refactoring of create and write DDL
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
#' Create a DDL script from a two csv files that detail the OMOP CDM Specifications. These files also form the basis of the CDM documentation and the Data Quality
#' Dashboard.
#' @param cdmVersionNum The version of the CDM you are creating
#' @param cdmVersionNum The version of the CDM you are creating, e.g. 5.3.1
#' @param cdmTableCsvLoc The location of the csv file with the high-level CDM table information. This is defaulted to "inst/csv/OMOP_CDMv5.3.1_Table_Level.csv".
#' If a new version of this file was committed to the CDM repository the package automatically will grab it and place it in "inst/csv/".
@ -27,57 +27,57 @@
#' @param outputFile The name of the output ddl sql file. This is defaulted to a location in the inst/sql/sql server folder and named with today's date and the CDM version.
#' @export
createDdlFromFile <- function(cdmVersionNum = cdmVersion,
cdmTableCsvLoc = "inst/csv/OMOP_CDMv5.3.1_Table_Level.csv",
cdmFieldCsvLoc = "inst/csv/OMOP_CDMv5.3.1_Field_Level.csv",
outputFile = paste0("inst/sql/sql_server/OMOP CDM ddl ", cdmVersion, " ", Sys.Date(), ".sql")){
createDdlFromFile <- function(cdmVersion = cdmVersion){
cdmTableCsvLoc = paste0("inst/csv/OMOP_CDMv", cdmVersion, "_Table_Level.csv")
cdmFieldCsvLoc = paste0("inst/csv/OMOP_CDMv", cdmVersion, "_Field_Level.csv")
tableSpecs <- read.csv(cdmTableCsvLoc, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
cdmSpecs <- read.csv(cdmFieldCsvLoc, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
tableList <- tableSpecs$cdmTableName
s <- c()
s <- c(paste0("--@targetdialect CDM DDL Specification for OMOP Common Data Model ",cdmVersionNum))
for (t in tableList){
table <- subset(cdmSpecs, cdmTableName == t)
fields <- table$cdmFieldName
sql_result <- c()
sql_result <- c(paste0("--@targetdialect CDM DDL Specification for OMOP Common Data Model ", cdmVersion))
for (tableName in tableList){
fields <- subset(cdmSpecs, cdmTableName == tableName)
fieldNames <- fields$cdmFieldName
if ('person_id' %in% fields){
q <- "\n\n--HINT DISTRIBUTE ON KEY (person_id)\n"
if ('person_id' %in% fieldNames){
query <- "\n\n--HINT DISTRIBUTE ON KEY (person_id)\n"
} else {
query <- "\n\n--HINT DISTRIBUTE ON RANDOM\n"
s <- c(s, q, paste0("CREATE TABLE @cdmDatabaseSchema.", t, " (\n"))
sql_result <- c(sql_result, query, paste0("CREATE TABLE @cdmDatabaseSchema.", tableName, " (\n"))
end <- length(fields)
a <- c()
n_fields <- length(fieldNames)
for(fieldName in fieldNames) {
for(f in fields) {
if (subset(table, cdmFieldName == f, isRequired) == "Yes") {
r <- (" NOT NULL")
if (subset(fields, cdmFieldName == fieldName, isRequired) == "Yes") {
nullable_sql <- (" NOT NULL")
} else {
r <- (" NULL")
nullable_sql <- (" NULL")
if (f == fields[[end]]) {
e <- (" );")
if (fieldName == fieldNames[[n_fields]]) {
closing_sql <- (" );")
} else {
e <- (",")
closing_sql <- (",")
if (f=="offset") {
field <- paste0('"',f,'"')
if (fieldName=="offset") {
field <- paste0('"',fieldName,'"')
} else {
field <- f
field <- fieldName
a <- c(a, paste0("\n\t\t\t",field," ",subset(table, cdmFieldName == f, cdmDatatype),r,e))
fieldSql <- paste0("\n\t\t\t",
field," ",
subset(fields, cdmFieldName == fieldName, cdmDatatype),
sql_result <- c(sql_result, fieldSql)
s <- c(s, a, "")
sql_result <- c(sql_result, "")
SqlRender::writeSql(s, targetFile = outputFile)
return(paste0(sql_result, collapse = ""))
@ -17,42 +17,21 @@
#' Write DDL script
#' @param targetdialect The dialect of the target database. Choices are "oracle", "postgresql", "pdw", "redshift", "impala", "netezza", "bigquery", "sql server"
#' @param cdmVersion The version of the CDM for which you are creating the DDL.
#' @param cdmDatabaseSchema The schema of the CDM instance where the DDL will be run. For example, this would be "ohdsi.dbo" when testing on sql server. After testing
#' this can be changed to "@cdmDatabaseSchema"
#' @param sqlFilename The name of the sql file with the current ddl specifications to be translated and rendered
#' @param cleanUpScript Set to T if the clean up script should be created. This is for testing purposes and will create a sql script that drops all CDM tables.
#' By default set to F. Set to F for Oracle as well as the sql render translation does not work well.
#' @param cdmVersion The version of the CDM for which you are creating the DDL. e.g. 5.3.1
#' @param cdmDatabaseSchema The schema of the CDM instance where the DDL will be run. For example, this would be "ohdsi.dbo" when testing on sql server.
