Run make testchanges
cat: changed-packages.txt: No such file or directory
✓ Running tests based on changes relative to main...
changecalc/changecalc > changed-packages.txt || echo "./..." > changed-packages.txt
fatal: bad revision 'main'
failed to execute [git diff main --name-only -- .]: exit status 128
gotestsum --format pkgname-and-test-fails --no-summary=skipped --raw-command go test -v -json -short -coverprofile=coverage.txt
✓ . (32ms) (coverage: 0.0% of statements)
Add a new tool changecalc that calculates all packages that need to be re-tested given
a list of changed files. Without a list, uses git to compare with main branch.
'make viewchanges' runs the tool.
'make testchanges' runs the test suite over affected packages.
New tests-changes github job is added in shadow mode that takes advantage of this tool.
Goreleaser builds binary in 10-15 seconds, but go build does it just in
3-5 seconds. Target is `.databricks` folder in the current checkout,
which is already in `.gitignore`. Make sure you have the following