mirror of https://github.com/databricks/cli.git
tmp: Documentation autogeneration script
This commit is contained in:
@ -29,11 +29,15 @@ snapshot:
@echo "✓ Filling vendor folder with library code ..."
@go mod vendor
@echo "✓ Generating json-schema ..."
@go run ./bundle/internal/schema ./bundle/internal/schema ./bundle/schema/jsonschema.json
@echo "✓ Generating docs ..."
@go run ./bundle/internal/docs ./bundle/internal/schema ./bundle/internal/docs/docs.md
INTEGRATION = gotestsum --format github-actions --rerun-fails --jsonfile output.json --packages "./integration/..." -- -parallel 4 -timeout=2h
@ -42,4 +46,4 @@ integration:
.PHONY: lint lintcheck test testonly coverage build snapshot vendor schema integration integration-short
.PHONY: lint lintcheck test testonly coverage build snapshot vendor schema integration integration-short docs
@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
package main
import (
md "github.com/nao1215/markdown"
type rootNode struct {
Title string
Description string
Attributes []attributeNode
Example string
ObjectKeyAttributes []attributeNode
ArrayItemAttributes []attributeNode
TopLevel bool
type attributeNode struct {
Title string
Type string
Description string
type rootProp struct {
k string
v *jsonschema.Schema
topLevel bool
const (
AdditionalPropertiesMessage = "Each item has the following attributes:"
AdditionalPropertiesAttributeTitle = "<name>"
AdditionalPropertiesAttributeDescription = "The definition of the item"
func getNodes(s jsonschema.Schema, refs map[string]jsonschema.Schema, a annotationFile) []rootNode {
rootProps := []rootProp{}
for k, v := range s.Properties {
rootProps = append(rootProps, rootProp{k, v, true})
nodes := make([]rootNode, 0, len(rootProps))
for i := 0; i < len(rootProps); i++ {
k := rootProps[i].k
v := rootProps[i].v
v = resolveRefs(v, refs)
node := rootNode{
Title: k,
Description: getDescription(v),
TopLevel: rootProps[i].topLevel,
node.Attributes = getAttributes(v.Properties, refs)
rootProps = append(rootProps, extractNodes(k, v.Properties, refs, a)...)
additionalProps, ok := v.AdditionalProperties.(*jsonschema.Schema)
if ok {
objectKeyType := resolveRefs(additionalProps, refs)
node.ObjectKeyAttributes = getAttributes(objectKeyType.Properties, refs)
rootProps = append(rootProps, extractNodes(k, objectKeyType.Properties, refs, a)...)
if v.Items != nil {
arrayItemType := resolveRefs(v.Items, refs)
node.ArrayItemAttributes = getAttributes(arrayItemType.Properties, refs)
nodes = append(nodes, node)
sort.Slice(nodes, func(i, j int) bool {
return nodes[i].Title < nodes[j].Title
return nodes
func buildMarkdown(nodes []rootNode, outputFile string) error {
f, err := os.Create(outputFile)
if err != nil {
defer f.Close()
m := md.NewMarkdown(f)
for _, node := range nodes {
if node.TopLevel {
m = m.H2(node.Title)
} else {
m = m.H3(node.Title)
m = m.PlainText(node.Description)
if len(node.ObjectKeyAttributes) > 0 {
m = buildAttributeTable(m, []attributeNode{
{Title: AdditionalPropertiesAttributeTitle, Type: "Map", Description: AdditionalPropertiesAttributeDescription},
m = m.PlainText("Each item has the following attributes:")
m = buildAttributeTable(m, node.ObjectKeyAttributes)
} else if len(node.ArrayItemAttributes) > 0 {
m = m.PlainText(fmt.Sprintf("Each item of `%s` has the following attributes:", node.Title))
m = buildAttributeTable(m, node.ArrayItemAttributes)
} else if len(node.Attributes) > 0 {
m = m.H4("Attributes")
m = buildAttributeTable(m, node.Attributes)
err = m.Build()
if err != nil {
return nil
func buildAttributeTable(m *md.Markdown, attributes []attributeNode) *md.Markdown {
