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<h1 class="title toc-ignore">Example_Queries</h1>
<h4 class="author">Clair Blacketer</h4>
<h4 class="date">September 29, 2020</h4>
<p>The query below will find all standard concepts in the Visit domain that do not have any ancestors. These are considered “top-level” visit concepts and can be used to define categories of visits in cohort definitions. For example, the Inpatient Visit concept <a href="">9201</a> subsumes the concepts for Inpatient Hospital and Inpatient in Psychiatric Facility. Instead of creating a concept set with all of these terms to define an inpatient visit you can use 9201 and all of its descendants, a concept found using the top-level query.</p>
<p>WITH top_level AS (SELECT concept_id, concept_name FROM concept LEFT JOIN concept_ancestor ON concept_id=descendant_concept_id AND ancestor_concept_id!=descendant_concept_id WHERE domain_id=Visit AND standard_concept=S AND ancestor_concept_id IS NULL ) SELECT top_level.concept_id, top_level.concept_name, descendant.concept_id, descendant.concept_name FROM concept_ancestor JOIN top_level ON top_level.concept_id = ancestor_concept_id JOIN concept descendant ON descendant.concept_id = descendant_concept_id WHERE descendant.domain_id = Visit;</p>
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