This is present for backwards compatibility and will deprecated in an upcoming version measurement cdm
74 73 measurement_type_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the predefined Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the provenance from where the Measurement record was recorded. measurement cdm
75 74 operator_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key identifier to the predefined Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the mathematical operator that is applied to the value_as_number. Operators are <, <=, =, >=, >. measurement cdm
76 75 value_as_number No FLOAT A Measurement result where the result is expressed as a numeric value. measurement cdm
77 76 value_as_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a Measurement result represented as a Concept from the Standardized Vocabularies (e.g., positive/negative, present/absent, low/high, etc.). measurement cdm
78 77 unit_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a Standard Concept ID of Measurement Units in the Standardized Vocabularies. measurement cdm
79 78 range_low No FLOAT The lower limit of the normal range of the Measurement result. The lower range is assumed to be of the same unit of measure as the Measurement value. measurement cdm
80 79 range_high No FLOAT The upper limit of the normal range of the Measurement. The upper range is assumed to be of the same unit of measure as the Measurement value. measurement cdm
81 80 provider_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the provider in the PROVIDER table who was responsible for initiating or obtaining the measurement. measurement cdm
82 81 visit_occurrence_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the Visit in the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table during which the Measurement was recorded. measurement cdm
83 82 visit_detail_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the Visit Detail in the VISIT_DETAIL table during which the Measurement was recorded. measurement cdm
84 83 measurement_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The Measurement name as it appears in the source data. This code is mapped to a Standard Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is stored here for reference. measurement cdm
85 84 measurement_source_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a Concept in the Standard Vocabularies that refers to the code used in the source. measurement cdm
86 85 unit_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source code for the unit as it appears in the source data. This code is mapped to a standard unit concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is stored here for reference. measurement cdm
87 86 value_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source value associated with the content of the value_as_number or value_as_concept_id as stored in the source data. measurement cdm
88 87 note_id Yes INTEGER A unique identifier for each note. note cdm
89 88 person_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key identifier to the Person about whom the Note was recorded. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table. note cdm
90 89 note_date Yes DATE The date the note was recorded. note cdm
91 90 note_datetime No DATETIME The date and time the note was recorded. note cdm
92 91 note_type_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the predefined Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the type, origin or provenance of the Note. note cdm
93 92 note_class_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the predefined Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the HL7 LOINC Document Type Vocabulary classification of the note. note cdm
94 93 note_title No VARCHAR(250) The title of the Note as it appears in the source. note cdm
95 94 note_text Yes VARCHAR(MAX) The content of the Note. note cdm
96 95 encoding_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the predefined Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the note character encoding type note cdm
97 96 language_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the predefined Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the language of the note note cdm
98 97 provider_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the Provider in the PROVIDER table who took the Note. note cdm
99 98 visit_occurrence_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the Visit in the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table when the Note was taken. note cdm
100 99 visit_detail_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the Visit in the VISIT_DETAIL table when the Note was taken. note cdm
101 100 note_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source value associated with the origin of the Note note cdm
102 101 note_nlp_id Yes INTEGER A unique identifier for each term extracted from a Note. note_nlp cdm
103 102 note_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the note table note the term was extracted from. note_nlp cdm
104 103 section_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the predefined concept in the standardized vocabularies representing the section of the extracted term. note_nlp cdm
105 104 snippet No VARCHAR(250) A small window of text surrounding the term. note_nlp cdm
106 105 offset No VARCHAR(50) Character offset of the extracted term in the input note. note_nlp cdm
107 106 lexical_variant Yes VARCHAR(250) Raw text extracted from the NLP tool. note_nlp cdm
108 107 note_nlp_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the predefined concept in the standardized vocabularies reflecting the normalized concept for the extracted term. Domain of the term is represented as part of the concept table. note_nlp cdm
109 108 note_nlp_source_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a concept that refers to the code in the source vocabulary used by the NLP system note_nlp cdm
110 109 nlp_system No VARCHAR(250) Name and version of the NLP system that extracted the term.useful for data provenance. note_nlp cdm
111 110 nlp_date Yes DATE The date of the note processing.useful for data provenance. note_nlp cdm
112 111 nlp_datetime No DATETIME The date and time of the note processing. Useful for data provenance. note_nlp cdm
113 112 term_exists No VARCHAR(1) A summary modifier that signifies presence or absence of the term for a given patient. Useful for quick querying. note_nlp cdm
114 113 term_temporal No VARCHAR(50) An optional time modifier associated with the extracted term. (For now “past” or “present” only). Standardize it later. note_nlp cdm
115 114 term_modifiers No VARCHAR(2000) A compact description of all the modifiers of the specific term extracted by the NLP system. (e.g. “son has rash” ? “negated=no,subject=family, certainty=undef,conditional=false,general=false”). note_nlp cdm
116 115 observation_id Yes INTEGER A unique identifier for each observation. observation cdm
117 116 person_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key identifier to the Person about whom the observation was recorded. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table. observation cdm
118 117 observation_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the standard observation concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies. observation cdm
119 118 observation_date Yes DATE The date of the observation. observation cdm
120 119 observation_datetime No DATETIME The date and time of the observation. observation cdm
121 120 observation_type_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the predefined concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the type of the observation. observation cdm
122 121 value_as_number No FLOAT The observation result stored as a number. This is applicable to observations where the result is expressed as a numeric value. observation cdm
123 122 value_as_string No VARCHAR(60) The observation result stored as a string. This is applicable to observations where the result is expressed as verbatim text. observation cdm
124 123 value_as_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to an observation result stored as a Concept ID. This is applicable to observations where the result can be expressed as a Standard Concept from the Standardized Vocabularies (e.g., positive/negative, present/absent, low/high, etc.). observation cdm
125 124 qualifier_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a Standard Concept ID for a qualifier (e.g., severity of drug-drug interaction alert) observation cdm
126 125 unit_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a Standard Concept ID of measurement units in the Standardized Vocabularies. observation cdm
127 126 provider_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the provider in the PROVIDER table who was responsible for making the observation. observation cdm
128 127 visit_occurrence_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the visit in the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table during which the observation was recorded. observation cdm
129 128 visit_detail_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the visit in the VISIT_DETAIL table during which the observation was recorded. observation cdm
130 129 observation_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The observation code as it appears in the source data. This code is mapped to a Standard Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is, stored here for reference. observation cdm
131 130 observation_source_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a Concept that refers to the code used in the source. observation cdm
132 131 unit_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source code for the unit as it appears in the source data. This code is mapped to a standard unit concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is, stored here for reference. observation cdm
133 132 qualifier_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source value associated with a qualifier to characterize the observation observation cdm
134 133 observation_period_id Yes INTEGER A unique identifier for each observation period. observation_period cdm
135 134 person_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key identifier to the person for whom the observation period is defined. The demographic details of that person are stored in the person table. observation_period cdm
136 135 observation_period_start_date Yes DATE The start date of the observation period for which data are available from the data source. observation_period cdm
137 136 observation_period_end_date Yes DATE The end date of the observation period for which data are available from the data source. observation_period cdm
138 137 period_type_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key identifier to the predefined concept in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the source of the observation period information observation_period cdm
139 138 person_id Yes INTEGER A unique identifier for each person. person cdm
140 139 gender_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key that refers to an identifier in the CONCEPT table for the unique gender of the person. person cdm
141 140 year_of_birth Yes INTEGER The year of birth of the person. For data sources with date of birth, the year is extracted. For data sources where the year of birth is not available, the approximate year of birth is derived based on any age group categorization available. person cdm
142 141 month_of_birth No INTEGER The month of birth of the person. For data sources that provide the precise date of birth, the month is extracted and stored in this field. person cdm
143 142 day_of_birth No INTEGER The day of the month of birth of the person. For data sources that provide the precise date of birth, the day is extracted and stored in this field. person cdm
144 143 birth_datetime No DATETIME The date and time of birth of the person. person cdm
145 144 race_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key that refers to an identifier in the CONCEPT table for the unique race of the person. person cdm
146 145 ethnicity_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key that refers to the standard concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies for the ethnicity of the person. person cdm
147 146 location_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the place of residency for the person in the location table, where the detailed address information is stored. person cdm
148 147 provider_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the primary care provider the person is seeing in the provider table. person cdm
149 148 care_site_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the site of primary care in the care_site table, where the details of the care site are stored. person cdm
150 149 person_source_value No VARCHAR(50) An (encrypted) key derived from the person identifier in the source data. This is necessary when a use case requires a link back to the person data at the source dataset. person cdm
151 150 gender_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source code for the gender of the person as it appears in the source data. The person’s gender is mapped to a standard gender concept in the Standardized Vocabularies; the original value is stored here for reference. person cdm
152 151 gender_source_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the gender concept that refers to the code used in the source. person cdm
153 152 race_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source code for the race of the person as it appears in the source data. The person race is mapped to a standard race concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original value is stored here for reference. person cdm
154 153 race_source_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the race concept that refers to the code used in the source. person cdm
155 154 ethnicity_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source code for the ethnicity of the person as it appears in the source data. The person ethnicity is mapped to a standard ethnicity concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is, stored here for reference. person cdm
156 155 ethnicity_source_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the ethnicity concept that refers to the code used in the source. person cdm
157 156 procedure_occurrence_id Yes INTEGER A system-generated unique identifier for each Procedure Occurrence. procedure_occurrence cdm
158 157 person_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key identifier to the Person who is subjected to the Procedure. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table. procedure_occurrence cdm
159 158 procedure_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key that refers to a standard procedure Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies. procedure_occurrence cdm
160 159 procedure_date Yes DATE The date on which the Procedure was performed. procedure_occurrence cdm
161 160 procedure_datetime No DATETIME The date and time on which the Procedure was performed. procedure_occurrence cdm
