@ -40,10 +40,10 @@ VISIT_OCCURRENCE,provider_id,No,integer,"There will only be one provider per vis
VISIT_OCCURRENCE,care_site_id,No,integer,This field provides information about the Care Site where the Visit took place.,There should only be one Care Site associated with a Visit.,No,Yes,CARE_SITE,CARE_SITE_ID,,,
VISIT_OCCURRENCE,visit_source_value,No,varchar(50),"This field houses the verbatim value from the source data representing the kind of visit that took place (inpatient, outpatient, emergency, etc.)","If there is information about the kind of visit in the source data that value should be stored here. If a visit is an amalgamation of visits from the source then use a hierarchy to choose the visit source value, such as IP -> ER-> OP. This should line up with the logic chosen to determine how visits are created.",No,No,,,,,
VISIT_OCCURRENCE,visit_source_concept_id,No,integer,,If the visit source value is coded in the source data using an OMOP supported vocabulary put the concept id representing the source value here.,No,Yes,CONCEPT,CONCEPT_ID,,,
VISIT_OCCURRENCE,admitting_source_concept_id,No,integer,"Use this field to determine where the patient was admitted from. This concept is part of the visit domain and can indicate if a patient was admitted to the hospital from a long-term care facility, for example.","If available, map the admitted_from_source_value to a standard concept in the visit domain. [Accepted Concepts](https://athena.ohdsi.org/search-terms/terms?domain=Visit&standardConcept=Standard&page=1&pageSize=15&query=).",No,Yes,CONCEPT,CONCEPT_ID,Visit,,
VISIT_OCCURRENCE,admitting_source_value,No,varchar(50),,"This information may be called something different in the source data but the field is meant to contain a value indicating where a person was admitted from. Typically this applies only to visits that have a length of stay, like inpatient visits or long-term care visits.",No,No,,,,,
VISIT_OCCURRENCE,discharge_to_concept_id,No,integer,"Use this field to determine where the patient was discharged to after a visit. This concept is part of the visit domain and can indicate if a patient was discharged to home or sent to a long-term care facility, for example.","If available, map the discharge_to_source_value to a standard concept in the visit domain. [Accepted Concepts](https://athena.ohdsi.org/search-terms/terms?domain=Visit&standardConcept=Standard&page=1&pageSize=15&query=).",No,Yes,CONCEPT,CONCEPT_ID,Visit,,
VISIT_OCCURRENCE,discharge_to_source_value,No,varchar(50),,"This information may be called something different in the source data but the field is meant to contain a value indicating where a person was discharged to after a visit, as in they went home or were moved to long-term care. Typically this applies only to visits that have a length of stay of a day or more.",No,No,,,,,
VISIT_OCCURRENCE,admitted_from_concept_id,No,integer,"Use this field to determine where the patient was admitted from. This concept is part of the visit domain and can indicate if a patient was admitted to the hospital from a long-term care facility, for example.","If available, map the admitted_from_source_value to a standard concept in the visit domain. [Accepted Concepts](https://athena.ohdsi.org/search-terms/terms?domain=Visit&standardConcept=Standard&page=1&pageSize=15&query=).",No,Yes,CONCEPT,CONCEPT_ID,Visit,,
VISIT_OCCURRENCE,admitted_from_source_value,No,varchar(50),,"This information may be called something different in the source data but the field is meant to contain a value indicating where a person was admitted from. Typically this applies only to visits that have a length of stay, like inpatient visits or long-term care visits.",No,No,,,,,
VISIT_OCCURRENCE,discharged_to_concept_id,No,integer,"Use this field to determine where the patient was discharged to after a visit. This concept is part of the visit domain and can indicate if a patient was discharged to home or sent to a long-term care facility, for example.","If available, map the discharge_to_source_value to a standard concept in the visit domain. [Accepted Concepts](https://athena.ohdsi.org/search-terms/terms?domain=Visit&standardConcept=Standard&page=1&pageSize=15&query=).",No,Yes,CONCEPT,CONCEPT_ID,Visit,,
VISIT_OCCURRENCE,discharged_to_source_value,No,varchar(50),,"This information may be called something different in the source data but the field is meant to contain a value indicating where a person was discharged to after a visit, as in they went home or were moved to long-term care. Typically this applies only to visits that have a length of stay of a day or more.",No,No,,,,,
VISIT_OCCURRENCE,preceding_visit_occurrence_id,No,integer,Use this field to find the visit that occurred for the person prior to the given visit. There could be a few days or a few years in between.,"This field can be used to link a visit immediately preceding the current visit. Note this is not symmetrical, and there is no such thing as a ""following_visit_id"".",No,Yes,VISIT_OCCURRENCE,VISIT_OCCURRENCE_ID,,,
VISIT_DETAIL,visit_detail_id,Yes,integer,Use this to identify unique interactions between a person and the health care system. This identifier links across the other CDM event tables to associate events with a visit detail.,This should be populated by creating a unique identifier for each unique interaction between a person and the healthcare system where the person receives a medical good or service over a span of time.,Yes,No,,,,,
@ -63,12 +63,12 @@ VISIT_DETAIL,provider_id,No,integer,"There will only be one provider per **visi
VISIT_DETAIL,care_site_id,No,integer,This field provides information about the Care Site where the Visit Detail took place.,There should only be one Care Site associated with a Visit Detail.,No,Yes,CARE_SITE,CARE_SITE_ID,,,
VISIT_DETAIL,visit_detail_source_value,No,varchar(50),"This field houses the verbatim value from the source data representing the kind of visit detail that took place (inpatient, outpatient, emergency, etc.)","If there is information about the kind of visit detail in the source data that value should be stored here. If a visit is an amalgamation of visits from the source then use a hierarchy to choose the VISIT_DETAIL_SOURCE_VALUE, such as IP -> ER-> OP. This should line up with the logic chosen to determine how visits are created.",No,No,,,,,
VISIT_DETAIL,visit_detail_source_concept_id,No,Integer,,If the VISIT_DETAIL_SOURCE_VALUE is coded in the source data using an OMOP supported vocabulary put the concept id representing the source value here.,No,Yes,CONCEPT,CONCEPT_ID,,,
VISIT_DETAIL,admitting_source_value,No,Varchar(50),,"This information may be called something different in the source data but the field is meant to contain a value indicating where a person was admitted from. Typically this applies only to visits that have a length of stay, like inpatient visits or long-term care visits.",No,No,,,,,
VISIT_DETAIL,admitting_source_concept_id,No,Integer,"Use this field to determine where the patient was admitted from. This concept is part of the visit domain and can indicate if a patient was admitted to the hospital from a long-term care facility, for example.","If available, map the admitted_from_source_value to a standard concept in the visit domain. [Accepted Concepts](https://athena.ohdsi.org/search-terms/terms?domain=Visit&standardConcept=Standard&page=1&pageSize=15&query=).",No,Yes,CONCEPT,CONCEPT_ID,Visit,,
VISIT_DETAIL,discharge_to_source_value,No,Varchar(50),,"This information may be called something different in the source data but the field is meant to contain a value indicating where a person was discharged to after a visit, as in they went home or were moved to long-term care. Typically this applies only to visits that have a length of stay of a day or more.",No,No,,,,,
VISIT_DETAIL,discharge_to_concept_id,No,integer,"Use this field to determine where the patient was discharged to after a visit detail record. This concept is part of the visit domain and can indicate if a patient was discharged to home or sent to a long-term care facility, for example.","If available, map the DISCHARGE_TO_SOURCE_VALUE to a Standard Concept in the Visit domain. [Accepted Concepts](https://athena.ohdsi.org/search-terms/terms?domain=Visit&standardConcept=Standard&page=1&pageSize=15&query=).",No,Yes,CONCEPT,CONCEPT_ID,Visit,,
VISIT_DETAIL,admitted_from_concept_id,No,Integer,"Use this field to determine where the patient was admitted from. This concept is part of the visit domain and can indicate if a patient was admitted to the hospital from a long-term care facility, for example.","If available, map the admitted_from_source_value to a standard concept in the visit domain. [Accepted Concepts](https://athena.ohdsi.org/search-terms/terms?domain=Visit&standardConcept=Standard&page=1&pageSize=15&query=).",No,Yes,CONCEPT,CONCEPT_ID,Visit,,
VISIT_DETAIL,admitted_from_source_value,No,Varchar(50),,"This information may be called something different in the source data but the field is meant to contain a value indicating where a person was admitted from. Typically this applies only to visits that have a length of stay, like inpatient visits or long-term care visits.",No,No,,,,,
VISIT_DETAIL,discharged_to_source_value,No,Varchar(50),,"This information may be called something different in the source data but the field is meant to contain a value indicating where a person was discharged to after a visit, as in they went home or were moved to long-term care. Typically this applies only to visits that have a length of stay of a day or more.",No,No,,,,,
VISIT_DETAIL,discharged_to_concept_id,No,integer,"Use this field to determine where the patient was discharged to after a visit detail record. This concept is part of the visit domain and can indicate if a patient was discharged to home or sent to a long-term care facility, for example.","If available, map the DISCHARGE_TO_SOURCE_VALUE to a Standard Concept in the Visit domain. [Accepted Concepts](https://athena.ohdsi.org/search-terms/terms?domain=Visit&standardConcept=Standard&page=1&pageSize=15&query=).",No,Yes,CONCEPT,CONCEPT_ID,Visit,,
VISIT_DETAIL,preceding_visit_detail_id,No,integer,Use this field to find the visit detail that occurred for the person prior to the given visit detail record. There could be a few days or a few years in between.,"The PRECEDING_VISIT_DETAIL_ID can be used to link a visit immediately preceding the current Visit Detail. Note this is not symmetrical, and there is no such thing as a ""following_visit_id"".",No,Yes,VISIT_DETAIL,VISIT_DETAIL_ID,,,
VISIT_DETAIL,visit_detail_parent_id,No,integer,Use this field to find the visit detail that subsumes the given visit detail record. This is used in the case that a visit detail record needs to be nested beyond the VISIT_OCCURRENCE/VISIT_DETAIL relationship.,"If there are multiple nested levels to how Visits are represented in the source, the VISIT_DETAIL_PARENT_ID can be used to record this relationship. ",No,Yes,VISIT_DETAIL,VISIT_DETAIL_ID,,,
VISIT_DETAIL,parent_visit_detail_id,No,integer,Use this field to find the visit detail that subsumes the given visit detail record. This is used in the case that a visit detail record needs to be nested beyond the VISIT_OCCURRENCE/VISIT_DETAIL relationship.,"If there are multiple nested levels to how Visits are represented in the source, the VISIT_DETAIL_PARENT_ID can be used to record this relationship. ",No,Yes,VISIT_DETAIL,VISIT_DETAIL_ID,,,
VISIT_DETAIL,visit_occurrence_id,Yes,integer,Use this field to link the VISIT_DETAIL record to its VISIT_OCCURRENCE.,Put the VISIT_OCCURRENCE_ID that subsumes the VISIT_DETAIL record here.,No,Yes,VISIT_OCCURRENCE,VISIT_OCCURRENCE_ID,,,
CONDITION_OCCURRENCE,condition_occurrence_id,Yes,integer,The unique key given to a condition record for a person. Refer to the ETL for how duplicate conditions during the same visit were handled.,"Each instance of a condition present in the source data should be assigned this unique key. In some cases, a person can have multiple records of the same condition within the same visit. It is valid to keep these duplicates and assign them individual, unique, CONDITION_OCCURRENCE_IDs, though it is up to the ETL how they should be handled.",Yes,No,,,,,
