package internal

import (



// Verify that importing a dashboard through the Workspace API retains the identity of the underying resource,
// as well as properties exclusively accessible through the dashboards API.
func TestAccDashboardAssumptions_WorkspaceImport(t *testing.T) {
	ctx, wt := acc.WorkspaceTest(t)


	dashboardName := "New Dashboard"
	dashboardPayload := []byte(`{"pages":[{"name":"2506f97a","displayName":"New Page"}]}`)
	warehouseId := acc.GetEnvOrSkipTest(t, "TEST_DEFAULT_WAREHOUSE_ID")

	dir := wt.TemporaryWorkspaceDir("dashboard-assumptions-")

	dashboard, err := wt.W.Lakeview.Create(ctx, dashboards.CreateDashboardRequest{
		Dashboard: &dashboards.Dashboard{
			DisplayName:         dashboardName,
			ParentPath:          dir,
			SerializedDashboard: string(dashboardPayload),
			WarehouseId:         warehouseId,
	require.NoError(t, err)
	t.Logf("Dashboard ID (per Lakeview API): %s", dashboard.DashboardId)

	// Overwrite the dashboard via the workspace API.
		err := wt.W.Workspace.Import(ctx, workspace.Import{
			Format:    workspace.ImportFormatAuto,
			Path:      dashboard.Path,
			Content:   base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(dashboardPayload),
			Overwrite: true,
		require.NoError(t, err)

	// Cross-check consistency with the workspace object.
		obj, err := wt.W.Workspace.GetStatusByPath(ctx, dashboard.Path)
		require.NoError(t, err)

		// Confirm that the resource ID included in the response is equal to the dashboard ID.
		require.Equal(t, dashboard.DashboardId, obj.ResourceId)
		t.Logf("Dashboard ID (per workspace object status): %s", obj.ResourceId)

	// Try to overwrite the dashboard via the Lakeview API (and expect failure).
		_, err := wt.W.Lakeview.Create(ctx, dashboards.CreateDashboardRequest{
			Dashboard: &dashboards.Dashboard{
				DisplayName:         dashboardName,
				ParentPath:          dir,
				SerializedDashboard: string(dashboardPayload),
		require.ErrorIs(t, err, apierr.ErrResourceAlreadyExists)

	// Retrieve the dashboard object and confirm that only select fields were updated by the import.
		previousDashboard := dashboard
		currentDashboard, err := wt.W.Lakeview.Get(ctx, dashboards.GetDashboardRequest{
			DashboardId: dashboard.DashboardId,
		require.NoError(t, err)

		// Convert the dashboard object to a [dyn.Value] to make comparison easier.
		previous, err := convert.FromTyped(previousDashboard, dyn.NilValue)
		require.NoError(t, err)
		current, err := convert.FromTyped(currentDashboard, dyn.NilValue)
		require.NoError(t, err)

		// Collect updated paths.
		var updatedFieldPaths []string
		_, err = merge.Override(previous, current, merge.OverrideVisitor{
			VisitDelete: func(basePath dyn.Path, left dyn.Value) error {
				assert.Fail(t, "unexpected delete operation")
				return nil
			VisitInsert: func(basePath dyn.Path, right dyn.Value) (dyn.Value, error) {
				assert.Fail(t, "unexpected insert operation")
				return right, nil
			VisitUpdate: func(basePath dyn.Path, left dyn.Value, right dyn.Value) (dyn.Value, error) {
				updatedFieldPaths = append(updatedFieldPaths, basePath.String())
				return right, nil
		require.NoError(t, err)

		// Confirm that only the expected fields have been updated.
		assert.ElementsMatch(t, []string{
		}, updatedFieldPaths)