2023-09-05 11:08:25 +00:00
package jsonschema
// Extension defines our custom JSON schema extensions.
// JSON schema supports custom extensions through vocabularies:
// https://json-schema.org/understanding-json-schema/reference/schema.html#vocabularies.
// We don't (yet?) define a meta-schema for the extensions below.
// It's not a big issue because the reach/scope of these extensions is limited.
type Extension struct {
// Order defines the order of a field with respect to other fields.
// If not defined, the field is ordered alphabetically after all fields
// that do have an order defined.
Order *int `json:"order,omitempty"`
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// Welcome message to print before prompting the user for input
WelcomeMessage string `json:"welcome_message,omitempty"`
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// The message to print after the template is successfully initalized
SuccessMessage string `json:"success_message,omitempty"`
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// PatternMatchFailureMessage is a user defined message that is displayed to the
// user if a JSON schema pattern match fails.
PatternMatchFailureMessage string `json:"pattern_match_failure_message,omitempty"`
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// Set the minimum semver version of this CLI to validate when loading this schema.
// If the CLI version is less than this value, then validation for this
// schema will fail.
MinDatabricksCliVersion string `json:"min_databricks_cli_version,omitempty"`
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// Skip prompting if this schema is satisfied by the configuration already present. In
// that case the default value of the property is used instead.
SkipPromptIf *Schema `json:"skip_prompt_if,omitempty"`
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// Version of the schema. This is used to determine if the schema is
// compatible with the current CLI version.
Version *int `json:"version,omitempty"`
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// This field is not in JSON schema spec, but it is supported in VSCode and in the Databricks Workspace
// It is used to provide a rich description of the field in the hover tooltip.
// https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/languages/json#_use-rich-formatting-in-hovers
// Also it can be used in documentation generation.
MarkdownDescription string `json:"markdownDescription,omitempty"`
2023-09-05 11:08:25 +00:00