CONDITION_OCCURRENCE,person_id,Yes,integer,The PERSON_ID of the PERSON for whom the condition is recorded.,,No,Yes,PERSON,PERSON_ID,,,
@ -185,6 +185,7 @@ OBSERVATION,observation_source_value,No,varchar(50),"This field houses the verba
OBSERVATION,observation_source_concept_id,No,integer,"This is the concept representing the OBSERVATION_SOURCE_VALUE and may not necessarily be standard. This field is discouraged from use in analysis because it is not required to contain Standard Concepts that are used across the OHDSI community, and should only be used when Standard Concepts do not adequately represent the source detail for the Observation necessary for a given analytic use case. Consider using OBSERVATION_CONCEPT_ID instead to enable standardized analytics that can be consistent across the network.",If the OBSERVATION_SOURCE_VALUE is coded in the source data using an OMOP supported vocabulary put the concept id representing the source value here.,No,Yes,CONCEPT,CONCEPT_ID,,,
OBSERVATION,unit_source_value,No,varchar(50),This field houses the verbatim value from the source data representing the unit of the Observation that occurred. ,This code is mapped to a Standard Condition Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is stored here for reference.,No,No,,,,,
OBSERVATION,qualifier_source_value,No,varchar(50),This field houses the verbatim value from the source data representing the qualifier of the Observation that occurred. ,This code is mapped to a Standard Condition Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is stored here for reference.,No,No,,,,,
OBSERVATION,value_source_value,No,varchar(50),This field houses the verbatim result value of the Observation from the source data. Do not get confused with the Observation_source_value which captures source value of the observation mapped to observation_concept_id. This field is the observation result value from the source.,"If the observation_source_value was a question, for example, or an observation that requires a result then this field is the answer/ result from the source data. Store the verbatim value that represents the result of the observation_source_value.",No,No,,,,,
DEATH,death_date,Yes,date,The date the person was deceased.,"If the precise date include day or month is not known or not allowed, December is used as the default month, and the last day of the month the default day.",No,No,,,,,
DEATH,death_datetime,No,datetime,,If not available set time to midnight (00:00:00),No,No,,,,,
@ -513,15 +514,14 @@ recorded. The default value is
DRUG_STRENGTH,valid_end_date,Yes,date,The date when then Concept became invalid.,,No,No,,,,,
DRUG_STRENGTH,invalid_reason,No,varchar(1),"Reason the concept was invalidated. Possible values are D (deleted), U (replaced with an update) or NULL when valid_end_date has the default value.",,No,No,,,,,
COHORT_DEFINITION,cohort_definition_id,Yes,integer,"This is the identifier given to the cohort, usually by the ATLAS application",,No,No,,,,,
COHORT_DEFINITION,cohort_definition_id,Yes,integer,"This is the identifier given to the cohort, usually by the ATLAS application",,No,No,COHORT,COHORT_DEFINITION_ID,,,
COHORT_DEFINITION,cohort_definition_name,Yes,varchar(255),A short description of the cohort,,No,No,,,,,
COHORT_DEFINITION,cohort_definition_description,No,varchar(MAX),A complete description of the cohort.,,No,No,,,,,
COHORT_DEFINITION,definition_type_concept_id,Yes,integer,Type defining what kind of Cohort Definition the record represents and how the syntax may be executed.,,No,Yes,CONCEPT,CONCEPT_ID,,,
COHORT_DEFINITION,cohort_definition_syntax,No,varchar(MAX),Syntax or code to operationalize the Cohort Definition.,,No,No,,,,,
COHORT_DEFINITION,subject_concept_id,Yes,integer,"This field contains a Concept that represents the domain of the subjects that are members of the cohort (e.g., Person, Provider, Visit).",,No,Yes,CONCEPT,CONCEPT_ID,,,
COHORT_DEFINITION,cohort_initiation_date,No,date,A date to indicate when the Cohort was initiated in the COHORT table.,,No,No,,,,,
COHORT_DEFINITION,cohort_initiation_date,No,date,A date to indicate when the Cohort was initiated in the COHORT table.,,No,No,,,,,