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#' Get current DDL sitting on the master branch
#' @details
#' This function gets the current ddl on the CDM master branch. It will be taken from the Sql Server folder.
#' The default location is
#' \code{inst/settings/currentOmopDdl.sql}.
#' @param githubPath The path for the GitHub repo containing the package (e.g. 'OHDSI/CommonDataModel').
#' @param pathToCsv The path for the snapshot inside the package.
#' @param outputFile The path where the file should be saved.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' downloadCurrentDdl("OHDSI/CommonDataModel",
#' pathToCsv="Sql%20Server/OMOP%20CDM%20sql%20server%20ddl.txt")
#' }
#' @importFrom utils download.file
#' @export
downloadCurrentDdl <- function(githubPath="OHDSI/CommonDataModel",
outputFile = paste0("inst/sql/sql_server/OMOP CDM ddl ",Sys.Date(),".sql")){
parts <- strsplit(githubPath, "/")[[1]]
if (length(parts) > 2) {
githubPath <- paste(c(parts[1:2], "master", parts[3:length(parts)]), collapse = "/")
} else {
githubPath <- paste(c(parts[1:2], "master"), collapse = "/")
url <- paste(c("", githubPath, pathToCsv), collapse = "/")
download.file(url, destfile = outputFile)