## Changes
Added support for `bundle.Seq`, simplified `Mutator.Apply` interface by
removing list of mutators from return values/
## Tests
1. Ran `cli bundle deploy` and interrupted it with Cmd + C mid execution
so lock is not released
2. Ran `cli bundle deploy` top make sure that CLI is not trying to
release lock when it fail to acquire it
andrew.nester@HFW9Y94129 multiples-tasks % cli bundle deploy
Starting upload of bundle files
Uploaded bundle files at /Users/andrew.nester@databricks.com/.bundle/simple-task/development/files!
andrew.nester@HFW9Y94129 multiples-tasks % cli bundle deploy
Error: deploy lock acquired by andrew.nester@databricks.com at 2023-05-24 12:10:23.050343 +0200 CEST. Use --force to override
## Changes
Rename all instances of "bricks" to "databricks".
## Tests
* Confirmed the goreleaser build works, uses the correct new binary
name, and produces the right archives.
* Help output is confirmed to be correct.
* Output of `git grep -w bricks` is minimal with a couple changes
remaining for after the repository rename.
Users can opt out and use the system-installed version with the
following configuration:
exec_path: terraform
This will find the binary in $PATH and replace it with the found value.
If this is not set, the initialize phase will install Terraform in the
bundle's cache directory.
This includes 3 mutators:
* Interpolate resources references to TF compatible format
* Convert resources struct to TF JSON format and write it to disk
* Run TF apply