# This script is meant to create the OMOP Common Data Model DDLs for each dialect as well as the pdf of the documentation. # For a given cdmVersion, create all ddl sql files for every sql dialect # Results are written to inst/ddl/cdm_version/dialect. cdmVersion <- "5.3" supportedVersions <- CommonDataModel::listSupportedVersions() for (cdmVersion in supportedVersions) { for (targetDialect in CommonDataModel::listSupportedDialects()) { CommonDataModel::writeDdl(targetDialect = targetDialect, cdmVersion = cdmVersion) CommonDataModel::writePrimaryKeys(targetDialect = targetDialect, cdmVersion = cdmVersion) CommonDataModel::writeForeignKeys(targetDialect = targetDialect, cdmVersion = cdmVersion) CommonDataModel::writeIndex(targetDialect = targetDialect, cdmVersion = cdmVersion) } } CommonDataModel::buildRelease("5.3") ############# # Zipping release # All dialects CommonDataModel::buildReleaseZip(cdmVersion="5.3", outputfolder="output") buildReleaseZip() # One dialect buildReleaseZip(cdmVersion="5.4", targetDialect="postgresql", outputfolder="output") ############# # BE SURE TO RUN THE EXTRAS/SITEMAINTENANCE.R BEFORE CREATING THE PDF # step 9: Run the following code to create the pdf documentation. It will be written to the reports folder. Use knit with pagedown pagedown::chrome_print("cdm54.Rmd") # create a comprehensive rmd with background, conventions, etc like https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25824795/how-to-combine-two-rmarkdown-rmd-files-into-a-single-output # Step 10: After updating any of the .Rmd files, rendering the site following directions in SiteMaintenance.R, then move the files to the CommonDataModel directory newdir <- "C:/Git/Github/CommonDataModel/docs" currentdir <- paste0(getwd(),"/docs/") file.copy(currentdir, newdir, recursive = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE)