>>> $CLI bundle init default-python --config-file ./input.json Welcome to the default Python template for Databricks Asset Bundles! Workspace to use (auto-detected, edit in 'my_default_python/databricks.yml'): http://$DATABRICKS_HOST ✨ Your new project has been created in the 'my_default_python' directory! Please refer to the README.md file for "getting started" instructions. See also the documentation at https://docs.databricks.com/dev-tools/bundles/index.html. >>> $CLI bundle validate -t dev Name: my_default_python Target: dev Workspace: Host: http://$DATABRICKS_HOST User: $USERNAME Path: /Workspace/Users/$USERNAME/.bundle/my_default_python/dev Validation OK! >>> $CLI bundle validate -t prod Name: my_default_python Target: prod Workspace: Host: http://$DATABRICKS_HOST User: $USERNAME Path: /Workspace/Users/$USERNAME/.bundle/my_default_python/prod Validation OK!