expectedError:"failed to read files from the workspace file system. Duplicate paths encountered. Both NOTEBOOK at /dir/foo and FILE at /dir/foo.py resolve to the same name /foo.py. Changing the name of one of these objects will resolve this issue",
expectedError:"failed to read files from the workspace file system. Duplicate paths encountered. Both NOTEBOOK at /dir/foo and FILE at /dir/foo.scala resolve to the same name /foo.scala. Changing the name of one of these objects will resolve this issue",
expectedError:"failed to read files from the workspace file system. Duplicate paths encountered. Both NOTEBOOK at /dir/foo and FILE at /dir/foo.r resolve to the same name /foo.r. Changing the name of one of these objects will resolve this issue",
expectedError:"failed to read files from the workspace file system. Duplicate paths encountered. Both NOTEBOOK at /dir/foo and FILE at /dir/foo.sql resolve to the same name /foo.sql. Changing the name of one of these objects will resolve this issue",
expectedError:"failed to read files from the workspace file system. Duplicate paths encountered. Both NOTEBOOK at /dir/foo and FILE at /dir/foo.ipynb resolve to the same name /foo.ipynb. Changing the name of one of these objects will resolve this issue",
expectedError:"failed to read files from the workspace file system. Duplicate paths encountered. Both NOTEBOOK at /dir/foo and FILE at /dir/foo.ipynb resolve to the same name /foo.ipynb. Changing the name of one of these objects will resolve this issue",
expectedError:"failed to read files from the workspace file system. Duplicate paths encountered. Both NOTEBOOK at /dir/foo and FILE at /dir/foo.ipynb resolve to the same name /foo.ipynb. Changing the name of one of these objects will resolve this issue",
expectedError:"failed to read files from the workspace file system. Duplicate paths encountered. Both NOTEBOOK at /dir/foo and FILE at /dir/foo.ipynb resolve to the same name /foo.ipynb. Changing the name of one of these objects will resolve this issue",