2024-09-05 14:45:34 +00:00
package mutator
import (
type rewriteWorkspacePrefix struct { }
// RewriteWorkspacePrefix finds any strings in bundle configration that have
// workspace prefix plus workspace path variable used and removes workspace prefix from it.
func RewriteWorkspacePrefix ( ) bundle . Mutator {
return & rewriteWorkspacePrefix { }
func ( m * rewriteWorkspacePrefix ) Name ( ) string {
return "RewriteWorkspacePrefix"
func ( m * rewriteWorkspacePrefix ) Apply ( ctx context . Context , b * bundle . Bundle ) diag . Diagnostics {
diags := diag . Diagnostics { }
paths := [ ] string {
"/Workspace/${workspace.root_path}" ,
"/Workspace/${workspace.file_path}" ,
"/Workspace/${workspace.artifact_path}" ,
"/Workspace/${workspace.state_path}" ,
err := b . Config . Mutate ( func ( root dyn . Value ) ( dyn . Value , error ) {
// Walk through the bundle configuration, check all the string leafs and
// see if any of the prefixes are used in the remote path.
return dyn . Walk ( root , func ( p dyn . Path , v dyn . Value ) ( dyn . Value , error ) {
vv , ok := v . AsString ( )
if ! ok {
return v , nil
for _ , path := range paths {
if strings . Contains ( vv , path ) {
diags = append ( diags , diag . Diagnostic {
Severity : diag . Warning ,
2024-09-16 17:21:55 +00:00
Summary : fmt . Sprintf ( "substring %q found in %q. Please update this to %q. For more information, please refer to: https://docs.databricks.com/release-notes/bundles.html#workspace-paths" , path , vv , strings . Replace ( vv , "/Workspace/" , "" , 1 ) ) ,
2024-09-05 14:45:34 +00:00
Locations : v . Locations ( ) ,
Paths : [ ] dyn . Path { p } ,
} )
// Remove the workspace prefix from the string.
2024-09-10 12:51:01 +00:00
return dyn . NewValue ( strings . Replace ( vv , "/Workspace/" , "" , 1 ) , v . Locations ( ) ) , nil
2024-09-05 14:45:34 +00:00
return v , nil
} )
} )
if err != nil {
return diag . FromErr ( err )
return diags