mkdir myrepo
cd myrepo
cp ../databricks.yml .
mkdir -p subdir/a/b

printf "=== No permission to access .git. Badness: inferred flag is set to true even though we did not infer branch. bundle_root_path is not correct in subdir case.\n"
trace chmod 000 .git
errcode trace $CLI bundle validate
errcode trace $CLI bundle validate -o json | jq .bundle.git
errcode trace withdir subdir/a/b $CLI bundle validate -o json | jq .bundle.git

printf "\n\n=== No permissions to read .git/HEAD. Badness: warning is not shown. inferred is incorrectly set to true. bundle_root_path is not correct in subdir case.\n"
chmod 700 .git
trace chmod 000 .git/HEAD
errcode trace $CLI bundle validate -o json | jq .bundle.git
errcode trace withdir subdir/a/b $CLI bundle validate -o json | jq .bundle.git

printf "\n\n=== No permissions to read .git/config. Badness: inferred is incorretly set to true. bundle_root_path is not correct is subdir case.\n"
chmod 666 .git/HEAD
trace chmod 000 .git/config
errcode trace $CLI bundle validate -o json | jq .bundle.git
errcode trace withdir subdir/a/b $CLI bundle validate -o json | jq .bundle.git

rm -fr .git