## Changes
Added support for `bundle.Seq`, simplified `Mutator.Apply` interface by
removing list of mutators from return values/
## Tests
1. Ran `cli bundle deploy` and interrupted it with Cmd + C mid execution
so lock is not released
2. Ran `cli bundle deploy` top make sure that CLI is not trying to
release lock when it fail to acquire it
andrew.nester@HFW9Y94129 multiples-tasks % cli bundle deploy
Starting upload of bundle files
Uploaded bundle files at /Users/andrew.nester@databricks.com/.bundle/simple-task/development/files!
andrew.nester@HFW9Y94129 multiples-tasks % cli bundle deploy
Error: deploy lock acquired by andrew.nester@databricks.com at 2023-05-24 12:10:23.050343 +0200 CEST. Use --force to override
## Changes
Rename all instances of "bricks" to "databricks".
## Tests
* Confirmed the goreleaser build works, uses the correct new binary
name, and produces the right archives.
* Help output is confirmed to be correct.
* Output of `git grep -w bricks` is minimal with a couple changes
remaining for after the repository rename.
## Changes
This PR now allows you to define variables in the bundle config and set
them in three ways
1. command line args
2. process environment variable
3. in the bundle config itself
## Tests
manually, unit, and black box tests
Co-authored-by: Miles Yucht <miles@databricks.com>
## Changes
Traverses the variables referred in a depth first manner to resolve
string fields.
Errors out if a cycle is detected
## Tests
Manually and unit/blackbox tests
By specifying a function typed `LookupFunction` the caller can customize
which path expressions to interpolate and which ones to skip. When we
express dependencies between resources their values are known by
Terraform at deploy time. Therefore, we have to skip interpolation for
`${resources.jobs.my_job.id}` and instead rewrite it to
`${databricks_job.my_job.id}` before passing it along to Terraform.
Performs interpolation on string field.
It looks for patterns `${foo.bar}` where `foo.bar` points to a string
field in the configuration data model.
It does not support traversal (e.g. `${foo}` with `foo` equal
to`${bar}`), hence "rudimentary".