package main import ( "fmt" "log" "os" "strings" ) func buildMarkdown(nodes []rootNode, outputFile, header string) error { m := newMardownRenderer() m = m.PlainText(header) for _, node := range nodes { m = m.LF() title := node.Title if node.TopLevel { m = m.H2(title) } else { m = m.H3(title) } m = m.LF() if node.Type != "" { m = m.PlainText(fmt.Sprintf("**`Type: %s`**", node.Type)) m = m.LF() } m = m.PlainText(node.Description) m = m.LF() if len(node.ObjectKeyAttributes) > 0 { n := pickLastWord(node.Title) n = removePluralForm(n) m = m.CodeBlocks("yaml", fmt.Sprintf("%ss:\n <%s-name>:\n <%s-field-name>: <%s-field-value>", n, n, n, n)) m = m.LF() m = buildAttributeTable(m, node.ObjectKeyAttributes) } else if len(node.ArrayItemAttributes) > 0 { m = m.LF() m = buildAttributeTable(m, node.ArrayItemAttributes) } else if len(node.Attributes) > 0 { m = m.LF() m = buildAttributeTable(m, node.Attributes) } if node.Example != "" { m = m.LF() m = m.PlainText("**Example**") m = m.LF() m = m.PlainText(node.Example) } } f, err := os.Create(outputFile) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } _, err = f.WriteString(m.String()) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } return f.Close() } func pickLastWord(s string) string { words := strings.Split(s, ".") return words[len(words)-1] } // Build a custom table which we use in Databricks website func buildAttributeTable(m *markdownRenderer, attributes []attributeNode) *markdownRenderer { m = m.LF() m = m.PlainText(":::list-table") m = m.LF() m = m.PlainText("- - Key") m = m.PlainText(" - Type") m = m.PlainText(" - Description") m = m.LF() for _, a := range attributes { m = m.PlainText("- - " + fmt.Sprintf("`%s`", a.Title)) m = m.PlainText(" - " + a.Type) m = m.PlainText(" - " + formatDescription(a)) m = m.LF() } m = m.PlainText(":::") m = m.LF() return m } func formatDescription(a attributeNode) string { s := strings.ReplaceAll(a.Description, "\n", " ") if a.Link != "" { if strings.HasSuffix(s, ".") { s += " " } else if s != "" { s += ". " } s += fmt.Sprintf("See [\\_](#%s).", cleanAnchor(a.Link)) } return s } // Docs framework does not allow special characters in anchor links and strip them out by default // We need to clean them up to make sure the links pass the validation func cleanAnchor(s string) string { s = strings.ReplaceAll(s, ".", "") s = strings.ReplaceAll(s, nameFieldWithFormat, nameField) return s }