Enable Automated tagging workflow

This commit is contained in:
Hector Castejon Diaz 2025-02-19 14:36:30 +01:00
parent 874a05a27b
commit 99accc3808
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 75B70C938163F1D1
8 changed files with 752 additions and 41 deletions

View File

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
"mode": "cli_legacy",
"api_changelog": true,
"formatter": "go run golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports@latest -w $FILENAMES && go fmt ./...",
"services": {
".codegen/service.go.tmpl": "cmd/{{if .IsAccounts}}account{{else}}workspace{{end}}/{{(.TrimPrefix \"account\").KebabName}}/{{(.TrimPrefix \"account\").KebabName}}.go"

View File

@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
# Version changelog
## {{.Version}}
{{- range .Changes}}
* {{.}}.
{{- end}}
{{ if .ApiChanges -}}
API Changes:
{{- range .ApiChanges}}{{if or (eq .X "method") (eq .X "service")}}
* {{.Action}} {{template "what" .}}{{if .Extra}} {{.Extra}}{{with .Other}} {{template "what" .}}{{end}}{{end}}.
{{- end}}{{- end}}
OpenAPI commit {{.Sha}} ({{.Changed}})
{{- end }}
{{- if .DependencyUpdates }}
Dependency updates:
{{- range .DependencyUpdates}}
* {{.}}.
{{- end -}}
## {{.PrevVersion}}
{{- define "what" -}}
{{if eq .X "service" -}}
`databricks {{if .Service.IsAccounts}}account {{end -}}{{(.Service.TrimPrefix "account").KebabName}}` command group
{{- else if eq .X "method" -}}
`databricks {{if .Method.Service.IsAccounts}}account {{end -}}{{(.Method.Service.TrimPrefix "account").KebabName}} {{.Method.KebabName}}` command
{{- end}}
{{- end -}}

.github/workflows/next-changelog.yml vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
# Generated file. DO NOT EDIT.
name: Check for NEXT_CHANGELOG.md Changes
# Use pull_request_target to have access to GitHub API
group: databricks-deco-testing-runner-group
labels: ubuntu-latest-deco
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Fetch list of changed files
id: changed-files
GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
run: |
# Use the GitHub API to fetch changed files
files=$(gh pr view ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }} --json files -q '.files[].path')
# Sanitize to avoid code injection
sanitized_files=$(echo "$files" | sed 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9._/-]/_/g')
# Store the sanitized list of files in a temporary file to avoid env variable issues
echo "$sanitized_files" > modified_files.txt
- name: Fetch PR message
id: pr-message
GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
run: |
# Use the GitHub API to fetch the PR message
pr_message=$(gh pr view ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }} --json body -q '.body')
# Sanitize the PR message to avoid code injection, keeping the equal sign
sanitized_pr_message=$(echo "$pr_message" | sed 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9._/-=]/_/g')
# Store the sanitized PR message
echo "$sanitized_pr_message" > pr_message.txt
- name: Verify NEXT_CHANGELOG.md was modified or PR message contains NO_CHANGELOG=true
run: |
# Read the sanitized files and PR message from the temporary files
modified_files=$(cat modified_files.txt)
pr_message=$(cat pr_message.txt)
# Check if NEXT_CHANGELOG.md exists in the list of changed files
echo "Changed files: $modified_files"
if ! echo "$modified_files" | grep -q "NEXT_CHANGELOG.md"; then
echo "NEXT_CHANGELOG.md not modified."
# Check if PR message contains NO_CHANGELOG=true
if echo "$pr_message" | grep -q "NO_CHANGELOG=true"; then
echo "NO_CHANGELOG=true found in PR message. Skipping changelog check."
exit 0
echo "WARNING: file NEXT_CHANGELOG.md not changed. If this is expected, add NO_CHANGELOG=true to the PR message."
exit 1
- name: Comment on PR with instructions if needed
if: failure() # This step will only run if the previous step fails (i.e., if NEXT_CHANGELOG.md was not modified and NO_CHANGELOG=true was not in the PR message)
GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
run: |
# Check if a comment exists with the instructions
previous_comment_ids=$(gh api "repos/${{ github.repository }}/issues/${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}/comments" \
--jq '.[] | select(.body | startswith("<!-- NEXT_CHANGELOG_INSTRUCTIONS -->")) | .id')
echo "Previous comment IDs: $previous_comment_ids"
# If no previous comment exists, add one with instructions
if [ -z "$previous_comment_ids" ]; then
echo "Adding instructions comment."
gh pr comment ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }} --body \
Please ensure that the NEXT_CHANGELOG.md file is updated with any relevant changes.
If this is not necessary for your PR, please include the following in your PR description:
and rerun the job."
- name: Delete instructions comment on success
if: success() # This step will only run if the previous check passed (i.e., if NEXT_CHANGELOG.md was modified or NO_CHANGELOG=true is in the PR message)
GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
run: |
# Check if there is a previous instructions comment
previous_comment_ids=$(gh api "repos/${{ github.repository }}/issues/${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}/comments" \
--jq '.[] | select(.body | startswith("<!-- NEXT_CHANGELOG_INSTRUCTIONS -->")) | .id')
# If a comment exists, delete it
if [ -n "$previous_comment_ids" ]; then
echo "Deleting previous instructions comment."
for comment_id in $previous_comment_ids; do
gh api "repos/${{ github.repository }}/issues/comments/$comment_id" --method DELETE
echo "No instructions comment found to delete."

View File

@ -103,7 +103,8 @@ jobs:
uses: astral-sh/ruff-action@f14634c415d3e63ffd4d550a22f037df4c734a60 # v3.1.0
version: "0.9.1"
args: "format --check"
# tagging.py is synced from universe in the `openapi/tagging` directory and follows different format rules.
args: "format --check --exclude tagging.py"
needs: cleanups

.github/workflows/tagging.yml vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
# Generated file. DO NOT EDIT.
name: tagging
# Enable for automatic tagging
# - cron: '0 0 * * TUE'
# Ensure that only a single instance of the workflow is running at a time.
group: "tagging"
environment: "release-is"
group: databricks-deco-testing-runner-group
labels: ubuntu-latest-deco
- name: Generate GitHub App Token
id: generate-token
uses: actions/create-github-app-token@v1
app-id: ${{ secrets.DECO_SDK_TAGGING_APP_ID }}
private-key: ${{ secrets.DECO_SDK_TAGGING_PRIVATE_KEY }}
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 0
token: ${{ steps.generate-token.outputs.token }}
#NOTE: email must be the GitHub App email or the commit will not be verified.
- name: Set up Git configuration
run: |
git config user.name "Databricks SDK Release Bot"
git config user.email "DECO-SDK-Tagging[bot]@users.noreply.github.com"
- name: Install dependencies
run: |
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install PyGithub
- name: Run script
GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ steps.generate-token.outputs.token }}
GITHUB_REPOSITORY: ${{ github.repository }}
run: |
python tagging.py

.package.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

NEXT_CHANGELOG.md Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
## Release v0.242.0
### CLI:
### Bundles
* Provide instructions for testing in the default-python template ([#2355](https://github.com/databricks/cli/pull/2355)).
* Add escaping for links and headers in docsgen ([#2330](https://github.com/databricks/cli/pull/2330)).
### Internal
* Introduce automated tagging ([#1361](https://github.com/databricks/cli/pull/1361))
* Set X-Databricks-Org-Id on scim/v2/Me endpoint ([#2349](https://github.com/databricks/cli/pull/2349)).
* Do not show diff for missing output file ([#2350](https://github.com/databricks/cli/pull/2350)).
* Add a helper to diff with replacements ([#2352](https://github.com/databricks/cli/pull/2352)).
### API Changes

