## Changes
It makes the behaviour consistent with or without `python_wheel_wrapper`
on when job is run with `--python-params` flag.
In `python_wheel_wrapper` mode it converts dynamic `python_params` in a
dynamic specially named `notebook_param` and the wrapper reads them with
`dbutils` and pass to `sys.argv`
## Tests
Added an integration test.
Integration tests pass.
## Changes
Added end-to-end test for deploying and running Python wheel task
## Tests
Test successfully passed on all environments, takes about 9-10 minutes
to pass.
Deleted snapshot file at /var/folders/nt/xjv68qzs45319w4k36dhpylc0000gp/T/TestAccPythonWheelTaskDeployAndRun1845899209/002/.databricks/bundle/default/sync-snapshots/1f7cc766ffe038d6.json
Successfully deleted files!
2023/09/06 17:50:50 INFO Releasing deployment lock mutator=destroy mutator=seq mutator=seq mutator=deferred mutator=lock:release
--- PASS: TestAccPythonWheelTaskDeployAndRun (508.16s)
coverage: 77.9% of statements in ./...
ok github.com/databricks/cli/internal/bundle 508.810s coverage: 77.9% of statements in ./...
Co-authored-by: Pieter Noordhuis <pieter.noordhuis@databricks.com>