rows := [][]string{}
for _, n := range attributes {
rows = append(rows, []string{fmt.Sprintf("`%s`", n.Title), n.Type, formatDescription(n.Description)})
m = m.CustomTable(md.TableSet{
Header: []string{"Key", "Type", "Description"},
Rows: rows,
}, md.TableOptions{AutoWrapText: false, AutoFormatHeaders: false})
return m
func formatDescription(s string) string {
if s == "" {
return "-"
return strings.ReplaceAll(s, "\n", " ")
// Build a custom table which we use in Databricks website
func buildCustomAttributeTable(m *md.Markdown, attributes []attributeNode) *md.Markdown {
m = m.PlainText(".. list-table::")
m = m.PlainText(" :header-rows: 1")
m = m.PlainText(" * - Key")
m = m.PlainText(" - Type")
m = m.PlainText(" - Description")
for _, a := range attributes {
m = m.PlainText(" * - " + a.Title)
m = m.PlainText(" - " + a.Type)
m = m.PlainText(" - " + a.Description)
return m
func getAttributes(props map[string]*jsonschema.Schema, refs map[string]jsonschema.Schema) []attributeNode {
typesMapping := map[string]string{
"string": "String",
"integer": "Integer",
"boolean": "Boolean",
"array": "Sequence",
"object": "Map",
attributes := []attributeNode{}
for k, v := range props {
v = resolveRefs(v, refs)
typeString := typesMapping[string(v.Type)]
if typeString == "" {
typeString = "Any"
attributes = append(attributes, attributeNode{
Title: k,
Type: typeString,
Description: getDescription(v),
sort.Slice(attributes, func(i, j int) bool {
return attributes[i].Title < attributes[j].Title
return attributes
func getDescription(s *jsonschema.Schema) string {
if s.MarkdownDescription != "" {
return s.MarkdownDescription
return s.Description
func resolveRefs(s *jsonschema.Schema, schemas map[string]jsonschema.Schema) *jsonschema.Schema {
node := s
description := s.Description
markdownDescription := s.MarkdownDescription
for node.Reference != nil {
ref := strings.TrimPrefix(*node.Reference, "#/$defs/")
newNode, ok := schemas[ref]
if !ok {
log.Printf("schema %s not found", ref)
if description == "" {
description = newNode.Description
if markdownDescription == "" {
markdownDescription = newNode.MarkdownDescription
node = &newNode
node.Description = description
node.MarkdownDescription = markdownDescription
return node
func extractNodes(prefix string, props map[string]*jsonschema.Schema, refs map[string]jsonschema.Schema, a annotationFile) []rootProp {
nodes := []rootProp{}
for k, v := range props {
v = resolveRefs(v, refs)
if v.Type == "object" {
nodes = append(nodes, rootProp{prefix + "." + k, v, false})
v.MarkdownDescription = ""
return nodes
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
package main
import (
const Placeholder = "PLACEHOLDER"
func removeJobsFields(typ reflect.Type, s jsonschema.Schema) jsonschema.Schema {
switch typ {
case reflect.TypeOf(resources.Job{}):
// This field has been deprecated in jobs API v2.1 and is always set to
// "MULTI_TASK" in the backend. We should not expose it to the user.
delete(s.Properties, "format")
// These fields are only meant to be set by the DABs client (ie the CLI)
// and thus should not be exposed to the user. These are used to annotate
// jobs that were created by DABs.
delete(s.Properties, "deployment")
delete(s.Properties, "edit_mode")
case reflect.TypeOf(jobs.GitSource{}):
// These fields are readonly and are not meant to be set by the user.
delete(s.Properties, "job_source")
delete(s.Properties, "git_snapshot")
// Do nothing
return s
// While volume_type is required in the volume create API, DABs automatically sets
// it's value to "MANAGED" if it's not provided. Thus, we make it optional
// in the bundle schema.
