2024-12-02 21:18:07 +00:00
package libraries
import (
sdkconfig "github.com/databricks/databricks-sdk-go/config"
func TestFilerForVolumeForErrorFromAPI ( t * testing . T ) {
b := & bundle . Bundle {
Config : config . Root {
Workspace : config . Workspace {
ArtifactPath : "/Volumes/main/my_schema/my_volume" ,
} ,
} ,
bundletest . SetLocation ( b , "workspace.artifact_path" , [ ] dyn . Location { { File : "config.yml" , Line : 1 , Column : 2 } } )
m := mocks . NewMockWorkspaceClient ( t )
m . WorkspaceClient . Config = & sdkconfig . Config { }
m . GetMockFilesAPI ( ) . EXPECT ( ) . GetDirectoryMetadataByDirectoryPath ( mock . Anything , "/Volumes/main/my_schema/my_volume" ) . Return ( fmt . Errorf ( "error from API" ) )
b . SetWorkpaceClient ( m . WorkspaceClient )
2024-12-30 11:32:00 +00:00
_ , _ , diags := filerForVolume ( b )
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assert . Equal ( t , diag . Diagnostics {
Severity : diag . Error ,
Summary : "unable to determine if volume at /Volumes/main/my_schema/my_volume exists: error from API" ,
Locations : [ ] dyn . Location { { File : "config.yml" , Line : 1 , Column : 2 } } ,
Paths : [ ] dyn . Path { dyn . MustPathFromString ( "workspace.artifact_path" ) } ,
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} ,
2024-12-02 21:18:07 +00:00
} , diags )
func TestFilerForVolumeWithVolumeNotFound ( t * testing . T ) {
b := & bundle . Bundle {
Config : config . Root {
Workspace : config . Workspace {
ArtifactPath : "/Volumes/main/my_schema/doesnotexist" ,
} ,
} ,
bundletest . SetLocation ( b , "workspace.artifact_path" , [ ] dyn . Location { { File : "config.yml" , Line : 1 , Column : 2 } } )
m := mocks . NewMockWorkspaceClient ( t )
m . WorkspaceClient . Config = & sdkconfig . Config { }
m . GetMockFilesAPI ( ) . EXPECT ( ) . GetDirectoryMetadataByDirectoryPath ( mock . Anything , "/Volumes/main/my_schema/doesnotexist" ) . Return ( apierr . NotFound ( "some error message" ) )
b . SetWorkpaceClient ( m . WorkspaceClient )
2024-12-30 11:32:00 +00:00
_ , _ , diags := filerForVolume ( b )
2024-12-02 21:18:07 +00:00
assert . Equal ( t , diag . Diagnostics {
Severity : diag . Error ,
Summary : "volume /Volumes/main/my_schema/doesnotexist does not exist: some error message" ,
Locations : [ ] dyn . Location { { File : "config.yml" , Line : 1 , Column : 2 } } ,
Paths : [ ] dyn . Path { dyn . MustPathFromString ( "workspace.artifact_path" ) } ,
2024-12-12 09:28:42 +00:00
} ,
2024-12-02 21:18:07 +00:00
} , diags )
func TestFilerForVolumeNotFoundAndInBundle ( t * testing . T ) {
b := & bundle . Bundle {
Config : config . Root {
Workspace : config . Workspace {
ArtifactPath : "/Volumes/main/my_schema/my_volume" ,
} ,
Resources : config . Resources {
Volumes : map [ string ] * resources . Volume {
"foo" : {
CreateVolumeRequestContent : & catalog . CreateVolumeRequestContent {
CatalogName : "main" ,
Name : "my_volume" ,
VolumeType : "MANAGED" ,
SchemaName : "my_schema" ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
bundletest . SetLocation ( b , "workspace.artifact_path" , [ ] dyn . Location { { File : "config.yml" , Line : 1 , Column : 2 } } )
bundletest . SetLocation ( b , "resources.volumes.foo" , [ ] dyn . Location { { File : "volume.yml" , Line : 1 , Column : 2 } } )
m := mocks . NewMockWorkspaceClient ( t )
m . WorkspaceClient . Config = & sdkconfig . Config { }
m . GetMockFilesAPI ( ) . EXPECT ( ) . GetDirectoryMetadataByDirectoryPath ( mock . Anything , "/Volumes/main/my_schema/my_volume" ) . Return ( apierr . NotFound ( "error from API" ) )
b . SetWorkpaceClient ( m . WorkspaceClient )
_ , _ , diags := GetFilerForLibraries ( context . Background ( ) , b )
assert . Equal ( t , diag . Diagnostics {
Severity : diag . Error ,
Summary : "volume /Volumes/main/my_schema/my_volume does not exist: error from API" ,
2024-12-11 16:42:03 +00:00
Locations : [ ] dyn . Location { { File : "config.yml" , Line : 1 , Column : 2 } , { File : "volume.yml" , Line : 1 , Column : 2 } } ,
2024-12-02 21:18:07 +00:00
Paths : [ ] dyn . Path { dyn . MustPathFromString ( "workspace.artifact_path" ) , dyn . MustPathFromString ( "resources.volumes.foo" ) } ,
Detail : ` You are using a volume in your artifact_path that is managed by
this bundle but which has not been deployed yet . Please first deploy
the volume using ' bundle deploy ' and then switch over to using it in
the artifact_path . ` ,
} ,
} , diags )
func TestFilerForVolumeWithInvalidPrefix ( t * testing . T ) {
b := & bundle . Bundle {
Config : config . Root {
Workspace : config . Workspace {
ArtifactPath : "/Volume/main/my_schema/my_volume" ,
} ,
} ,
2024-12-30 11:32:00 +00:00
_ , _ , diags := filerForVolume ( b )
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require . EqualError ( t , diags . Error ( ) , "expected artifact_path to start with /Volumes/, got /Volume/main/my_schema/my_volume" )
func TestFilerForVolumeWithValidVolumePaths ( t * testing . T ) {
validPaths := [ ] string {
"/Volumes/main/my_schema/my_volume" ,
"/Volumes/main/my_schema/my_volume/" ,
"/Volumes/main/my_schema/my_volume/a/b/c" ,
"/Volumes/main/my_schema/my_volume/a/a/a" ,
for _ , p := range validPaths {
b := & bundle . Bundle {
Config : config . Root {
Workspace : config . Workspace {
ArtifactPath : p ,
} ,
} ,
m := mocks . NewMockWorkspaceClient ( t )
m . WorkspaceClient . Config = & sdkconfig . Config { }
m . GetMockFilesAPI ( ) . EXPECT ( ) . GetDirectoryMetadataByDirectoryPath ( mock . Anything , "/Volumes/main/my_schema/my_volume" ) . Return ( nil )
b . SetWorkpaceClient ( m . WorkspaceClient )
2024-12-30 11:32:00 +00:00
client , uploadPath , diags := filerForVolume ( b )
2024-12-02 21:18:07 +00:00
require . NoError ( t , diags . Error ( ) )
assert . Equal ( t , path . Join ( p , ".internal" ) , uploadPath )
assert . IsType ( t , & filer . FilesClient { } , client )