162 161 procedure_type_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the predefined Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the type of source data from which the procedure record is derived. procedure_occurrence cdm
163 162 modifier_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a Standard Concept identifier for a modifier to the Procedure (e.g. bilateral) procedure_occurrence cdm
164 163 quantity No INTEGER The quantity of procedures ordered or administered. procedure_occurrence cdm
165 164 provider_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the provider in the PROVIDER table who was responsible for carrying out the procedure. procedure_occurrence cdm
166 165 visit_occurrence_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the Visit in the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table during which the Procedure was carried out. procedure_occurrence cdm
167 166 visit_detail_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the Visit Detail in the VISIT_DETAIL table during which the Procedure was carried out. procedure_occurrence cdm
168 167 procedure_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source code for the Procedure as it appears in the source data. This code is mapped to a standard procedure Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is, stored here for reference. Procedure source codes are typically ICD-9-Proc, CPT-4, HCPCS or OPCS-4 codes. procedure_occurrence cdm
169 168 procedure_source_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a Procedure Concept that refers to the code used in the source. procedure_occurrence cdm
170 169 modifier_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source code for the qualifier as it appears in the source data. procedure_occurrence cdm
171 170 specimen_id Yes INTEGER A unique identifier for each specimen. specimen cdm
172 171 person_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key identifier to the Person for whom the Specimen is recorded. specimen cdm
173 172 specimen_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key referring to a Standard Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies for the Specimen. specimen cdm
174 173 specimen_type_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key referring to the Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the system of record from which the Specimen was represented in the source data. specimen cdm
175 174 specimen_date Yes DATE The date the specimen was obtained from the Person. specimen cdm
176 175 specimen_datetime No DATETIME The date and time on the date when the Specimen was obtained from the person. specimen cdm
177 176 quantity No FLOAT The amount of specimen collection from the person during the sampling procedure. specimen cdm
178 177 unit_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a Standard Concept identifier for the Unit associated with the numeric quantity of the Specimen collection. specimen cdm
179 178 anatomic_site_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a Standard Concept identifier for the anatomic location of specimen collection. specimen cdm
180 179 disease_status_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a Standard Concept identifier for the Disease Status of specimen collection. specimen cdm
181 180 specimen_source_id No VARCHAR(50) The Specimen identifier as it appears in the source data. specimen cdm
182 181 specimen_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The Specimen value as it appears in the source data. This value is mapped to a Standard Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is, stored here for reference. specimen cdm
183 182 unit_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The information about the Unit as detailed in the source. specimen cdm
184 183 anatomic_site_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The information about the anatomic site as detailed in the source. specimen cdm
185 184 disease_status_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The information about the disease status as detailed in the source. specimen cdm
186 185 visit_detail_id Yes INTEGER A unique identifier for each Person's visit or encounter at a healthcare provider. visit_detail cdm
187 186 person_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key identifier to the Person for whom the visit is recorded. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table. visit_detail cdm
188 187 visit_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key that refers to a visit Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies. visit_detail cdm
189 188 visit_start_date Yes DATE The start date of the visit. visit_detail cdm
190 189 visit_start_datetime No DATETIME The date and time of the visit started. visit_detail cdm
191 190 visit_end_date Yes DATE The end date of the visit. If this is a one-day visit the end date should match the start date. visit_detail cdm
192 191 visit_end_datetime No DATETIME The date and time of the visit end. visit_detail cdm
193 192 visit_type_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the predefined Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the type of source data from which the visit record is derived. visit_detail cdm
194 193 provider_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the provider in the provider table who was associated with the visit. visit_detail cdm
195 194 care_site_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the care site in the care site table that was visited. visit_detail cdm
196 195 visit_source_value No STRING(50) The source code for the visit as it appears in the source data. visit_detail cdm
197 196 visit_source_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a Concept that refers to the code used in the source. visit_detail cdm
198 197 admitting_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source code for the admitting source as it appears in the source data. visit_detail cdm
199 198 admitting_source_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the predefined concept in the Place of Service Vocabulary reflecting the admitting source for a visit. visit_detail cdm
200 199 discharge_to_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source code for the discharge disposition as it appears in the source data. visit_detail cdm
201 200 discharge_to_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the predefined concept in the Place of Service Vocabulary reflecting the discharge disposition for a visit. visit_detail cdm
202 201 preceding_visit_detail_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the VISIT_DETAIL table of the visit immediately preceding this visit visit_detail cdm
203 202 visit_detail_parent_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the VISIT_DETAIL table record to represent the immediate parent visit-detail record. visit_detail cdm
204 203 visit_occurrence_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key that refers to the record in the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table. This is a required field, because for every visit_detail is a child of visit_occurrence and cannot exist without a corresponding parent record in visit_occurrence. visit_detail cdm
205 204 visit_occurrence_id Yes INTEGER A unique identifier for each Person's visit or encounter at a healthcare provider. visit_occurrence cdm
206 205 person_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key identifier to the Person for whom the visit is recorded. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table. visit_occurrence cdm
207 206 visit_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key that refers to a visit Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies. visit_occurrence cdm
208 207 visit_start_date Yes DATE The start date of the visit. visit_occurrence cdm
209 208 visit_start_datetime No DATETIME The date and time of the visit started. visit_occurrence cdm
210 209 visit_end_date Yes DATE The end date of the visit. If this is a one-day visit the end date should match the start date. visit_occurrence cdm
211 210 visit_end_datetime No DATETIME The date and time of the visit end. visit_occurrence cdm
212 211 visit_type_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the predefined Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the type of source data from which the visit record is derived. visit_occurrence cdm
213 212 provider_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the provider in the provider table who was associated with the visit. visit_occurrence cdm
214 213 care_site_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the care site in the care site table that was visited. visit_occurrence cdm
215 214 visit_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source code for the visit as it appears in the source data. visit_occurrence cdm
216 215 visit_source_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a Concept that refers to the code used in the source. visit_occurrence cdm
217 216 admitting_source_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the predefined concept in the Place of Service Vocabulary reflecting the admitting source for a visit. visit_occurrence cdm
218 217 admitting_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source code for the admitting source as it appears in the source data. visit_occurrence cdm
219 218 discharge_to_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the predefined concept in the Place of Service Vocabulary reflecting the discharge disposition for a visit. visit_occurrence cdm
220 219 discharge_to_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source code for the discharge disposition as it appears in the source data. visit_occurrence cdm
221 220 preceding_visit_occurrence_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table of the visit immediately preceding this visit visit_occurrence cdm
222 221 cohort_definition_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to a record in the COHORT_DEFINITION table containing relevant Cohort Definition information. cohort results
223 222 subject_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the subject in the cohort. These could be referring to records in the PERSON, PROVIDER, VISIT_OCCURRENCE table. cohort results
224 223 cohort_start_date Yes DATE The date when the Cohort Definition criteria for the Person, Provider or Visit first match. cohort results
225 224 cohort_end_date Yes DATE The date when the Cohort Definition criteria for the Person, Provider or Visit no longer match or the Cohort membership was terminated. cohort results
226 225 cohort_definition_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to a record in the [COHORT_DEFINITION]( table containing relevant Cohort Definition information. cohort_attribute results
227 226 subject_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the subject in the Cohort. These could be referring to records in the PERSON, PROVIDER, VISIT_OCCURRENCE table. cohort_attribute results
228 227 cohort_start_date Yes DATE The date when the Cohort Definition criteria for the Person, Provider or Visit first match. cohort_attribute results
229 228 cohort_end_date Yes DATE The date when the Cohort Definition criteria for the Person, Provider or Visit no longer match or the Cohort membership was terminated. cohort_attribute results
230 229 attribute_definition_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to a record in the [ATTRIBUTE_DEFINITION]( table containing relevant Attribute Definition information. cohort_attribute results
231 230 value_as_number No FLOAT The attribute result stored as a number. This is applicable to attributes where the result is expressed as a numeric value. cohort_attribute results
232 231 value_as_concept_id No INTEGER The attribute result stored as a Concept ID. This is applicable to attributes where the result is expressed as a categorical value. cohort_attribute results
233 232 condition_era_id Yes INTEGER A unique identifier for each Condition Era. condition_era cdm
234 233 person_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key identifier to the Person who is experiencing the Condition during the Condition Era. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table. condition_era cdm
235 234 condition_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key that refers to a standard Condition Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies. condition_era cdm
236 235 condition_era_start_date Yes DATE The start date for the Condition Era constructed from the individual instances of Condition Occurrences. It is the start date of the very first chronologically recorded instance of the condition. condition_era cdm
237 236 condition_era_end_date Yes DATE The end date for the Condition Era constructed from the individual instances of Condition Occurrences. It is the end date of the final continuously recorded instance of the Condition. condition_era cdm
238 237 condition_occurrence_count No INTEGER The number of individual Condition Occurrences used to construct the condition era. condition_era cdm
239 238 dose_era_id Yes INTEGER A unique identifier for each Dose Era. dose_era cdm
240 239 person_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key identifier to the Person who is subjected to the drug during the drug era. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table. dose_era cdm
241 240 drug_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key that refers to a Standard Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies for the active Ingredient Concept. dose_era cdm
242 241 unit_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key that refers to a Standard Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies for the unit concept. dose_era cdm
243 242 dose_value Yes FLOAT The numeric value of the dose. dose_era cdm
244 243 dose_era_start_date Yes DATE The start date for the drug era constructed from the individual instances of drug exposures. It is the start date of the very first chronologically recorded instance of utilization of a drug. dose_era cdm
245 244 dose_era_end_date Yes DATE The end date for the drug era constructed from the individual instance of drug exposures. It is the end date of the final continuously recorded instance of utilization of a drug. dose_era cdm
246 245 drug_era_id Yes INTEGER A unique identifier for each Drug Era. drug_era cdm
247 246 person_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key identifier to the Person who is subjected to the Drug during the fDrug Era. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table. drug_era cdm
248 247 drug_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key that refers to a Standard Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies for the Ingredient Concept. drug_era cdm
249 248 drug_era_start_date Yes DATE The start date for the Drug Era constructed from the individual instances of Drug Exposures. It is the start date of the very first chronologically recorded instance of conutilization of a Drug. drug_era cdm
250 249 drug_era_end_date Yes DATE The end date for the drug era constructed from the individual instance of drug exposures. It is the end date of the final continuously recorded instance of utilization of a drug. drug_era cdm
251 250 drug_exposure_count No INTEGER The number of individual Drug Exposure occurrences used to construct the Drug Era. drug_era cdm
