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bigquery script to create OMOP common data model version 6.0

last revised: 27-Aug-2018

Authors:  Patrick Ryan, Christian Reich, Clair Blacketer

create table concept (
  concept_id			INT64		not null ,
  concept_name			STRING		not null ,
  domain_id				STRING		not null ,
  vocabulary_id			STRING		not null ,
  concept_class_id		STRING		not null ,
  standard_concept		STRING		null ,
  concept_code			STRING		not null ,
  valid_start_date		date		not null ,
  valid_end_date		date		not null ,
  invalid_reason		STRING		null

create table vocabulary (
  vocabulary_id			    STRING		not null,
  vocabulary_name		    STRING		not null,
  vocabulary_reference		STRING		not null,
  vocabulary_version	  	STRING		null,
  vocabulary_concept_id		INT64		not null

create table domain (
  domain_id			    STRING		not null,
  domain_name		    STRING		not null,
  domain_concept_id		INT64		not null

create table concept_class (
  concept_class_id			    STRING		not null,
  concept_class_name		    STRING		not null,
  concept_class_concept_id		INT64		not null

create table concept_relationship (
  concept_id_1			INT64		not null,
  concept_id_2			INT64		not null,
  relationship_id		STRING		not null,
  valid_start_date		date		not null,
  valid_end_date		date		not null,
  invalid_reason		STRING		null

create table relationship (
  relationship_id			STRING		not null,
  relationship_name			STRING		not null,
  is_hierarchical			STRING		not null,
  defines_ancestry			STRING		not null,
  reverse_relationship_id	STRING		not null,
  relationship_concept_id	INT64		not null

create table concept_synonym (
  concept_id			INT64		not null,
  concept_synonym_name	STRING		not null,
  language_concept_id	INT64		not null

create table concept_ancestor (
  ancestor_concept_id		INT64		not null,
  descendant_concept_id		INT64		not null,
  min_levels_of_separation	INT64		not null,
  max_levels_of_separation	INT64		not null

create table source_to_concept_map (
  source_code				STRING		not null,
  source_concept_id			INT64		not null,
  source_vocabulary_id		STRING		not null,
  source_code_description	STRING		null,
  target_concept_id			INT64		not null,
  target_vocabulary_id		STRING		not null,
  valid_start_date			date		not null,
  valid_end_date			date		not null,
  invalid_reason			STRING		null

create table drug_strength (
  drug_concept_id				INT64		  not null,
  ingredient_concept_id			INT64		  not null,
  amount_value					FLOAT64		  null,
  amount_unit_concept_id		INT64		  null,
  numerator_value				FLOAT64		  null,
  numerator_unit_concept_id		INT64		  null,
  denominator_value				FLOAT64		  null,
  denominator_unit_concept_id	INT64		  null,
  box_size						INT64		  null,
  valid_start_date				date		  not null,
  valid_end_date				date		  not null,
  invalid_reason				STRING  	  null

create table cdm_source
  cdm_source_name					STRING		not null ,
  cdm_source_abbreviation			STRING		null ,
  cdm_holder						STRING		null ,
  source_description			 	STRING		null ,
  source_documentation_reference	STRING		null ,
  cdm_etl_reference					STRING		null ,
  source_release_date				date		null ,
  cdm_release_date					date		null ,
  cdm_version						STRING		null ,
  vocabulary_version				STRING		null

create table metadata
  metadata_concept_id       INT64       not null ,
  metadata_type_concept_id  INT64       not null ,
  name                      STRING  	not null ,
  value_as_string           STRING  	null ,
  value_as_concept_id       INT64       null ,
  metadata_date             date        null ,
  metadata_datetime         DATETIME    null

insert into metadata (metadata_concept_id, metadata_type_concept_id, name, value_as_string, value_as_concept_id, metadata_date, measurement_datetime) --Added cdm version record
values (0, 0, 'CDM Version', '6.0', 0, NULL, NULL)

