## Changes
Adds the following steps to the destroy phase:
1. interpolate
2. write
## Tests
Tested manually due there not being an examples for tests to use.
## Changes
Added support for `bundle.Seq`, simplified `Mutator.Apply` interface by
removing list of mutators from return values/
## Tests
1. Ran `cli bundle deploy` and interrupted it with Cmd + C mid execution
so lock is not released
2. Ran `cli bundle deploy` top make sure that CLI is not trying to
release lock when it fail to acquire it
andrew.nester@HFW9Y94129 multiples-tasks % cli bundle deploy
Starting upload of bundle files
Uploaded bundle files at /Users/andrew.nester@databricks.com/.bundle/simple-task/development/files!
andrew.nester@HFW9Y94129 multiples-tasks % cli bundle deploy
Error: deploy lock acquired by andrew.nester@databricks.com at 2023-05-24 12:10:23.050343 +0200 CEST. Use --force to override
## Changes
Rename all instances of "bricks" to "databricks".
## Tests
* Confirmed the goreleaser build works, uses the correct new binary
name, and produces the right archives.
* Help output is confirmed to be correct.
* Output of `git grep -w bricks` is minimal with a couple changes
remaining for after the repository rename.
## Changes
Added `DeferredMutator` and `bundle.Defer` function which allows to
always execute some mutators either in the end of execution chain or
after error occurs in the middle of execution chain.
Usage as follows:
deferredMutator := bundle.Defer([]bundle.Mutator{
}, []bundle.Mutator{
In such case `lock.Release()` will always be executed: either when all
operations above succeed or when any of them fails
## Tests
Before the change
andrew.nester@HFW9Y94129 multiples-tasks % bricks bundle deploy
Starting upload of bundle files
Uploaded bundle files at /Users/andrew.nester@databricks.com/.bundle/simple-task/development/files!
Error: terraform not initialized
andrew.nester@HFW9Y94129 multiples-tasks % bricks bundle deploy
Error: deploy lock acquired by andrew.nester@databricks.com at 2023-05-10 16:41:22.902659 +0200 CEST. Use --force to override
After the change
andrew.nester@HFW9Y94129 multiples-tasks % bricks bundle deploy
Starting upload of bundle files
Uploaded bundle files at /Users/andrew.nester@databricks.com/.bundle/simple-task/development/files!
Error: terraform not initialized
andrew.nester@HFW9Y94129 multiples-tasks % bricks bundle deploy
Starting upload of bundle files
Uploaded bundle files at /Users/andrew.nester@databricks.com/.bundle/simple-task/development/files!
Error: terraform not initialized
## Changes
This PR now allows you to define variables in the bundle config and set
them in three ways
1. command line args
2. process environment variable
3. in the bundle config itself
## Tests
manually, unit, and black box tests
Co-authored-by: Miles Yucht <miles@databricks.com>
## Changes
This change also swaps the order of mutators such that interpolation
happens before path translation. This means that is is possible to use
variables (e.g. `${bundle.environment}`) in notebook or file paths.
## Tests
New tests pass and verified manually.
## Changes
Pull state before deploying and push state after deploying.
Note: the run command was missing mutators to initialize Terraform. This
is necessary if the cache directory is removed between running "deploy"
and "run" (which is valid now that we synchronize state).
## Tests
Add configuration:
enabled: true
force: false
The force field can be set by passing the `--force` argument to `bricks
bundle deploy`. Doing so means the deployment lock is acquired even if
it is currently held. This should only be used in exceptional cases
(e.g. a previous deployment has failed to release the lock).
1. Perform file synchronization on deploy
2. Update notebook file path translation logic to point to the
synchronization target rather than treating the notebook as an artifact
and uploading it separately.
The workspace root path is a base path for bundle storage. If not
specified, it defaults to `~/.bundle/name/environment`. This default, or
other paths starting with `~` are expanded to the current user's home
directory. The configuration also includes fields for the files path,
artifacts path, and state path. By default, these are nested under the
root path, but can be overridden if needed.
Users can opt out and use the system-installed version with the
following configuration:
exec_path: terraform
This will find the binary in $PATH and replace it with the found value.
If this is not set, the initialize phase will install Terraform in the
bundle's cache directory.