% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/downloadCurrentDdl.R \name{downloadCurrentDdl} \alias{downloadCurrentDdl} \title{Get current DDL sitting on the main branch} \usage{ downloadCurrentDdl( githubPath = "OHDSI/CommonDataModel", pathToCsv = "Sql\%20Server/OMOP\%20CDM\%20sql\%20server\%20ddl.txt", outputFile = paste0("inst/sql/sql_server/OMOP CDM ddl ", Sys.Date(), ".sql") ) } \arguments{ \item{githubPath}{The path for the GitHub repo containing the package (e.g. 'OHDSI/CommonDataModel').} \item{pathToCsv}{The path for the snapshot inside the package.} \item{outputFile}{The path where the file should be saved.} } \value{ The current DDL sitting on the main branch of the CommonDataModel repository. } \description{ Get current DDL sitting on the main branch } \details{ This function gets the current ddl on the CDM main branch. It will be taken from the Sql Server folder. The default location is \code{inst/settings/currentOmopDdl.sql}. } \examples{ \dontrun{ downloadCurrentDdl("OHDSI/CommonDataModel", pathToCsv="Sql\%20Server/OMOP\%20CDM\%20sql\%20server\%20ddl.txt") } }