create table person
  person_id						INT64	  	not null , --INT64s added
  gender_concept_id				INT64	  	not null ,
  year_of_birth					INT64	  	not null ,
  month_of_birth				INT64	  	null,
  day_of_birth					INT64	  	null,
  birth_datetime				DATETIME	null,
  death_datetime				DATETIME	null,
  race_concept_id				INT64		not null,
  ethnicity_concept_id			INT64	  	not null,
  location_id					INT64		null,
  provider_id					INT64		null,
  care_site_id					INT64		null,
  person_source_value			STRING 		null,
  gender_source_value			STRING 		null,
  gender_source_concept_id	  	INT64		not null,
  race_source_value				STRING 		null,
  race_source_concept_id		INT64		not null,
  ethnicity_source_value		STRING 		null,
  ethnicity_source_concept_id	INT64		not null

create table observation_period
  observation_period_id				  INT64		not null ,
  person_id							  INT64		not null ,
  observation_period_start_date		  date		not null ,
  observation_period_end_date		  date		not null ,
  period_type_concept_id			  INT64		not null

create table specimen
  specimen_id					INT64		not null ,
  person_id						INT64		not null ,
  specimen_concept_id			INT64		not null ,
  specimen_type_concept_id		INT64		not null ,
  specimen_date					date		null ,
  specimen_datetime				DATETIME	not null ,
  quantity						FLOAT64		null ,
  unit_concept_id				INT64		null ,
  anatomic_site_concept_id		INT64		not null ,
  disease_status_concept_id		INT64		not null ,
  specimen_source_id			STRING		null ,
  specimen_source_value			STRING		null ,
  unit_source_value				STRING		null ,
  anatomic_site_source_value	STRING		null ,
  disease_status_source_value 	STRING		null

create table visit_occurrence
  visit_occurrence_id			    INT64			not null ,
  person_id						    INT64			not null ,
  visit_concept_id				    INT64			not null ,
  visit_start_date				    date			null ,
  visit_start_datetime				DATETIME		not null ,
  visit_end_date					date			null ,
  visit_end_datetime				DATETIME		not null ,
  visit_type_concept_id			    INT64			not null ,
  provider_id					    INT64			null,
  care_site_id					    INT64			null,
  visit_source_value				STRING			null,
  visit_source_concept_id		    INT64			not null ,
  admitted_from_concept_id      	INT64     		not NULL ,   /*Changed from admitting_source_* */
  admitted_from_source_value    	STRING 			NULL ,
  discharge_to_source_value		  	STRING			null ,
  discharge_to_concept_id		    INT64   		not null ,
  preceding_visit_occurrence_id		INT64			null

create table visit_detail
  visit_detail_id                    INT64      not null ,
  person_id                          INT64      not null ,
  visit_detail_concept_id            INT64     	not null ,
  visit_detail_start_date            date       null ,
  visit_detail_start_datetime        DATETIME   not null ,
  visit_detail_end_date              date       null ,
  visit_detail_end_datetime          DATETIME	not null ,
  visit_detail_type_concept_id       INT64     	not null ,
  provider_id                        INT64     	null ,
  care_site_id                       INT64     	null ,
  discharge_to_concept_id            INT64     	not null ,
  admitted_from_concept_id           INT64     	not NULL , /*Changed from admitting_source_* */
  admitted_from_source_value         STRING 	NULL ,
  visit_detail_source_value          STRING 	null ,
  visit_detail_source_concept_id     INT64     	not null ,
  discharge_to_source_value          STRING 	null ,
  preceding_visit_detail_id          INT64      null ,
  visit_detail_parent_id             INT64      null ,
  visit_occurrence_id                INT64      not null

