default: build lint: vendor @echo "✓ Linting source code with (with --fix)..." @golangci-lint run --fix ./... lintcheck: vendor @echo "✓ Linting source code with ..." @golangci-lint run ./... test: lint testonly testonly: @echo "✓ Running tests ..." @gotestsum --format pkgname-and-test-fails --no-summary=skipped --raw-command go test -v -json -short -coverprofile=coverage.txt ./... coverage: test @echo "✓ Opening coverage for unit tests ..." @go tool cover -html=coverage.txt build: vendor @echo "✓ Building source code with go build ..." @go build -mod vendor snapshot: @echo "✓ Building dev snapshot" @go build -o .databricks/databricks vendor: @echo "✓ Filling vendor folder with library code ..." @go mod vendor INTEGRATION = gotestsum --format github-actions --rerun-fails --jsonfile output.json --packages "./integration/..." -- -p 8 -parallel 8 -timeout=2h integration: $(INTEGRATION) integration-short: $(INTEGRATION) -short .PHONY: lint lintcheck test testonly coverage build snapshot vendor integration integration-short