tagging.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,571 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import re
import argparse
from typing import Optional, List, Callable
from dataclasses import dataclass
import subprocess
import time
import json
from github import Github, Repository, InputGitTreeElement, InputGitAuthor
from datetime import datetime, timezone
PACKAGE_FILE_NAME = ".package.json"
This script tags the release of the SDKs using a combination of the GitHub API and Git commands.
It reads the local repository to determine necessary changes, updates changelogs, and creates tags.
### How it Works:
- It does **not** modify the local repository directly.
- Instead of committing and pushing changes locally, it uses the **GitHub API** to create commits and tags.
# GitHub does not support signing commits for GitHub Apps directly.
# This class replaces usages for git commands such as "git add", "git commit", and "git push".
class GitHubRepo:
def __init__(self, repo: Repository):
self.repo = repo
self.changed_files: list[InputGitTreeElement] = []
self.ref = "heads/main"
head_ref = self.repo.get_git_ref(self.ref)
self.sha = head_ref.object.sha
# Replaces "git add file"
def add_file(self, loc: str, content: str):
local_path = os.path.relpath(loc, os.getcwd())
print(f"Adding file {local_path}")
blob = self.repo.create_git_blob(content=content, encoding="utf-8")
element = InputGitTreeElement(path=local_path, mode="100644", type="blob", sha=blob.sha)
# Replaces "git commit && git push"
def commit_and_push(self, message: str):
head_ref = self.repo.get_git_ref(self.ref)
base_tree = self.repo.get_git_tree(sha=head_ref.object.sha)
new_tree = self.repo.create_git_tree(self.changed_files, base_tree)
parent_commit = self.repo.get_git_commit(head_ref.object.sha)
new_commit = self.repo.create_git_commit(
message=message, tree=new_tree, parents=[parent_commit])
# Update branch reference
self.sha = new_commit.sha
def reset(self, sha: Optional[str] = None):
self.changed_files = []
if sha:
self.sha = sha
head_ref = self.repo.get_git_ref(self.ref)
self.sha = head_ref.object.sha
def tag(self, tag_name: str, tag_message: str):
# Create a tag pointing to the new commit
# The email MUST be the GitHub Apps email.
# Otherwise, the tag will not be verified.
tagger = InputGitAuthor(
name="Databricks SDK Release Bot",
tag = self.repo.create_git_tag(
tag=tag_name, message=tag_message, object=self.sha, type="commit", tagger=tagger)
# Create a Git ref (the actual reference for the tag in the repo)
self.repo.create_git_ref(ref=f"refs/tags/{tag_name}", sha=tag.sha)
gh: Optional[GitHubRepo] = None
class Package:
Represents a package in the repository.
:name: The package name.
:path: The path to the package relative to the repository root.
name: str
path: str
class TagInfo:
Represents all changes on a release.
:package: package info.
:version: release version for the package. Format: v<major>.<minor>.<pacth>
:content: changes for the release, as they appear in the changelog.
## Release v0.56.0
### New Features and Improvements
* Feature
* Some improvement
### Bug Fixes
* Bug fix
### Documentation
* Doc Changes
### Internal Changes
* More Changes
### API Changes
* Add new Service
package: Package
version: str
content: str
def tag_name(self) -> str:
return f"{self.package.name}/v{self.version}" if self.package.name else f"v{self.version}"
def get_package_name(package_path: str) -> str:
Returns the package name from the package path.
The name is found inside the .package.json file:
"package": "package_name"
filepath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), package_path, PACKAGE_FILE_NAME)
with open(filepath, 'r') as file:
content = json.load(file)
if "package" in content:
return content["package"]
# Legacy SDKs have no packages.
return ""
def update_version_references(tag_info: TagInfo) -> None:
Updates the version of the package in code references.
Code references are defined in .package.json files.
# Load version patterns from '.package.json' file
package_file_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), tag_info.package.path, PACKAGE_FILE_NAME)
with open(package_file_path, 'r') as file:
package_file = json.load(file)
version = package_file.get('version')
if not version:
print(f"Version not found in .package.json. Nothing to update.")
# Update the versions
for filename, pattern in version.items():
loc = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), tag_info.package.path, filename)
previous_version = re.sub(r'\$VERSION', r"\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+", pattern)
new_version = re.sub(r'\$VERSION', tag_info.version, pattern)
with open(loc, 'r') as file:
content = file.read()
# Replace the version in the file content
updated_content = re.sub(previous_version, new_version, content)
gh.add_file(loc, updated_content)
def clean_next_changelog(package_path: str) -> None:
Cleans the "NEXT_CHANGELOG.md" file. It performs 2 operations:
* Increase the version to the next minor version.
* Remove release notes. Sections names are kept to
keep consistency in the section names between releases.
file_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), package_path, NEXT_CHANGELOG_FILE_NAME)
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
content = file.read()
# Remove content between ### sections
cleaned_content = re.sub(r'(### [^\n]+\n)(?:.*?\n?)*?(?=###|$)', r'\1', content)
# Ensure there is exactly one empty line before each section
cleaned_content = re.sub(r'(\n*)(###[^\n]+)', r'\n\n\2', cleaned_content)