create table procedure_occurrence
  procedure_occurrence_id		INT64			not null ,
  person_id						INT64			not null ,
  procedure_concept_id			INT64			not null ,
  procedure_date				date			null ,
  procedure_datetime			DATETIME		not null ,
  procedure_type_concept_id		INT64			not null ,
  modifier_concept_id			INT64			not null ,
  quantity						INT64			null ,
  provider_id					INT64			null ,
  visit_occurrence_id			INT64			null ,
  visit_detail_id             	INT64     		null ,
  procedure_source_value		STRING			null ,
  procedure_source_concept_id	INT64			not null ,
  modifier_source_value		    STRING			null 

create table drug_exposure
  drug_exposure_id				    INT64			not null ,
  person_id						    INT64			not null ,
  drug_concept_id				    INT64			not null ,
  drug_exposure_start_date		  	date			null ,
  drug_exposure_start_datetime  	DATETIME		not null ,
  drug_exposure_end_date		    date			null ,
  drug_exposure_end_datetime	  	DATETIME		not null ,
  verbatim_end_date				    date			null ,
  drug_type_concept_id			    INT64			not null ,
  stop_reason					    STRING			null ,
  refills						    INT64			null ,
  quantity						    FLOAT64			null ,
  days_supply					    INT64		  	null ,
  sig							    STRING			null ,
  route_concept_id				    INT64			not null ,
  lot_number					    STRING	  		null ,
  provider_id					    INT64			null ,
  visit_occurrence_id			    INT64			null ,
  visit_detail_id               	INT64       	null ,
  drug_source_value				    STRING	  		null ,
  drug_source_concept_id		    INT64			not null ,
  route_source_value			    STRING	  		null ,
  dose_unit_source_value		    STRING	  		null

create table device_exposure
  device_exposure_id			  INT64		  	not null ,
  person_id						  INT64			not null ,
  device_concept_id			      INT64			not null ,
  device_exposure_start_date	  date			null ,
  device_exposure_start_datetime  DATETIME		not null ,
  device_exposure_end_date		  date			null ,
  device_exposure_end_datetime    DATETIME		null ,
  device_type_concept_id		  INT64			not null ,
  unique_device_id			      STRING		null ,
  quantity						  INT64			null ,
  provider_id					  INT64			null ,
  visit_occurrence_id			  INT64			null ,
  visit_detail_id                 INT64       	null ,
  device_source_value			  STRING		null ,
  device_source_concept_id		  INT64			not null

create table condition_occurrence
  condition_occurrence_id		    INT64			not null ,
  person_id						    INT64			not null ,
  condition_concept_id			    INT64			not null ,
  condition_start_date			    date			null ,
  condition_start_datetime		  	DATETIME		not null ,
  condition_end_date			    date			null ,
  condition_end_datetime		    DATETIME		null ,
  condition_type_concept_id		  	INT64			not null ,
  condition_status_concept_id	  	INT64			not null ,
  stop_reason					    STRING			null ,
  provider_id					    INT64			null ,
  visit_occurrence_id			    INT64			null ,
  visit_detail_id               	INT64     		null ,
  condition_source_value		    STRING			null ,
  condition_source_concept_id	  	INT64			not null ,
  condition_status_source_value		STRING			null

create table measurement
  measurement_id				    INT64			not null ,
  person_id						    INT64			not null ,
  measurement_concept_id		    INT64			not null ,
  measurement_date				    date			null ,
  measurement_datetime			    DATETIME		not null ,
  measurement_time              	STRING 			null,
  measurement_type_concept_id	  	INT64			not null ,
  operator_concept_id			    INT64			null ,
  value_as_number				    FLOAT64			null ,
  value_as_concept_id			    INT64			null ,
  unit_concept_id				    INT64			null ,
  range_low					        FLOAT64			null ,
  range_high					    FLOAT64			null ,
  provider_id					    INT64			null ,
  visit_occurrence_id			    INT64			null ,
  visit_detail_id               	INT64     		null ,
  measurement_source_value		  	STRING			null ,
  measurement_source_concept_id		INT64			not null ,
  unit_source_value				    STRING			null ,
  value_source_value			    STRING			null