252 251 gap_days No INTEGER The number of days that are not covered by DRUG_EXPOSURE records that were used to make up the era record. drug_era cdm
253 252 cost_id Yes INTEGER A unique identifier for each COST record. cost cdm
254 253 cost_event_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key identifier to the event (e.g. Measurement, Procedure, Visit, Drug Exposure, etc) record for which cost data are recorded. cost cdm
255 254 cost_domain_id Yes VARCHAR(20) The concept representing the domain of the cost event, from which the corresponding table can be inferred that contains the entity for which cost information is recorded. cost cdm
256 255 cost_type_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key identifier to a concept in the CONCEPT table for the provenance or the source of the COST data: Calculated from insurance claim information, provider revenue, calculated from cost-to-charge ratio, reported from accounting database, etc. cost cdm
257 256 currency_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key identifier to the concept representing the 3-letter code used to delineate international currencies, such as USD for US Dollar. cost cdm
258 257 total_charge No FLOAT The total amount charged by some provider of goods or services (e.g. hospital, physician pharmacy, dme provider) to payers (insurance companies, the patient). cost cdm
259 258 total_cost No FLOAT The cost incurred by the provider of goods or services. cost cdm
260 259 total_paid No FLOAT The total amount actually paid from all payers for goods or services of the provider. cost cdm
261 260 paid_by_payer No FLOAT The amount paid by the Payer for the goods or services. cost cdm
262 261 paid_by_patient No FLOAT The total amount paid by the Person as a share of the expenses. cost cdm
263 262 paid_patient_copay No FLOAT The amount paid by the Person as a fixed contribution to the expenses. cost cdm
264 263 paid_patient_coinsurance No FLOAT The amount paid by the Person as a joint assumption of risk. Typically, this is a percentage of the expenses defined by the Payer Plan after the Person's deductible is exceeded. cost cdm
265 264 paid_patient_deductible No FLOAT The amount paid by the Person that is counted toward the deductible defined by the Payer Plan. paid_patient_deductible does contribute to the paid_by_patient variable. cost cdm
266 265 paid_by_primary No FLOAT The amount paid by a primary Payer through the coordination of benefits. cost cdm
267 266 paid_ingredient_cost No FLOAT The amount paid by the Payer to a pharmacy for the drug, excluding the amount paid for dispensing the drug. paid_ingredient_cost contributes to the paid_by_payer field if this field is populated with a nonzero value. cost cdm
268 267 paid_dispensing_fee No FLOAT The amount paid by the Payer to a pharmacy for dispensing a drug, excluding the amount paid for the drug ingredient. paid_dispensing_fee contributes to the paid_by_payer field if this field is populated with a nonzero value. cost cdm
269 268 payer_plan_period_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the PAYER_PLAN_PERIOD table, where the details of the Payer, Plan and Family are stored. Record the payer_plan_id that relates to the payer who contributed to the paid_by_payer field. cost cdm
270 269 amount_allowed No FLOAT The contracted amount agreed between the payer and provider. cost cdm
271 270 revenue_code_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key referring to a Standard Concept ID in the Standardized Vocabularies for Revenue codes. cost cdm
272 271 revenue_code_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source code for the Revenue code as it appears in the source data, stored here for reference. cost cdm
273 272 drg_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the predefined concept in the DRG Vocabulary reflecting the DRG for a visit. cost cdm
274 273 drg_source_value No VARCHAR(3) The 3-digit DRG source code as it appears in the source data. cost cdm
275 274 payer_plan_period_id Yes INTEGER A identifier for each unique combination of payer, sponsor, plan, family code and time span. payer_plan_period cdm
276 275 person_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key identifier to the Person covered by the payer. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table. payer_plan_period cdm
277 276 payer_plan_period_start_date Yes DATE The start date of the payer plan period. payer_plan_period cdm
278 277 payer_plan_period_end_date Yes DATE The end date of the payer plan period. payer_plan_period cdm
279 278 payer_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key that refers to a Standard Payer concept identifiers in the Standardized Vocabularies payer_plan_period cdm
280 279 payer_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source code for the payer as it appears in the source data. payer_plan_period cdm
281 280 payer_source_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a payer concept that refers to the code used in the source. payer_plan_period cdm
282 281 plan_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key that refers to a Standard plan that represents the health benefit plan in the Standardized Vocabularies payer_plan_period cdm
283 282 plan_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source code for the Person's health benefit plan as it appears in the source data. payer_plan_period cdm
284 283 plan_source_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a plan concept that refers to the code used in the source. payer_plan_period cdm
285 284 sponsor_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key that refers to a Standard plan that represents the sponsor in the Standardized Vocabularies payer_plan_period cdm
286 285 sponsor_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source code for the Person's sponsor of the health plan as it appears in the source data. payer_plan_period cdm
287 286 sponsor_source_concept_id* No INTEGER A foreign key to a sponsor concept that refers to the code used in the source. payer_plan_period cdm
288 287 family_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source code for the Person's family as it appears in the source data. payer_plan_period cdm
289 288 stop_reason_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key that refers to a Standard termination reason that represents the reason for the termination in the Standardized Vocabularies. payer_plan_period cdm
290 289 stop_reason_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The reason for stop-coverage of the record. payer_plan_period cdm
291 290 stop_reason_source_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a stop-coverage concept that refers to the code used in the source. payer_plan_period cdm
292 291 care_site_id Yes INTEGER A unique identifier for each Care Site. care_site cdm
293 292 care_site_name No VARCHAR(255) The verbatim description or name of the Care Site as in data source care_site cdm
294 293 place_of_service_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key that refers to a Place of Service Concept ID in the Standardized Vocabularies. care_site cdm
295 294 location_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the geographic Location in the LOCATION table, where the detailed address information is stored. care_site cdm
296 295 care_site_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The identifier for the Care Site in the source data, stored here for reference. care_site cdm
297 296 place_of_service_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source code for the Place of Service as it appears in the source data, stored here for reference. care_site cdm
298 297 location_id Yes INTEGER A unique identifier for each geographic location. location cdm
299 298 address_1 No VARCHAR(50) The address field 1, typically used for the street address, as it appears in the source data. location cdm
300 299 address_2 No VARCHAR(50) The address field 2, typically used for additional detail such as buildings, suites, floors, as it appears in the source data. location cdm
301 300 city No VARCHAR(50) The city field as it appears in the source data. location cdm
302 301 state No VARCHAR(2) The state field as it appears in the source data. location cdm
303 302 zip No VARCHAR(9) The zip or postal code. location cdm
304 303 county No VARCHAR(20) The county. location cdm
305 304 location_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The verbatim information that is used to uniquely identify the location as it appears in the source data. location cdm
306 305 provider_id Yes INTEGER A unique identifier for each Provider. provider cdm
307 306 provider_name No VARCHAR(255) A description of the Provider. provider cdm
308 307 npi No VARCHAR(20) The National Provider Identifier (NPI) of the provider. provider cdm
309 308 dea No VARCHAR(20) The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) number of the provider. provider cdm
310 309 specialty_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a Standard Specialty Concept ID in the Standardized Vocabularies. provider cdm
311 310 care_site_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the main Care Site where the provider is practicing. provider cdm
312 311 year_of_birth No INTEGER The year of birth of the Provider. provider cdm
313 312 gender_concept_id No INTEGER The gender of the Provider. provider cdm
314 313 provider_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The identifier used for the Provider in the source data, stored here for reference. provider cdm
315 314 specialty_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The source code for the Provider specialty as it appears in the source data, stored here for reference. provider cdm
316 315 specialty_source_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a Concept that refers to the code used in the source. provider cdm
317 316 gender_source_value No VARCHAR(50) The gender code for the Provider as it appears in the source data, stored here for reference. provider cdm
318 317 gender_source_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a Concept that refers to the code used in the source. provider cdm
319 318 cdm_source_name Yes VARCHAR(255) The full name of the source cdm_source cdm
320 319 cdm_source_abbreviation No VARCHAR(25) An abbreviation of the name cdm_source cdm
321 320 cdm_holder No VARCHAR(255) The name of the organization responsible for the development of the CDM instance cdm_source cdm
322 321 source_description No CLOB A description of the source data origin and purpose for collection. The description may contain a summary of the period of time that is expected to be covered by this dataset. cdm_source cdm
323 322 source_documentation_reference No VARCHAR(255) URL or other external reference to location of source documentation cdm_source cdm
324 323 cdm_etl_reference No VARCHAR(255) URL or other external reference to location of ETL specification documentation and ETL source code cdm_source cdm
325 324 source_release_date No DATE The date for which the source data are most current, such as the last day of data capture cdm_source cdm
326 325 cdm_release_date No DATE The date when the CDM was instantiated cdm_source cdm
327 326 cdm_version No VARCHAR(10) The version of CDM used cdm_source cdm
328 327 vocabulary_version No VARCHAR(20) The version of the vocabulary used cdm_source cdm
329 328 metadata_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key that refers to a Standard Metadata Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies. metadata cdm
330 329 metadata_type_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key that refers to a Standard Type Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies. metadata cdm
331 330 name Yes VARCHAR(250) The name of the Concept stored in metadata_concept_id or a description of the data being stored. metadata cdm
332 331 value_as_string No NVARCHAR The metadata value stored as a string. metadata cdm
333 332 value_as_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to a metadata value stored as a Concept ID. metadata cdm
334 333 metadata date No DATE The date associated with the metadata metadata cdm
335 334 metadata_datetime No DATETIME The date and time associated with the metadata metadata cdm
336 335 attribute_definition_id Yes INTEGER A unique identifier for each Attribute. attribute_definition cdm
337 336 attribute_name Yes VARCHAR(255) A short description of the Attribute. attribute_definition cdm
338 337 attribute_description No VARCHAR(MAX) A complete description of the Attribute definition attribute_definition cdm
339 338 attribute_type_concept_id Yes INTEGER Type defining what kind of Attribute Definition the record represents and how the syntax may be executed attribute_definition cdm
340 339 attribute_syntax No VARCHAR(MAX) Syntax or code to operationalize the Attribute definition attribute_definition cdm
341 340 cohort_definition_id Yes INTEGER A unique identifier for each Cohort. cohort_definition cdm
342 341 cohort_definition_name Yes VARCHAR(255) A short description of the Cohort. cohort_definition cdm
343 342 cohort_definition_description No VARCHAR(MAX) A complete description of the Cohort definition cohort_definition cdm
344 343 definition_type_concept_id Yes INTEGER Type defining what kind of Cohort Definition the record represents and how the syntax may be executed cohort_definition cdm
345 344 cohort_definition_syntax No VARCHAR(MAX) Syntax or code to operationalize the Cohort definition cohort_definition cdm
346 345 subject_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the Concept to which defines the domain of subjects that are members of the cohort (e.g., Person, Provider, Visit). cohort_definition cdm
347 346 cohort_initiation_date No DATE A date to indicate when the Cohort was initiated in the COHORT table cohort_definition cdm
348 347 concept_id Yes INTEGER A unique identifier for each Concept across all domains. concept cdm
349 348 concept_name Yes VARCHAR(255) An unambiguous, meaningful and descriptive name for the Concept. concept cdm
350 349 domain_id Yes VARCHAR(20) A foreign key to the [DOMAIN]( table the Concept belongs to. concept cdm
351 350 vocabulary_id Yes VARCHAR(20) A foreign key to the [VOCABULARY]( table indicating from which source the Concept has been adapted. concept cdm
352 351 concept_class_id Yes VARCHAR(20) The attribute or concept class of the Concept. Examples are 'Clinical Drug', 'Ingredient', 'Clinical Finding' etc. concept cdm
353 352 standard_concept No VARCHAR(1) This flag determines where a Concept is a Standard Concept, i.e. is used in the data, a Classification Concept, or a non-standard Source Concept. The allowables values are 'S' (Standard Concept) and 'C' (Classification Concept), otherwise the content is NULL. concept cdm
354 353 concept_code Yes VARCHAR(50) The concept code represents the identifier of the Concept in the source vocabulary, such as SNOMED-CT concept IDs, RxNorm RXCUIs etc. Note that concept codes are not unique across vocabularies. concept cdm
355 354 valid_start_date Yes DATE The date when the Concept was first recorded. The default value is 1-Jan-1970, meaning, the Concept has no (known) date of inception. concept cdm
356 355 valid_end_date Yes DATE The date when the Concept became invalid because it was deleted or superseded (updated) by a new concept. The default value is 31-Dec-2099, meaning, the Concept is valid until it becomes deprecated. concept cdm
