package mutator

import (


type rewriteWorkspacePrefix struct{}

// RewriteWorkspacePrefix finds any strings in bundle configration that have
// workspace prefix plus workspace path variable used and removes workspace prefix from it.
func RewriteWorkspacePrefix() bundle.Mutator {
	return &rewriteWorkspacePrefix{}

func (m *rewriteWorkspacePrefix) Name() string {
	return "RewriteWorkspacePrefix"

func (m *rewriteWorkspacePrefix) Apply(ctx context.Context, b *bundle.Bundle) diag.Diagnostics {
	diags := diag.Diagnostics{}
	paths := map[string]string{
		"/Workspace/${workspace.root_path}":     "${workspace.root_path}",
		"/Workspace${workspace.root_path}":      "${workspace.root_path}",
		"/Workspace/${workspace.file_path}":     "${workspace.file_path}",
		"/Workspace${workspace.file_path}":      "${workspace.file_path}",
		"/Workspace/${workspace.artifact_path}": "${workspace.artifact_path}",
		"/Workspace${workspace.artifact_path}":  "${workspace.artifact_path}",
		"/Workspace/${workspace.state_path}":    "${workspace.state_path}",
		"/Workspace${workspace.state_path}":     "${workspace.state_path}",

	err := b.Config.Mutate(func(root dyn.Value) (dyn.Value, error) {
		// Walk through the bundle configuration, check all the string leafs and
		// see if any of the prefixes are used in the remote path.
		return dyn.Walk(root, func(p dyn.Path, v dyn.Value) (dyn.Value, error) {
			vv, ok := v.AsString()
			if !ok {
				return v, nil

			for path, replacePath := range paths {
				if strings.Contains(vv, path) {
					newPath := strings.Replace(vv, path, replacePath, 1)
					diags = append(diags, diag.Diagnostic{
						Severity:  diag.Warning,
						Summary:   fmt.Sprintf("substring %q found in %q. Please update this to %q.", path, vv, newPath),
						Detail:    "For more information, please refer to:",
						Locations: v.Locations(),
						Paths:     []dyn.Path{p},

					// Remove the workspace prefix from the string.
					return dyn.NewValue(newPath, v.Locations()), nil

			return v, nil

	if err != nil {
		return diag.FromErr(err)

	return diags