>>> $CLI bundle init --help Initialize using a bundle template. TEMPLATE_PATH optionally specifies which template to use. It can be one of the following: - default-python: The default Python template for Notebooks / Delta Live Tables / Workflows - default-sql: The default SQL template for .sql files that run with Databricks SQL - dbt-sql: The dbt SQL template (databricks.com/blog/delivering-cost-effective-data-real-time-dbt-and-databricks) - mlops-stacks: The Databricks MLOps Stacks template (github.com/databricks/mlops-stacks) - a local file system path with a template directory - a Git repository URL, e.g. https://github.com/my/repository See https://docs.databricks.com/en/dev-tools/bundles/templates.html for more information on templates. Usage: databricks bundle init [TEMPLATE_PATH] [flags] Flags: --branch string Git branch to use for template initialization --config-file string JSON file containing key value pairs of input parameters required for template initialization. -h, --help help for init --output-dir string Directory to write the initialized template to. --tag string Git tag to use for template initialization --template-dir string Directory path within a Git repository containing the template. Global Flags: --debug enable debug logging -o, --output type output type: text or json (default text) -p, --profile string ~/.databrickscfg profile -t, --target string bundle target to use (if applicable) --var strings set values for variables defined in bundle config. Example: --var="foo=bar" --var-file string file path to a JSON file containing variables. Example: --var-file="/path/to/vars.json" (default ".databricks/bundle//vars.json")