357 356 invalid_reason No VARCHAR(1) Reason the Concept was invalidated. Possible values are D (deleted), U (replaced with an update) or NULL when valid_end_date has the default value. concept cdm
358 357 ancestor_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the concept in the concept table for the higher-level concept that forms the ancestor in the relationship. concept_ancestor cdm
359 358 descendant_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the concept in the concept table for the lower-level concept that forms the descendant in the relationship. concept_ancestor cdm
360 359 min_levels_of_separation Yes INTEGER The minimum separation in number of levels of hierarchy between ancestor and descendant concepts. This is an attribute that is used to simplify hierarchic analysis. concept_ancestor cdm
361 360 max_levels_of_separation Yes INTEGER The maximum separation in number of levels of hierarchy between ancestor and descendant concepts. This is an attribute that is used to simplify hierarchic analysis. concept_ancestor cdm
362 361 concept_class_id Yes VARCHAR(20) A unique key for each class. concept_class cdm
363 362 concept_class_name Yes VARCHAR(255) The name describing the Concept Class, e.g. "Clinical Finding", "Ingredient", etc. concept_class cdm
364 363 concept_class_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key that refers to an identifier in the [CONCEPT]( table for the unique Concept Class the record belongs to. concept_class cdm
365 364 concept_id_1 Yes INTEGER A foreign key to a Concept in the [CONCEPT]( table associated with the relationship. Relationships are directional, and this field represents the source concept designation. concept_relationship cdm
366 365 concept_id_2 Yes INTEGER A foreign key to a Concept in the [CONCEPT]( table associated with the relationship. Relationships are directional, and this field represents the destination concept designation. concept_relationship cdm
367 366 relationship_id Yes VARCHAR(20) A unique identifier to the type or nature of the Relationship as defined in the [RELATIONSHIP]( table. concept_relationship cdm
368 367 valid_start_date Yes DATE The date when the instance of the Concept Relationship is first recorded. concept_relationship cdm
369 368 valid_end_date Yes DATE The date when the Concept Relationship became invalid because it was deleted or superseded (updated) by a new relationship. Default value is 31-Dec-2099. concept_relationship cdm
370 369 invalid_reason No VARCHAR(1) Reason the relationship was invalidated. Possible values are 'D' (deleted), 'U' (replaced with an update) or NULL when valid_end_date has the default value. concept_relationship cdm
371 370 concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the Concept in the CONCEPT table. concept_synonym cdm
372 371 concept_synonym_name Yes VARCHAR(1000) The alternative name for the Concept. concept_synonym cdm
373 372 language_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to a Concept representing the language. concept_synonym cdm
374 373 domain_id Yes VARCHAR(20) A unique key for each domain. domain cdm
375 374 domain_name Yes VARCHAR(255) The name describing the Domain, e.g. "Condition", "Procedure", "Measurement" etc. domain cdm
376 375 domain_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key that refers to an identifier in the [CONCEPT]( table for the unique Domain Concept the Domain record belongs to. domain cdm
377 376 drug_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the Concept in the CONCEPT table representing the identifier for Branded Drug or Clinical Drug Concept. drug_strength cdm
378 377 ingredient_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the Concept in the CONCEPT table, representing the identifier for drug Ingredient Concept contained within the drug product. drug_strength cdm
379 378 amount_value No FLOAT The numeric value associated with the amount of active ingredient contained within the product. drug_strength cdm
380 379 amount_unit_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the Concept in the CONCEPT table representing the identifier for the Unit for the absolute amount of active ingredient. drug_strength cdm
381 380 numerator_value No FLOAT The numeric value associated with the concentration of the active ingredient contained in the product drug_strength cdm
382 381 numerator_unit_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the Concept in the CONCEPT table representing the identifier for the numerator Unit for the concentration of active ingredient. drug_strength cdm
383 382 denominator_value No FLOAT The amount of total liquid (or other divisible product, such as ointment, gel, spray, etc.). drug_strength cdm
384 383 denominator_unit_concept_id No INTEGER A foreign key to the Concept in the CONCEPT table representing the identifier for the denominator Unit for the concentration of active ingredient. drug_strength cdm
385 384 box_size No INTEGER The number of units of Clinical of Branded Drug, or Quantified Clinical or Branded Drug contained in a box as dispensed to the patient drug_strength cdm
386 385 valid_start_date Yes DATE The date when the Concept was first recorded. The default value is 1-Jan-1970. drug_strength cdm
387 386 valid_end_date Yes DATE The date when the concept became invalid because it was deleted or superseded (updated) by a new Concept. The default value is 31-Dec-2099. drug_strength cdm
388 387 invalid_reason No VARCHAR(1) Reason the concept was invalidated. Possible values are 'D' (deleted), 'U' (replaced with an update) or NULL when valid_end_date has the default value. drug_strength cdm
389 388 relationship_id Yes VARCHAR(20) The type of relationship captured by the relationship record. relationship cdm
390 389 relationship_name Yes VARCHAR(255) The text that describes the relationship type. relationship cdm
391 390 is_hierarchical Yes VARCHAR(1) Defines whether a relationship defines concepts into classes or hierarchies. Values are 1 for hierarchical relationship or 0 if not. relationship cdm
392 391 defines_ancestry Yes VARCHAR(1) Defines whether a hierarchical relationship contributes to the concept_ancestor table. These are subsets of the hierarchical relationships. Valid values are 1 or 0. relationship cdm
393 392 reverse_relationship_id Yes VARCHAR(20) The identifier for the relationship used to define the reverse relationship between two concepts. relationship cdm
394 393 relationship_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key that refers to an identifier in the CONCEPT table for the unique relationship concept. relationship cdm
395 394 source_code Yes VARCHAR(50) The source code being translated into a Standard Concept. source_to_concept_map cdm
396 395 source_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the Source Concept that is being translated into a Standard Concept. source_to_concept_map cdm
397 396 source_vocabulary_id Yes VARCHAR(20) A foreign key to the VOCABULARY table defining the vocabulary of the source code that is being translated to a Standard Concept. source_to_concept_map cdm
398 397 source_code_description No VARCHAR(255) An optional description for the source code. This is included as a convenience to compare the description of the source code to the name of the concept. source_to_concept_map cdm
399 398 target_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key to the target Concept to which the source code is being mapped. source_to_concept_map cdm
400 399 target_vocabulary_id Yes VARCHAR(20) A foreign key to the VOCABULARY table defining the vocabulary of the target Concept. source_to_concept_map cdm
401 400 valid_start_date Yes DATE The date when the mapping instance was first recorded. source_to_concept_map cdm
402 401 valid_end_date Yes DATE The date when the mapping instance became invalid because it was deleted or superseded (updated) by a new relationship. Default value is 31-Dec-2099. source_to_concept_map cdm
403 402 invalid_reason No VARCHAR(1) Reason the mapping instance was invalidated. Possible values are D (deleted), U (replaced with an update) or NULL when valid_end_date has the default value. source_to_concept_map cdm
404 403 vocabulary_id Yes VARCHAR(20) A unique identifier for each Vocabulary, such as ICD9CM, SNOMED, Visit. vocabulary cdm
405 404 vocabulary_name Yes VARCHAR(255) The name describing the vocabulary, for example "International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification, Volume 1 and 2 (NCHS)" etc. vocabulary cdm
406 405 vocabulary_reference Yes VARCHAR(255) External reference to documentation or available download of the about the vocabulary. vocabulary cdm
407 406 vocabulary_version No VARCHAR(255) Version of the Vocabulary as indicated in the source. vocabulary cdm
408 407 vocabulary_concept_id Yes INTEGER A foreign key that refers to a standard concept identifier in the CONCEPT table for the Vocabulary the VOCABULARY record belongs to. vocabulary cdm

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# Copyright 2014 Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics # Copyright 2014 Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics
# #
# #
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at # You may obtain a copy of the License at
# #
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
oracle script to create foreign key constraints within OMOP common data model, version 5.3.0 oracle script to create foreign key constraints within OMOP common data model, version 5.3.0
last revised: 15-November-2017 last revised: 14-June-2018
author: Patrick Ryan, Clair Blacketer author: Patrick Ryan, Clair Blacketer
@ -80,12 +80,16 @@ ALTER TABLE relationship ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_relationship_reverse FOREIGN KEY (re
ALTER TABLE concept_synonym ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_concept_synonym_concept FOREIGN KEY (concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id); ALTER TABLE concept_synonym ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_concept_synonym_concept FOREIGN KEY (concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id);
ALTER TABLE concept_synonym ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_concept_synonym_language FOREIGN KEY (language_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id);
ALTER TABLE concept_ancestor ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_concept_ancestor_concept_1 FOREIGN KEY (ancestor_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id); ALTER TABLE concept_ancestor ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_concept_ancestor_concept_1 FOREIGN KEY (ancestor_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id);
ALTER TABLE concept_ancestor ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_concept_ancestor_concept_2 FOREIGN KEY (descendant_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id); ALTER TABLE concept_ancestor ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_concept_ancestor_concept_2 FOREIGN KEY (descendant_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id);
ALTER TABLE source_to_concept_map ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_source_to_concept_map_v_1 FOREIGN KEY (source_vocabulary_id) REFERENCES vocabulary (vocabulary_id); ALTER TABLE source_to_concept_map ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_source_to_concept_map_v_1 FOREIGN KEY (source_vocabulary_id) REFERENCES vocabulary (vocabulary_id);
ALTER TABLE source_to_concept_map ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_source_concept_id FOREIGN KEY (source_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id);
ALTER TABLE source_to_concept_map ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_source_to_concept_map_v_2 FOREIGN KEY (target_vocabulary_id) REFERENCES vocabulary (vocabulary_id); ALTER TABLE source_to_concept_map ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_source_to_concept_map_v_2 FOREIGN KEY (target_vocabulary_id) REFERENCES vocabulary (vocabulary_id);
ALTER TABLE source_to_concept_map ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_source_to_concept_map_c_1 FOREIGN KEY (target_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id); ALTER TABLE source_to_concept_map ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_source_to_concept_map_c_1 FOREIGN KEY (target_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id);
@ -102,6 +106,10 @@ ALTER TABLE drug_strength ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_drug_strength_unit_3 FOREIGN KEY (d
ALTER TABLE cohort_definition ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_cohort_definition_concept FOREIGN KEY (definition_type_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id); ALTER TABLE cohort_definition ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_cohort_definition_concept FOREIGN KEY (definition_type_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id);
ALTER TABLE cohort_definition ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_cohort_subject_concept FOREIGN KEY (subject_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id);
ALTER TABLE attribute_definition ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_attribute_type_concept FOREIGN KEY (attribute_type_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id);
/************************** /**************************
@ -184,13 +192,13 @@ ALTER TABLE visit_occurrence ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_visit_preceding FOREIGN KEY (pre
ALTER TABLE visit_detail ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_v_detail_person FOREIGN KEY (person_id) REFERENCES person (person_id); ALTER TABLE visit_detail ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_v_detail_person FOREIGN KEY (person_id) REFERENCES person (person_id);
ALTER TABLE visit_detail ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_v_detail_type_concept FOREIGN KEY (visit_type_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id); ALTER TABLE visit_detail ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_v_detail_type_concept FOREIGN KEY (visit_detail_type_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id);
ALTER TABLE visit_detail ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_v_detail_provider FOREIGN KEY (provider_id) REFERENCES provider (provider_id); ALTER TABLE visit_detail ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_v_detail_provider FOREIGN KEY (provider_id) REFERENCES provider (provider_id);
ALTER TABLE visit_detail ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_v_detail_care_site FOREIGN KEY (care_site_id) REFERENCES care_site (care_site_id); ALTER TABLE visit_detail ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_v_detail_care_site FOREIGN KEY (care_site_id) REFERENCES care_site (care_site_id);
ALTER TABLE visit_detail ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_v_detail_concept_s FOREIGN KEY (visit_source_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id); ALTER TABLE visit_detail ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_v_detail_concept_s FOREIGN KEY (visit_detail_source_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id);
