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<h1 class="title toc-ignore">Ask A Question</h1>
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<h1>Check the Forum</h1>
<p>Chances are someone else has already asked your question on the <a href="https:\">forum</a> and it has been answered.</p>
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<h1>Check the Issue Log</h1>
<p>If you think youve found a bug you can check to see if someone also had that same problem on our <a href="">issue page</a> of the Common Data Model github. If you dont see your issue feel free to open one. Try and be as specific as possible. What error message occurs? Can you provide a simple example as to why you are requesting a change to the model?</p>
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<h1>Join meetings</h1>
<p>Please come to meetings, ask your question and contribute to the discussion! All details can be found on our <a href="">home page</a>.</p>
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