# Find the version number
version_match = re.search(r'Release v(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)', cleaned_content)
if not version_match:
raise Exception("Version not found in the changelog")
major, minor, patch = map(int, version_match.groups())
# Prepare next release version.
# When doing a PR, teams can adjust the version.
# By default, we increase a minor version, since minor versions releases
# are more common than patch or major version releases.
minor += 1
patch = 0
new_version = f'Release v{major}.{minor}.{patch}'
cleaned_content = cleaned_content.replace(version_match.group(0), new_version)
# Update file with cleaned content
gh.add_file(file_path, cleaned_content)
def get_previous_tag_info(package: Package) -> Optional[TagInfo]:
Extracts the previous tag info from the "CHANGELOG.md" file.
Used for failure recovery purposes.
changelog_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), package.path, CHANGELOG_FILE_NAME)
with open(changelog_path, 'r') as f:
changelog = f.read()
# Extract the latest release section using regex
match = re.search(r"## (\[Release\] )?Release v[\d\.]+.*?(?=\n## (\[Release\] )?Release v|\Z)",
changelog, re.S)
# E.g., for new packages.
if not match:
return None
latest_release = match.group(0)
version_match = re.search(r'## (\[Release\] )?Release v(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)', latest_release)
if not version_match:
raise Exception("Version not found in the changelog")
return TagInfo(package=package, version=version_match.group(2), content=latest_release)
def get_next_tag_info(package: Package) -> Optional[TagInfo]:
Extracts the changes from the "NEXT_CHANGELOG.md" file.
The result is already processed.
next_changelog_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), package.path, NEXT_CHANGELOG_FILE_NAME)
with open(next_changelog_path, 'r') as f:
next_changelog = f.read()
# Remove "# NEXT CHANGELOG" line
next_changelog = re.sub(r'^# NEXT CHANGELOG(\n+)', '', next_changelog, flags=re.MULTILINE)
# Remove empty sections
next_changelog = re.sub(r'###[^\n]+\n+(?=##|\Z)', '', next_changelog)
# Ensure there is exactly one empty line before each section
next_changelog = re.sub(r'(\n*)(###[^\n]+)', r'\n\n\2', next_changelog)
if not re.search(r'###', next_changelog):
print("All sections are empty. No changes will be made to the changelog.")
return None
version_match = re.search(r'## Release v(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)', next_changelog)
if not version_match:
raise Exception("Version not found in the changelog")
return TagInfo(package=package, version=version_match.group(1), content=next_changelog)
def write_changelog(tag_info: TagInfo) -> None:
Updates the changelog with a new tag info.
changelog_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), tag_info.package.path, CHANGELOG_FILE_NAME)
with open(changelog_path, 'r') as f:
changelog = f.read()
updated_changelog = re.sub(r'(# Version changelog\n\n)', f'\\1{tag_info.content.strip()}\n\n\n',
gh.add_file(changelog_path, updated_changelog)
def process_package(package: Package) -> TagInfo:
Processes a package
# Prepare tag_info from NEXT_CHANGELOG.md
print(f"Processing package {package.name}")
tag_info = get_next_tag_info(package)
# If there are no updates, skip.
if tag_info is None:
return tag_info
def find_packages() -> List[Package]:
Returns all directories which contains a ".package.json" file.
paths = _find_directories_with_file(PACKAGE_FILE_NAME)
return [Package(name=get_package_name(path), path=path) for path in paths]
def _find_directories_with_file(target_file: str) -> List[str]:
root_path = os.getcwd()
matching_directories = []
for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(root_path):
if target_file in filenames:
path = os.path.relpath(dirpath, root_path)
# If the path is the root directory (e.g., SDK V0), set it to an empty string.
if path == ".":
path = ""
return matching_directories
def is_tag_applied(tag: TagInfo) -> bool:
Returns whether a tag is already applied in the repository.
:param tag: The tag to check.
:return: True if the tag is applied, False otherwise.
:raises Exception: If the git command fails.
# Check if the specific tag exists
result = subprocess.check_output(
['git', 'tag', '--list', tag.tag_name()], stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True)
return result.strip() == tag.tag_name()
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
# Raise a exception for git command errors
raise Exception(f"Git command failed: {e.stderr.strip() or e}") from e
def find_last_tags() -> List[TagInfo]:
Finds the last tags for each package.
Returns a list of TagInfo objects for each package with a non-None changelog.
packages = find_packages()
return [
info for info in (get_previous_tag_info(package) for package in packages)
if info is not None
def find_pending_tags() -> List[TagInfo]:
Finds all tags that are pending to be applied.
tag_infos = find_last_tags()
return [tag for tag in tag_infos if not is_tag_applied(tag)]
def generate_commit_message(tag_infos: List[TagInfo]) -> str:
Generates a commit message for the release.
if not tag_infos:
raise Exception("No tag infos provided to generate commit message")
info = tag_infos[0]
# Legacy mode for SDKs without per service packaging
if not info.package.name:
if len(tag_infos) > 1:
raise Exception("Multiple packages found in legacy mode")
return f"[Release] Release v{info.version}\n\n{info.content}"
