import argparse import importlib import inspect import json import logging import os.path import sys from copy import deepcopy from dataclasses import dataclass, field, fields, replace from typing import Callable, Optional, TextIO from databricks.bundles.core import Bundle, Diagnostics, Location, Resources from databricks.bundles.core._resource_mutator import ResourceMutator from databricks.bundles.core._transform import _transform from import Job __all__ = [] @dataclass class _Args: phase: str input: str output: str diagnostics: str locations: Optional[str] # FIXME should be required unknown_args: list[str] @dataclass class _Conf: resources: list[str] = field(default_factory=list) mutators: list[str] = field(default_factory=list) venv_path: Optional[str] = None @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d: dict) -> "_Conf": known_keys = [ for f in fields(cls)] unknown_keys = d.keys() - known_keys if unknown_keys: logging.warning(f"Unknown configuration keys: {unknown_keys}") return _transform(cls, {k: v for k, v in d.items() if k in known_keys}) def _parse_args(args: list[str]) -> _Args: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--phase", default=None) parser.add_argument("--input", default=None) parser.add_argument("--output", default=None) parser.add_argument("--diagnostics", default=None) parser.add_argument("--locations", default=None) parsed, unknown_args = parser.parse_known_args(args) if not parsed.phase: raise ValueError("Missing required argument --phase") if not parsed.input: raise ValueError("Missing required argument --input") if not parsed.output: raise ValueError("Missing required argument --output") if not parsed.diagnostics: raise ValueError("Missing required argument --diagnostics") return _Args( phase=parsed.phase, input=parsed.input, output=parsed.output, diagnostics=parsed.diagnostics, locations=parsed.locations, unknown_args=unknown_args, ) def _load_resources_from_input(input: dict) -> tuple[Resources, Diagnostics]: resources = Resources() diagnostics = Diagnostics() input_resources = input.get("resources", {}) input_jobs = input_resources.get("jobs", {}) for resource_name, job_dict in input_jobs.items(): try: job = Job.from_dict(job_dict) resources.add_job(resource_name, job) except Exception as exc: diagnostics = diagnostics.extend( Diagnostics.from_exception( exc=exc, summary="Error while loading job", path=("resources", "jobs", resource_name), ) ) return resources, diagnostics def _apply_mutators( bundle: Bundle, resources: Resources, mutator_functions: list[ResourceMutator], ) -> tuple[Resources, Diagnostics]: for resource_name, job in for mutator in mutator_functions: if mutator.resource_type != Job: continue location = Location.from_callable(mutator.function) try: if _get_num_args(mutator.function) == 1: new_job = mutator.function(job) else: # defensive copy so that one function doesn't affect another new_job = mutator.function(deepcopy(bundle), job) # mutating job in-place works, but we can't tell when it happens, # so we only update location if new instance is returned if new_job is not job: if location: resources.add_location( ("resources", "jobs", resource_name), location )[resource_name] = new_job except Exception as exc: mutator_name = mutator.function.__name__ return resources, Diagnostics.from_exception( exc=exc, summary=f"Failed to apply '{mutator_name}' mutator", location=location, path=("resources", "jobs", resource_name), ) return resources, Diagnostics() def python_mutator( args: _Args, ) -> tuple[dict, dict[tuple[str, ...], Location], Diagnostics]: input = json.load(open(args.input)) experimental = input.get("experimental", {}) if experimental.get("pydabs", {}) != {}: return ( {}, {}, Diagnostics.create_error( "'experimental/pydabs' is not supported by 'databricks-bundles', use 'experimental/python' instead", detail="", location=None, path=("experimental", "pydabs"), ), ) conf_dict = experimental.get("python", {}) conf = _transform(_Conf, conf_dict) bundle = _parse_bundle_info(input) if args.phase == "load_resources": resource_functions, diagnostics = _load_functions(conf.resources) if diagnostics.has_error(): return input, {}, diagnostics resources, diagnostics = diagnostics.extend_tuple( _load_resources(bundle, resource_functions) ) if diagnostics.has_error(): return input, {}, diagnostics new_bundle = _append_resources(input, resources) locations = _relativize_locations(resources._locations) return new_bundle, locations, diagnostics.extend(resources.diagnostics) elif args.phase == "apply_mutators": mutator_functions, diagnostics = _load_resource_mutators(conf.mutators) if diagnostics.has_error(): return input, {}, diagnostics resources, diagnostics = _load_resources_from_input(input) if diagnostics.has_error(): return input, {}, diagnostics resources, diagnostics = diagnostics.extend_tuple( _apply_mutators(bundle, resources, mutator_functions) ) if diagnostics.has_error(): return input, {}, diagnostics new_bundle = _append_resources(input, resources) locations = _relativize_locations(resources._locations) return new_bundle, locations, diagnostics.extend(resources.diagnostics) else: return input, {}, Diagnostics.create_error(f"Unknown phase: {args.phase}") def _parse_bundle_info(input: dict) -> Bundle: bundle = input.get("bundle", {}) variables = {k: v.get("value") for k, v in input.get("variables", {}).items()} return Bundle( target=bundle["target"], variables=variables, ) def _append_resources(bundle: dict, resources: Resources) -> dict: """ Append resources to input without modifying resources that are already present. """ new_bundle = bundle.copy() if new_bundle["resources"] = new_bundle.get("resources", {}) new_bundle["resources"]["jobs"] = new_bundle["resources"].get("jobs", {}) for resource_name, resource in new_bundle["resources"]["jobs"][resource_name] = resource.as_dict() return new_bundle def _get_num_args(func: Callable) -> int: return len(inspect.signature(func).parameters) def _load_resources( bundle: Bundle, functions: list[Callable], ) -> tuple[Resources, Diagnostics]: diagnostics = Diagnostics() resources = Resources() for function in functions: try: resources, diagnostics = diagnostics.extend_tuple( _load_resources_from_function(bundle, function) ) except Exception as exc: diagnostics = diagnostics.extend( Diagnostics.from_exception( exc=exc, summary="Failed to load resources", location=Location.from_callable(function), ) ) return resources, diagnostics def _load_functions(names: list[str]) -> tuple[list[Callable], Diagnostics]: diagnostics = Diagnostics() functions = [] for name in names: try: function, diagnostics = diagnostics.extend_tuple(_load_function(name)) if function: functions.append(function) except Exception as exc: diagnostics = diagnostics.extend( Diagnostics.from_exception( exc=exc, summary=f"Failed to load function '{name}'", ) ) return functions, diagnostics def _load_resource_mutators( names: list[str], ) -> tuple[list[ResourceMutator], Diagnostics]: diagnostics = Diagnostics() functions = [] for name in names: try: function, diagnostics = diagnostics.extend_tuple( _load_resource_mutator(name) ) if function: functions.append(function) except Exception as exc: diagnostics = diagnostics.extend( Diagnostics.from_exception( exc=exc, summary=f"Failed to load mutator '{name}'", ) ) return functions, diagnostics def _load_object(qualified_name: str) -> tuple[Optional[Callable], Diagnostics]: diagnostics = Diagnostics() [module_name, name] = qualified_name.split(":") common_error = qualified_name == "resources:load_resources" try: module = importlib.import_module(module_name) except Exception as exc: if isinstance(exc, ModuleNotFoundError) and == "resources": if common_error: return None, _explain_common_import_error(exc) return None, Diagnostics.from_exception( exc=exc, summary=f"Failed to import module '{module_name}'", ) try: return getattr(module, name), diagnostics except AttributeError as exc: if common_error: return None, _explain_common_import_error(exc) return None, Diagnostics.from_exception( exc=exc, summary=f"Name '{name}' not found in module '{module_name}'", location=Location(file=module.__file__) if module.__file__ else None, ) except Exception as exc: return None, Diagnostics.from_exception( exc=exc, summary=f"Failed to load function '{name}' from module '{module_name}'", ) def _explain_common_import_error(exc: Exception) -> Diagnostics: # a common case when default name of the module is not found # we can give a hint to the user how to fix it explanation = """Make sure to create a new Python file at resources/ with contents: from databricks.bundles.core import load_resources_from_current_package_module def load_resources(): return load_resources_from_current_package_module() """ return Diagnostics.from_exception( exc=exc, summary="Can't find function 'load_resources' in module 'resources'", explanation=explanation, ) def _load_function(qualified_name: str) -> tuple[Optional[Callable], Diagnostics]: [instance, diagnostics] = _load_object(qualified_name) [module_name, name] = qualified_name.split(":") if diagnostics.has_error(): return None, diagnostics if instance and not isinstance(instance, Callable): return None, Diagnostics.create_error( f"Function '{name}' in module '{module_name}' is not callable", ) return instance, diagnostics def _load_resource_mutator( qualified_name: str, ) -> tuple[Optional[ResourceMutator], Diagnostics]: [instance, diagnostics] = _load_object(qualified_name) [module_name, name] = qualified_name.split(":") if diagnostics.has_error(): return None, diagnostics if instance and not isinstance(instance, ResourceMutator): return None, Diagnostics.create_error( f"'{name}' in module '{module_name}' is not instance of ResourceMutator, did you decorate it with @job_mutator?", ) return instance, diagnostics def _load_resources_from_function( bundle: Bundle, function: Callable, ) -> tuple[Resources, Diagnostics]: if _get_num_args(function) == 0: resources = function() else: # defensive copy so that one function doesn't affect another resources = function(deepcopy(bundle)) assert isinstance(resources, Resources) return resources, Diagnostics() def main(argv: list[str]) -> int: args = _parse_args(argv[1:]) if args.unknown_args: logging.warning(f"Unknown arguments: {args.unknown_args}") logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, stream=sys.stderr) new_bundle, locations, diagnostics = python_mutator(args) with open(args.diagnostics, "w") as f: _write_diagnostics(f, diagnostics) if locations_path := args.locations: with open(locations_path, "w") as f: _write_locations(f, locations) with open(args.output, "w") as f: _write_output(f, new_bundle) return 1 if diagnostics.has_error() else 0 def _write_diagnostics(f: TextIO, diagnostics: Diagnostics) -> None: for diagnostic in diagnostics.items: obj = diagnostic.as_dict() if obj.get("path"): obj["path"] = ".".join(obj["path"]) json.dump(obj, f) f.write("\n") def _write_output(f: TextIO, bundle: dict) -> None: json.dump(bundle, f) def _relativize_locations( locations: dict[tuple[str, ...], Location], ) -> dict[tuple[str, ...], Location]: return { path: _relativize_location(location) for path, location in locations.items() } def _relativize_location(location: Location) -> Location: return replace(location, file=_relativize_path(location.file)) def _relativize_path(path: str) -> str: if not os.path.isabs(path): return path cwd = os.getcwd() common = os.path.commonpath([os.getcwd(), path]) if common == cwd: return os.path.relpath(path, cwd) return path def _write_locations(f: TextIO, locations: dict[tuple[str, ...], Location]) -> None: for path, location in locations.items(): obj = {"path": ".".join(path), **location.as_dict()} json.dump(obj, f) f.write("\n") if __name__ == "__main__": exit_code = main(sys.argv) sys.exit(exit_code)