title: "Ask A Question"
        toc: TRUE
        toc_float: TRUE

# Check the Forum

Chances are someone else has already asked your question on the [forum](https:\\forums.ohdsi.org) and it has been answered. 

# Check the Issue Log

If you think you've found a bug you can check to see if someone also had that same problem on our [issue page](https://github.com/ohdsi/commondatamodel/issues) of the Common Data Model github. If you don't see your issue feel free to open one. Try and be as specific as possible. What error message occurs? Can you provide a simple example as to why you are requesting a change to the model? 

# Join meetings

Please come to meetings, ask your question and contribute to the discussion! All details can be found on our [home page](https://ohdsi.github.io/CommonDataModel/).