# Sort tag_infos by package name for consistency
tag_infos.sort(key=lambda info: info.package.name)
return 'Release\n\n' + '\n\n'.join(f"## {info.package.name}/v{info.version}\n\n{info.content}"
for info in tag_infos)
def push_changes(tag_infos: List[TagInfo]) -> None:
"""Pushes changes to the remote repository after handling possible merge conflicts."""
commit_message = generate_commit_message(tag_infos)
# Create the release metadata file
file_name = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".release_metadata.json")
metadata = {"timestamp": datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z")}
content = json.dumps(metadata, indent=4)
gh.add_file(file_name, content)
def reset_repository(hash: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
Reset git to the specified commit. Defaults to HEAD.
:param hash: The commit hash to reset to. If None, it resets to HEAD.
# Fetch the latest changes from the remote repository
subprocess.run(['git', 'fetch'])
# Determine the commit hash (default to origin/main if none is provided)
commit_hash = hash or 'origin/main'
# Reset in memory changed files and the commit hash
# Construct the Git reset command
command = ['git', 'reset', '--hard', commit_hash]
# Execute the git reset command
subprocess.run(command, check=True)
def retry_function(func: Callable[[], List[TagInfo]],
cleanup: Callable[[], None],
max_attempts: int = 5,
delay: int = 5) -> List[TagInfo]:
Calls a function call up to `max_attempts` times if an exception occurs.
:param func: The function to call.
:param cleanup: Cleanup function in between retries
:param max_attempts: The maximum number of retries.
:param delay: The delay between retries in seconds.
:return: The return value of the function, or None if all retries fail.
attempts = 0
while attempts <= max_attempts:
return func() # Call the function
except Exception as e:
attempts += 1
print(f"Attempt {attempts} failed: {e}")
if attempts < max_attempts:
time.sleep(delay) # Wait before retrying
print("All retry attempts failed.")
raise e # Re-raise the exception after max retries
def update_changelogs(packages: List[Package]) -> List[TagInfo]:
Updates changelogs and pushes the commits.
tag_infos = [
info for info in (process_package(package) for package in packages) if info is not None
# If any package was changed, push the changes.
if tag_infos:
return tag_infos
def push_tags(tag_infos: List[TagInfo]) -> None:
Creates and pushes tags to the repository.
for tag_info in tag_infos:
gh.tag(tag_info.tag_name(), tag_info.content)
def run_command(command: List[str]) -> str:
Runs a command and returns the output
output = subprocess.check_output(command)
print(f'Running command: {" ".join(command)}')
return output.decode()
def pull_last_release_commit() -> None:
Reset the repository to the last release.
Uses commit for last change to .release_metadata.json, since it's only updated on releases.
commit_hash = subprocess.check_output(
['git', 'log', '-n', '1', '--format=%H', '--', '.release_metadata.json'],
# If no commit is found, raise an exception
if not commit_hash:
raise ValueError("No commit found for .release_metadata.json")
# Reset the repository to the commit
def get_package_from_args() -> Optional[str]:
Retrieves an optional package
python3 ./tagging.py --package <name>
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Update changelogs and tag the release.')
parser.add_argument('--package', '-p', type=str, help='Tag a single package')
args = parser.parse_args()
return args.package
def init_github():
token = os.environ['GITHUB_TOKEN']
repo_name = os.environ['GITHUB_REPOSITORY']
g = Github(token)
repo = g.get_repo(repo_name)
global gh
gh = GitHubRepo(repo)
def process():
Main entry point for tagging process.
Tagging process consist of multiple steps:
* For each package, update the corresponding CHANGELOG.md file based on the contents of NEXT_CHANGELOG.md file
* If any package has been updated, commit and push the changes.
* Apply and push the new tags matching the version.
If a specific pagkage is provided as a parameter, only that package will be tagged.
If any tag are pending from an early process, it will skip updating the CHANGELOG.md files and only apply the tags.
package_name = get_package_from_args()
pending_tags = find_pending_tags()
# pending_tags is non-empty only when the tagging process previously failed or interrupted.
# We must complete the interrupted tagging process before starting a new one to avoid inconsistent states and missing changelog entries.
# Therefore, we don't support specifying the package until the previously started process has been successfully completed.
if pending_tags and package_name:
pending_packages = [tag.package.name for tag in pending_tags]
raise Exception(
f"Cannot release package {package_name}. Pending release for {pending_packages}")
if pending_tags:
print("Found pending tags from previous executions, entering recovery mode.")
packages = find_packages()
# If a package is specified as an argument, only process that package
if package_name:
packages = [package for package in packages if package.name == package_name]
pending_tags = retry_function(
func=lambda: update_changelogs(packages), cleanup=reset_repository)
def validate_git_root():
Validate that the script is run from the root of the repository.
repo_root = subprocess.check_output(["git", "rev-parse",
current_dir = subprocess.check_output(["pwd"]).strip().decode("utf-8")
if repo_root != current_dir:
raise Exception("Please run this script from the root of the repository.")
if __name__ == "__main__":