ALTER TABLE visit_detail ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_v_detail_admitting_s FOREIGN KEY (admitting_source_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id); ALTER TABLE visit_detail ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_v_detail_admitting_s FOREIGN KEY (admitting_source_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id);
@ -375,7 +383,7 @@ Standardized derived elements
************************/ ************************/
ALTER TABLE cohort ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_cohort_definition FOREIGN KEY (cohort_definition_id) REFERENCES cohort_definition (cohort_definition_id); --ALTER TABLE cohort ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_cohort_definition FOREIGN KEY (cohort_definition_id) REFERENCES cohort_definition (cohort_definition_id);
ALTER TABLE cohort_attribute ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_ca_cohort_definition FOREIGN KEY (cohort_definition_id) REFERENCES cohort_definition (cohort_definition_id); ALTER TABLE cohort_attribute ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_ca_cohort_definition FOREIGN KEY (cohort_definition_id) REFERENCES cohort_definition (cohort_definition_id);

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# Copyright 2017-11 Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics # Copyright 2017-11 Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics
# #
# #
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at # You may obtain a copy of the License at
# #
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
oracle script to create OMOP common data model version 5.3 oracle script to create OMOP common data model version 5.3
last revised: 6-Nov-2017 last revised: 14-June-2018
Authors: Patrick Ryan, Christian Reich, Clair Blacketer Authors: Patrick Ryan, Christian Reich, Clair Blacketer
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ CREATE TABLE vocabulary (
vocabulary_id VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, vocabulary_id VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
vocabulary_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, vocabulary_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
vocabulary_reference VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, vocabulary_reference VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
vocabulary_version VARCHAR(255) NULL, vocabulary_version VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
vocabulary_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL vocabulary_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL
) )
; ;
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ CREATE TABLE metadata
value_as_string CLOB NULL , value_as_string CLOB NULL ,
value_as_concept_id INTEGER NULL , value_as_concept_id INTEGER NULL ,
metadata_date DATE NULL , metadata_date DATE NULL ,
metadata_datetime TIMESTAMP NULL metadata_datetime DATETIME2 NULL
) )
; ;
@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ CREATE TABLE person
year_of_birth INTEGER NOT NULL , year_of_birth INTEGER NOT NULL ,
month_of_birth INTEGER NULL, month_of_birth INTEGER NULL,
day_of_birth INTEGER NULL, day_of_birth INTEGER NULL,
birth_datetime TIMESTAMP NULL, birth_datetime DATETIME2 NULL,
race_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL, race_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
ethnicity_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL, ethnicity_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
location_id INTEGER NULL, location_id INTEGER NULL,
@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ CREATE TABLE specimen
specimen_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , specimen_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
specimen_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , specimen_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
specimen_date DATE NOT NULL , specimen_date DATE NOT NULL ,
specimen_datetime TIMESTAMP NULL , specimen_datetime DATETIME2 NULL ,
quantity FLOAT NULL , quantity FLOAT NULL ,
unit_concept_id INTEGER NULL , unit_concept_id INTEGER NULL ,
anatomic_site_concept_id INTEGER NULL , anatomic_site_concept_id INTEGER NULL ,
@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ CREATE TABLE death
( (
person_id INTEGER NOT NULL , person_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
death_date DATE NOT NULL , death_date DATE NOT NULL ,
death_datetime TIMESTAMP NULL , death_datetime DATETIME2 NULL ,
death_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , death_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
cause_concept_id INTEGER NULL , cause_concept_id INTEGER NULL ,
cause_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL, cause_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL,
@ -301,9 +301,9 @@ CREATE TABLE visit_occurrence
person_id INTEGER NOT NULL , person_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
visit_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , visit_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
visit_start_date DATE NOT NULL , visit_start_date DATE NOT NULL ,
visit_start_datetime TIMESTAMP NULL , visit_start_datetime DATETIME2 NULL ,
visit_end_date DATE NOT NULL , visit_end_date DATE NOT NULL ,
visit_end_datetime TIMESTAMP NULL , visit_end_datetime DATETIME2 NULL ,
visit_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , visit_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
provider_id INTEGER NULL, provider_id INTEGER NULL,
care_site_id INTEGER NULL, care_site_id INTEGER NULL,
@ -324,18 +324,18 @@ CREATE TABLE visit_detail
visit_detail_id INTEGER NOT NULL , visit_detail_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
person_id INTEGER NOT NULL , person_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
visit_detail_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , visit_detail_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
visit_start_date DATE NOT NULL , visit_detail_start_date DATE NOT NULL ,
visit_start_datetime TIMESTAMP NULL , visit_detail_start_datetime DATETIME2 NULL ,
visit_end_date DATE NOT NULL , visit_detail_end_date DATE NOT NULL ,
visit_end_datetime TIMESTAMP NULL , visit_detail_end_datetime DATETIME2 NULL ,
visit_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , visit_detail_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
provider_id INTEGER NULL , provider_id INTEGER NULL ,
care_site_id INTEGER NULL , care_site_id INTEGER NULL ,
admitting_source_concept_id INTEGER NULL , admitting_source_concept_id INTEGER NULL ,
discharge_to_concept_id INTEGER NULL , discharge_to_concept_id INTEGER NULL ,
preceding_visit_detail_id INTEGER NULL , preceding_visit_detail_id INTEGER NULL ,
visit_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL , visit_detail_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL ,
visit_source_concept_id INTEGER NULL , visit_detail_source_concept_id INTEGER NULL ,
admitting_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL , admitting_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL ,
discharge_to_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL , discharge_to_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL ,
visit_detail_parent_id INTEGER NULL , visit_detail_parent_id INTEGER NULL ,
@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ CREATE TABLE procedure_occurrence
person_id INTEGER NOT NULL , person_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
procedure_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , procedure_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
procedure_date DATE NOT NULL , procedure_date DATE NOT NULL ,
procedure_datetime TIMESTAMP NULL , procedure_datetime DATETIME2 NULL ,
procedure_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , procedure_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
modifier_concept_id INTEGER NULL , modifier_concept_id INTEGER NULL ,
quantity INTEGER NULL , quantity INTEGER NULL ,
@ -372,9 +372,9 @@ CREATE TABLE drug_exposure
person_id INTEGER NOT NULL , person_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
drug_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , drug_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
drug_exposure_start_date DATE NOT NULL , drug_exposure_start_date DATE NOT NULL ,
drug_exposure_start_datetime TIMESTAMP NULL , drug_exposure_start_datetime DATETIME2 NULL ,
drug_exposure_end_date DATE NOT NULL , drug_exposure_end_date DATE NOT NULL ,
drug_exposure_end_datetime TIMESTAMP NULL , drug_exposure_end_datetime DATETIME2 NULL ,
verbatim_end_date DATE NULL , verbatim_end_date DATE NULL ,
drug_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , drug_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
stop_reason VARCHAR(20) NULL , stop_reason VARCHAR(20) NULL ,
@ -402,9 +402,9 @@ CREATE TABLE device_exposure
person_id INTEGER NOT NULL , person_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
device_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , device_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
device_exposure_start_date DATE NOT NULL , device_exposure_start_date DATE NOT NULL ,
device_exposure_start_datetime TIMESTAMP NULL , device_exposure_start_datetime DATETIME2 NULL ,
device_exposure_end_date DATE NULL , device_exposure_end_date DATE NULL ,
device_exposure_end_datetime TIMESTAMP NULL , device_exposure_end_datetime DATETIME2 NULL ,
device_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , device_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
unique_device_id VARCHAR(50) NULL , unique_device_id VARCHAR(50) NULL ,
quantity INTEGER NULL , quantity INTEGER NULL ,
@ -424,9 +424,9 @@ CREATE TABLE condition_occurrence
person_id INTEGER NOT NULL , person_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
condition_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , condition_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
condition_start_date DATE NOT NULL , condition_start_date DATE NOT NULL ,
condition_start_datetime TIMESTAMP NULL , condition_start_datetime DATETIME2 NULL ,
condition_end_date DATE NULL , condition_end_date DATE NULL ,
condition_end_datetime TIMESTAMP NULL , condition_end_datetime DATETIME2 NULL ,
condition_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , condition_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
stop_reason VARCHAR(20) NULL , stop_reason VARCHAR(20) NULL ,
provider_id INTEGER NULL , provider_id INTEGER NULL ,
@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ CREATE TABLE measurement
person_id INTEGER NOT NULL , person_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
measurement_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , measurement_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
measurement_date DATE NOT NULL , measurement_date DATE NOT NULL ,
measurement_datetime TIMESTAMP NULL , measurement_datetime DATETIME2 NULL ,
measurement_time VARCHAR(10) NULL, measurement_time VARCHAR(10) NULL,
measurement_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , measurement_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
operator_concept_id INTEGER NULL , operator_concept_id INTEGER NULL ,
@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ CREATE TABLE note
person_id INTEGER NOT NULL , person_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
note_date DATE NOT NULL , note_date DATE NOT NULL ,
note_datetime TIMESTAMP NULL , note_datetime DATETIME2 NULL ,
note_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , note_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
note_class_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , note_class_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
note_title VARCHAR(250) NULL , note_title VARCHAR(250) NULL ,
@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ CREATE TABLE note_nlp
note_nlp_source_concept_id INTEGER NULL , note_nlp_source_concept_id INTEGER NULL ,
nlp_system VARCHAR(250) NULL , nlp_system VARCHAR(250) NULL ,
nlp_date DATE NOT NULL , nlp_date DATE NOT NULL ,
nlp_datetime TIMESTAMP NULL , nlp_datetime DATETIME2 NULL ,
term_exists VARCHAR(1) NULL , term_exists VARCHAR(1) NULL ,
term_temporal VARCHAR(50) NULL , term_temporal VARCHAR(50) NULL ,
term_modifiers VARCHAR(2000) NULL term_modifiers VARCHAR(2000) NULL
@ -516,7 +516,7 @@ CREATE TABLE observation
person_id INTEGER NOT NULL , person_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
observation_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , observation_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
observation_date DATE NOT NULL , observation_date DATE NOT NULL ,
observation_datetime TIMESTAMP NULL , observation_datetime DATETIME2 NULL ,
observation_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , observation_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
value_as_number FLOAT NULL , value_as_number FLOAT NULL ,
value_as_string VARCHAR(60) NULL , value_as_string VARCHAR(60) NULL ,
@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ CREATE TABLE cost
payer_plan_period_id INTEGER NULL , payer_plan_period_id INTEGER NULL ,
amount_allowed FLOAT NULL , amount_allowed FLOAT NULL ,
revenue_code_concept_id INTEGER NULL , revenue_code_concept_id INTEGER NULL ,
revenue_code_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL, reveue_code_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL,
drg_concept_id INTEGER NULL, drg_concept_id INTEGER NULL,
drg_source_value VARCHAR(3) NULL drg_source_value VARCHAR(3) NULL
) )

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# Copyright 2014 Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics # Copyright 2014 Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics
# #
# #
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at # You may obtain a copy of the License at
# #
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
pdw script to create foreign key constraints within OMOP common data model, version 5.3.0 pdw script to create foreign key constraints within OMOP common data model, version 5.3.0
last revised: 15-November-2017 last revised: 14-June-2018
author: Patrick Ryan, Clair Blacketer author: Patrick Ryan, Clair Blacketer
@ -80,12 +80,16 @@ ALTER TABLE relationship ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_relationship_reverse FOREIGN KEY (re
ALTER TABLE concept_synonym ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_concept_synonym_concept FOREIGN KEY (concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id); ALTER TABLE concept_synonym ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_concept_synonym_concept FOREIGN KEY (concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id);
ALTER TABLE concept_synonym ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_concept_synonym_language FOREIGN KEY (language_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id);
ALTER TABLE concept_ancestor ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_concept_ancestor_concept_1 FOREIGN KEY (ancestor_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id); ALTER TABLE concept_ancestor ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_concept_ancestor_concept_1 FOREIGN KEY (ancestor_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id);