#' Defaults to "@cdmDatabaseSchema"
#' @export
writeDDL <- function(targetdialect, cdmVersion, cdmDatabaseSchema, sqlFilename, cleanUpScript = F) {
writeDDL <- function(targetdialect, cdmVersion, cdmDatabaseSchema = "@cdmDatabaseSchema") {
outputpath <- file.path("ddl", cdmVersion, targetdialect)
dir.create(outputpath, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
sql <- SqlRender::loadRenderTranslateSql(sqlFilename = sqlFilename,
packageName = "CdmDdlBase",
dbms = targetdialect,
targetdialect = targetdialect,
cdmDatabaseSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema)
sql <- createDdlFromFile(cdmVersion)
sql <- SqlRender::render(sql = sql, cdmDatabaseSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema)
sql <- SqlRender::translate(sql, targetDialect = targetdialect)
filename <- paste0("OMOPCDM_", targetdialect, "_", cdmVersion, "_ddl.sql")
SqlRender::writeSql(sql = sql,
targetFile = paste0("output/",targetdialect,"/OMOP CDM ",targetdialect," ", cdmVersion," ddl.sql"))
sql <- SqlRender::loadRenderTranslateSql(sqlFilename = "testCleanUp.sql",
packageName = "CdmDdlBase",
dbms = targetdialect,
cdmDatabaseSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema)
SqlRender::writeSql(sql = sql,
targetFile = paste0("output/",targetdialect,"/", targetdialect," testCleanUp ", cdmVersion,".sql"))
targetFile = file.path(outputpath, filename)
@ -4,12 +4,11 @@
# the new CDM versions. Set the below variable to indicate the version of the cdm you are creating. This will be used for the name of the pdf so, for
# example, write v5.3 as v5_3.
cdmVersion <- "v6_0"
cdmVersion <- "5.3.1"
# Step 3: After creating the csv files for the new version, create the sql server DDL from the file
s <- CdmDdlBase::createDdlFromFile(cdmTableCsvLoc = "inst/csv/OMOP_CDMv6.0_Table_Level.csv",
cdmFieldCsvLoc = "inst/csv/OMOP_CDMv6.0_Field_Level.csv")
s <- CdmDdlBase::createDdlFromFile(cdmVersion)
# Step 3.1: Create the primary key constraints for the new version
@ -103,53 +102,12 @@ writeIndex("sql server",
# Step 8: After testing the files for Oracle, Postgres, and Sql Server run the following to create the files for all dialects. Oracle
# Postgres and Sql Server are rewritten to overwrite the cdmDatabaseSchema with a token.
writeDDL(targetdialect = "oracle",
cdmVersion = cdmVersion,
sqlFilename = paste0("OMOP CDM ddl ", cdmVersion, " ", Sys.Date(), ".sql"),
cdmDatabaseSchema = "@cdmDatabaseSchema",
cleanUpScript = F) #oracle syntax for removing tables is weird, set this to F and make any changes to the raw file
writeDDL(targetdialect = "postgresql",
cdmVersion = cdmVersion,
sqlFilename = paste0("OMOP CDM ddl ", cdmVersion, " ", Sys.Date(), ".sql"),
cdmDatabaseSchema = "@cdmDatabaseSchema",
cleanUpScript = F) #This needs to be updated manually right now
for (targetdialect in c("oracle", "postgresql", "pdw", "redshift", "impala", "netezza", "bigquery", "sql server")) {
writeDDL(targetdialect = targetdialect,
cdmVersion = cdmVersion)
writeDDL(targetdialect = "sql server",
cdmVersion = cdmVersion,
sqlFilename = paste0("OMOP CDM ddl ", cdmVersion, " ", Sys.Date(), ".sql"),
cdmDatabaseSchema = "@cdmDatabaseSchema",
cleanUpScript = F) #This needs to be updated manually right now
writeDDL(targetdialect = "bigquery",
cdmVersion = cdmVersion,
sqlFilename = paste0("OMOP CDM ddl ", cdmVersion, " ", Sys.Date(), ".sql"),
cdmDatabaseSchema = "@cdmDatabaseSchema",
cleanUpScript = F)
writeDDL(targetdialect = "impala",
cdmVersion = cdmVersion,
sqlFilename = paste0("OMOP CDM ddl ", cdmVersion, " ", Sys.Date(), ".sql"),
cdmDatabaseSchema = "@cdmDatabaseSchema",
cleanUpScript = F)
writeDDL(targetdialect = "netezza",
cdmVersion = cdmVersion,
sqlFilename = paste0("OMOP CDM ddl ", cdmVersion, " ", Sys.Date(), ".sql"),
cdmDatabaseSchema = "@cdmDatabaseSchema",
cleanUpScript = F)
writeDDL(targetdialect = "pdw",
cdmVersion = cdmVersion,
sqlFilename = paste0("OMOP CDM ddl ", cdmVersion, " ", Sys.Date(), ".sql"),
cdmDatabaseSchema = "@cdmDatabaseSchema",
cleanUpScript = F)
writeDDL(targetdialect = "redshift",
cdmVersion = cdmVersion,
sqlFilename = paste0("OMOP CDM ddl ", cdmVersion, " ", Sys.Date(), ".sql"),
cdmDatabaseSchema = "@cdmDatabaseSchema",
cleanUpScript = F)
## Write all primary keys
Reference in New Issue