func makeVolumeTypeOptional(typ reflect.Type, s jsonschema.Schema) jsonschema.Schema {
if typ != reflect.TypeOf(resources.Volume{}) {
return s
res := []string{}
for _, r := range s.Required {
if r != "volume_type" {
res = append(res, r)
s.Required = res
return s
func main() {
if len(os.Args) != 3 {
fmt.Println("Usage: go run main.go <annotation-file> <output-file>")
annotationFile := os.Args[1]
outputFile := os.Args[2]
err := generateDocs(annotationFile, outputFile)
if err != nil {
type annotationFile map[string]map[string]annotation
type annotation struct {
Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
MarkdownDescription string `json:"markdown_description,omitempty"`
Title string `json:"title,omitempty"`
Default any `json:"default,omitempty"`
Enum []any `json:"enum,omitempty"`
func generateDocs(workdir, outputPath string) error {
annotationsPath := filepath.Join(workdir, "annotations.yml")
annotationsOpenApiPath := filepath.Join(workdir, "annotations_openapi.yml")
annotationsOpenApiOverridesPath := filepath.Join(workdir, "annotations_openapi_overrides.yml")
annotations, err := LoadAndMergeAnnotations([]string{annotationsPath, annotationsOpenApiPath, annotationsOpenApiOverridesPath})
if err != nil {
schemas := map[string]jsonschema.Schema{}
s, err := jsonschema.FromType(reflect.TypeOf(config.Root{}), []func(reflect.Type, jsonschema.Schema) jsonschema.Schema{
func(typ reflect.Type, s jsonschema.Schema) jsonschema.Schema {
schemas[jsonschema.TypePath(typ)] = s
refPath := getPath(typ)
shouldHandle := strings.HasPrefix(refPath, "github.com")
if !shouldHandle {
return s
a := annotations[refPath]
if a == nil {
a = map[string]annotation{}
rootTypeAnnotation, ok := a["_"]
if ok {
assignAnnotation(&s, rootTypeAnnotation)
for k, v := range s.Properties {
assignAnnotation(v, a[k])
return s
if err != nil {
nodes := getNodes(s, schemas, annotations)
err = buildMarkdown(nodes, outputPath)
if err != nil {
return nil
func getPath(typ reflect.Type) string {
return typ.PkgPath() + "." + typ.Name()
func assignAnnotation(s *jsonschema.Schema, a annotation) {
if a.Description != "" && a.Description != Placeholder {
s.Description = a.Description
if a.MarkdownDescription != "" {
s.MarkdownDescription = a.MarkdownDescription
func LoadAndMergeAnnotations(sources []string) (annotationFile, error) {
prev := dyn.NilValue
for _, path := range sources {
b, err := os.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
generated, err := yamlloader.LoadYAML(path, bytes.NewBuffer(b))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
prev, err = merge.Merge(prev, generated)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var data annotationFile
err := convert.ToTyped(&data, prev)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return data, nil
@ -53,8 +53,13 @@ require (
github.com/hashicorp/go-cleanhttp v0.5.2 // indirect
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github.com/stretchr/objx v0.5.2 // indirect
github.com/zclconf/go-cty v1.15.0 // indirect
go.opencensus.io v0.24.0 // indirect
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github.com/kevinburke/ssh_config v1.2.0 h1:x584FjTGwHzMwvHx18PXxbBVzfnxogHaAReU4gf13a4=
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github.com/nao1215/markdown v0.6.0 h1:kqhrC47K434YA1jMTUwJwSV/hla8ifN3NzehMEffI/E=
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github.com/nwidger/jsoncolor v0.3.2 h1:rVJJlwAWDJShnbTYOQ5RM7yTA20INyKXlJ/fg4JMhHQ=
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github.com/radovskyb/watcher v1.0.7 h1:AYePLih6dpmS32vlHfhCeli8127LzkIgwJGcwwe8tUE=
github.com/radovskyb/watcher v1.0.7/go.mod h1:78okwvY5wPdzcb1UYnip1pvrZNIVEIh/Cm+ZuvsUYIg=
github.com/russross/blackfriday/v2 v2.1.0/go.mod h1:+Rmxgy9KzJVeS9/2gXHxylqXiyQDYRxCVz55jmeOWTM=
github.com/sabhiram/go-gitignore v0.0.0-20210923224102-525f6e181f06 h1:OkMGxebDjyw0ULyrTYWeN0UNCCkmCWfjPnIA2W6oviI=
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@ -111,6 +111,10 @@ func FromType(typ reflect.Type, fns []func(typ reflect.Type, s Schema) Schema) (
return res, nil
func TypePath(typ reflect.Type) string {
return typePath(typ)
// typePath computes a unique string representation of the type. $ref in the generated
// JSON schema will refer to this path. See TestTypePath for examples outputs.
func typePath(typ reflect.Type) string {
Reference in New Issue