ALTER TABLE concept_ancestor ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_concept_ancestor_concept_2 FOREIGN KEY (descendant_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id); ALTER TABLE concept_ancestor ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_concept_ancestor_concept_2 FOREIGN KEY (descendant_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id);
ALTER TABLE source_to_concept_map ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_source_to_concept_map_v_1 FOREIGN KEY (source_vocabulary_id) REFERENCES vocabulary (vocabulary_id); ALTER TABLE source_to_concept_map ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_source_to_concept_map_v_1 FOREIGN KEY (source_vocabulary_id) REFERENCES vocabulary (vocabulary_id);
ALTER TABLE source_to_concept_map ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_source_concept_id FOREIGN KEY (source_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id);
ALTER TABLE source_to_concept_map ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_source_to_concept_map_v_2 FOREIGN KEY (target_vocabulary_id) REFERENCES vocabulary (vocabulary_id); ALTER TABLE source_to_concept_map ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_source_to_concept_map_v_2 FOREIGN KEY (target_vocabulary_id) REFERENCES vocabulary (vocabulary_id);
ALTER TABLE source_to_concept_map ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_source_to_concept_map_c_1 FOREIGN KEY (target_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id); ALTER TABLE source_to_concept_map ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_source_to_concept_map_c_1 FOREIGN KEY (target_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id);
@ -102,6 +106,10 @@ ALTER TABLE drug_strength ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_drug_strength_unit_3 FOREIGN KEY (d
ALTER TABLE cohort_definition ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_cohort_definition_concept FOREIGN KEY (definition_type_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id); ALTER TABLE cohort_definition ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_cohort_definition_concept FOREIGN KEY (definition_type_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id);
ALTER TABLE cohort_definition ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_cohort_subject_concept FOREIGN KEY (subject_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id);
ALTER TABLE attribute_definition ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_attribute_type_concept FOREIGN KEY (attribute_type_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id);
/************************** /**************************
@ -184,13 +192,13 @@ ALTER TABLE visit_occurrence ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_visit_preceding FOREIGN KEY (pre
ALTER TABLE visit_detail ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_v_detail_person FOREIGN KEY (person_id) REFERENCES person (person_id); ALTER TABLE visit_detail ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_v_detail_person FOREIGN KEY (person_id) REFERENCES person (person_id);
ALTER TABLE visit_detail ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_v_detail_type_concept FOREIGN KEY (visit_type_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id); ALTER TABLE visit_detail ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_v_detail_type_concept FOREIGN KEY (visit_detail_type_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id);
ALTER TABLE visit_detail ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_v_detail_provider FOREIGN KEY (provider_id) REFERENCES provider (provider_id); ALTER TABLE visit_detail ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_v_detail_provider FOREIGN KEY (provider_id) REFERENCES provider (provider_id);
ALTER TABLE visit_detail ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_v_detail_care_site FOREIGN KEY (care_site_id) REFERENCES care_site (care_site_id); ALTER TABLE visit_detail ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_v_detail_care_site FOREIGN KEY (care_site_id) REFERENCES care_site (care_site_id);
ALTER TABLE visit_detail ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_v_detail_concept_s FOREIGN KEY (visit_source_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id); ALTER TABLE visit_detail ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_v_detail_concept_s FOREIGN KEY (visit_detail_source_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id);
ALTER TABLE visit_detail ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_v_detail_admitting_s FOREIGN KEY (admitting_source_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id); ALTER TABLE visit_detail ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_v_detail_admitting_s FOREIGN KEY (admitting_source_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id);
@ -375,7 +383,7 @@ Standardized derived elements
************************/ ************************/
ALTER TABLE cohort ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_cohort_definition FOREIGN KEY (cohort_definition_id) REFERENCES cohort_definition (cohort_definition_id); --ALTER TABLE cohort ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_cohort_definition FOREIGN KEY (cohort_definition_id) REFERENCES cohort_definition (cohort_definition_id);
ALTER TABLE cohort_attribute ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_ca_cohort_definition FOREIGN KEY (cohort_definition_id) REFERENCES cohort_definition (cohort_definition_id); ALTER TABLE cohort_attribute ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_ca_cohort_definition FOREIGN KEY (cohort_definition_id) REFERENCES cohort_definition (cohort_definition_id);

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# Copyright 2017-11 Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics # Copyright 2017-11 Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics
# #
# #
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at # You may obtain a copy of the License at
# #
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
pdw script to create OMOP common data model version 5.3 pdw script to create OMOP common data model version 5.3
last revised: 6-Nov-2017 last revised: 14-June-2018
Authors: Patrick Ryan, Christian Reich, Clair Blacketer Authors: Patrick Ryan, Christian Reich, Clair Blacketer
IF XACT_STATE() = 1 COMMIT; CREATE TABLE vocabulary (vocabulary_id VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, IF XACT_STATE() = 1 COMMIT; CREATE TABLE vocabulary (vocabulary_id VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
vocabulary_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, vocabulary_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
vocabulary_reference VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, vocabulary_reference VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
vocabulary_version VARCHAR(255) NULL, vocabulary_version VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
vocabulary_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL vocabulary_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL
) )
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ IF XACT_STATE() = 1 COMMIT; CREATE TABLE metadata
value_as_string VARCHAR(1000) NULL , value_as_string VARCHAR(1000) NULL ,
value_as_concept_id INTEGER NULL , value_as_concept_id INTEGER NULL ,
metadata_date DATE NULL , metadata_date DATE NULL ,
metadata_datetime DATETIME NULL metadata_datetime DATETIME2 NULL
) )
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ IF XACT_STATE() = 1 COMMIT; CREATE TABLE person
year_of_birth INTEGER NOT NULL , year_of_birth INTEGER NOT NULL ,
month_of_birth INTEGER NULL, month_of_birth INTEGER NULL,
day_of_birth INTEGER NULL, day_of_birth INTEGER NULL,
birth_datetime DATETIME NULL, birth_datetime DATETIME2 NULL,
race_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL, race_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
ethnicity_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL, ethnicity_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
location_id INTEGER NULL, location_id INTEGER NULL,
@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ IF XACT_STATE() = 1 COMMIT; CREATE TABLE specimen
specimen_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , specimen_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
specimen_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , specimen_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
specimen_date DATE NOT NULL , specimen_date DATE NOT NULL ,
specimen_datetime DATETIME NULL , specimen_datetime DATETIME2 NULL ,
quantity FLOAT NULL , quantity FLOAT NULL ,
unit_concept_id INTEGER NULL , unit_concept_id INTEGER NULL ,
anatomic_site_concept_id INTEGER NULL , anatomic_site_concept_id INTEGER NULL ,
@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ WITH (DISTRIBUTION = HASH(person_id));
(person_id INTEGER NOT NULL , (person_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
death_date DATE NOT NULL , death_date DATE NOT NULL ,
death_datetime DATETIME NULL , death_datetime DATETIME2 NULL ,
death_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , death_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
cause_concept_id INTEGER NULL , cause_concept_id INTEGER NULL ,
cause_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL, cause_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL,
@ -282,9 +282,9 @@ IF XACT_STATE() = 1 COMMIT; CREATE TABLE visit_occurrence
person_id INTEGER NOT NULL , person_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
visit_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , visit_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
visit_start_date DATE NOT NULL , visit_start_date DATE NOT NULL ,
visit_start_datetime DATETIME NULL , visit_start_datetime DATETIME2 NULL ,
visit_end_date DATE NOT NULL , visit_end_date DATE NOT NULL ,
visit_end_datetime DATETIME NULL , visit_end_datetime DATETIME2 NULL ,
visit_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , visit_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
provider_id INTEGER NULL, provider_id INTEGER NULL,
care_site_id INTEGER NULL, care_site_id INTEGER NULL,
@ -304,18 +304,18 @@ IF XACT_STATE() = 1 COMMIT; CREATE TABLE visit_detail
(visit_detail_id INTEGER NOT NULL , (visit_detail_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
person_id INTEGER NOT NULL , person_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
visit_detail_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , visit_detail_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
visit_start_date DATE NOT NULL , visit_detail_start_date DATE NOT NULL ,
visit_start_datetime DATETIME NULL , visit_detail_start_datetime DATETIME2 NULL ,
visit_end_date DATE NOT NULL , visit_detail_end_date DATE NOT NULL ,
visit_end_datetime DATETIME NULL , visit_detail_end_datetime DATETIME2 NULL ,
visit_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , visit_detail_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
provider_id INTEGER NULL , provider_id INTEGER NULL ,
care_site_id INTEGER NULL , care_site_id INTEGER NULL ,
admitting_source_concept_id INTEGER NULL , admitting_source_concept_id INTEGER NULL ,
discharge_to_concept_id INTEGER NULL , discharge_to_concept_id INTEGER NULL ,
preceding_visit_detail_id INTEGER NULL , preceding_visit_detail_id INTEGER NULL ,
visit_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL , visit_detail_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL ,
visit_source_concept_id INTEGER NULL , visit_detail_source_concept_id INTEGER NULL ,
admitting_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL , admitting_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL ,
discharge_to_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL , discharge_to_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL ,
visit_detail_parent_id INTEGER NULL , visit_detail_parent_id INTEGER NULL ,
@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ IF XACT_STATE() = 1 COMMIT; CREATE TABLE procedure_occurrence
person_id INTEGER NOT NULL , person_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
procedure_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , procedure_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
procedure_date DATE NOT NULL , procedure_date DATE NOT NULL ,
procedure_datetime DATETIME NULL , procedure_datetime DATETIME2 NULL ,
procedure_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , procedure_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
modifier_concept_id INTEGER NULL , modifier_concept_id INTEGER NULL ,
quantity INTEGER NULL , quantity INTEGER NULL ,
@ -350,9 +350,9 @@ IF XACT_STATE() = 1 COMMIT; CREATE TABLE drug_exposure
person_id INTEGER NOT NULL , person_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
drug_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , drug_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
drug_exposure_start_date DATE NOT NULL , drug_exposure_start_date DATE NOT NULL ,
drug_exposure_start_datetime DATETIME NULL , drug_exposure_start_datetime DATETIME2 NULL ,
drug_exposure_end_date DATE NOT NULL , drug_exposure_end_date DATE NOT NULL ,
drug_exposure_end_datetime DATETIME NULL , drug_exposure_end_datetime DATETIME2 NULL ,
verbatim_end_date DATE NULL , verbatim_end_date DATE NULL ,
drug_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , drug_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
stop_reason VARCHAR(20) NULL , stop_reason VARCHAR(20) NULL ,
@ -379,9 +379,9 @@ IF XACT_STATE() = 1 COMMIT; CREATE TABLE device_exposure
person_id INTEGER NOT NULL , person_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
device_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , device_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
device_exposure_start_date DATE NOT NULL , device_exposure_start_date DATE NOT NULL ,
device_exposure_start_datetime DATETIME NULL , device_exposure_start_datetime DATETIME2 NULL ,
device_exposure_end_date DATE NULL , device_exposure_end_date DATE NULL ,
device_exposure_end_datetime DATETIME NULL , device_exposure_end_datetime DATETIME2 NULL ,
device_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , device_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
unique_device_id VARCHAR(50) NULL , unique_device_id VARCHAR(50) NULL ,
quantity INTEGER NULL , quantity INTEGER NULL ,
@ -400,9 +400,9 @@ IF XACT_STATE() = 1 COMMIT; CREATE TABLE condition_occurrence
person_id INTEGER NOT NULL , person_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
condition_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , condition_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
condition_start_date DATE NOT NULL , condition_start_date DATE NOT NULL ,
condition_start_datetime DATETIME NULL , condition_start_datetime DATETIME2 NULL ,
condition_end_date DATE NULL , condition_end_date DATE NULL ,
condition_end_datetime DATETIME NULL , condition_end_datetime DATETIME2 NULL ,
condition_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , condition_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
stop_reason VARCHAR(20) NULL , stop_reason VARCHAR(20) NULL ,
provider_id INTEGER NULL , provider_id INTEGER NULL ,
@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ IF XACT_STATE() = 1 COMMIT; CREATE TABLE measurement
person_id INTEGER NOT NULL , person_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
measurement_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , measurement_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
