package golang import ( "fmt" "strings" tfjson "" "" "" "" "" ) func processAttributeType(typ cty.Type) string { var out string switch { case typ.IsPrimitiveType(): switch { case typ.Equals(cty.Bool): out = "bool" case typ.Equals(cty.Number): out = "int" case typ.Equals(cty.String): out = "string" default: panic("No idea what to do for: " + typ.FriendlyName()) } case typ.IsMapType(): out = "map[string]" + processAttributeType(*typ.MapElementType()) case typ.IsSetType(): out = "[]" + processAttributeType(*typ.SetElementType()) case typ.IsListType(): out = "[]" + processAttributeType(*typ.ListElementType()) default: panic("No idea what to do for: " + typ.FriendlyName()) } return out } func SortedKeys[M ~map[K]V, K string, V any](m M) []K { keys := maps.Keys(m) slices.Sort(keys) return keys } func processBlock(in *tfjson.SchemaBlock) { fmt.Println("struct {") for _, k := range SortedKeys(in.Attributes) { v := in.Attributes[k] if v.Deprecated { continue } // if v.Required { // out.Required = append(out.Required, k) // } annotations := []string{k} if !v.Required { annotations = append(annotations, "omitempty") } fmt.Print(strcase.ToCamel(k)) fmt.Print(" ") fmt.Print(processAttributeType(v.AttributeType)) fmt.Print(" ") fmt.Print("`") fmt.Print("json:\"") fmt.Print(strings.Join(annotations, ",")) fmt.Print("\"`\n") } fmt.Print("\n") for _, k := range SortedKeys(in.NestedBlocks) { v := in.NestedBlocks[k] annotations := []string{k, "omitempty"} // if v.MinItems == 0 { // annotations = append(annotations, "omitempty") // } fmt.Print(strcase.ToCamel(k)) fmt.Print(" ") switch v.NestingMode { case tfjson.SchemaNestingModeSingle: fmt.Print("*") case tfjson.SchemaNestingModeGroup: fmt.Print("*") case tfjson.SchemaNestingModeList: if v.MaxItems == 1 { fmt.Print("*") } else { fmt.Print("[]") } case tfjson.SchemaNestingModeSet: fmt.Print("[]") case tfjson.SchemaNestingModeMap: panic("map") } processBlock(v.Block) fmt.Print(" ") fmt.Print("`") fmt.Print("json:\"") fmt.Print(strings.Join(annotations, ",")) fmt.Print("\"`\n") fmt.Print("\n") } // out.Description = in.Description // return &out fmt.Print("}") // fmt.Println("") } func Generate(schema *tfjson.ProviderSchema) error { fmt.Println("package tf") for _, k := range SortedKeys(schema.ResourceSchemas) { v := schema.ResourceSchemas[k] k = strcase.ToCamel(strings.TrimPrefix(k, "databricks_")) fmt.Printf("type %s ", k) processBlock(v.Block) fmt.Print("\n") } // Union of all of them fmt.Println("type Resources struct {") for _, k := range SortedKeys(schema.ResourceSchemas) { resource_name := k k = strcase.ToCamel(strings.TrimPrefix(k, "databricks_")) fmt.Print(k) fmt.Print(" ") fmt.Print("map[string]" + k) fmt.Print(" ") fmt.Print("`") fmt.Print("json:\"") fmt.Printf("%s,omitempty", resource_name) fmt.Print("\"`\n") } fmt.Print("}") fmt.Print("\n") return nil }