package init import ( "embed" "fmt" "os" "path" "" "" "" "" "" ) //go:embed templates var templates embed.FS // initCmd represents the init command var initCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "init", Short: "Project starter templates", Long: `Generate project templates`, RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { if project.IsDatabricksProject() { return fmt.Errorf("this path is already a Databricks project") } profileChoice, err := getConnectionProfile() if err != nil { return err } wd, _ := os.Getwd() q := prompt.Questions{ prompt.Text{ Key: "name", Label: "Project name", Default: func(res prompt.Results) string { return path.Base(wd) }, Callback: func(ans prompt.Answer, config *project.Config, res prompt.Results) { config.Name = ans.Value }, }, *profileChoice, prompt.Choice{Key: "language", Label: "Project language", Answers: prompt.Answers{ { Value: "Python", Details: "Machine learning and data engineering focused projects", Callback: nil, }, { Value: "Scala", Details: "Data engineering focused projects with strong typing", Callback: nil, }, }}, prompt.Choice{Key: "isolation", Label: "Deployment isolation", Answers: prompt.Answers{ { Value: "None", Details: "Use shared Databricks workspace resources for all project team members", Callback: nil, }, { Value: "Soft", Details: "Prepend prefixes to each team member's deployment", Callback: func( ans prompt.Answer, config *project.Config, res prompt.Results) { config.Isolation = project.Soft }, }, }}, // DBR selection // Choice{"cloud", "Cloud", Answers{ // {"AWS", "Amazon Web Services", nil}, // {"Azure", "Microsoft Azure Cloud", nil}, // {"GCP", "Google Cloud Platform", nil}, // }}, // Choice{"ci", "Continuous Integration", Answers{ // {"None", "Do not create continuous integration configuration", nil}, // {"GitHub Actions", "Create .github/workflows/push.yml configuration", nil}, // {"Azure DevOps", "Create basic build and test pipelines", nil}, // }}, // Choice{"ide", "Integrated Development Environment", Answers{ // {"None", "Do not create templates for IDE", nil}, // {"VSCode", "Create .devcontainer and other useful things", nil}, // {"PyCharm", "Create project conf and other things", nil}, // }}, } res := prompt.Results{} err = q.Ask(res) if err != nil { return err } var config project.Config for _, ans := range res { if ans.Callback == nil { continue } ans.Callback(ans, &config, res) } raw, err := yaml.Marshal(config) if err != nil { return err } newConfig, err := os.Create(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", wd, project.ConfigFile)) if err != nil { return err } _, err = newConfig.Write(raw) if err != nil { return err } d, err := templates.ReadDir(".") if err != nil { return err } for _, v := range d { cmd.Printf("template found: %v", v.Name()) } cmd.Print("Config initialized!") return err }, } func init() { root.RootCmd.AddCommand(initCmd) }