create table note
  note_id						INT64		not null ,
  person_id						INT64		not null ,
  note_event_id         		INT64       null , 
  note_event_field_concept_id	INT64		not NULL , 
  note_date						date		null ,
  note_datetime					DATETIME	not null ,
  note_type_concept_id			INT64		not null ,
  note_class_concept_id 		INT64		not null ,
  note_title					STRING		null ,
  note_text						STRING  	null ,
  encoding_concept_id			INT64		not null ,
  language_concept_id			INT64		not null ,
  provider_id					INT64		null ,
  visit_occurrence_id			INT64		null ,
  visit_detail_id       		INT64       null ,
  note_source_value				STRING		null

create table note_nlp
  note_nlp_id					INT64		not null ,
  note_id						INT64		not null ,
  section_concept_id			INT64		not null ,
  snippet						STRING		null ,
  "offset"					    STRING		null ,
  lexical_variant				STRING		not null ,
  note_nlp_concept_id			INT64		not null ,
  nlp_system					STRING		null ,
  nlp_date						date		not null ,
  nlp_datetime					DATETIME	null ,
  term_exists					STRING		null ,
  term_temporal					STRING		null ,
  term_modifiers				STRING		null ,
  note_nlp_source_concept_id	INT64		not null

create table observation
  observation_id					INT64			not null ,
  person_id						    INT64			not null ,
  observation_concept_id			INT64			not null ,
  observation_date				    date			null ,
  observation_datetime				DATETIME		not null ,
  observation_type_concept_id	    INT64			not null ,
  value_as_number				    FLOAT64			null ,
  value_as_string				    STRING			null ,
  value_as_concept_id			    INT64			null ,
  qualifier_concept_id			    INT64			null ,
  unit_concept_id				    INT64			null ,
  provider_id					    INT64			null ,
  visit_occurrence_id			    INT64			null ,
  visit_detail_id               	INT64      		null ,
  observation_source_value		  	STRING			null ,
  observation_source_concept_id		INT64			not null ,
  unit_source_value				    STRING			null ,
  qualifier_source_value			STRING			null ,
  observation_event_id				INT64			null , 
  obs_event_field_concept_id		INT64			not NULL , 
  value_as_datetime					DATETIME		null

create table survey_conduct 
  survey_conduct_id					INT64		not null ,
  person_id						    INT64		not null ,
  survey_concept_id			  		INT64		not null ,
  survey_start_date				    date		null ,
  survey_start_datetime				DATETIME	null ,
  survey_end_date					date		null ,
  survey_end_datetime				DATETIME	not null ,
  provider_id						INT64		null ,
  assisted_concept_id	  			INT64		not null ,
  respondent_type_concept_id		INT64		not null ,
  timing_concept_id					INT64		not null ,
  collection_method_concept_id		INT64		not null ,
  assisted_source_value		  		STRING		null ,
  respondent_type_source_value		STRING  	null ,
  timing_source_value				STRING		null ,
  collection_method_source_value	STRING		null ,
  survey_source_value				STRING		null ,
  survey_source_concept_id			INT64		not null ,
  survey_source_identifier			STRING		null ,
  validated_survey_concept_id		INT64		not null ,
  validated_survey_source_value		STRING		null ,
  survey_version_number				STRING		null ,
  visit_occurrence_id				INT64		null ,
  visit_detail_id					INT64		null ,
  response_visit_occurrence_id		INT64		null

create table fact_relationship
  domain_concept_id_1		INT64			not null ,
  fact_id_1					INT64			not null ,
  domain_concept_id_2		INT64			not null ,
  fact_id_2					INT64			not null ,
  relationship_concept_id	INT64			not null

create table location
  location_id					  INT64			not null ,
  address_1						  STRING		null ,
  address_2						  STRING		null ,
  city							  STRING		null ,
  state							  STRING		null ,
  zip							  STRING		null ,
  county						  STRING		null ,
  country						  STRING		null ,
  location_source_value 		  STRING	    null ,
  latitude						  FLOAT64		null ,
  longitude						  FLOAT64		null

