diff --git a/StandardizedVocabularies/CONCEPT_CLASS.md b/StandardizedVocabularies/CONCEPT_CLASS.md
index 7aa52bd..20301e1 100644
--- a/StandardizedVocabularies/CONCEPT_CLASS.md
+++ b/StandardizedVocabularies/CONCEPT_CLASS.md
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-*OMOP Common Data Model v5.1 Specifications*
*Authors: Christian Reich, Patrick Ryan, Rimma Belenkaya, Karthik Natarajan, Clair Blacketer*
***Release date needed***
-[Back to Table of Contents](https://github.com/OHDSI/CommonDataModel/blob/master/Documentation/TableofContents.md)
[Back to Standardized Vocabularies](StandardizedVocabularies.md)
The CONCEPT_CLASS table is a reference table, which includes a list of the classifications used to differentiate Concepts within a given Vocabulary. This reference table is populated with a single record for each Concept Class:
|concept_class_id|Yes|varchar(20)|A unique key for each class.|
|concept_class_name|Yes|varchar(255)|The name describing the Concept Class, e.g. "Clinical Finding", "Ingredient", etc.|
-|concept_class_concept_id|Yes|integer|A foreign key that refers to an identifier in the [CONCEPT](CONCEPT.md) table for the unique Concept Class the record belongs to.|
+|concept_class_concept_id|Yes|integer|A foreign key that refers to an identifier in the [CONCEPT](https://github.com/OHDSI/CommonDataModel/wiki/CONCEPT) table for the unique Concept Class the record belongs to.|
## Conventions
@@ -23,7 +12,7 @@ Field|Required|Type|Description
* The concept_class_id field contains an alphanumerical identifier, that can also be used as the abbreviation of the Concept Class.
* The concept_class_name field contains the unabbreviated names of the Concept Class.
* Each Concept Class also has an entry in the Concept table, which is recorded in the concept_class_concept_id field. This is for purposes of creating a closed Information Model, where all entities in the OMOP CDM are covered by unique Concepts.
- * Past versions of the OMOP CDM did not have a separate reference table for all Concept Classes. Also, the content of the old concept_class and the new concept_class_id fields are not always identical. A conversion talbe can be found here:
+ * Past versions of the OMOP CDM did not have a separate reference table for all Concept Classes. Also, the content of the old concept_class and the new concept_class_id fields are not always identical. A conversion table can be found here: