Issue 329 updated visit_detail_parent_id
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@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ VISIT_DETAIL,admitting_source_concept_id,No,Integer,"Use this field to determine
VISIT_DETAIL,discharge_to_source_value,No,Varchar(50),,"This information may be called something different in the source data but the field is meant to contain a value indicating where a person was discharged to after a visit, as in they went home or were moved to long-term care. Typically this applies only to visits that have a length of stay of a day or more.",No,No,,,,,
VISIT_DETAIL,discharge_to_source_value,No,Varchar(50),,"This information may be called something different in the source data but the field is meant to contain a value indicating where a person was discharged to after a visit, as in they went home or were moved to long-term care. Typically this applies only to visits that have a length of stay of a day or more.",No,No,,,,,
VISIT_DETAIL,discharge_to_concept_id,No,integer,"Use this field to determine where the patient was discharged to after a visit detail record. This concept is part of the visit domain and can indicate if a patient was discharged to home or sent to a long-term care facility, for example.","If available, map the DISCHARGE_TO_SOURCE_VALUE to a Standard Concept in the Visit domain. [Accepted Concepts](",No,Yes,CONCEPT,CONCEPT_ID,Visit,,
VISIT_DETAIL,discharge_to_concept_id,No,integer,"Use this field to determine where the patient was discharged to after a visit detail record. This concept is part of the visit domain and can indicate if a patient was discharged to home or sent to a long-term care facility, for example.","If available, map the DISCHARGE_TO_SOURCE_VALUE to a Standard Concept in the Visit domain. [Accepted Concepts](",No,Yes,CONCEPT,CONCEPT_ID,Visit,,
VISIT_DETAIL,preceding_visit_detail_id,No,integer,Use this field to find the visit detail that occurred for the person prior to the given visit detail record. There could be a few days or a few years in between.,"The PRECEDING_VISIT_DETAIL_ID can be used to link a visit immediately preceding the current Visit Detail. Note this is not symmetrical, and there is no such thing as a ""following_visit_id"".",No,Yes,VISIT_DETAIL,VISIT_DETAIL_ID,,,
VISIT_DETAIL,preceding_visit_detail_id,No,integer,Use this field to find the visit detail that occurred for the person prior to the given visit detail record. There could be a few days or a few years in between.,"The PRECEDING_VISIT_DETAIL_ID can be used to link a visit immediately preceding the current Visit Detail. Note this is not symmetrical, and there is no such thing as a ""following_visit_id"".",No,Yes,VISIT_DETAIL,VISIT_DETAIL_ID,,,
VISIT_DETAIL,visit_detail_parent_id,No,integer,Use this field to find the visit detail that subsumes the given visit detail record. This is used in the case that a visit detail record needs to be nested beyond the VISIT_OCCURRENCE/VISIT_DETAIL relationship.,"If there are multiple nested levels to how Visits are represented in the source, the VISIT_DETAIL_PARENT_ID can be used to record this relationship. ",No,Yes,VISIT_DETAIL,VISIT_DETAIL_ID,,,
VISIT_DETAIL,parent_visit_detail_id,No,integer,Use this field to find the visit detail that subsumes the given visit detail record. This is used in the case that a visit detail record needs to be nested beyond the VISIT_OCCURRENCE/VISIT_DETAIL relationship.,"If there are multiple nested levels to how Visits are represented in the source, the PARENT_VISIT_DETAIL_ID can be used to record this relationship. ",No,Yes,VISIT_DETAIL,VISIT_DETAIL_ID,,,
VISIT_DETAIL,visit_occurrence_id,Yes,integer,Use this field to link the VISIT_DETAIL record to its VISIT_OCCURRENCE.,Put the VISIT_OCCURRENCE_ID that subsumes the VISIT_DETAIL record here.,No,Yes,VISIT_OCCURRENCE,VISIT_OCCURRENCE_ID,,,
VISIT_DETAIL,visit_occurrence_id,Yes,integer,Use this field to link the VISIT_DETAIL record to its VISIT_OCCURRENCE.,Put the VISIT_OCCURRENCE_ID that subsumes the VISIT_DETAIL record here.,No,Yes,VISIT_OCCURRENCE,VISIT_OCCURRENCE_ID,,,
CONDITION_OCCURRENCE,condition_occurrence_id,Yes,integer,The unique key given to a condition record for a person. Refer to the ETL for how duplicate conditions during the same visit were handled.,"Each instance of a condition present in the source data should be assigned this unique key. In some cases, a person can have multiple records of the same condition within the same visit. It is valid to keep these duplicates and assign them individual, unique, CONDITION_OCCURRENCE_IDs, though it is up to the ETL how they should be handled.",Yes,No,,,,,
CONDITION_OCCURRENCE,condition_occurrence_id,Yes,integer,The unique key given to a condition record for a person. Refer to the ETL for how duplicate conditions during the same visit were handled.,"Each instance of a condition present in the source data should be assigned this unique key. In some cases, a person can have multiple records of the same condition within the same visit. It is valid to keep these duplicates and assign them individual, unique, CONDITION_OCCURRENCE_IDs, though it is up to the ETL how they should be handled.",Yes,No,,,,,
CONDITION_OCCURRENCE,person_id,Yes,integer,The PERSON_ID of the PERSON for whom the condition is recorded.,,No,Yes,PERSON,PERSON_ID,,,
CONDITION_OCCURRENCE,person_id,Yes,integer,The PERSON_ID of the PERSON for whom the condition is recorded.,,No,Yes,PERSON,PERSON_ID,,,
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