create table location_history
  location_history_id           INT64      	not null ,
  location_id			        INT64		not null ,
  relationship_type_concept_id	INT64		not null ,  --Recent addition based on github discussion
  domain_id				        STRING 		not null ,
  entity_id				        INT64		not null ,
  start_date			        date		not null ,
  end_date				        date		null

create table care_site
  care_site_id					INT64	not null ,
  care_site_name				STRING  null ,
  place_of_service_concept_id	INT64	not null ,
  location_id					INT64	null ,
  care_site_source_value		STRING	null ,
  place_of_service_source_value STRING	null

create table provider
  provider_id					INT64		not null ,
  provider_name					STRING		null ,
  npi							STRING		null ,
  dea							STRING		null ,
  specialty_concept_id			INT64		not null ,
  care_site_id					INT64		null ,
  year_of_birth					INT64		null ,
  gender_concept_id				INT64		not null ,
  provider_source_value			STRING		null ,
  specialty_source_value		STRING		null ,
  specialty_source_concept_id	INT64		not null ,
  gender_source_value			STRING		null ,
  gender_source_concept_id		INT64		not null

create table payer_plan_period
  payer_plan_period_id			INT64		not null ,
  person_id						INT64		not null ,
  contract_person_id            INT64       null ,
  payer_plan_period_start_date  date		not null ,
  payer_plan_period_end_date	date		not null ,
  payer_concept_id              INT64       not null ,
  plan_concept_id               INT64       not null ,
  contract_concept_id           INT64       not null ,
  sponsor_concept_id            INT64       not null ,
  stop_reason_concept_id        INT64       not null ,
  payer_source_value			STRING	  	null ,
  payer_source_concept_id       INT64       not null ,
  plan_source_value				STRING	  	null ,
  plan_source_concept_id        INT64       not null ,
  contract_source_value         STRING   	null ,
  contract_source_concept_id    INT64       not null ,
  sponsor_source_value          STRING   	null ,
  sponsor_source_concept_id     INT64       not null ,
  family_source_value			STRING	  	null ,
  stop_reason_source_value      STRING   	null ,
  stop_reason_source_concept_id INT64       not null

create table cost
  cost_id						INT64	    not null ,
  person_id						INT64		not null,
  cost_event_id					INT64       not null ,
  cost_event_field_concept_id	INT64		NOT NULL , 
  cost_concept_id				INT64		not null ,
  cost_type_concept_id		 	INT64     	not null ,
  currency_concept_id			INT64		not null ,
  cost							FLOAT64		null ,
  incurred_date					date		not null ,
  billed_date					date		null ,
  paid_date						date		null ,
  revenue_code_concept_id		INT64		not null ,
  drg_concept_id			    INT64		not null ,
  cost_source_value				STRING		null ,
  cost_source_concept_id	  	INT64		not null ,
  revenue_code_source_value 	STRING 		null ,
  drg_source_value			    STRING		null ,
  payer_plan_period_id			INT64		null

create table drug_era
  drug_era_id				INT64			not null ,
  person_id					INT64			not null ,
  drug_concept_id			INT64			not null ,
  drug_era_start_datetime	datetime		not null ,
  drug_era_end_datetime		datetime		not null ,
  drug_exposure_count		INT64			null ,
  gap_days					INT64			null

create table dose_era
  dose_era_id				INT64			not null ,
  person_id					INT64			not null ,
  drug_concept_id			INT64			not null ,
  unit_concept_id			INT64			not null ,
  dose_value				FLOAT64			not null ,
  dose_era_start_datetime	datetime		not null ,
  dose_era_end_datetime		datetime		not null

create table condition_era
  condition_era_id					INT64			not null ,
  person_id							INT64			not null ,
  condition_concept_id				INT64			not null ,
  condition_era_start_datetime		datetime		not null ,
  condition_era_end_datetime		datetime		not null ,
  condition_occurrence_count		INT64			null