name: "OMOP Common Data Model" output_dir: "../docs" output: html_document: theme: cosmo css: style.css includes: in_header: "favicon.html" exclude: ["extras"] navbar: title: '
OMOP Common Data Model
' right: - icon: fa-github href: left: - icon: fa-home href: index.html - text: "Background" icon: fa-landmark menu: - text: "Model Background" href: background.html - text: "CDM Refresh Process" href: cdmRefreshProcess.html - text: "How the Vocabulary is Built" href: vocabulary.html - text: "Conventions" icon: fa-list-alt menu: - text: "General Conventions" href: dataModelConventions.html - text: "Observation Periods for EHR Data" href: ehrObsPeriods.html - text: "Patient Privacy and OMOP" href: cdmPrivacy.html - text: "CDM Versions" icon: fa-history menu: - text: "CDM v3.0" href: cdm30.html - text: "CDM v6.0" href: cdm60.html - text: "CDM v5.3" href: cdm53.html - text: "NEW CDM v5.4" menu: - text: "CDM v5.4" href: cdm54.html - text: "Changes from CDM v5.3" href: cdm54Changes.html - text: "CDM Proposals" icon: fa-plus-square menu: - text: "How to Propose Changes to the CDM" href: cdmRequestProcess.html - text: "Under Review" href: - text: "Accepted" menu: - text: "Region_concept_id" href: - text: "How to" icon: fa-question menu: - text: "Download the DDL" href: download.html - text: "Use the CDM R Package" href: cdmRPackage.html - text: "Calculate Drug Dose" href: drug_dose.html - text: "Support" icon: fa-life-ring menu: - text: "Help! My Data Doesn't Fit!" href: cdmDecisionTree.html - text: "FAQ" href: faq.html - text: "SQL Scripts" href: sqlScripts.html - text: "Ask a Question" href: contribute.html