% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/buildRelease.R \name{buildReleaseZip} \alias{buildReleaseZip} \title{Create OMOP CDM release zip} \usage{ buildReleaseZip( cdmVersion, targetDialect = listSupportedDialects(), outputfolder = file.path(tempdir(), "output") ) } \arguments{ \item{cdmVersion}{The version of the CDM you are creating, e.g. 5.3, 5.4. Defaults to all supported CDM versions.} \item{targetDialect}{The target dialect. Defaults to all supported dialects.} \item{outputfolder}{The output folder. Defaults to "output"} } \value{ A character string containing the OHDSQL DDL } \description{ First calls \code{buildReleaseZips} for given cdmVersions and targetDialects. This writes the ddl sql files to the ddl folder. Then zips all written ddl files into a release zip to given output folder. } \details{ If no (or multiple) targetDialect is given, then one zip is written with the files of all supported dialects. } \examples{ \dontrun{ buildReleaseZip(cdmVersion='5.3', targetDialect='sql server', outputfolder='.') } }