## Changes
Instead of always using notebook wrapper for Python wheel tasks, let's
make this an opt-in option.
Now by default Python wheel tasks will be deployed as is to Databricks
If notebook wrapper required (DBR < 13.1 or other configuration
differences), users can provide a following experimental setting
python_wheel_wrapper: true
## Tests
Added unit tests.
Integration tests passed for both cases
helpers.go:163: [databricks stdout]: Hello from my func
helpers.go:163: [databricks stdout]: Got arguments:
helpers.go:163: [databricks stdout]: ['my_test_code', 'one', 'two']
Bundle remote directory is ***/.bundle/ac05d5e8-ed4b-4e34-b3f2-afa73f62b021
Deleted snapshot file at /var/folders/nt/xjv68qzs45319w4k36dhpylc0000gp/T/TestAccPythonWheelTaskDeployAndRunWithWrapper3733431114/001/.databricks/bundle/default/sync-snapshots/cac1e02f3941a97b.json
Successfully deleted files!
--- PASS: TestAccPythonWheelTaskDeployAndRunWithWrapper (214.18s)
coverage: 93.5% of statements in ./...
ok github.com/databricks/cli/internal/bundle 214.495s coverage: 93.5% of statements in ./...
helpers.go:163: [databricks stdout]: Hello from my func
helpers.go:163: [databricks stdout]: Got arguments:
helpers.go:163: [databricks stdout]: ['my_test_code', 'one', 'two']
Bundle remote directory is ***/.bundle/0ef67aaf-5960-4049-bf1d-dc9e29157421
Deleted snapshot file at /var/folders/nt/xjv68qzs45319w4k36dhpylc0000gp/T/TestAccPythonWheelTaskDeployAndRunWithoutWrapper2340216760/001/.databricks/bundle/default/sync-snapshots/edf0b322cee93b13.json
Successfully deleted files!
--- PASS: TestAccPythonWheelTaskDeployAndRunWithoutWrapper (192.36s)
coverage: 93.5% of statements in ./...
ok github.com/databricks/cli/internal/bundle 195.130s coverage: 93.5% of statements in ./...
## Changes
Added end-to-end test for deploying and running Python wheel task
## Tests
Test successfully passed on all environments, takes about 9-10 minutes
to pass.
Deleted snapshot file at /var/folders/nt/xjv68qzs45319w4k36dhpylc0000gp/T/TestAccPythonWheelTaskDeployAndRun1845899209/002/.databricks/bundle/default/sync-snapshots/1f7cc766ffe038d6.json
Successfully deleted files!
2023/09/06 17:50:50 INFO Releasing deployment lock mutator=destroy mutator=seq mutator=seq mutator=deferred mutator=lock:release
--- PASS: TestAccPythonWheelTaskDeployAndRun (508.16s)
coverage: 77.9% of statements in ./...
ok github.com/databricks/cli/internal/bundle 508.810s coverage: 77.9% of statements in ./...
Co-authored-by: Pieter Noordhuis <pieter.noordhuis@databricks.com>