measurement_date DATE NOT NULL , measurement_date DATE NOT NULL ,
measurement_datetime DATETIME NULL , measurement_datetime DATETIME2 NULL ,
measurement_time VARCHAR(10) NULL, measurement_time VARCHAR(10) NULL,
measurement_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , measurement_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
operator_concept_id INTEGER NULL , operator_concept_id INTEGER NULL ,
@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ IF XACT_STATE() = 1 COMMIT; CREATE TABLE note
person_id INTEGER NOT NULL , person_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
note_date DATE NOT NULL , note_date DATE NOT NULL ,
note_datetime DATETIME NULL , note_datetime DATETIME2 NULL ,
note_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , note_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
note_class_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , note_class_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
note_title VARCHAR(250) NULL , note_title VARCHAR(250) NULL ,
@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ IF XACT_STATE() = 1 COMMIT; CREATE TABLE note_nlp
note_nlp_source_concept_id INTEGER NULL , note_nlp_source_concept_id INTEGER NULL ,
nlp_system VARCHAR(250) NULL , nlp_system VARCHAR(250) NULL ,
nlp_date DATE NOT NULL , nlp_date DATE NOT NULL ,
nlp_datetime DATETIME NULL , nlp_datetime DATETIME2 NULL ,
term_exists VARCHAR(1) NULL , term_exists VARCHAR(1) NULL ,
term_temporal VARCHAR(50) NULL , term_temporal VARCHAR(50) NULL ,
term_modifiers VARCHAR(2000) NULL term_modifiers VARCHAR(2000) NULL
@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ IF XACT_STATE() = 1 COMMIT; CREATE TABLE observation
person_id INTEGER NOT NULL , person_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
observation_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , observation_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
observation_date DATE NOT NULL , observation_date DATE NOT NULL ,
observation_datetime DATETIME NULL , observation_datetime DATETIME2 NULL ,
observation_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , observation_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
value_as_number FLOAT NULL , value_as_number FLOAT NULL ,
value_as_string VARCHAR(60) NULL , value_as_string VARCHAR(60) NULL ,
@ -616,7 +616,7 @@ IF XACT_STATE() = 1 COMMIT; CREATE TABLE cost
payer_plan_period_id INTEGER NULL , payer_plan_period_id INTEGER NULL ,
amount_allowed FLOAT NULL , amount_allowed FLOAT NULL ,
revenue_code_concept_id INTEGER NULL , revenue_code_concept_id INTEGER NULL ,
revenue_code_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL, reveue_code_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL,
drg_concept_id INTEGER NULL, drg_concept_id INTEGER NULL,
drg_source_value VARCHAR(3) NULL drg_source_value VARCHAR(3) NULL
) )

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# Copyright 2014 Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics # Copyright 2014 Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics
# #
# #
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at # You may obtain a copy of the License at
# #
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
postgresql script to create foreign key constraints within OMOP common data model, version 5.3.0 postgresql script to create foreign key constraints within OMOP common data model, version 5.3.0
last revised: 15-November-2017 last revised: 14-June-2018
author: Patrick Ryan, Clair Blacketer author: Patrick Ryan, Clair Blacketer
@ -80,12 +80,16 @@ ALTER TABLE relationship ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_relationship_reverse FOREIGN KEY (re
ALTER TABLE concept_synonym ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_concept_synonym_concept FOREIGN KEY (concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id); ALTER TABLE concept_synonym ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_concept_synonym_concept FOREIGN KEY (concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id);
ALTER TABLE concept_synonym ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_concept_synonym_language FOREIGN KEY (language_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id);
ALTER TABLE concept_ancestor ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_concept_ancestor_concept_1 FOREIGN KEY (ancestor_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id); ALTER TABLE concept_ancestor ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_concept_ancestor_concept_1 FOREIGN KEY (ancestor_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id);
ALTER TABLE concept_ancestor ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_concept_ancestor_concept_2 FOREIGN KEY (descendant_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id); ALTER TABLE concept_ancestor ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_concept_ancestor_concept_2 FOREIGN KEY (descendant_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id);
ALTER TABLE source_to_concept_map ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_source_to_concept_map_v_1 FOREIGN KEY (source_vocabulary_id) REFERENCES vocabulary (vocabulary_id); ALTER TABLE source_to_concept_map ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_source_to_concept_map_v_1 FOREIGN KEY (source_vocabulary_id) REFERENCES vocabulary (vocabulary_id);
ALTER TABLE source_to_concept_map ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_source_concept_id FOREIGN KEY (source_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id);
ALTER TABLE source_to_concept_map ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_source_to_concept_map_v_2 FOREIGN KEY (target_vocabulary_id) REFERENCES vocabulary (vocabulary_id); ALTER TABLE source_to_concept_map ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_source_to_concept_map_v_2 FOREIGN KEY (target_vocabulary_id) REFERENCES vocabulary (vocabulary_id);
ALTER TABLE source_to_concept_map ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_source_to_concept_map_c_1 FOREIGN KEY (target_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id); ALTER TABLE source_to_concept_map ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_source_to_concept_map_c_1 FOREIGN KEY (target_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id);
@ -102,6 +106,10 @@ ALTER TABLE drug_strength ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_drug_strength_unit_3 FOREIGN KEY (d
ALTER TABLE cohort_definition ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_cohort_definition_concept FOREIGN KEY (definition_type_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id); ALTER TABLE cohort_definition ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_cohort_definition_concept FOREIGN KEY (definition_type_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id);
ALTER TABLE cohort_definition ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_cohort_subject_concept FOREIGN KEY (subject_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id);
ALTER TABLE attribute_definition ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_attribute_type_concept FOREIGN KEY (attribute_type_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id);
/************************** /**************************
@ -184,13 +192,13 @@ ALTER TABLE visit_occurrence ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_visit_preceding FOREIGN KEY (pre
ALTER TABLE visit_detail ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_v_detail_person FOREIGN KEY (person_id) REFERENCES person (person_id); ALTER TABLE visit_detail ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_v_detail_person FOREIGN KEY (person_id) REFERENCES person (person_id);
ALTER TABLE visit_detail ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_v_detail_type_concept FOREIGN KEY (visit_type_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id); ALTER TABLE visit_detail ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_v_detail_type_concept FOREIGN KEY (visit_detail_type_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id);
ALTER TABLE visit_detail ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_v_detail_provider FOREIGN KEY (provider_id) REFERENCES provider (provider_id); ALTER TABLE visit_detail ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_v_detail_provider FOREIGN KEY (provider_id) REFERENCES provider (provider_id);
ALTER TABLE visit_detail ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_v_detail_care_site FOREIGN KEY (care_site_id) REFERENCES care_site (care_site_id); ALTER TABLE visit_detail ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_v_detail_care_site FOREIGN KEY (care_site_id) REFERENCES care_site (care_site_id);
ALTER TABLE visit_detail ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_v_detail_concept_s FOREIGN KEY (visit_source_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id); ALTER TABLE visit_detail ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_v_detail_concept_s FOREIGN KEY (visit_detail_source_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id);
ALTER TABLE visit_detail ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_v_detail_admitting_s FOREIGN KEY (admitting_source_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id); ALTER TABLE visit_detail ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_v_detail_admitting_s FOREIGN KEY (admitting_source_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id);
@ -375,7 +383,7 @@ Standardized derived elements
************************/ ************************/
ALTER TABLE cohort ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_cohort_definition FOREIGN KEY (cohort_definition_id) REFERENCES cohort_definition (cohort_definition_id); --ALTER TABLE cohort ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_cohort_definition FOREIGN KEY (cohort_definition_id) REFERENCES cohort_definition (cohort_definition_id);
ALTER TABLE cohort_attribute ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_ca_cohort_definition FOREIGN KEY (cohort_definition_id) REFERENCES cohort_definition (cohort_definition_id); ALTER TABLE cohort_attribute ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_ca_cohort_definition FOREIGN KEY (cohort_definition_id) REFERENCES cohort_definition (cohort_definition_id);

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# Copyright 2017-11 Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics # Copyright 2017-11 Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics
# #
# #
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at # You may obtain a copy of the License at
# #
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
postgresql script to create OMOP common data model version 5.3 postgresql script to create OMOP common data model version 5.3
last revised: 6-Nov-2017 last revised: 14-June-2018
Authors: Patrick Ryan, Christian Reich, Clair Blacketer Authors: Patrick Ryan, Christian Reich, Clair Blacketer
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ CREATE TABLE vocabulary (
vocabulary_id VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, vocabulary_id VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
vocabulary_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, vocabulary_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
vocabulary_reference VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, vocabulary_reference VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
vocabulary_version VARCHAR(255) NULL, vocabulary_version VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
vocabulary_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL vocabulary_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL
) )
; ;
@ -324,18 +324,18 @@ CREATE TABLE visit_detail
visit_detail_id INTEGER NOT NULL , visit_detail_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
person_id INTEGER NOT NULL , person_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
visit_detail_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , visit_detail_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
visit_start_date DATE NOT NULL , visit_detail_start_date DATE NOT NULL ,
visit_start_datetime TIMESTAMP NULL , visit_detail_start_datetime TIMESTAMP NULL ,
visit_end_date DATE NOT NULL , visit_detail_end_date DATE NOT NULL ,
visit_end_datetime TIMESTAMP NULL , visit_detail_end_datetime TIMESTAMP NULL ,
visit_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , visit_detail_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
provider_id INTEGER NULL , provider_id INTEGER NULL ,
care_site_id INTEGER NULL , care_site_id INTEGER NULL ,
admitting_source_concept_id INTEGER NULL , admitting_source_concept_id INTEGER NULL ,
discharge_to_concept_id INTEGER NULL , discharge_to_concept_id INTEGER NULL ,
preceding_visit_detail_id INTEGER NULL , preceding_visit_detail_id INTEGER NULL ,
visit_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL , visit_detail_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL ,
visit_source_concept_id INTEGER NULL , visit_detail_source_concept_id INTEGER NULL ,
admitting_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL , admitting_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL ,
discharge_to_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL , discharge_to_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL ,
visit_detail_parent_id INTEGER NULL , visit_detail_parent_id INTEGER NULL ,
@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ CREATE TABLE cost
payer_plan_period_id INTEGER NULL , payer_plan_period_id INTEGER NULL ,
amount_allowed NUMERIC NULL , amount_allowed NUMERIC NULL ,
revenue_code_concept_id INTEGER NULL , revenue_code_concept_id INTEGER NULL ,
revenue_code_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL, reveue_code_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL,
drg_concept_id INTEGER NULL, drg_concept_id INTEGER NULL,
drg_source_value VARCHAR(3) NULL drg_source_value VARCHAR(3) NULL
) )

View File

@ -1,26 +1,34 @@
Common Data Model v5.3 Common Data Model v5.3.1
================= =================
See full CDM specification file on our github [wiki]( or in the [CDM V5.3 PDF]( See full CDM specification file on our github [wiki]( or in the [CDM V5.3.1 PDF](
Release Notes for v5.3 Release Notes for v5.3.1
============= =============
This version is based on the pull requests and CDM proposals:
* [#64]( This removes the datetime fields from OBSERVATION_PERIOD ### This version address the following issues/pull requests:
* [#70]( Adds the VISIT_DETAIL table
* [#79]( Adds the METADATA table * [#183]( Fixes VISIT_DETAIL documentation, 'required' and 'type' columns were switched
* [#92]( Fixes qualifier typo in PROCEDURE_OCCURRENCE * [#169]( Data type changes for BigQuery
* [#120]( Adds the following fields to PAYER_PLAN_PERIOD: * [#171]( Datetime formats in Sql Server changed to Datetime2
* PAYER_CONCEPT_ID * [#173]( Impala reserved words
* PAYER_SOURCE_CONCEPT_ID * [#177]( Postgres readme
* PLAN_CONCEPT_ID * [#140](, [#144](, [#135](
* PLAN_SOURCE_CONCEPT_ID * Typos in readme and documentation
* SPONSOR_CONCEPT_ID * [#158]( VOCABULARY.VOCABULARY_VERSION no longer a required field
* SPONSOR_SOURCE_CONCEPT_ID * [#157]( Added MEASUREMENT.MEASUREMENT_TIME back to DDL for backwards compatibility
* STOP_REASON_SOURCE_CONCEPT_ID * [#160]( Removed errant semicolon in license header
