package loader

import (


func validateFileFormat(configRoot dyn.Value, filePath string) diag.Diagnostics {
	for _, resourceDescription := range config.SupportedResources() {
		singularName := resourceDescription.SingularName

		for _, yamlExt := range []string{"yml", "yaml"} {
			ext := fmt.Sprintf(".%s.%s", singularName, yamlExt)
			if strings.HasSuffix(filePath, ext) {
				return validateSingleResourceDefined(configRoot, ext, singularName)

	return nil

func validateSingleResourceDefined(configRoot dyn.Value, ext, typ string) diag.Diagnostics {
	type resource struct {
		path  dyn.Path
		value dyn.Value
		typ   string
		key   string

	resources := []resource{}
	supportedResources := config.SupportedResources()

	// Gather all resources defined in the resources block.
	_, err := dyn.MapByPattern(
		dyn.NewPattern(dyn.Key("resources"), dyn.AnyKey(), dyn.AnyKey()),
		func(p dyn.Path, v dyn.Value) (dyn.Value, error) {
			// The key for the resource, e.g. "my_job" for jobs.my_job.
			k := p[2].Key()
			// The type of the resource, e.g. "job" for jobs.my_job.
			typ := supportedResources[p[1].Key()].SingularName

			resources = append(resources, resource{path: p, value: v, typ: typ, key: k})
			return v, nil
	if err != nil {
		return diag.FromErr(err)

	// Gather all resources defined in a target block.
	_, err = dyn.MapByPattern(
		dyn.NewPattern(dyn.Key("targets"), dyn.AnyKey(), dyn.Key("resources"), dyn.AnyKey(), dyn.AnyKey()),
		func(p dyn.Path, v dyn.Value) (dyn.Value, error) {
			// The key for the resource, e.g. "my_job" for jobs.my_job.
			k := p[4].Key()
			// The type of the resource, e.g. "job" for jobs.my_job.
			typ := supportedResources[p[3].Key()].SingularName

			resources = append(resources, resource{path: p, value: v, typ: typ, key: k})
			return v, nil
	if err != nil {
		return diag.FromErr(err)

	typeMatch := true
	seenKeys := map[string]struct{}{}
	for _, rr := range resources {
		// case: The resource is not of the correct type.
		if rr.typ != typ {
			typeMatch = false

		seenKeys[rr.key] = struct{}{}

	// Format matches. There's at most one resource defined in the file.
	// The resource is also of the correct type.
	if typeMatch && len(seenKeys) <= 1 {
		return nil

	detail := strings.Builder{}
	detail.WriteString("The following resources are defined or configured in this file:\n")
	lines := []string{}
	for _, r := range resources {
		lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("  - %s (%s)\n", r.key, r.typ))
	// Sort the lines to print to make the output deterministic.
	// Compact the lines before writing them to the message to remove any duplicate lines.
	// This is needed because we do not dedup earlier when gathering the resources
	// and it's valid to define the same resource in both the resources and targets block.
	lines = slices.Compact(lines)
	for _, l := range lines {

	locations := []dyn.Location{}
	paths := []dyn.Path{}
	for _, rr := range resources {
		locations = append(locations, rr.value.Locations()...)
		paths = append(paths, rr.path)
	// Sort the locations and paths to make the output deterministic.
	sort.Slice(locations, func(i, j int) bool {
		return locations[i].String() < locations[j].String()
	sort.Slice(paths, func(i, j int) bool {
		return paths[i].String() < paths[j].String()

	return diag.Diagnostics{
			Severity:  diag.Recommendation,
			Summary:   fmt.Sprintf("define a single %s in a file with the %s extension.", strings.ReplaceAll(typ, "_", " "), ext),
			Detail:    detail.String(),
			Locations: locations,
			Paths:     paths,

type processInclude struct {
	fullPath string
	relPath  string

// ProcessInclude loads the configuration at [fullPath] and merges it into the configuration.
func ProcessInclude(fullPath, relPath string) bundle.Mutator {
	return &processInclude{
		fullPath: fullPath,
		relPath:  relPath,

func (m *processInclude) Name() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("ProcessInclude(%s)", m.relPath)

func (m *processInclude) Apply(_ context.Context, b *bundle.Bundle) diag.Diagnostics {
	this, diags := config.Load(m.fullPath)
	if diags.HasError() {
		return diags

	// Add any diagnostics associated with the file format.
	diags = append(diags, validateFileFormat(this.Value(), m.relPath)...)
	if diags.HasError() {
		return diags

	err := b.Config.Merge(this)
	if err != nil {
		diags = diags.Extend(diag.FromErr(err))
	return diags