* **[#145]( VISIT_DETAIL naming convention**
* This is the change with the most potential impact as column names were updated
* [#67]( Removed COHORT_DEFINITION_ID foreign key constraint from COHORT table
* [#16]( Added additional foreign key constraints that were missing
* [#12]( .csv file is now delivered with each version
* Additional BigQuery updates for compatibility
* A portion of [#112]( was addressed
* VISIT_DETAIL and documentation typos
Additional Updates Additional Updates
================== ==================

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# Copyright 2017-11 Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics # Copyright 2017-11 Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics
# #
# #
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at # You may obtain a copy of the License at
# #
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
redshift script to create OMOP common data model version 5.3 redshift script to create OMOP common data model version 5.3
last revised: 6-Nov-2017 last revised: 14-June-2018
Authors: Patrick Ryan, Christian Reich, Clair Blacketer Authors: Patrick Ryan, Christian Reich, Clair Blacketer
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ DISTSTYLE ALL;
CREATE TABLE vocabulary (vocabulary_id VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, CREATE TABLE vocabulary (vocabulary_id VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
vocabulary_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, vocabulary_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
vocabulary_reference VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, vocabulary_reference VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
vocabulary_version VARCHAR(255) NULL, vocabulary_version VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
vocabulary_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL vocabulary_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL
) )
@ -304,18 +304,18 @@ CREATE TABLE visit_detail
(visit_detail_id INTEGER NOT NULL , (visit_detail_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
person_id INTEGER NOT NULL , person_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
visit_detail_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , visit_detail_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
visit_start_date DATE NOT NULL , visit_detail_start_date DATE NOT NULL ,
visit_start_datetime TIMESTAMP NULL , visit_detail_start_datetime TIMESTAMP NULL ,
visit_end_date DATE NOT NULL , visit_detail_end_date DATE NOT NULL ,
visit_end_datetime TIMESTAMP NULL , visit_detail_end_datetime TIMESTAMP NULL ,
visit_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , visit_detail_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
provider_id INTEGER NULL , provider_id INTEGER NULL ,
care_site_id INTEGER NULL , care_site_id INTEGER NULL ,
admitting_source_concept_id INTEGER NULL , admitting_source_concept_id INTEGER NULL ,
discharge_to_concept_id INTEGER NULL , discharge_to_concept_id INTEGER NULL ,
preceding_visit_detail_id INTEGER NULL , preceding_visit_detail_id INTEGER NULL ,
visit_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL , visit_detail_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL ,
visit_source_concept_id INTEGER NULL , visit_detail_source_concept_id INTEGER NULL ,
admitting_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL , admitting_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL ,
discharge_to_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL , discharge_to_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL ,
visit_detail_parent_id INTEGER NULL , visit_detail_parent_id INTEGER NULL ,
@ -616,7 +616,7 @@ CREATE TABLE cost
payer_plan_period_id INTEGER NULL , payer_plan_period_id INTEGER NULL ,
amount_allowed FLOAT NULL , amount_allowed FLOAT NULL ,
revenue_code_concept_id INTEGER NULL , revenue_code_concept_id INTEGER NULL ,
revenue_code_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL, reveue_code_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL,
drg_concept_id INTEGER NULL, drg_concept_id INTEGER NULL,
drg_source_value VARCHAR(3) NULL drg_source_value VARCHAR(3) NULL
) )

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# Copyright 2014 Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics # Copyright 2014 Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics
# #
# #
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at # You may obtain a copy of the License at
# #
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
sql server script to create foreign key constraints within OMOP common data model, version 5.3.0 sql server script to create foreign key constraints within OMOP common data model, version 5.3.0
last revised: 15-November-2017 last revised: 14-June-2018
author: Patrick Ryan, Clair Blacketer author: Patrick Ryan, Clair Blacketer
@ -80,12 +80,16 @@ ALTER TABLE relationship ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_relationship_reverse FOREIGN KEY (re
ALTER TABLE concept_synonym ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_concept_synonym_concept FOREIGN KEY (concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id); ALTER TABLE concept_synonym ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_concept_synonym_concept FOREIGN KEY (concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id);
ALTER TABLE concept_synonym ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_concept_synonym_language FOREIGN KEY (language_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id);
ALTER TABLE concept_ancestor ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_concept_ancestor_concept_1 FOREIGN KEY (ancestor_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id); ALTER TABLE concept_ancestor ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_concept_ancestor_concept_1 FOREIGN KEY (ancestor_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id);
ALTER TABLE concept_ancestor ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_concept_ancestor_concept_2 FOREIGN KEY (descendant_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id); ALTER TABLE concept_ancestor ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_concept_ancestor_concept_2 FOREIGN KEY (descendant_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id);
ALTER TABLE source_to_concept_map ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_source_to_concept_map_v_1 FOREIGN KEY (source_vocabulary_id) REFERENCES vocabulary (vocabulary_id); ALTER TABLE source_to_concept_map ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_source_to_concept_map_v_1 FOREIGN KEY (source_vocabulary_id) REFERENCES vocabulary (vocabulary_id);
ALTER TABLE source_to_concept_map ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_source_concept_id FOREIGN KEY (source_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id);
ALTER TABLE source_to_concept_map ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_source_to_concept_map_v_2 FOREIGN KEY (target_vocabulary_id) REFERENCES vocabulary (vocabulary_id); ALTER TABLE source_to_concept_map ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_source_to_concept_map_v_2 FOREIGN KEY (target_vocabulary_id) REFERENCES vocabulary (vocabulary_id);
ALTER TABLE source_to_concept_map ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_source_to_concept_map_c_1 FOREIGN KEY (target_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id); ALTER TABLE source_to_concept_map ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_source_to_concept_map_c_1 FOREIGN KEY (target_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id);
@ -102,6 +106,10 @@ ALTER TABLE drug_strength ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_drug_strength_unit_3 FOREIGN KEY (d
ALTER TABLE cohort_definition ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_cohort_definition_concept FOREIGN KEY (definition_type_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id); ALTER TABLE cohort_definition ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_cohort_definition_concept FOREIGN KEY (definition_type_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id);
ALTER TABLE cohort_definition ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_cohort_subject_concept FOREIGN KEY (subject_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id);
ALTER TABLE attribute_definition ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_attribute_type_concept FOREIGN KEY (attribute_type_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id);
/************************** /**************************
@ -184,13 +192,13 @@ ALTER TABLE visit_occurrence ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_visit_preceding FOREIGN KEY (pre
ALTER TABLE visit_detail ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_v_detail_person FOREIGN KEY (person_id) REFERENCES person (person_id); ALTER TABLE visit_detail ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_v_detail_person FOREIGN KEY (person_id) REFERENCES person (person_id);
ALTER TABLE visit_detail ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_v_detail_type_concept FOREIGN KEY (visit_type_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id); ALTER TABLE visit_detail ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_v_detail_type_concept FOREIGN KEY (visit_detail_type_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id);
ALTER TABLE visit_detail ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_v_detail_provider FOREIGN KEY (provider_id) REFERENCES provider (provider_id); ALTER TABLE visit_detail ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_v_detail_provider FOREIGN KEY (provider_id) REFERENCES provider (provider_id);
ALTER TABLE visit_detail ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_v_detail_care_site FOREIGN KEY (care_site_id) REFERENCES care_site (care_site_id); ALTER TABLE visit_detail ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_v_detail_care_site FOREIGN KEY (care_site_id) REFERENCES care_site (care_site_id);
ALTER TABLE visit_detail ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_v_detail_concept_s FOREIGN KEY (visit_source_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id); ALTER TABLE visit_detail ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_v_detail_concept_s FOREIGN KEY (visit_detail_source_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id);
ALTER TABLE visit_detail ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_v_detail_admitting_s FOREIGN KEY (admitting_source_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id); ALTER TABLE visit_detail ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_v_detail_admitting_s FOREIGN KEY (admitting_source_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id);
@ -375,7 +383,7 @@ Standardized derived elements
************************/ ************************/
ALTER TABLE cohort ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_cohort_definition FOREIGN KEY (cohort_definition_id) REFERENCES cohort_definition (cohort_definition_id); --ALTER TABLE cohort ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_cohort_definition FOREIGN KEY (cohort_definition_id) REFERENCES cohort_definition (cohort_definition_id);
ALTER TABLE cohort_attribute ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_ca_cohort_definition FOREIGN KEY (cohort_definition_id) REFERENCES cohort_definition (cohort_definition_id); ALTER TABLE cohort_attribute ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_ca_cohort_definition FOREIGN KEY (cohort_definition_id) REFERENCES cohort_definition (cohort_definition_id);

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# Copyright 2017-11 Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics # Copyright 2017-11 Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics
# #
# #
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at # You may obtain a copy of the License at
# #
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
sql server script to create OMOP common data model version 5.3 sql server script to create OMOP common data model version 5.3
last revised: 6-Nov-2017 last revised: 14-June-2018
Authors: Patrick Ryan, Christian Reich, Clair Blacketer Authors: Patrick Ryan, Christian Reich, Clair Blacketer
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ CREATE TABLE vocabulary (
vocabulary_id VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, vocabulary_id VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
vocabulary_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, vocabulary_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
vocabulary_reference VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, vocabulary_reference VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
vocabulary_version VARCHAR(255) NULL, vocabulary_version VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
vocabulary_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL vocabulary_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL
) )
; ;
@ -324,18 +324,18 @@ CREATE TABLE visit_detail
visit_detail_id INTEGER NOT NULL , visit_detail_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
person_id INTEGER NOT NULL , person_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
visit_detail_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , visit_detail_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
visit_start_date DATE NOT NULL , visit_detail_start_date DATE NOT NULL ,
visit_start_datetime DATETIME2 NULL , visit_detail_start_datetime DATETIME2 NULL ,
visit_end_date DATE NOT NULL , visit_detail_end_date DATE NOT NULL ,
visit_end_datetime DATETIME2 NULL , visit_detail_end_datetime DATETIME2 NULL ,
visit_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , visit_detail_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL ,
provider_id INTEGER NULL , provider_id INTEGER NULL ,
care_site_id INTEGER NULL , care_site_id INTEGER NULL ,
admitting_source_concept_id INTEGER NULL , admitting_source_concept_id INTEGER NULL ,
discharge_to_concept_id INTEGER NULL , discharge_to_concept_id INTEGER NULL ,
preceding_visit_detail_id INTEGER NULL , preceding_visit_detail_id INTEGER NULL ,
visit_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL , visit_detail_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL ,
visit_source_concept_id INTEGER NULL , visit_detail_source_concept_id INTEGER NULL ,
admitting_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL , admitting_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL ,
discharge_to_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL , discharge_to_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL ,
visit_detail_parent_id INTEGER NULL , visit_detail_parent_id INTEGER NULL ,
@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ CREATE TABLE cost
payer_plan_period_id INTEGER NULL , payer_plan_period_id INTEGER NULL ,
amount_allowed FLOAT NULL , amount_allowed FLOAT NULL ,
revenue_code_concept_id INTEGER NULL , revenue_code_concept_id INTEGER NULL ,
revenue_code_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL, reveue_code_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL,
drg_concept_id INTEGER NULL, drg_concept_id INTEGER NULL,
drg_source_value VARCHAR(3) NULL drg_source_value VARCHAR(3) NULL
) )